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  • Report:  #1179839

Complaint Review: Professional Transportation Inc.

Professional Transportation, Inc. PTI PTI's Erwin Branch Sexually Harassed My Mother, Then Fired Her to Cover Themselves Erwin Tennessee

  • Reported By:
    ZMG — Jonesborough Tennessee
  • Submitted:
    Mon, September 29, 2014
  • Updated:
    Fri, August 05, 2016
  • Professional Transportation, Inc.
    204 Gay Street
    Erwin, Tennessee
  • Phone:
  • Category:

This is the very company that screwed my mother over and purposefully dragged her through a 4-year lawsuit before she had any closure.

I want it to be know that recently, this company was FOUND GUILTY of sexual harassment and retaliation (though somehow, they dodged the wrongful termination conviction).  Even more treacherous was the fact that my mother had their admissions of guilt ON TAPE, but during the trial, they were allowed to take snippets to use to their advantage while my mother was not allowed to play her portions to verify her claims.  Even so, the jury found PTI guilty of two of the three charges (as listed above).

My mother suffered hellish nightmares and was diagnosed with PTSD after having endured everything she did at this company.  She was a loyal employee, picking up railroad crew and transporting them to other states, never really sleeping because she was always on call.  Almost ALL of the crew-members she transported were men, but they respected her and if they hit on her, they only did it once because she'd let them know in a hurry she was a happily married woman.  But it was never the crew she had to worry about: she was sexually harassed, patronized and humiliated by this company's OWN EMPLOYEES.  They never knew she taped the conversations, and she got them ON TAPE trying to cover their tracks before a huge lawsuit was filed.  And then, thinking they were eliminating the problem, they FIRED her.

Do you know the settlement my mother received from these low-lives in compensation for her suffering?  A mere $6000.  THAT'S. IT.  And before they paid her that measly sum, they fought, kicking and screaming, and tried to appeal the decision, spent even more money just to try to keep from paying my mother $6000 which, to them, is pocket change.

What's funny is now this conviction is on their record.  Hopefully, it can be found with ease... if not, I'll always be around to make sure everyone knows how crooked this dastardly place is.  They spent over $300,000 on this case in their defense, to no avail.  They could instead have given that $300K to my mother, avoided a lawsuit and kept this conviction off their record.  But let this be a testament to how cruel and greedy these bastards are.

This is only the beginning, my friends.  :)  You can erase this if you want to, but I will go to EVERY FORUM and EVERY CLIENT with this information and I hope through it all, you at least feel some semblance of the torment you put my mother through.  I'm not going anywhere.

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Professional Transportation Incorporation DON'T FOLLOW SAFETY POLICIES


Same old game years later and nothing has changed

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, August 05, 2016

I can relate to your pain! I was a very loyal employee. I too was fired because of wrong doing by the Branch Manager and his assistances. This company lie, cheat good employees, and pay good money to keep their lie going. They don't care about safety, yet they say The Right Way is the Safe Way! They will ruin your good reputation and back their lying Managers.

They think they are above the law. I think the world should know about their lack of respect for their employees and the public! They violate their policy. Their employees work long hours and they will cheat them out of their pay! They might have a driver on call 12 hours sitting in a van the whole time an not pay them anything for their time. They are still mistreating their employees. Nothing has changed since your post!

There should be a better law governing the services this type company provide. The Railroad Companies that pay for their services should look out much better for their crews, being an ex driver I know how Management treat the employees. The only drivers the manager look out for are their own family members and close friends. The van we are forced to use, most won't pass safety inspections! I looked out for Safety and was fired. To the Railroad employees and Drivers many times your lives are on the line. To the person that wrote the post, it was good that you didn't allow them to get away with what they did!

Law makers if you are reading thes posts understand, not only do this company treat their employees without RESPECT! There is a VERY REAL SAFETY ISSUE with this company, public be  careful when you see these vans on the public streets! The LIFE you SAVE could be YOUR OWN! A tired driver could be behind the wheel or an UNSAFE van maybe with bad tires might blow out right in front of you! Management in this company only care about is THEIR pay CHECK!

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