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  • Report:  #12151

Complaint Review: Primerica

Primerica is not like Amway how?.

*UPDATE: Primerica gets a POSITIVE rating from Rip-off Report in customer support & satisfaction. Primerica pledges to resolve complaints from the past, present and in the future, and give 100% commitment to customer service-say Company Executives!!

  • Reported By:
    Tempe Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Tue, January 22, 2002
  • Updated:
    Sat, June 16, 2007
  • Primerica
    Oakland County - Greater Metropolitan Detroit, Michigan
  • Phone:
  • Category:
*Consumer Comment: wow Bryan *Consumer Comment: facts or lies..... *Consumer Comment: Primerica is Like Amway With "The Breakaway" *Consumer Comment: READ THE MANUAL!'s Mission Statement *Consumer Comment: Primerica DOES hurt people *Consumer Comment: POUR BRYAN..... *UPDATE Employee: Hello mr. EDito r *UPDATE Employee: I would like to offer a few rebuttals to some of the criticisms written in above posts. *Consumer Comment: They get information off employement websites like and use those to cold call unsuspecting people who are trying to finde a legit job. *Consumer Comment: My experience with Primerica: MUST READ! *REBUTTAL Owner of company: Unfounded fax from a perpetual employee *Consumer Comment: Welcome to Corporate America.... *Consumer Comment: Who are you criticizing, Primerica or Bryan? *Consumer Comment: Who are you criticizing, Primerica or Bryan? *Consumer Comment: Who are you criticizing, Primerica or Bryan? *Consumer Comment: Wrong on several counts ...more drivel *UPDATE Employee: In Defense of Primerica *UPDATE Employee: In Defense of Primerica *UPDATE Employee: In Defense of Primerica *UPDATE Employee: In Defense of Primerica *Consumer Comment: Primerica is very biased, and not necessarily focused on your best interests. *Consumer Comment: Primerica is very biased, and not necessarily focused on your best interests. *Consumer Comment: Primerica is very biased, and not necessarily focused on your best interests. *Consumer Comment: Primerica is very biased, and not necessarily focused on your best interests. *Consumer Comment: Bryan, Bryan, Bryan... You could try to sue him, but it would be a waste of money. ..and you know it. *Consumer Comment: Bryan, Bryan, Bryan... You could try to sue him, but it would be a waste of money. ..and you know it. *Consumer Comment: Bryan, Bryan, Bryan... You could try to sue him, but it would be a waste of money. ..and you know it. *Consumer Comment: Bryan, Bryan, Bryan... You could try to sue him, but it would be a waste of money. ..and you know it. *Consumer Comment: Walking out on Primerica is not the end of the world, no matter what they tell you. *Consumer Comment: Walking out on Primerica is not the end of the world, no matter what they tell you. *Consumer Comment: Walking out on Primerica is not the end of the world, no matter what they tell you. *Consumer Comment: Walking out on Primerica is not the end of the world, no matter what they tell you. *Consumer Comment: My Brief Encounter, I am a credible source. I have never heard anything positive about Primerica *Consumer Comment: I got your "opportunity" right here, Brian! *Consumer Comment: To the OWNER of Primerica ..You are a scumbag! *Consumer Comment: advising to recognize how ill-informed that particular Primerica rep was *Consumer Comment: focus on the message and not how it is presented *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Just look at there BS employment ads! ,,Primerica is a big BS MLM. *Consumer Comment: Another uneducated Primerica Rep *Consumer Suggestion: Spelling Errors Tell a Lot *UPDATE EX-employee responds: successful system? *Consumer Comment: Say What? ..Actually, if you look at the figures, no it won't be. *UPDATE Employee: DEAR PROFESSOR *Consumer Suggestion: Brian, when we're through with you you'll change the name of your company from "Primerica" to "Priraq"! BOMBS AWAY! *Consumer Suggestion: Brian, when we're through with you you'll change the name of your company from "Primerica" to "Priraq"! BOMBS AWAY! *UPDATE Employee: I would not dare to compare myself with the likes of Einstein or Shakespeare *UPDATE Employee: just a simple late night-toothpic eyed rebuttle *Consumer Comment: Why so defensive Brian? Your a true disgrace to anyone in the insurance business.

EDitor's Comment: Rip-off Report Investigation: Primerica gets a POSITIVE RATING in customer support from Rip-off Report and is fulfilling its commitment to provide excellent customer service. Primerica pledges to resolve complaints and address representative issues. For a long time this EDitor had concerns about Primerica because of the number of Reports about them. For many months Rip-off Report was looking into the company, even before they contacted us to resolve any issues and mostly misunderstandings being posted by competitors. With over 100,000 representatives and 6 million clients, Primerica is bound to be the subject of a certain number of complaints about improper agent conduct, as well as product and administrative complaints. Rip-Off's investigation found such complaints, but importantly also found that Primerica is committed to resolving such complaints quickly and doing everything possible to satisfy its clients. It also takes appropriate action against any of its representatives who are found to have conducted themselves improperly or unethically. We believe that the number of complaints against this company, whether through the Internet or other channels, is small when put into the context of its enormous size. Most big companies would never commit themselves like Primerica has. Read our investigative Report and Primerica's commitment to 100% consumer satisfaction. Primerica Financial Services provides products and services through independent representatives. Primerica has more than 100,000 licensed representatives who serve more than 6 million clients in the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico, Spain and the United Kingdom. Through a Financial Needs Analysis, the companys representatives provide a snapshot of a familys financial picture and suggest a strategy for financial security via Primericas products and services Primericas business opportunity is attractive to people from many different backgrounds, including women, African-Americans, Hispanics and young adults

