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  • Report:  #352652

Complaint Review: Rip-off Report REVIEW: International Profit Associates (IPA) Customer Satisfaction Commitment

Rip-off Report REVIEW: International Profit Associates (IPA) is committed to 100% customer satisfaction and has pledged to Rip-off Report as part of Rip-off Report's Corporate Advocacy Program. IPA to resolve all client complaints & address all inquiries. IPA has made it clear to Rip-off Report that it will go above beyond the client's expectation in the pursuit of excellence in every aspect of the business. IPA's strength is in devising business strategies & implementation of those strategies -a full business development firm offering general consulting services.. businesses can feel safe, confident & secure when doing business with International Profit Associates (IPA) Buffalo Grove, Illinois

  • Reported By:
    Tempe Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Fri, July 18, 2008
  • Updated:
    Tue, July 01, 2014
  • Rip-off Report REVIEW: International Profit Associates (IPA) Customer Satisfaction Commitment
    1250 Barclay Boulevard
    Buffalo Grove, Illinois
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

SPECIAL UPDATE: July 1 2014: International Profit Associates - IPA remains committed to increased customer satisfaction and has improved their business practices over the years to better serve their customers. International Profit Associates - IPA is truly dedicated to making sure their customers are satisfied and that any complaints which do arise are addressed promptly and fairly.

To date, International Profit Associates - IPA has made good faith efforts to resolve all complaints reported on Rip-off Report. Based on our experience, the member business has proven to be among the top members of the Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program as a Verified Safe Business.

Over time and since becoming a member, International Profit Associates - IPA has remained actively engaged and improving the way they address customer service complaints. As an active and current member of the Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program we are happy to report that now more than ever International Profit Associates - IPA remains committed to improving customer satisfaction.

Remember, no company or individual can ever satisfy 100% of the people 100% of the time. There are no products or services that will always be perfect for everyone and even the best companies will receive complaints from time to time. However, by participating in the Corporate Advocacy Program, the member business has made a commitment to working with its customers to resolve complaints quickly and fairly whenever possible.

Please keep in mind that as a consumer you have some responsibilities as well. Success has many definitions that based on your past experiences, current situation and your perceived expectations. Success with any product or service is always based on the proper application and understanding. The fastest car will not run if you never turn the engine on. Look at how you used the product or service that was provided in relation with the instructions that you received. The Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program will help you get your voice heard but please be prepared with documentation and fair representation of your concern, also have an idea of how the company can fix your concern. Can they offer additional services, extend warranties, offer a fair refund or just get you talking with someone that can help. ..let them know and let us know!

*Any consumer not receiving satisfaction from a member of the Corporate Advocacy Program should email us at

Rip-off Report REVIEW:

International Profit Associates (IPA) is now a member of Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. ..A long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and business alike.

Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program - a program that benefits the consumer, which assures their complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business.

As a matter of policy, when Rip-off Report is retained by a company to mount an independent investigation and to publish our findings, we examine the truthfulness of the consumer complaints using every bit of information at our disposal. Our process is systematic and highly effective because: 1) It takes place at the consumer level and 2) the company or individual in our Corporate Advocacy Program must commit to 'doing whatever it takes to make things right with their customers.' By working closely with the company or individual, Rip-off Report can track the footprints left behind when their promised level of customer service is actually followed by the solid ground of real behavior. Only then do we publish our findings.

Rip-off Report cannot ever guarantee any product or service, but we can only report what we find, in order to help you get a better understanding of the company or individual we are investigating. That having been said, the conclusion Rip-off Report came to after our investigation, to the best of our knowledge, is that this company is a reputable firm, offering products and services of real value.


By Ed Magedson - Founder, Rip-off Report

International Profit Associates (IPA) approached Rip-Off Report last month with the express purpose of resolving consumer concerns that were posted on Rip-off Report. After a recent mailing to everyone who filed a Rip-off Report, it became apparent that IPA is sincere in their commitment to remedy any and all customer concerns. Company executives stated to Rip-off Report that International Profit Associates, like others that have joined our Corporate Advocacy Program has now dedicated a portion of their customer service team to work exclusively on making improvements in the customer service arena.

