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  • Report:  #1505279

Complaint Review: Sendero Briards

Sendero Briards Merry Jeanne Millner Killed The Dog I Purchased From Her, Didn't Return My Money, And Stole The Dog That Was Meant To Be The Replacement Dog Monticello Georgia

  • Reported By:
    Susan A Traumatized Puppy Buyer — Southport NC United States
  • Submitted:
    Fri, February 19, 2021
  • Updated:
    Fri, February 26, 2021

In March of 2014 I purchased a Briard puppy from a breeder by the name of Merry Jeanne Millner who lives in Monticello Ga.  The cost of my puppy was $2000. And I paid for my puppy at the time I picked him up in Maryland at the home of of a woman by the name of Karen Fedi...who was also a co owner of the litter. 

I named my puppy Ben. He was the cutest little thing ever! I had picked out his name long before I ever brought him home. About 2 or 3 months after I got him, I started a facebook page for him. I would post picture of him and video of him for people to see. The breeder, Merry Jeanne Millner joined Ben's facebook page so that she could watch his progess and see him grow. 

I live at the beach, so Ben and I were constantly going on long walks at the beach and having a wonderful life together. He was my constant companion, my constant protector, and I was his constant love. It was truly an ideal life for him and for me. 

When Ben was about 18 months old, the first mention of him becoming a show dog started to take shape in the form of emails that Merry Jeanne Millner would send to me. She wanted to show my dog Ben. Later on...a few months later, Merry Jeanne send Karen Fedi here to my house to see Ben...take a look at him to see if he would be a prospect for campaigning and showing at dog shows. 

After Karen Fedi's visit. Merry Jeanne began asking me if I would allow Ben to go with her dog show handler, Joan Scott for a few months to see if they could show him. I agreed to let him go because I knew he was a beautiful dog and I trusted that Merry Jeanne Millner and her handler Joan Scott would take care of my baby boy. But I was wrong. 

Joan Scott came here to meet me and Ben in April of 2016. She saw that Ben was a stable adaptable dog in my presence. She saw that he was beautiful and happy. She wanted to take him with her to try and get him in the show ring to campaign him as a Special...once she put a championship title on him. 

Ben had a sister named Tipsy who had been living in Joan's kennel since Tipsy was a little puppy. She was shy, didn't have a good coat, and just looked sad. Merry Jeanne offered to leave Tipsy with me to keep me company, while Ben would be staying with Joan Scott. I agreed to take her and was happy to have her. 

Tipsy and I bonded from day one! She loved loved loved me...I can't expain how much she loved me! She loved the beach as much as Ben did. And she became a confident happy, social out going Briard only after a few weeks of being here with me. She was truly home! 

About 10 days into Ben's stay at Joan Scott's kennel in Maryland, (Foxfire Kennel)things began to unravel. Ben was not doing well at Joan's kennel and I wanted to come and pick him up. But Merry Jeanne and Joan continued to try and convince me that Ben needed more time there to work through some of the issues that were starting to happen. I reluctantly agreed. But I would check on him every day. 

Within a couple of weeks things seemed to get better. But then, the situation once again took a turn for the worst when Joan Scott tired to give Ben a bath. He had never gotten into a tall tub before. And it scared him. He growled at one of the kennel helpers. But he did not bite anyone. 

Once again after the bath incident, I wanted to drive and get him. But Merry Jeanne Millner and Joan Scott told me that there was progress and I needed to let him stay longer. So, I once again agreed. 

This report is very traumatic to write, so I'm going to fast forward through some of it and get the the point as painlessly as I can. On June 21st 2016, I received a call from Merry Jeanne Millner  that there was a problem with Ben. 

I had asked Merry Jeanne Millner and Joan Scott not to take Ben to the vet unless they called me first. because Ben had just had a very traumatic experience at an emergencey vey clinic only a few weeks before he left to go to Joan Scott's kennel. He lost his front due claw playing fectch and it was a very painful injury. So, he did not like going to vet at that time period after his experience at the emergency vet clinic. 