Believe it or not: I received a message on my cell phone yesterday from a man identifying himself as Brian Bradford with Primerica/CitiGroup. He said he was a recruiter, he understood I was a court reporter, and he was given my name and number as someone who would be interested in a job prospect; please return his call. I called him moments ago. He sounded like a typical salesman reading stock statements from a cue card. He responded to my inquiries with well-rehersed pat answers. I asked where he got my number since I don't routinely give it out to just anybody, and he said it must have been from an outsider who thought enough to pass my name on. Red Flag No. 4 (the other flags are obvious). I asked why he contacted me, and he said he thought I would be very interested. I asked what the company's about, and as the other ripoff reports have indicated, he talked on and on about being one of the largest companies in the world; that they're under CitiGroup, a still even larger company. He said they're opening up ten offices in my major metropolitan area and they're looking for part-timers and full-timers to fill a gamut of positions; it's all what you wanted to do. I asked specifically if he was talking about making acquisitions, salespeople, typists. Again, he was very vauge; it was however hard I wanted to work or how much money I wanted to make. I told him I wasn't interested; that it sounded a lot like Amway and its stair-stepping process. His response, word for word, was "This ain't Amway," which was an immediate turnoff. I find it difficult to carry on a conversation with someone who uses such poor grammar. I find it more difficult to listen to someone slam another company as he then did Amway. I told him I wasn't interested. He ended the phone conversation by saying, "I don't know of any court reporters earning six-income figures...good luck to you." Well, buddy, I have, and so have many of my colleagues. We earn our income honestly and without risking our integrity or stealing from less fortunate people who want to earn a quick buck and are taken in by conniving people. I came to this Web-site after getting off the phone and looking on-line for Primerica to research this further. I would have looked on-line before calling back, but unfortunately (fortunately for Brian) he mentioned the company name in a muddle fashion so that I couldn't understand. It was when I called and asked for the name of the company that I finally understood. It was ironic that your Rip-Off Report site was directly under Primerica's site.

48 Updates & Rebuttals



advising to recognize how ill-informed that particular Primerica rep was

#49Consumer Comment

Fri, June 04, 2004


You need to get off your soapbox about education. The previous poster was simply pointing out that he had enough background in financial advising to recognize how ill-informed that particular Primerica rep was. And how in the world does any of what you said relate to Sandy Weill (the CEO of your parent corporation)? His job is to run a 250 billion dollar corporation of which Primerica is a VERY SMALL part. Listing his accomplishments and then using them to extoll the virtues of Primerica is idiotic. That's like me patting myself on the back for things that the governor of my state has done just because I live in that state.

Education does not define who we are, but our choices do. Here's something that you either don't know or do know and choose not to acknowledge: BY AND LARGE people get to the their particular station in life as a result of the choices they make. The "woman in Wal-Mart" who was a Primerica rep did not need Primerica to come along to "give her a chance". There is a very high probability that she had plenty of chances in her life to improve her finances and CHOSE not to take advantage of them. She most likely will not change her ways just because she is a Primerica rep. Your company is not the magic bullet that will uplift everyone who is struggling with their finances. However, those ARE the people that you recruit and that is why you have a 90% - 100% turnover ratio EVERY YEAR. If Primerica is so great, why don't these people get uplifted and stay with the company? I bet there is a very high correlation between people who sign up with Primerica and people who buy lottery tickets. They they think they are going to hit the jackpot, and when they don't they just move on.




#49UPDATE Employee

Thu, June 03, 2004

Dear Professor,

I appreciate the fact that you are a well educated individual. I, too, am somewhat educated, both in academia and in the real world. I must say that, simply because you have several licenses and are a college professor, doesn't automatically make you a credible source. The founder of this company held an MBA also, as well as many licenses in both the securities industry and the insurance industry in just about every state in America. Yet, your industry did not hold him out to be a credible source because he did not do business your way. So why does it make you credible? It doesn't matter that he was later featured as one of the wealthiest Americans by Forbes.

The CEO of our parent company has also held all of the licenses you mentioned and is a very well educated individual, as well as receiving the CEO of the year award in 2002, the same award given to Fred Smith, CEO of Federal Express, this past year. Yet, he thought enough of Primerica to pay Millions of dollars for it. Is that not a positive from someone inside your industry. A little more of his resume he put together Shearson Lehman, selling it for a record amount in the mid 80's and was once the president of American Express. Does your resume compare? Is that not credibility?

As for the lady in Wal Mart, I quote you as saying I would swear that this woman was homeless or at least "not very well off". Maybe this is an unfair stereotype but this was my first opinion. Isn't it something how she saw you as a sharp young man and all the time you were just stereotyping her and trying to get information from such a sorry looking, uneducated, homeless woman?

Perhaps you're right, I really don't know. Maybe she does come from a very meager existence. Maybe she was new in the business, not very experienced yet, and maybe she'll never make a dime, I don't know.

I do know this, we're giving her a chance. IF, she'll apply herself by listening, reading, and learning through her experiences, she may have a chance to improve herself. Do you have any idea what an extra $500 means to some people. The levels of management in her office, including her Series 26 licensed Principal, are suppose to oversee any and all business she submits. Any discrepancies are further passed on to the Officer of Supervisory Jurisdiction (OSJ), just like other firms. Their job is to view it for suitability and be sure it is done correctly, for the client and for the company. Yeah, there are mistakes and a company this size will recruit some bad apples, but that's to be expected.

The truth is, this lady probably will not be willing to persist long enough to gain the needed experience and knowledge and skills it takes to be a success and I can only hope the recruiter was open and honest with her about her chances. But your side of the industry, full of elitists such as you, gold bar under your tie and Wall Street Journal tucked under your arm, will continue to look down at Americans like her and never would have given her a chance.

How many successful Americans never had your education? Furthermore, how many college professors are there that don't have the ability to think on their feet or make it in the real world? Therefore, they decide to teach! Not all, but some. Does that make college bad?

I know a lady who taught school for 32 years in Oklahoma, retired, and then just about ran a so called professional insurance agent out of business, by competing with him!