International Profit Associates (IPA) implemented changes as a direct result of feedback they received from Rip-off Report. This is good news for consumers. Rip-off Report is proud of its contribution to making improvements to quality of product or services in the marketplace. It is also proud to report that IPA is going the extra mile in terms of making good on its commitment to careful alignment of what it has to offer its clients with what its clients want while at the same time delivering total client satisfaction.

As a sign of their commitment, International Profit Associates recently had every employee agree to IPA's corporate theme "Advance IPA through first advancing IPA clients." This commitment, between International Profit Associates and its employees was designed to reiterate the fact that in order to deliver total client satisfaction the company must first gain a clear understanding of what its clients want. IPA management and employees know very well that if they really understand what their clients want they are now in an excellent position to delivery to their clients what they need in order for their clients to get what it is they want. That, IPA believes, is the path to total client satisfaction. Following this thinking, it is not hard to visualize why IPA is quite so relentless in its quest to advancing its position in the marketplace through advancing its clients first. It makes perfect business sense and it is an approach to business that is welcomed by small and medium size businesses throughout the United States and Canada.


One executive explained to Rip-off Report that. the IPA business model is not complex, yet it is very effective in the way that it delivers its services to its clients. Although the company takes its short-term operating performance seriously it will never compromise on its longer-term performance, which of course is influenced heavily by the continuing support of its loyal clients and its new clients. Again, IPA's CEO, its Senior Management, Middle Management, and its Employees in general all realize that in order for the company to prosper over the longer-term it must pay careful attention to what its clients want in terms of service, when they want it, and how they want those services delivered. IPA's Executives and every employee knows that to make good on its commitment to provide total client satisfaction means that it must always be making adjustments to the way it conducts business - and it does exactly that.

Given that IPA and its associate companies are involved in helping small and medium size businesses, the owners of those businesses could do well by copying pieces of the IPA business model and injecting those pieces into their own business models. It seems like IPA has stood the test of time - it has prospered well and continues to do so by doing business with small and medium size businesses in North America. One hundred and thirty-six thousand plus businesses helped in the past sixteen years, not too shabby. Businesses and consumers should pay heed and have IPA and its associate companies share with them what they know about how to advance a business in today's difficult economic situation. One employee pointed out, that in a down economy smart companies know how to make the most of it and actually excel in terms of revenue growth and profitability. And, remember too, it's not always wise to choose not to something. Remember also, Rip-off Report said this first.

INTERNATIONAL PROFIT (IPA) CONTINUES TO CLARIFY WHO THEY ARE AND WHAT THEY CAN DO FOR CLIENTS One of the surprises that came from the Rip-off Report investigation was the complaints that had little to do with the services that International Profit Associates provided its clients. Most of the reports that were posted on Rip-off stemmed from clients that closed the engagements with IPA early or never really got started. Yes, if you hire IPA and after one or two day or one week you decide to cancel their services they will not be bashful about charging you - and why would they. The question is would any company do things differently - we doubt it. When we checked with clients of IPA that fully engaged with IPA we were pleasantly surprised to learn that everyone we contacted were excited about the service they received and the quality of those services. There was a huge discrepancy between what is being reported on Rip-off and what the client population in general was saying about IPA.

IPA's documents - that is, IPA's working agreements, are straightforward and are fully covered by IPA Project Managers with their clients during the first couple of hours of the engagement. And yes, they take the time to understand a client company's ability to pay for the services that they are about to render. Clients admit that sometimes a little pain goes with payment of weekly invoices but it was all doable, just as IPA said it would be. And in cases where money was especially tight IPA was there to help out, again, just like they said they would.

After talking with executives at the company we realize that IPA is big on understanding what their clients want before going about what those clients need. Sometimes this takes a little time, but they never give up. Plus, IPA Senior Business Consultants make certain that clients follow-thru on implementation of what whatever the work that was decided upon. If clients don't follow-thru they shouldn't be surprised if they don't get the results they are supposed to - yet this happens from time to time. But, this is hardly IPA's fault - yet when is does happen IPA will sometimes get blamed. What is surprising is that in such cases IPA will still standby their clients and make every attempt to do right for their clients.