Joan Scott didn't honor my wishes, and neither Merry Jeanne nor Joan Scott alerted me to the fact that they were going to take Ben to the vet for grooming. Joan Scott gave Ben a sedative to calm his nerves. But the sedative had a counter affect on Ben and made him very disoriented. 

When Joan Scott was trying to put Ben in her van in a crate Ben grabbed her sweatshirt and caught some of her skin. The grab broke the skin but Joan did not require any medical attention or stitches. By the time Joan reached the vet clinic Ben was so disoriented and traumatized that he began growling at the vet staff. 

Joan Scott and Merry Jeanne Millner decided that Ben should be euthanized. When Merry Jeanne Millner called me to say that they had a problem with Ben, she wanted me to agree to allow them to euthanize Ben. There was no clear reason or explantion as to the why. No one had been attacked. No one had been seriously injured. And my dog Ben was not sick. 

I told Merry Jeanne that in my gut I knew that it was the wrong decision and that I didn't think it was right. I told her I had to get off the phone...that I was too upset at that moment to talk about it. Instead of waiting to talk with me further, instead of waiting to make a decision with me...the owner. I mean...what was the hurry—right? No one was in danger, Ben was not sick and there was no need to rush to a judgment. 

But what Merry Jeanne Millner and Joan Scott did next will forever haunt me...and I will be forever traumatized because if it. Merry Jeanne Millner and Joan Scott together, lied to the vet clinic and told them that they co owned Ben. That allowed the vet clinic euthanize my precious Ben without my consent. 

About an hour after my conversation with Merry Jeanne Millner, Ben was killed by Merry Jeanne Millner and Joan Scott. They gave the go ahead for the vet clinic to kill my dog. I received a facebook message that Ben had been euthanized. 

There are no words to articulate how this traumatic experience still affects me to this day. But it does get worse. Tipsy was still with me during all of this time. She was so so happy and doing so wonderfully. I asked if I could keep Tipsy and Merry Jeanne told me that I could if I would agree to bring Tipsy to some dog shows so that Merry Jeanne and Joan Scott could finish Tipsy's championship. I agreed to do that. 

Tipsy had not been going to dog shows for quite a while prior to being with me becasue her coat had stopped growing and she was not in good enough coat to be shown until she came to live with me and I was able to nurture her in such a way that her coat just started to grow like crazy and she was then able to be shown. 

For months, I traveled back and forth to dog shows with Tipsy, so that Merry Jeanne and Joan Scott could finish Tipsy's championship. I was keeping my end of the agreement. After the next to the last show I traveled to, Tipsy only lacked one point to finish her championship. So that meant, I had to travel to at least one more dog show. 

At the last dog show I traveled to, I actually drove to Georgia to Merry Jeanne Millner's house and traveled with Merry Jeanne Millner in her cargo van with Tipsy and the other dogs. This road trip stressed Tipsy out. And about an hour after we arrived at the show site, Tipsy went into Bloat and had to have emergency surgery. 

It was a very scary and stressful time. I lost an enormous amount of sleep. I was very worried about Tipsy, very stressed and scared of what might happen to her. She made it through the surgery and was healing as expected. So, after a two day stay at the emergency clinic, Tipsy was released. And Merry Jeanne MIllner had arranged for me and Tipsy to leave the dog show site the following morning. 

But that night, after we went out to dinner, I began feeling sick. Merry Jeanne had been acting erraticlly after receiving a call from one of her other handlers...a woman by the name of Gretchen. Gretchen informed Merry Jeanne that she had forgotten to enter one of Merry Jeanne Millner's dogs named Starrina in the Briard Nationals dog shows. This news angered Merry Jeanne Millner to the point of literally erratic behavior. 

Merry Jeanne Millner began crying uncontrollablly, and yelling that "no one cares about our breed." She was hitting the van passenger window so hard I thought she might break her arm. Her anger continued for hours. When we returned back at the hotel, I was continuing to feel worse as time passed that night. In the middle of the night, I got up and went downstairs to the lobby to use the bathroom because my stomach was so upset I was to embarrassed to use the hotel room bathroom. The stress of the entire situation was getting to me.