Doc, you just never know. We're not out recruiting in Wal Mart, but the little old lady is a little zealous right now, and thought you looked sharp. Too bad looks are only skin deep!



My Brief Encounter, I am a credible source. I have never heard anything positive about Primerica

#49Consumer Comment

Tue, April 20, 2004

I am an ex-financial advisor and current college professor who holds 5 state and federal securities and insurance licenses as well as a MBA. Not to "toot my own horn" but to prove that I am a credible source. I have never heard anything positive about Primerica and have had a few friends with very negative experiences regarding Primerica reps. But I have always kept my opinion to myself as I don't feel I should publicly influence others unless I have hard facts. (my students and others routinely ask me about certain companies) But while in Wal-Mart a few weeks back, I had an older woman approach me while I was shopping for headache medicine. It was extremely unusual as I would swear that this woman was homeless or at least "not very well off". Maybe this is an unfair stereotype but this was my first opinion. She began to tell me that she was with Primerica and just noticed that I looked like a sharp young man. I saw this as an opportunity to get information from "the horse's mouth" or however that saying goes. I asked her about their core business, how they were compensated, whether she would be rewarded for bringing me on, etc.. I noticed 2 things. 1. she was very vague and 2. she didn't have a clue what she was talking about. Insurance and other financial professionals should be held to a very high standard as their influence impacts the financial livelihood of their clients or victims in this case. I just thought others would find it interesting that they are apparently recruiting strangers in Wal-Mart.



I would not dare to compare myself with the likes of Einstein or Shakespeare

#49UPDATE Employee

Thu, March 25, 2004

To begin, I would like to respond to comments written by Michael in Seattle, Washington along with "Fraud Hammer X".

No, I would not dare to compare myself with the likes of Einstein or Shakespeare; I simply placed that comment because of personal attacks against those who do not possess high skills in grammar and spelling. Also, Shakespeare did have relatively bad grammar. His plays, however, have a beautiful style and a wonderful flow, which is why his works are studied to this day.

"I have seen his posts and they're abso-freakin-lutely brilliant, especially the ones that the genius Brian ignores." I choose to ignore "Fraud Hammer X" because he offers no insight nor resolution. His posts generally offer nothing other than personal attacks, which should be ignored.

That having been said, I would like to kindly point to a post of mine a short while ago. In that post, I had offered that the company does indeed have some problems. However, for a select group of individuals, the opportunity is there to earn a respectable income. This opportunity is not for everyone, and frankly, it is not for most people. The problem is that any one of the millions of people could be in that select group.

Is it ethical to recruit hundreds of people looking for the gifted few? That's not for me to say, but I offer my opinion that it is indeed ethical and good. If the ethical argument is regarding the $199 "cost" to become an agent, then it would be prudent to know that it is not profit for the company--it is roughly half of the licensing fee by the state.

To wrap everything up, Primerica is a decent company with flaws like any other corporation. Yes, the odds are against you earning the $2M/year that is sometimes advertised. However, if you are truly dedicated and have a certain spark, you have a chance of making a respectable income while helping people. If it doesn't work for you, you'll probably walk away with more financial knowledge than you had going in.

Whatever all of you decide to do, I wish you luck and success.



Hello mr. EDito r

#49UPDATE Employee

Wed, March 24, 2004

This post is in reply to one of the editor's posts further on up the page. A woman had written in, and here was the EDitor's response.

EDitor's Response:


You have plenty TO LOSE, and so do your

victims/customers. "TOO LOOSE" is either a

city in France, or you, my dear. (Any recent

complaints from your male partners?) Tighten

up your arguments, sweetie!

ED Magedson

Now, say what you want about PFS. I have no problem with that because I know where I'll be in 5 years, and it's awesome. Also, say what you want about Bryan. I'm sure he was only trying to help, but if you don't want that help, that's ok.

But... Don't you ever disrespect a woman the way that you did! She is brave enough to write in and voice her opinion and you (the editor) take it upon yourself to make personal attacks on her? You didn't even offer up any additional information! Your post might have been understandable if you had given an answer to some of the questions that she had asked. She had asked about some real evidence that PFS had been ripping people off, and did you offer any? Hell no! All you did is take a site that might have had some potential, and change it into a mass hate mail site! You're the editor? Wow, that really speaks volumes towards the credibility of your website. Why don't you try helping people (as I'm sure was the goal of this page in the beginning) instead of slandering a woman for nothing more than sticking up for her husband.

If you are unsure about PFS, go to some meetings, investigate, but don't listen to some clown that doesn't even have the basic decency to respect people's opinions. Figure it out for yourself, because if you don't you really won't ever know exactly what you're missing, will you?



Just look at there BS employment ads! ,,Primerica is a big BS MLM.

#49UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, March 21, 2003

I just wanted to take this time and let people know that Primerica is a big BS MLM. I worked hard for them and didn't get crap. They're a typical scam, Give us your money, and maybe you'll see a penny from us. The government shut down the office in my area. As eventually all PFS's will be.

To the people standing up for PFS, Wake up!!! Sit down for a minute and read any and all newspapers around the US, Citigroup is always mentioned and it's never good. As I have made it very clear via a rebuttal on another PFS report, Citigroup has been behind the big Enron scams and others. So really, were do you see yourself later in life? Exactly, on the street. Stop being brainwashed by these idiots.

I also wanted to point out a Help Wanted ad in our Maryland Pennysaver, posted by Bill at PFS. It reads,

MANAGEMENT.. Primerica Financial Services, a member of Citigroup, seeks 7-10 key people to become part of their business expansion. Also full/ part-time positions available. No experience necessary, training provided. Call Bill, toll free 866-695-5601.

I don't see anywhere in that, It will cost you to be employed. Nor do I see anything but a boast of being a member of Citigroup. A pour round-a-round of the real job function.

