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  • Report:  #62850

Complaint Review: Primerica

Primerica ripoff primerica peons, please read. They are misleading people beyond belief and it is just sad to see people stoop to such a low level. Edmonton Alberta

*UPDATE: Primerica recognized by Rip-off Report a business opportunity well worth considering - it's not for everyone but many representatives make solid commission incomes. Primerica takes appropriate action against representatives conducting themselves improperly, pledges 100% commitment to customer service.

  • Reported By:
    Edmonton Ab
  • Submitted:
    Sun, July 06, 2003
  • Updated:
    Fri, October 13, 2006

Ok, I'm going to type this report so an uneducated Primerican can understand it in their own language.

This is their typical phone script or approach to someone they do not know.

"Hi I wurk wit the largist finasial compiny in the wurld PRIMERICA who is assosiated with citygroop. I jist started with thim but my upline seys I will be riich in only a cople of yeers. He seys he makes a huge 6 figire salery but still shops at VALUE VILLAGE AND DRIVES A 82 FORD HALFTON WITH FARM PLATES. He told me to tell all mi frends to jone cause if they stay at theer jobs thiy wil remane looosers fore tha rest of theer misirable lives. I'm going to qit mi job next weeck cause im goinng to reetir in 2 yeers anyways with PRIMERICA. We hold "OP" nites every week for all the loosers wit jobs to com and sea wat we are all abot and so thiy can join hour CRUSADE and save the wurld. Whho h*o PRIMERICA rules im going to be rich and all myfrends thet dont join wil no longir have the pleesure of having me as thir frend cause I dont assosiate with LOSERS THAT DONT JOIN MY GREAT BUSINESS OPPOTUNITY WITH PRIMERICA."

I for some reason have run into these morons about 10 times in the last year. I have explained my stories in previous reports on how they flagged me down in Home Depot and the gas station presenting their "opportunity". Each one of these idiots just looked like they cashed their welfare cheques and walked into a Primerica office and were offered an "opportunity". Since they never hire anyone with any education (cause these people just tell them to go stick it up their a*s), they are going through all the bums of society presenting this stupid pipedream of their's.

I live in Edmonton, Alberta, and Primerica's name has about as much credibility as the pile of s**t I just left in the toilet. I hope some authorities or officials look into the clowns and close down these "offices" cause they are misleading people beyond belief and it is just sad to see people stoop to such a low level.

Edmonton, Alberta

5 Updates & Rebuttals



Adria in Kileen

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, October 13, 2006

You can put all that drive, talent ambition and heart to work elsewhere and not sell overpriced term insurance and disgracefully high interest loans to unsuspecting people.

The big secret primerica never wants you to know is there are several agencies out there that do what primerica does. The big difference is that they use several insurance companies instead of one overpriced one and several mortgage solutions instead of one overpriced one. Not only do they charge your clients less premium and interest, they pay you MORE commission while you're doing it.

If you're really in the financial biz for life, then do a little research and don't take the false claims of your Wal Mart polyester suited RVP at face value.



Primerica is not for people who dont believe in themselves

#6UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 11, 2006

As I sit here reading all of this I cant help but laugh.... I agree with a few of you, not all of you.

Primerica is for a different breed of people, it is for people who can think outside the box, for those of us who can see the big picture, for those of us who can dream and BELIEVE IN OUR SELVES

I laugh because all those people that are talking crap about PFS are probably the same people who couldnt pass the life test, OR after just one try gave up or gave up because they couldnt get anyone to an op night or to set an appointment with them.

Primerica is for people that have credibility and can be trusted, and if you noticed something fishy wherever it is that you went and got such a negative opinion about Primerica then, since youre so great, you should do the right thing and report them.

I have been in the business for a few months now, and all I can say is that no one has ever asked me to quit my job, on the contrary, they encourage us to keep our jobs so we dont turn into sales people. They frown on going out to malls and parking lots to get business, but all that has to do with the leadership that we have in our office.

I know Im a different breed, I can see the dream, and although my parents didnt have the money to send me to a prestigious college, and they were not born rich, I didnt have the opportunity to be on Wall Street or where ever else, but I was born with drive, talent, ambition, a big heart and much more, and in Primerica I can put all that to work in my favor.