Rip-off Report finds that the company also is big on succession planning, not just from a taxation perspective but from a structural perspective. When business owners leave for some reason or they retire someone has to take over. It seems like IPA has much to offer here. They train and coach prospective owners or employees to assume higher positions. For example, when a son or daughter takes over from a parent IPA Senior Business Consultants will make certain that programs will be put in place enabling the individual to learn how to be a CEO or President or some other position that needs to be filled. It also teaches and coaches entrepreneurs how to be CEOs or Presidents. Plus, it gives structure to small and medium size business, structure that aligns with strategic planning or at least consistent with revenue and profit growth.

From what we can see, IPA will take a business form a breakeven position or operating loss position and bring it to profitability, which often case exceeds industry standards. It does so by focusing on sales and marketing, elimination of operating inefficiencies, making improvements in processes, alignment of people skills, organizational structure, and technology with what a company needs, smart cost cutting, matching revenue growth with current or desired cost structure, and strategic planning. Once the company is positioned for profitability it will introduce tax planning initiatives and wealth management services. In other words it will take a company from start-up and stay with it through the owner's exit from the business via retirement or for some other reason. It even provides, through an associate company, accredited valuation of a client's business and will position that business for sale should the owner desire to do so. IPA is truly a full business development company that also offer general consulting services.

Records show that IPA has been operating for sixteen plus years and in that time it has helped approximately 130,000 small and medium size business in the United States and in Canada. The total complaints it has received from all sources represent less than one percent, not a bad record. In fact, it's an exceptional record when one considers all the challenges the company has to meet and overcome in the general business consulting industry. IPA seems like a true friend of small and medium size businesses and no one should be shy about giving IPA and its associated companies a try. Any problems, you contact us here at Rip-off Report. Remember, any company with thousands of employees, .. things will happen.. but, IPA seems to be totally committed to total satisfaction and committed to Rip-off Report's Corporate Advocacy Program..


After some investigation, we find that International Profit Associates (IPA) is a no-nonsense organization. It takes its business of helping small and medium size business very seriously. In doing so it generates approximately 225 million dollars in revenue year after year. It is a full service business development company and it also provides general consulting services. It has over the years expanded its services to the small and medium size business community to include tax saving strategies and implementation, accredited valuation of business, brokerage of the sale of business, and wealth management. It in fact offers clients a one-stop shop in that it takes a company from start-up to maturity, which includes transition of the business from one generation to the next and exit strategy planning for the business owner. It offers to its clients a complete life cycle management program.

One executive at IPA explained, that in 16 years IPA-IBA has worked across, up and down, the United States and Canada. Its attitude towards the business environment is everybody's time is money and there is only so much time available to us to advance our particular cause. IPA's CEO, in our discussion, reminded me that we (IPA) should therefore always be mindful of this especially when dealing with our clients client's time, he said, is client's money and should be managed no differently than you would manage the client's cash. In fact, IPA employees, which consist of telemarketers, sales force, senior business analysts, project managers and senior business consultants, and support people, are so in tune with this thinking that they often case get accused of being aggressive, overly aggressive in some cases. And perhaps they are, but aggressive in a nice way they are looking out for their clients more than what many clients, at first, realize.

IPA says that they know very well that in order to bring a client company to profitability from a breakeven or near breakeven or loss position they must first get their clients to come to grip with their reality. This is no small task. Getting an appointment to talk to client can be difficult, but getting clients to admit that something is wrong, often case, is especially difficult - at best, for entrepreneurs it's a humbling experience and often downright scary. What is especially scary, but very, very, necessary, is for clients to make the decision to incur the cost to make the fix when already they are stretching everything they have just to make ends meet and sometime not doing that very well. IPA says that those clients that do make the decision to proceed with the IPA engagement realize that its only scary in the beginning because once IPA's project manager and senior business consultants get started on putting things back on track or devising a new or improve track, the excitement begins. Now clients can see for the first time for a very long time they really can realize their dream.