Please wake-up people, if not, you get what you deserve.

Good Luck to all against PFS and their fight against them.



Primerica is very biased, and not necessarily focused on your best interests.

#49Consumer Comment

Fri, March 21, 2003

I attended one of Primerica's seminars (they call it the "first" interview) in the Chicago area. After a group of us heard a 1 hour speech by 2 people, we were asked individually to meet with a rep from their firm and schedule our second interview. I was amazed that no one except me declined the 2nd interview and walked away.

I have earned more than $100K per year for several years, as an employee of another company, and as a self-employed person.

What turned me off about Primerica is they way in which they were positioning their business. They claim that they can be the financial "one stop shop" for consumers. For example, since they are part of Citigroup, they were only selling Citigroup products (i.e. Solomon Smith Barney investments, the Travelers insurance, etc.). However, as a consumer myself, and having recently looked into getting life insurance, opening brokerage accounts, IRAs, etc. I found that Primerica would not be offering all options to consumers, some of which are better than the products Primerica had in their arsenal.

I didn't feel I could in good conscience sell products for a company when I personally would not select them for my own portfolio. Managing your finances is not easy, as their are many many options to choose from, but is absolutely necessary. Primerica is doing a good thing by getting people to think about their futures, but in my opinion is not necessarily providing the best and most objective advice.

My advice - talk with the Primerica rep - have them prepare a free assessment and make recommendations for you. Talk with at least 3 other representatives from other companies, and get their free assessment as well. If anyone wants you to pay for the assessment, walk away. This will give you a better understanding of what your options are, and the pros and cons of each.

After you have gathered your facts, decide what is best for you, and get things established. Don't be afraid to spread your business amongst several companies. And, be very careful about any policy that has a surrender charge - there are good companies out there that do not have surrender charges on their products.



Primerica is very biased, and not necessarily focused on your best interests.

#49Consumer Comment

Fri, March 21, 2003

I attended one of Primerica's seminars (they call it the "first" interview) in the Chicago area. After a group of us heard a 1 hour speech by 2 people, we were asked individually to meet with a rep from their firm and schedule our second interview. I was amazed that no one except me declined the 2nd interview and walked away.

I have earned more than $100K per year for several years, as an employee of another company, and as a self-employed person.

What turned me off about Primerica is they way in which they were positioning their business. They claim that they can be the financial "one stop shop" for consumers. For example, since they are part of Citigroup, they were only selling Citigroup products (i.e. Solomon Smith Barney investments, the Travelers insurance, etc.). However, as a consumer myself, and having recently looked into getting life insurance, opening brokerage accounts, IRAs, etc. I found that Primerica would not be offering all options to consumers, some of which are better than the products Primerica had in their arsenal.

I didn't feel I could in good conscience sell products for a company when I personally would not select them for my own portfolio. Managing your finances is not easy, as their are many many options to choose from, but is absolutely necessary. Primerica is doing a good thing by getting people to think about their futures, but in my opinion is not necessarily providing the best and most objective advice.

My advice - talk with the Primerica rep - have them prepare a free assessment and make recommendations for you. Talk with at least 3 other representatives from other companies, and get their free assessment as well. If anyone wants you to pay for the assessment, walk away. This will give you a better understanding of what your options are, and the pros and cons of each.

After you have gathered your facts, decide what is best for you, and get things established. Don't be afraid to spread your business amongst several companies. And, be very careful about any policy that has a surrender charge - there are good companies out there that do not have surrender charges on their products.



Primerica is very biased, and not necessarily focused on your best interests.

#49Consumer Comment

Fri, March 21, 2003

I attended one of Primerica's seminars (they call it the "first" interview) in the Chicago area. After a group of us heard a 1 hour speech by 2 people, we were asked individually to meet with a rep from their firm and schedule our second interview. I was amazed that no one except me declined the 2nd interview and walked away.

I have earned more than $100K per year for several years, as an employee of another company, and as a self-employed person.

What turned me off about Primerica is they way in which they were positioning their business. They claim that they can be the financial "one stop shop" for consumers. For example, since they are part of Citigroup, they were only selling Citigroup products (i.e. Solomon Smith Barney investments, the Travelers insurance, etc.). However, as a consumer myself, and having recently looked into getting life insurance, opening brokerage accounts, IRAs, etc. I found that Primerica would not be offering all options to consumers, some of which are better than the products Primerica had in their arsenal.

I didn't feel I could in good conscience sell products for a company when I personally would not select them for my own portfolio. Managing your finances is not easy, as their are many many options to choose from, but is absolutely necessary. Primerica is doing a good thing by getting people to think about their futures, but in my opinion is not necessarily providing the best and most objective advice.

My advice - talk with the Primerica rep - have them prepare a free assessment and make recommendations for you. Talk with at least 3 other representatives from other companies, and get their free assessment as well. If anyone wants you to pay for the assessment, walk away. This will give you a better understanding of what your options are, and the pros and cons of each.

After you have gathered your facts, decide what is best for you, and get things established. Don't be afraid to spread your business amongst several companies. And, be very careful about any policy that has a surrender charge - there are good companies out there that do not have surrender charges on their products.



Primerica is very biased, and not necessarily focused on your best interests.

#49Consumer Comment

Fri, March 21, 2003

I attended one of Primerica's seminars (they call it the "first" interview) in the Chicago area. After a group of us heard a 1 hour speech by 2 people, we were asked individually to meet with a rep from their firm and schedule our second interview. I was amazed that no one except me declined the 2nd interview and walked away.

I have earned more than $100K per year for several years, as an employee of another company, and as a self-employed person.

What turned me off about Primerica is they way in which they were positioning their business. They claim that they can be the financial "one stop shop" for consumers. For example, since they are part of Citigroup, they were only selling Citigroup products (i.e. Solomon Smith Barney investments, the Travelers insurance, etc.). However, as a consumer myself, and having recently looked into getting life insurance, opening brokerage accounts, IRAs, etc. I found that Primerica would not be offering all options to consumers, some of which are better than the products Primerica had in their arsenal.