When I get really stressed and I lose alot of sleep, I suffer from panic attacks and really bad anxiety. If I get in a car or have to ride in a car when I am suffering from this conditon it makes the panic attacks worse. I knew I needed to get some rest before I made that trip back to Georgia. And I also thought it would be best for Tipsy to rest for another day before she had to make such a long ride again...given that the stress of the ride in a strange van is what caused the Bloat in the fist place.

But Merry Jeanne Millner wanted me and Tipsy to leave the dog show site becasue she wanted to concentrate on the dog shows and she didn't want to be bothered by me and Tipsy. She was still in a very very angry erratic state of mind. And when I told Merry Jeanne Millner that I was sick, that I didn't think Icould make the drive back to Georgia, and that I wanted me and Tipsy to rest another night in the hotel room before we made the trip, Merry Jeanne Millner literally lost her mind in the hotel room and began screaming and yelling at me. 

Merry Jeanne screamed at me and said that if I didn't agree to leave the dog show site with Tipsy, that she was going to take Tipsy away from me. I again made my plea that I was really really sick and needed to rest and that I thought Tipsy needed to rest for another day as well. But this plea only angered Merry Jeanne Millner more. 

Tipsy needed to go outside to use the bathroom. I was putting on the leash for Tipsy to take her out as Merry Jeanne Millner was standing in the floor screaming at me. When she saw that I was going to take Tipsy out to the bathroom, Merry Jeanne Millner pushed me and grabbed Tipsy's leashing,saying "I'll take her out!" 

Merry Jeanne Millner pulled Tipsy to the door and left the hotel room. She didn't come back inside for what should have been a bathroom break for Tipsy. So, I called Merry Jeanne Millner's phone. Merry Jeanne Millner sent a text message that she and Tipsy were at the dog show site and If I wanted Tipsy back I had to agree to leave the dog show site on that morning as planned. 

I said I would agree to leave. And the woman who was supposed to drive me and Tipsy back to Geogia was a woman by the name of Joanne. She was a friend of Merry Jeanne Millner's. Joanne was supposed to come to the hotel room to pick us up. And Merry Jeanne was supposed to drive back to the hotel to drop off Tipsy at the same time Joanne had planned to arrive at the hotel.

When Merry Jeanne Millner arrived back at the hotel, She jumped out of her van and stormed over to Joanne's car where I was sitting in the passenger's seat. She began once again screamng at me and asking me why I had sent a text message to someone else talking about her. The text message Merry Jeanne was referring to was a text message I was sending to a friend explaining the ordeal that was taking place with Merry Jeanne at the dog show, and I was explaining how sick I was and that Merry Jeanne was forcing me to leave with Tipsy regardless of my health and Tipsy's health or that she wouldn't bring Tipsy back to me if I didn't agree to leave.

I accidenly sent the text message that was meant to go to my friend, to Merry Jeanne Millner instead. And this escalated Merry Jeanne Millner's anger in such a way that she was out of her mind! She was angry because I was talking about her to my friend. Regardless of my pleas and those of her friend Joanne's to give Tipsy to us, Merry Jeanne Millner refused.

Merry Jeanne Millner got into her van, locked the doors on the van and would not let me have Tipsy. She drove off and I never saw Tipsy again. I sent emails to her for over a months but she still would not respond or  agree to give Tipsy back to me. I eventually filed a police report. The detective and the DA's office both knew and agreed that Merry Jeanne Millner had stolen Tipsy from me. But because the Millner's have a lot of money, the DA's office felt that they would just lawyer up and it would not go anywere. So, the dective told me—that because this was a dog—and even though he was a dog lover and totally understood my pain, the DA's office had to look at the situation and weigh their decision on the outcome of a prosecution based on the money of the Millner's and situation itself.