In fact, after 12 months or so they have a different kind of problem they are making more profit than they ever dreamed of and now they have to pay a lot of taxes. But IPA executives say not to worry, IPA will introduce the client to International Tax Associates (ITA), an associate company, and ITA will structure the company such that it will pay much less tax than it otherwise would. The client too will now have an opportunity to address his or her estate planning, succession planning from a taxation perspective, benefits programs which can be funded from earnings before taxes, retirement, etc.

IPA says to start the process sometime is not for the faint of heart you must commit to getting a different result by doing some things differently. Records show that IPA has been able to help approximately 130,000 companies in just over 16 years, not a bad record and a good day for small and medium business in the United States and Canada.

Another issue that IPA faces is dealing with clients that start the process and quit very early or sometimes in the middle in order not to incur more cost or in some cases, save money. They don't of course save money and they, in fact, incur more cost over the longer term. The problem now is cost has been incurred by the client but the client sometimes doesn't what to pay for the IPA services rendered to the point in time when the engagement was closed or recessed. Now IPA has a real issue, it has a collection problem. IPA does its own bad debt collection, a no win situation here for IPA so IPA quickly becomes the bad guy. Sometimes issues get resolved to the satisfaction of both parties and sometimes they don't when they don't clients will seek any avenue they can to air their complaints, including Rip-off Report and anyone else that will listen. The point here is that IPA didn't necessarily deserve this treatment but it did and it has to live with and in many cases for a very long time.


IPA senior management does acknowledge that it can make mistakes and that it does and when it does it wants to know about it quickly so something can be done to improve the situation immediately. After all, they are only human, and things do happen.

IPA Senior Management also stated that over that last few months they have streamlined their customer service department in an effort to better address client issues or complaints. In addition, International Profit Associates (IPA) has added new processes that allow them to better serve clients all across the United States and Canada.

Because of our investigation and the sincere efforts put forth by International Profit Associates (IPA), Rip-off Report is proud to give International Profit Associates (IPA) a positive rating. All in all, the company implemented strategic changes to its Customer Service Department and reached its goal of achieving total customer satisfaction through excellent service. This was made possible by a totally honest approach to corporate introspection.

International Profit Associates (IPA) CEO stated "We understand that the only way to grow as a company is by first recognizing our weaknesses and then committing the resources necessary to fix any shortcomings those weaknesses have created". He then added, IPA is totally committed to advancing its position in the marketplace by advancing its clients first. And this, he said, is possible only if you are totally committed to total client satisfaction.


International Profit Associates has also started an "Client Service Excellence" program. Client Services personnel make calls to clients to make sure that clients understand the principals and strategies covered . They do this in situation where there may be misunderstandings and in cases where all is going well. This will give their clients a chance to give vital feedback on the information that is covered as well as the presenter of the information. Thanks to the feedback from clients, International Profit Associates and their associate companies have made changes to the way information and services are presented and is currently training their employees on how to become more effective.


What is important to remember is that IPA will bring client companies to profitability and through careful tax planning will minimize the taxes that its clients would otherwise have to pay. To add to this, IPA and its associate companies will ensure that business owners will be afforded an opportunity to engage in estate planning and business succession planning. It will even address the sale of a client's company or prepare the company for sale if this is what their clients want. IPA is kind of like a one stop shop from cradle to retirement and beyond. When you consider all of this its small wonder that the company is big on client satisfaction and for good reason - it can't survive over the longer term unless it is. Not a bad thing for the consumer. However sometimes things can go wrong. When they do IPA and its associate companies will do everything it can to put things right by its clients.

IPA also realize that carefully constructed plans can go wrong and sometimes do. Sometimes clients don't follow-thru on implementation of the work that has been agree to or sometimes clients get scared of the cost of the program and take short cuts like closing down the project early. This truly is bad news for both the client and for IPA. It should come as no surprise to readers that human nature given what it is that IPA often case takes more than its share of blame as unjust as it may seem to some. IPA can be counted on to standby its clients, even when things don't go as planned.

International Profit Associates and its associate companies have found that the main reason they have lost clients is because of the failure of the clients business to follow through on implementation of the scope of work. To make matters worse, sometimes when clients don't get the results they are looking for immediately their first impulse is to cut their relationship with International Profit Associates and its associate companies, thinking they have learned enough and that it will somehow will save them money. The end result is they often don't make the profit they otherwise would and they lose out on tax deductions that they are entitled to. Not a good decision.