I didn't feel I could in good conscience sell products for a company when I personally would not select them for my own portfolio. Managing your finances is not easy, as their are many many options to choose from, but is absolutely necessary. Primerica is doing a good thing by getting people to think about their futures, but in my opinion is not necessarily providing the best and most objective advice.

My advice - talk with the Primerica rep - have them prepare a free assessment and make recommendations for you. Talk with at least 3 other representatives from other companies, and get their free assessment as well. If anyone wants you to pay for the assessment, walk away. This will give you a better understanding of what your options are, and the pros and cons of each.

After you have gathered your facts, decide what is best for you, and get things established. Don't be afraid to spread your business amongst several companies. And, be very careful about any policy that has a surrender charge - there are good companies out there that do not have surrender charges on their products.



I got your "opportunity" right here, Brian!

#49Consumer Comment

Thu, March 20, 2003

I'm going to start by giving a shout-out to whoever Fraud Hammer is. I have seen his posts and they're abso-freakin-lutely brilliant, especially the ones that the genius Brian ignores. Keep going Hammer; show 'em what you got!

Second, your dipass Shakespeare/Einstein analogy had me giggling. Shakespeare had bad grammar? He's the freakin' epitome of the Queen's English, you moron! Why do you think they're still teaching him after 400 years? Maybe they skipped "Romeo and Juliet" during the 3 years you spent in 9th grade.

Maybe you should pursue a different opportunity, Brian. I heard that Subway has an opportunities for sandwich-ologists. Get busy!

Maybe you'll see some of us in Georgia. I hope Fraud Hammer X shows up and puts all you fools in your place.



Say What? ..Actually, if you look at the figures, no it won't be.

#49Consumer Comment

Thu, March 20, 2003

Brian, you say "It will be hard work, but it will be rewarding".

Actually, if you look at the figures, no it won't be.

Over 100,000 people come and go through the Primerica revolving doors each year, much like any MLM. Most don't make a dime, and very few make their money back from their "background check", save the costs for gas, business cards, and wasted time.

According to Primerica statistics, only a few thousand in the entire job force consistently break the poverty line with their "business".

So, no, it's not rewarding, and it's not very ethical. Primerica often uses very dirty tricks and deception to sell their products. They promise their client wealth and then sell them garbage.

Typical MLM.

Fraud Hammer X


Brian, when we're through with you you'll change the name of your company from "Primerica" to "Priraq"! BOMBS AWAY!

#49Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 20, 2003

Brian, I am on you like stink on s**t! Why don't you tell us once and for all why you are compelled to troll for Primerica comments and commence to shilling like there is no tomorrow? Like the moth to a flame you are lured to your eventual destruction! POWWW!

I shall dispense with the HAMMER for the time being and slice your flimsy argument to shreds. Warning: this won't be pretty; in fact, it may hurt.

- "I would like to ask of those detracting from any person due to spelling and grammar mistakes..." Would you buy complicated financial vehicles from someone who can not even master the rudiments of his/her native tongue? What does this say about the level of training Priraqi's receive, or their ability to process it?

- "Einstein was not good at grammar and spelling--neither was Shakespeare." Do you honestly expect to come in to this place of honor and compare yourself to Einstein and Shakespeare, and be taken seriously? Here's a sonnet for you, Shakespeare lover: "May I compare thee to a stupid shill?/Yes, thou art retarded and so desperate"

- "Something I have found repeated in all of the threads about Primerica is that many people who post have had very little or no interaction with our company." That may be, but what about the many more who have been INTIMATELY involved with your scam? Does their word count for nothing?

- "There are countless people who post criticisms of our company and the only interaction they've had was a phone call from a representative requesting an interview." Brian, perhaps the only interaction you've had with dogs**t is through the smell. Can I interest you then in a dogs**t sandwich? No? Oh yeah, I forgot: YOU PROBABLY DON'T LIKE BREAD!

- "It is not a job, it is an opportunity" - This is the pithiness more in line with cults like Scientology than with a major financial services provider.

I could go on and on, but hopefully now you've gotten the message. If not, the FRAUD HAMMER has plenty more lessons for you. Just come on in and RING THE BELL! POW!!!!

A note to Jennifer from Wyoming: stay in school, get an MBA, and steer clear of rank amateurs like Brian.

Fraud Hammer X


Brian, when we're through with you you'll change the name of your company from "Primerica" to "Priraq"! BOMBS AWAY!

#49Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 20, 2003

Brian, I am on you like stink on s**t! Why don't you tell us once and for all why you are compelled to troll for Primerica comments and commence to shilling like there is no tomorrow? Like the moth to a flame you are lured to your eventual destruction! POWWW!

I shall dispense with the HAMMER for the time being and slice your flimsy argument to shreds. Warning: this won't be pretty; in fact, it may hurt.

- "I would like to ask of those detracting from any person due to spelling and grammar mistakes..." Would you buy complicated financial vehicles from someone who can not even master the rudiments of his/her native tongue? What does this say about the level of training Priraqi's receive, or their ability to process it?

- "Einstein was not good at grammar and spelling--neither was Shakespeare." Do you honestly expect to come in to this place of honor and compare yourself to Einstein and Shakespeare, and be taken seriously? Here's a sonnet for you, Shakespeare lover: "May I compare thee to a stupid shill?/Yes, thou art retarded and so desperate"

- "Something I have found repeated in all of the threads about Primerica is that many people who post have had very little or no interaction with our company." That may be, but what about the many more who have been INTIMATELY involved with your scam? Does their word count for nothing?