The last time I saw Tipsy was on August 18th 2017.  And I was told by one of Merry Jeanne Millner's friends that Tipsy died about 8 months after she was stolen from me. I have no way of knowing for sure if this is true. But the source who told me is a trusted source, and I believe them. 

To this day, Merry Jeanne Millner continues to harass me, stalk me on the internet, and slander my name within the Briard community. She has done irreparable damage to my reputation and she has refused to take responsiblily for her actions against me and against both of my dogs...Ben and Tipsy.

Merry Jeanne Millner is a breeder to stay away from. If you are looking to buy a Briard please please please choose someone else besides Merry Jeanne Millner and Sendero Briards!

I never received a refund on the cost of my dog Ben. Nor have I received any compensation for the loss of Ben, the loss of Tipsy or the damage to my reputation caused by Merry Jeanne Millner.  




5 Updates & Rebuttals


North Carolina,
United States

To Long Time Briard Owner You Are Right I Am Afraid But The Record Needs To Be Set Straight

#6Author of original report

Fri, February 26, 2021

I want to start this post by saying that...Yes, I will have to admit, I am afraid. I've heard story after story about the Millners. The thing is; I don't know if some of what I've heard is the truth or simply gossip. I mean, how do we really know about certain things we hear?

But if only a fraction of what I've heard is true, then—yes, I have a real reason to be afraid. Not to mention the way I've been continuously harassed and slandered (in my opinion) by Merry Jeanne for over three years now.  

When I first met Merry Jeanne, she did tell me herself about some of what this consumer wrote about. She told me the rumors that were being spread around about her within our Briard community. She said those rumors included rumors about a girl who had come to live with them for a time because the girl was having problems. I never heard or knew the girl's name. But that girl was the girl Merry Jeanne referenced as the girl involved in the rumors about her husband Tommy...and being someone who the Millner's involved in their marriage. She did not include the part about the dog Yank as being part of what went on with this particular girl. So, I'm not sure if this girl is the same girl who was involved with their dog Yank. 

Merry Jeanne—I'm assuming, told me these rumors about her and her husband Tommy, as a means to prepare me for what I might hear from some within our Briard community. I accepted what she said and didnt really think much about it either way. That wasn't the only thing she told me pertaining to rumors being spread within our Briard community. There were alot more rumors than just that one. 

The other part I want to comment on, is the part about the girl named Nickie. I heard this story from Merry Jeanne's friend...and the person who also co owned my Ben's litter—Karen Fedi. At dinner one night while Karen was here visiting me and Ben, she told me of this story. She said that there was a young girl hired by the Millners who had been showing their dog Yank. And she explained that Yank had bitten someone n the face. I didn't know the girl's name or who the dog had supposedly bitten. I only knew the minimal information. But according to Karen, Merry Jeanne had the "forethought" to take the dog, Yank, to the vet to have him seen after he bit someone at a dog show. And that, there was cocaine found in his system. Why the girl (Nickie) was determined to be the one who was respsonsible for giving the dog cocaine is beyond me. I didn't hear that part from Karen. All I heard from her, was that the girl (Nickie) was banned from ever showing dogs again after the incident...because AKC believed she was responsible for giving the dog, Yank, cocaine, based on the vet report. 

At the time I was having dinner with Karen, I do remember thinking to myself how strange it was that someone would just load up their dog and take it to the vet after it bit someone. I mean...who would really do that. Only someone who was expecting to find something in the dogs system I guess...or someone who "wanted" to find something in the dog's system...if you get what I mean. 

And even if there was cocaine found in a dog's system, how was it that it came to be the fault of the girl Nickie's fault. It could be anyone at the dog show etc. I do know that Nickie (who's name I never heard before until now) denies that she ever did cocaine or gave the dog cocaine. All I know is that this girl (Nickie) was banned from ever showing dogs again at AKC events and that her reputaiton was absolutely ruined within the AKC by the Millners.

So, yes, that along with so many other things done to me personally by Merry Jeanne Millner as well as things I've heard time and time again over the years, is responsible for the reason I am afraid after challenging the Millners and telling the truth about what they have done to me and to me dogs and continue to do to me today!