Rip-off Report knows, there is no company or individual that is perfect International Profit Associates (IPA) and its associate companies know this also and demonstrates their need for continuing improvement - that is why Rip-off Report feels you can be completely confident, safe and secure when doing business with them as a member of Rip-off Reports' Corporate Advocacy, Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program.


As a part of the Corporate Advocacy Program - Rip-off Report sent an email to every client who filed a Report on International Profit Associate and its associate companies and I would now like to share the results with you.

As usual, the majority of clients stated that they appreciated our efforts and related how they had already been taken care of in a satisfactory manner. As usual, most customers asked if they could remove the Report they filed and we explained that unfortunately, it was not possible. It is Rip-off Report's philosophy that it is much more beneficial for the consumer to see how a company like International Profit Associates and their associate companies takes care of their mistakes. No company is without its share of problems, however, there are many companies who continually sweep those problems under the rug and never achieve the growth that other companies such as International Profit Associates and its associate companies enjoys.

Rip-off Report feels International Profit Associates (IPA) has learned from all those who have complained... and they even seemed to be thankful for those who have brought problems to their attention. One executive stated, "If we don't get feedback from our clients we have no way of knowing whether or not we need to make changes that will lead to improvements to the services to our clients or to the way we deliver those services." This, he said, "would not be a good thing."

International Profit Associates (IPA) shows leadership by joining the Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program.

Keep in mind, International Profit Associates and their associate companies have worked with over one hundred and thirty six thousand clients and with only 225 Rip-off Reports to show for it. What really is amazing that despite Rip-off report appearing on most search engines right below International Profit Associates, their complaint ratio is less than one half of one percent. Rip-off report feels that this is significantly below the industry standard for the clientele that they work with. From our perspective, it is quite unusual for a company who has had so few complaints request on their own to be a part of the Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program. International Profit Associates (IPA) is showing leadership for other companies to follow that care about their clients.


While Rip- off Report does not endorse any company, including International Profit Associates (IPA), overall, our research demonstrated to us that International Profit Associates (IPA) is a solid, reliable company that stands behind its service.

Many companies that contact Rip-off Report make claims that the Reports about them are false, were filed by the same person or even a competitor. Yes, Rip-off Report knows this can happen from time to time; however, we know this is not true most of the time. From federal to local law enforcement agencies, most use Rip-off Report regularly. When Rip-off Report works with law enforcement to assist consumers, never once have we heard from any agency that the Reports filed had bogus contact information. These agencies include FBI, FTC, SEC, Homeland Security, US Postal Inspectors, Justice Department, IRS, Federal Prosecutors and local law enforcement in the USA along with government agencies in more than eight countries.

Rip-off Report does not solicit its Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. Any participation in this program is completely voluntary and at the request of the program member.

This program requires the Member Business to agree to satisfy all complaints - past, present and in the future, even when those complaints come to us by e-mail.

The Member Business must also state improvements they are willing to make to their business which benefits the customer to avoid the reported problems from happening again in the future.

Anyone contacting the following e-mail address will get immediate attention. (within 3-5 business days, usually within 24 to 48 hours) We ask that you contact International Profit Associates (IPA) Client Services:

RIP-OFF REPORT CHARTING NEW TERRITORY ..Consumers should feel confident and secure when doing business with member businesses.

..Remember, just because a company or individual is reported on Rip-off Report does not mean you should not do business with them. Use Rip-off Report information as a tool to your advantage. Be knowledgeable about any company or person you hire. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions and get additional information until you feel comfortable in allowing them to work for you.

Be sure to contact us with your questions and comments about any business that is part of the ..Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program. Your questions, comments and suggestions are always welcome and will be considered even if we don't agree with them. Please realize Rip-off Report is chartering in new territory, working to make a change for both consumers and businesses alike.

Consumers can feel confident and secure when doing business with International Profit Associates (IPA).

Here's why. International Profit Associates (IPA) made a commitment to and are a proud member of Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business ....

Sincerely, ED Magedson- Founder

Rip-off Report PO Box 310 - Tempe, Arizona

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