- "There are countless people who post criticisms of our company and the only interaction they've had was a phone call from a representative requesting an interview." Brian, perhaps the only interaction you've had with dogs**t is through the smell. Can I interest you then in a dogs**t sandwich? No? Oh yeah, I forgot: YOU PROBABLY DON'T LIKE BREAD!

- "It is not a job, it is an opportunity" - This is the pithiness more in line with cults like Scientology than with a major financial services provider.

I could go on and on, but hopefully now you've gotten the message. If not, the FRAUD HAMMER has plenty more lessons for you. Just come on in and RING THE BELL! POW!!!!

A note to Jennifer from Wyoming: stay in school, get an MBA, and steer clear of rank amateurs like Brian.



I would like to offer a few rebuttals to some of the criticisms written in above posts.

#49UPDATE Employee

Wed, March 19, 2003

I would like to openly state that I am currently an agent with Primerica Financial Services. I feel I have to readily state that because there are many people who think that we all have something to hide, which we do not.

I would like to offer a few rebuttals to some of the criticisms written in above posts. The idea of "Keep your mouth shut...." as being our mission statement is absolutely false--our mission statement is "Our goal is to help families become debt free and financially independent." No company would write something like "Keep your mouth shut..." in its mission statement, as a mission statement is meant for the public to see. Now to ward off the inevitable retort of "what the public sees", I have never seen any piece of paper or heard any person in Primerica advising me to misinform anyone. The only thing any of us have is our word, and I always try to keep mine.

Another thing I would like to ask of those detracting from any person due to spelling and grammar mistakes; Why would you assume that someone who can't spell is not intelligent? I do not know Bryan, the second post in this thread, but I cannot assume that his level of intelligence is low due to any grammar problems. Einstein was not good at grammar and spelling--neither was Shakespeare.

Something I have found repeated in all of the threads about Primerica is that many people who post have had very little or no interaction with our company. There are countless people who post criticisms of our company and the only interaction they've had was a phone call from a representative requesting an interview. When I was contacted by a representative, I also did a search on the web about Primerica. I found this site among others. Keeping an open mind, I decided to see what was offered. It made legal and ethical sense to me, so I decided to give it a shot. I would encourage anyone to take a look at anything with an open mind before discarding it as rubbish.

Lastly, many people say that they are contacted by our representatives based on resumes. They also say that they are annoyed because they were looking for a "legit job". The Primerica opportunity is legitimate, legal, and ethical. It is not a job, it is an opportunity. What we feel is that there are many people looking for a job would much rather be able to make what they are worth instead of depending on a boss. People who post their resume anywhere are looking to better themselves financially, and that is what we offer. If a corporation contacts a person regarding a resume, or if a representative contacts a person regarding a resume, both have the same goal: to attract talented people who would work well in the company.

A note to Jennifer from Evansville, Wyoming: I sincerely hope we all can welcome you to our team, if you haven't joined already. It will be hard work, but it will be rewarding. Based on your post, you seem to have an open mind, regardless of the negativity around you, and this will help you immensely. If you do decide that Primerica is right for you, we are having a convention this year in Georgia in June. I'd give my full name and number but I know that there are some individuals who would hound me non-stop. If you join, ask your upline about the Golden Eagles book, and I'm in the office listed on page 3. Using my name, look me up if you'd like. Hope to see you in June!



Welcome to Corporate America....

#49Consumer Comment

Wed, March 19, 2003

I have recently been approached by a Primerica representative, and have had a couple of meetings with him. He has been very informative about the company. The information that some of you have said that they try to hide from you until you've been "suckered" out of $200 was told to me upfront. None of it came as a surprise to me, because that is how all businesses work on some level.

Maybe alot of you are just not aware of how corporate America works, but most large corporations work in the same way, only not on strictly comission sales.

I worked for a very large corporation that most people don't even know exist. They are a concession in a department store that you will find in almost any shopping mall.

Hired as a part time associate, I eventually became the manager. As a manager, I was responsible to make sure that the department opened every day and had an associate there from 9:00 to 8:00. If an associate didn't show up I had to stay. If it was my day off, I had to be available at all times.

I worked my butt off for that company and I have missed my children's birthday's, school functions, and much needed family time. I have been at the brink of divorce for putting my job ahead of my family on a weekly basis.

What do you think I got in return for my hard work? The discontinuation of my Christmas bonus, even though it's the time of the year I had to work the hardest and sometimes going through the whole months of Nov. or Dec. without a day off.

I was told I would qualify for a quarterly bonuses as long as I was up in sales & down in labor, at the same time the company decides not to advertise through television or radio where we would get the most exposure. Instead they decided to make it my job to market around town by walking up to people and asking them to come to my department. I was even given a quota as to how many customers had to complete a transaction, and at the same time do reports, schedules, interview, hire, train, clean, handle complaints, and help the customers that had appointments. Of course I had to do all of this without using the labor to have another associate with me so I could do my management responsibilities, without proper advertising, and a bad economy business is going to suffer. Which means I sacrificed the people and the things that mean the most to me for a hourly wage that left little after my daycare expenses.

All the while, the District managers, Regional managers, Executives, and Ceo's are adding 0's onto their bonuses while the thousands of people out in the field who are doing all of the work and sacrificing their families to make an hourly wage that leaves them living paycheck to paycheck and becoming more and more in debt.

I'm not saying they didn't work hard to be in the positions they are in, most of them climbed the corporate latter, but only few do.

I don't see how Primerica is any different. I am seriously thinking about giving it a chance. Most trades do have some cost to the employee. Electricians, hair dressers, plumbers, they all have annual license fees that that they are required to pay.

I don't consider myself a dumb person, actually I'm quite smart, and I resent the I would be labeled that because of the company that I work for.

I realize that there may be some unhappy consumers, and disgruntled ex-employees, probably for good reason, because you're going to have the Brian's and the decietful representatives out there. But ALL companies do. Some people are money driven and will do anything to get it, but I as a compassionate human being believe that it is a very low percentage.