There have been so so many things over the last three years. Things involving another one of my dogs, Hank who has since died from a rare form of Juvenile Osteosarcoma. Merry Jeanne's name ended up on his registration papers as co owner because I was told by a friend in the Briard community that Merry Jeanne was going to try to steal Hank away from me at a dog show if I showed up at a show with him. I had no idea that she had actually convinced the breeder to put her name on the papers untilI had Hank's dna recorded with the AKC before his death. When I got the report back from AKC, Merry Jeanne's name was on the registraion as co owner. That right there was the straw for me. I had heard the rumors that she was going to try to steal my dog from me at dog shows. But I didn't know for sure if it was true until I saw those papers.( and I have copies of them.) I didnt fully believe it until I saw those papers. And when i did, I knew (or I felt In my gut) that Merry Jeanne Millner is capable of probably anything! She really was goiing to try to steal my dog at a dog show by telling the superintendent that Hank was her dog. 

Because I had heard this information long before I ever saw the evidence that Merry Jeanne's name was on Hank's registration, I carried with me everywhere I went, a letter from my attorney explaining the slander and the evidence to support it as well as two owner cards showing Hank's microchip number, my name and address and emails from Hank's breeder etc to show that I was the rightful owner. My attorney told me to keep it with me at all times. So I did...even when I took Hank out for a walk, I had the information with me just in case. That's the fear I lived in and have lived in since I stood up to this horrible horrible woman, breeder, businees owner of Sendero Briards. 

So, my point of this post is to say that gossip is gossip...and only the girl, Merry Jeanne and Tommy know for sure what really happened. And whether or not the girls or girl described is one in the same or if there are actually two girls involved...Nickie, the girl who showed Yank and was banned from showing dogs—curtosy of the Millners. ANd the girl lived with the Millners for a time and became involved in person issues between the Millners. 

So, let's keep gossip where gossip belongs, and concentrate on the facts. And the fact is, yes, it's fair to say that I'm afrad. I've been afraid for a long time because Merry Jeanne has not left me alone since I told the Briard community what she did to me and to my dogs. I have deactivated my facebook page for over 5 months hoping she would go away. I've kept my social media presence to a minimum. I've stayed away from showing my dogs so that i didn't run into her at dog shows where she has followed me around, filmed me to my face with her cell phone while I'm in the ring showing me dog, patroled the area where I was set up at dog shows hoping I would have my dog Hank with me so she could try to steal him etc. I've tried everything to stay out of her crosshairs and out of sight from her. But nothing is working.

What I wouldn't give if I had known all of what she has done to others before I bought a dog from her. I do know first hand that I am not the only person she has stolen a dog from. When this happened with Tipsy, I heard from so many in the Briard community that there was someone else who had experienced the same thing as me. The woman's name is Tari. ANd when I heard about her. I contacted her and asked if she would be willing to tell me her experience and talk to me about it.

Tari agreed to talk to me and tell me her story. The stories are so so similar in how they happened and how they were initiated. The stories are so so similar and show a pattern with Merry Jeanne. This woman stays as far away from engaging in social media etc so that she can live a life free from the Millners. She said it took her a long time to break free from the harassment. I found her to be very credible and definitely sympothized with her story becasue it was so very similar to mine. 

I'm not sure why people get to these points in their lives where they just simply cannot stop from doing harm to others. Tari's dog was a girl named Derby. She meant the world to Tari. Even after so many years since the incident (like about 13 or 14 years at the time I talked to her 3 years ago) she was still visably shaken and traumatized. She cried during parts as she told me the story. 

It's real! That's the sad part. And for whatever reason, these two people don't ever feel like they are at fault. They just keep hurting least that's what I believe based on what they've keep doing to me.