Im curious about those who are talking crap... Did u ever try to take the test? Why do u feel u got ripped off? If other companys sell term, then why dont they? Because they just want to make money off the client. Atleast Primerica gives people a tool, and for that one person who said she never met a person who had term and investments with PFS I invite you to come to texas.

Open your mind people, do you really think that the biggest financial company would put their name behind anything illegal, it would hurt their credibility and they would lose a lot of investors.

And one more thing, I know that we are not going to make everyone happy, no one company can make EVERYONE happy, so for the 1. million somehting clients that PFS has, you all are a small perecent of unhappy folks. Youre going to find that everywhere. Or do u really think that everyone likes you?


British Columbia,

what if???

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, September 25, 2006

Well, first of all Davey Boy:
What if? What if? What if? Canned sales pitch. How many times have I heard that one. For someone so educated, you haven't been able to analyze that very well.
Speaking of education, specifically yours:
If you graduated from "a very good business school with a Bachelor in Business Administration...speak 4 different languages...lived in 11 different countries and have both not-for-profit and private enterprise experience...I graduated 10 years ago on the honor role from a private school in B.C." - then something is really wrong if you are working for Crimerica. Mind you, I've read of terrorists that have better education and talent than you claim to have.
Regarding the "life license filters out a lot of under-acheivers". Crap. If you have so many "under-acheivers" then your leadership has got to be pretty bad.
Oh. And "uneducated rednecks from Alberta". Well, reneck is pretty tame word for the likes of you Crimericans, educated or not.



Stay where you are then

#6UPDATE Employee

Wed, August 06, 2003

This is to Brett, and anyone else who agrees with him.

Look, I don't know who's been telling you that your going make such and such. I'm a representative with Primerica, and at my office, NO ONE has guaranteed me that I will be making anything.

You see, it's very simple, if you go to these opportunity meetings, and you see how much money you CAN make, don't believe it. Well, guess what, you won't make that $$.

And all these other people come on here and tell their story about how it didn't work for them. Well, it's also very simple.

You want to know why Primerica didn't work? Because YOU didn't work. And no, calling 3 people and them saying "no" to you doesn't cut it when you say "Primerica doesn't work." It's because you gave up, so don't come whinning on this site. Ask yourself, how much time and effort did YOU put into it? Whatever it is, stop lying to me.

For Brett, and whoever else is like him, if your mental attitude is that Primerica is a scam and it's misleading, well you know what? YOU stay at your current job. Like I said, if you don't see it or, believe it, then you won't see it --> $$.




#6UPDATE Employee

Thu, July 10, 2003

To the fellow from Alberta, I have a few comments.

I graduated from a very good business school with a Bachelors in Business Administration. I speak 4 languages (and I actually can speak them - not simply "Where's the train station?"), have lived in 11 different countries, and have both not-for-profit, and private enterprise experience.

Most recently, I was Global Key Account Manager handling clients with revenues of more than US$4.5 million. Not a big number in the firm I was at, but substantial enough. Did I see much in commissions from the $350K profit I managed? Nope - not much.

I graduated High School 10 years ago on the honour role (honor role for the Americans ;-) from a private school in British Columbia.

It is true that Primerica takes people who have no financial backgroud. The Life licensing process filters out a lot of the underachievers, while the Mutual Funds licensing probably filters a few more. However, I reckon that the majority who make it past these two provincial gov't exams are still weeded down through the process of working daily for a few months. I have never been told that I'll be making millions in a year. In fact, my trainer made it clear that we are looking at a 3-year plan to reach $100K. How? Hard work. I work hard and consistently. Is that contrary to anything I have learned in business school? No. What was not taught in 4 years of university was the basics of how money works. I studied Corporate Finance, Investments, Accounting, and Business Mathematics. We had only one professor who spoke about MAKING money as an entrepreneur. All the rest spoke about corporate ladder-climbing. Sadly, I do not fit on the ladder. Some of the things I learned when with a not-for-profit in the education field, simply demand that I try to help people. I do that through Primerica.

Yes, there are things that I don't agree with. However, your basic premise was that we are uneducated red-necks (from Alberta? - JOKING!). We are not all walking in, illiterate, uneducated, and ignorant. And...the 53 year-old miner I met, who finished Grade 7? Clearing $500K/year? Maybe you're right - but he helps families get out of debt and retire with money. What if it really isn't as complicated as the banks and insurance companies make it sound? What if normal people can handle money and retire in good financial health?

That's my take on your wonderfully written attack.

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