In Defense of Primerica

#49UPDATE Employee

Thu, March 13, 2003

I am a representative of PFS, and have been since Fall/2001. Although I have barely done any work due to other commitments such as a family and school, I have made more money back than my (GASP!!!) $200.00 initial investment.

I have no delusions of getting rich quick, nor do I ever plan on this for my full-time job. I think it is deplorable that a few unethical scumbags use deceit and trickery to sell recruits and clients on PFS.

It sounds to me that all this criticism is coming from a few jaded idiots who either crashed and burned or never took off...



In Defense of Primerica

#49UPDATE Employee

Thu, March 13, 2003

I am a representative of PFS, and have been since Fall/2001. Although I have barely done any work due to other commitments such as a family and school, I have made more money back than my (GASP!!!) $200.00 initial investment.

I have no delusions of getting rich quick, nor do I ever plan on this for my full-time job. I think it is deplorable that a few unethical scumbags use deceit and trickery to sell recruits and clients on PFS.

It sounds to me that all this criticism is coming from a few jaded idiots who either crashed and burned or never took off...



In Defense of Primerica

#49UPDATE Employee

Thu, March 13, 2003

I am a representative of PFS, and have been since Fall/2001. Although I have barely done any work due to other commitments such as a family and school, I have made more money back than my (GASP!!!) $200.00 initial investment.

I have no delusions of getting rich quick, nor do I ever plan on this for my full-time job. I think it is deplorable that a few unethical scumbags use deceit and trickery to sell recruits and clients on PFS.

It sounds to me that all this criticism is coming from a few jaded idiots who either crashed and burned or never took off...



In Defense of Primerica

#49UPDATE Employee

Thu, March 13, 2003

I am a representative of PFS, and have been since Fall/2001. Although I have barely done any work due to other commitments such as a family and school, I have made more money back than my (GASP!!!) $200.00 initial investment.

I have no delusions of getting rich quick, nor do I ever plan on this for my full-time job. I think it is deplorable that a few unethical scumbags use deceit and trickery to sell recruits and clients on PFS.

It sounds to me that all this criticism is coming from a few jaded idiots who either crashed and burned or never took off...



My experience with Primerica: MUST READ!

#49Consumer Comment

Thu, March 13, 2003

After meandering through the countless Primerica bashing posts made on this website, I was forced to sit and reflect upon my own personal experiences with the company.

About 15 years ago, my father was presented the Primerica "Opportunity" by none other than my Jr. High School football coach. As a recently retired professional football player, he was searching for an opportunity at that time to provide for my mother and three young boys. He was also shown exactly how he had been ripped-off by Life Insurance agents and so-called financial planners throughout his entire 10 year football career.

My father saw this as an opportunity to not only provide financial stability for our family, but also a means of assisting the unaware and basically misled masses of middle income Americans. As a child, I didn't really understand what my father's job actually was.

What I did understand was that after he was done with football, our family's finances were in dire straits. I was forced to experience first hand what it meant to struggle. I experienced what it was like to live in an undesireable neighborhood. I experienced what it was like to be a have-not. However, as time went on, things began to change. As a 13 or 14 year old kid, I had no interest in how many zero's were on my father's paycheck. However I did notice that the clothes that I was wearing were beginning to look a little different... because now they were actually new clothes! My house was bigger.. because IT was new too! And it was in a new neighborhood. My friends from school started wanting to come and hang out at my house instead of me wanting to go and LIVE at their houses. My father was able to take us to our soccer, baseball and football games, and even coach many of the teams that we played on. He became sort of a surrogate father to most of my friends, who's father's were not around or didn't have the time that my father had to spend with them. Our home.. (the 5 bedroom, Tri-level with the swimming pool, hot tub, sauna and game room) became a place where other African-American's like us in our community could come to feel good and develop pride in themselves and aspire to achieve more in their own personal lives and by their own personal means. When I recieved My full ride scholarship to play division 1-A football, my dad rewarded me with a brand new BMW - Something that before Primerica,I could never have dreamed would be possible. All that time I personally never knew what Primerica was about or what my dad actually did. All that I knew was that my life had been changed for the better and Primerica was responsible for that.

Today, as a young man, and a Primerica representative myself, I have a greater understanding of the nature of this business. I understand that it is not easy and that it's not for everyone. If it was easy everyone would do it and be successful at it. The truth is that it's not easy and it's not right for everyone. I understand that attrition is a reality for any corporation, yet for some reason Primerica seems to be scrutinized for having a high turnover rate. I have come to understand another truth... People don't want to work. Especially for themselves. It sounds great in theory, but then the reality of the word WORK sets in. It appears that many of the people that post here are either disgruntled ex-Primerica reps who failed to put forth the neccessary effort to experience any measure of success, or are representatives of Companies (named or unnammed, cloaked or uncloaked) that are in direct competition with Primerica. Either way, the perception is distorted. I have seen misrepresentaions on this site from so-called former reps who for some reason are unble to correctly describe our commision scale (on this page). Am I to believe that the information given by such people is credible?

In every walk of life you have good people and bad people. Our company is no different. Has the recent rash of priests molesting and abusing kids kept Catholics from attending Mass??? Do they not believe in God anymore??? The Truth is the Truth no matter if it's covered in sugar or its covered in mud. And the Truth in this case is that our company was designed to help American families begin to get their finances in order. The truth is that we are a solid company (AA+ rating for our insurance productds alone) with an incredibly solid parent company, that allows people an opportunity for success. Note that I didn't say a Guarantee, but an opportunity.