North Carolina,
United States

Link Included Sendero Briards Neyo Dog Biting AKC Judge In 2019 At Westminster Which Shows A Pattern Of Unethical Business Practices

#6Author of original report

Tue, February 23, 2021

Updated Post; The Videos I posted didn't seem to upload. So in case the videos don't get posted, here is a copy of the link to the AKC event showing the Briard ring judging when the Millner's dog Neyo bites the judge. Copy and paste it into your browsers and fast forward it to the black natural eared Briard that's second in line, professional handler in dark blue suit with armband number 9. Story continues below the link:

In this video you wll see Merry Jeanne and Tommy Millner's dog Neyo bite an AKC judge...and then go on to win Select in the breed ring at the 2019 Westminster dog show. The reason this instance shows a pattern of unethica business practices (in my opinion) is because of this;

The woman who is the professional handler for their dog Neyo is Joan Scott of FoxCatcher Kennels. She is a business partner and very good friend to the AKC Judge who's name is Bill Shelton. He and Joan Scott share co ownership of a Corgi. And it is considered unethical for Joan Scott to show dogs to Bil Shelton because of their business relationship in co owning a dog together. I have been at dog shows where Joan will sit ringside when Bill Shelton is the judge because it is unethical for her to show to him. 

Merry Jeanne and Tommy Millner also have a longstanding friendship and relationship with Bill Shelton. So, the story goes that Merry Jeanne and Tommy Millner helped to get Bill Shelton appointed to judge the Briard ring for Westminster. That way, they could justify showing to him during Westminster becasue Neyo was invited by Westminster to show due to his show ranking in the breed. 

Normally, when a dog even lunges at a judge, the dog would be excused from the ring. But if a dog makes contact and bites a judge there is a six month suspension for the dog on the first incident. Neyo has bitten other people inside the ring while showing. And he has sat out from showing. So, on the second offense...or in this case possibly third offense (because supposedly he bit someone a second time prior to Westminster) the dog would be permenantly suspended from showing. 

In this video, you will see Bill Shelton walk up to Neyo to examine his bite. (teeth) When he goes to look in the dog's mouth, Neyo reaches out and bites Bill Shelton on the thumb, and Bill jerks his thumb out of Neyo's mouth. Then watch Joan Scott's reaction when this happens. She immediately looks over in the direction of Merry Jeanne and Tommy Millner who are standing ring side out of site from the camera over in the left hand corner of the ringside. 

Then watch Bill Shelton also look over in the direction of the Millners and laugh as he curls his thumb into his hand visibly in pain. Bill Shelton knows the history of the Millner's and he would not dare challenge them on this incident, report their dog, or excuse the dog from the ring...not to mention the position they put him in by allowing their handler Joan Scott to show to Bill Shelton when it is unethical (for that very reason) for Joan to show to him. 

Had it not been for the Millner's known reputation of being ruthless and vendictive when they are challenged, Bill Shelton would have excused Their dog from the ring and reported the bite. But he knew better. And he was also put in a compromising position with Joan Scott being the handler on the dog. It was a no win situaiton for ethical behavior from Bill Shelton. He was between a rock and hard place as the judge in that ring at that time. 

But the sad part is that Merry Jeanne and Tommy Millner... as well as Joan Scott, could have made the ethical decision to hand in their armband and excuse themselves from the ring due to the incident that everyone in attendace witnessed. This shows once again that the Millners only want to win in the show ring, no matter what they have to do or how unethical they are willing to go to get there. 

This video was the talk of the Briard community for months. And any time anyone made a public comment about it, the Millners would file complaints with the BCA to have members reprimanded. Normally, this would not work for someone.. to have members reprimanded for simply telling the truth. But Tommy Millner as well as several of their personal friends are on the board of the BCA.

So many people in the Briard community talk about the constant unethical and corrupt behavior of the Millners within the Briard community as well as outside. But any time someone stands up to them and challenges them, the Millners go on an all out witch hunt relentlessly to destroy the person's reputation as well as their lives. Exactly as they have continued to do to me because I wrote on FB about what they did to both of my dogs, Ben and Tipsy. But my dogs deserved to have a voice in what Merry Jeanne Millner did to both of them.

Notice in the video when Joan takes Neyo down toward the camera and then turns to go back toward Bill Shelton. Bill is visibly shaken by Neyo and gets behind Joan in an attempt to shield himself from a full on attack by Neyo as he sees Neyo begin to lunge at him. 

The Millners have a long history of breeding dogs that have questionable temperaments. I use the word "questionable" lightly. This is just one more reason to stay away from the Millners if you are looking to buy a Braird puppy. Also, if you are thinking about getting into showing dogs, pick another breed besides a Briard. You will be very glad you did and very sorry if you don't. Because the word on the "street" within the Briard community of show people is that as soon as Merry Jeanne and Tommy Millner walk into a show site or a room, they literally suck all of the air out of it and make the experience miserable for everyone involved in showing their dogs. 



North Carolina,
United States

Video Of Merry Jeanne And Tommy Millner's Dog Biting AKC Judge In 2019 At Westminster Which Shows A Pattern Of Unethical Business Practices

#6Author of original report

Tue, February 23, 2021

In this video you wll see Merry Jeanne and Tommy Millner's dog Neyo bite an AKC judge...and then go on to win Select in the breed ring at the 2019 Westminster dog show. The reason this instance shows a pattern of unethica business practices (in my opinion) is because of this;

The woman who is the professional handler for their dog Neyo is Joan Scott of FoxCatcher Kennels. She is a business partner and very good friend to the AKC Judge who's name is Bill Shelton. He and Joan Scott share co ownership of a Corgi. And it is considered unethical for Joan Scott to show dogs to Bil Shelton because of their business relationship in co owning a dog together. I have been at dog shows where Joan will sit ringside when Bill Shelton is the judge because it is unethical for her to show to him. 

Merry Jeanne and Tommy Millner also have a longstanding friendship and relationship with Bill Shelton. So, the story goes that Merry Jeanne and Tommy Millner helped to get Bill Shelton appointed to judge the Briard ring for Westminster. That way, they could justify showing to him during Westminster becasue Neyo was invited by Westminster to show due to his show ranking in the breed. 

Normally, when a dog even lunges at a judge, the dog would be excused from the ring. But if a dog makes contact and bites a judge there is a six month suspension for the dog on the first incident. Neyo has bitten other people inside the ring while showing. And he has sat out from showing. So, on the second offense...or in this case possibly third offense (because supposedly he bit someone a second time prior to Westminster) the dog would be permenantly suspended from showing. 

In this video, you will see Bill Shelton walk up to Neyo to examine his bite. (teeth) When he goes to look in the dog's mouth, Neyo reaches out and bites Bill Shelton on the thumb, and Bill jerks his thumb out of Neyo's mouth. Then watch Joan Scott's reaction when this happens. She immediately looks over in the direction of Merry Jeanne and Tommy Millner who are standing ring side out of site from the camera over in the left hand corner of the ringside. 

Then watch Bill Shelton also look over in the direction of the Millners and laugh as he curls his thumb into his hand visibly in pain. Bill Shelton knows the history of the Millner's and he would not dare challenge them on this incident, report their dog, or excuse the dog from the ring...not to mention the position they put him in by allowing their handler Joan Scott to show to Bill Shelton when it is unethical (for that very reason) for Joan to show to him. 

Had it not been for the Millner's known reputation of being ruthless and vendictive when they are challenged, Bill Shelton would have excused Their dog from the ring and reported the bite. But he knew better. And he was also put in a compromising position with Joan Scott being the handler on the dog. It was a no win situaiton for ethical behavior from Bill Shelton. He was between a rock and hard place as the judge in that ring at that time. 

But the sad part is that Merry Jeanne and Tommy Millner... as well as Joan Scott, could have made the ethical decision to hand in their armband and excuse themselves from the ring due to the incident that everyone in attendace witnessed. This shows once again that the Millners only want to win in the show ring, no matter what they have to do or how unethical they are willing to go to get there. 

This video was the talk of the Briard community for months. And any time anyone made a public comment about it, the Millners would file complaints with the BCA to have members reprimanded. Normally, this would not work for someone.. to have members reprimanded for simply telling the truth. But Tommy Millner as well as several of their personal friends are on the board of the BCA.

So many people in the Briard community talk about the constant unethical and corrupt behavior of the Millners within the Briard community as well as outside. But any time someone stands up to them and challenges them, the Millners go on an all out witch hunt relentlessly to destroy the person's reputation as well as their lives. Exactly as they have continued to do to me because I wrote on FB about what they did to both of my dogs, Ben and Tipsy. But my dogs deserved to have a voice in what Merry Jeanne Millner did to both of them.

Notice in the video when Joan takes Neyo down toward the camera and then turns to go back toward Bill Shelton. Bill is visibly shaken by Neyo and gets behind Joan in an attempt to shield himself from a full on attack by Neyo as he sees Neyo begin to lunge at him. 

The Millners have a long history of breeding dogs that have questionable temperaments. I use the word "questionable" lightly. This is just one more reason to stay away from the Millners if you are looking to buy a Braird puppy. Also, if you are thinking about getting into showing dogs, pick another breed besides a Briard. You will be very glad you did and very sorry if you don't. Because the word on the "street" within the Briard community of show people is that as soon as Merry Jeanne and Tommy Millner walk into a show site or a room, they literally suck all of the air out of it and make the experience miserable for everyone involved in showing their dogs. 

A Concerned Long Time Briard Owner

United States

Longtime Briard Owner Concerned For The Safety Of The Woman Who Filed This Report

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, February 23, 2021

OK, so I know the Millners. These two people are the worst snakes I've ever known. I suggest, don't ever get involved with them. I am very worried about the safety of this woman who file the ripoff report because I know first hand what the Millners are capable of doing to someone. Tommy Millner and Merry Jeanne Millner have a long history of corrupt behavior. Years ago, there was a young girl who lived with the Millners. Her name was Nickie. She was a professional handler who worked for the Millners. If I am remembering correctly she was only twenty-two years old at the time. The story goes that Merry Jeanne was either friged or secretly liked women. Nickie came to live with them as a young dog handler because she was having some personal problems and the Millners agreed to take her in to try and help her get past her problems. Merry Jeanne and Tommy Millner were having marital problems.

The story goes that Merry Jeanne wanted to farm out Nickie to Tommy to keep him satisfied. Nickie wasn't going to have it. Merry Jeanne was afraid that Nickie would talk. They had a dog named Yank and Nickie was showing him. Merry Jeanne supposedly told someone that she was going to get rid of Nickie. Yank had a terrible temperament. The Millners tried to hide it. Yank ended up biting Nickie's sister in the face at a dog show. First of all, the Millner's didn't want anyone to believe that Yank had a terrible temperament because he would be benched for six months. Merry Jeanne used the situation to get rid of Nickie. She supposedly took Yank to the vet as soon as he bit Nickie's sister in the face. There is supposedly a vet report which stated that Yank had cocaine in his system. Merry Jeanne then took the document to the AKC to have Nickie banned from ever showing dogs again, and this destroyed Nickie's reputation. 

No one involved in Briards believes that Nickie gave Yank cocaine. They believe the Millners fabricated the documents to get rid of Nickie becasue she wouldn't go along with being Tommy's paid prostitute. The Millner's are very toxic people. They are way too dangerous to ever get involved with. I know story after story. That's why I'm afraid for this woman who has written the report about her Briards. If she ends up dead or missing, I know what I will think about it. 

The Millners are people to stay away from. Don't buy a dog from them if you don't want to have trouble. There are plenty of good reputable breeders in the Briard communtiy. Pick on of them for your future puppy. 

Sincerely, A Longtime Briard Owner Who Knows All The Gossip


North Carolina,
United States

FoxCatcher Kennels

#6Author of original report

Sat, February 20, 2021

I wanted to make a correction about the name of the kennel belonging to Joand Scott where my Ben was taken when he left with Joan. The name of her Kennel is FoxCatcher not FoxFire. 

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