Was my father one of the original pioneers atop the "pyramid" of Primerica??? NO. The person that recruited him quit 6 months later. The person that recruited that person, also quit shortly thereafter. But somehow there are still at least 4 people that are upline to my dad. Did he load up his business with friends and family and pillage through all of their natural markets??? Well... I'm the only person in his business that he knew before he was involved in Primerica. Have our products and services hurt our consumers??? We have personally hand delivered claim checks of 200, 300, 500 Thousand dollars and up, after replacing cash value policies with the same premium that had face values of 30, 40, and 50 Thousand dollars. Have we made money??? Well, I'm still fairly new to the business and just graduated from college a few years ago, and after testing the waters of corporate America for 2 years as a regional manager responsible for 16 nursing facilities, I have been full time with Primerica for 2 years. I made $32,000.00 last year compared to my father's $394,000.00 (with 1099's to prove it.. we get several 1099's since agents get paid seperately from each one of the individual citigroup companies that we are licensed to conduct business for). Do the people at the "top" make all the money, while the people they recruit give up their warm markets and get little or no compensation. Well...Even though my dad makes the income that he makes, there are 4 people that he has recruited hired and trained that make more than he does annualy.

So I say all of that to say this: Do I knock those of you that have had bad experiences with Primerica??? No. I haven't walked in your shoes. I haven't dealt with the people that you have dealt with. But I challenge you to look at the reasons behind your dissaproval. Look at yourself and your own shortcomings. Do you not believe in the fundamental messages that we are teaching to the consumer??? Do you not believe the many financial pundits who teach the same philosophy of "buy term and invest the difference"? Do you not believe that in order to be successful, you are gonna have to actually work, whether that be for yourself or for someone else? For those of you who may be looking at Primerica as an opportunity right now, I challenge you to go the extra mile. We have strict regulations in our industry that says you must have a basic understanding of the products and services that we market to the consumer. Do more than that. Learn more than what is simply required or asked of you by your upline. Ask questions. If you don't get an adequate answer, go to someone else. Go to the library. Subscribe to Money, Forbes, Businessweek, Consumer report or any other periodical that will help keep you up to date and informed on whats happening in the economic world around you. Watch MSNBC!!! Do something more than what is just required of you to be in the business. Otherwise 5 years down the road, you may find yourself in your parents basement, on a computer, on some website berating a company that may have changed your life.



They get information off employement websites like and use those to cold call unsuspecting people who are trying to finde a legit job.

#49Consumer Comment

Thu, March 13, 2003

Both myself and my wife are constantly reviewing postings on the various employement web sites. Neither one of us has followed up to a Primerica posting however we have on numerious occasions received calls to attend their "so called orientation seminars". They do not get names by referral at all. They get information off employement websites like and use those to cold call unsuspecting people who are trying to finde a legit job.



To the OWNER of Primerica ..You are a scumbag!

#49Consumer Comment

Sat, February 22, 2003

Hey Bryan, how is this for a libel (yes, that's how its spelled) comment. YOUR COMPANY SUCKS and so does your attempt to intimidate and scare a consumer. Hopefully you will threaten to sue me too. Bring your LEGAL TEAM brother. I would take great satisfaction in costing you some money! You are a scumbag talking the way you talk. Owner? How on earth did you attain ownership of anything with your third grade grammar and vocabulary. You, like your CULT representatives, would benefit from an EDUCATION. Besides your get rich quick seminars there are also GED seminars out there you should be attending. And by the way, why are there so d**n many complaints against your company? Because it SUCKS and rips people off that's why Bryan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a good day.......


British Columbia,

READ THE MANUAL!'s Mission Statement

#49Consumer Comment

Tue, January 07, 2003

BRYAN! What are you doing??? Didn't you read the Company Manual??? Page 1, Policy 1, underlined, in BOLD, and in RED ink:

"Keep your mouth shut about company policies, when you are in the public eye. Delay all information for the seminars."

The above information is also known as the company's Mission Statement, so I can't believe you forgot it! The less they know the better! We want to keep them in the dark, so that they HAVE to attend our seminars for the details (aka Operation Brainwash). Do you realize how much research our researchers have put into writing up those scripts for you??? Stick to the plan, man!!

Bryan, give Dave a call and request a .PDF copy of the latest revision of "What not to say so that we won't get sued." I think it's at v89.354f now. But after I forward this memo to our legal department, I think they'll print up v89.354g, with the "BRYAN" addendum...


New York,

Primerica is Like Amway With "The Breakaway"

#49Consumer Comment

Sun, December 29, 2002

In the Network Marketing Industry, specifically in companies that utilize the MLM or Multi Level Marketing system of distribution, there's a thing called a 'breakway' that different MLM companies use different names for.

A 'breakway' is a takeaway. Something you must give up to your sponsor in order for you to "qualify" for a significant level of leader$hip in an MLM company.

In Amway, when your recruit reaches the level of 'Direct Distributor,' he/she breaks away from under you and forms his/her own organization. You are penalized for having helped him/her grow their business.

In Primerica, the 'breakway' is called a "Replacement Leg." In order for a person to advance to the level of Regional Vice President, that person must give up his/her strongest leg (the column in the compensation plan payout with most volume) to his/her sponsor.

Breakaways are designed so that a few "heavy hitters" (those closest to the corporate team) make the most money in the multilevel pay plan structure of a MLM compensation plan.

Of course, the Primerica or Awmway recruiters don't mention the 'breakaway' to the new recruit until he/she is already "in" and has no choice but to accept this nonsense if he/she wishes to continue with "the program."

By the way, there are non-MLM programs out there that do not have a 'breakway' requirement.


New York,

Spelling Errors Tell a Lot

#49Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 27, 2002

To the anonymous writer from Arizona, I completely disagree with your opinion. While grammatical(correct spelling)errors are not the most important thing, they still indicate the mind frame of the typical Primerica employee. Bad spelling not only indicates a lack of intellect, but also a lack of effort. No one expects a so called financial advisor to have the vocabulary of an English professor, but in this day and age, spelling errors are unacceptable. How hard is it for someone to use Spell Check? Are people just too lazy, or are Primerica reps awed by the thought of using Spell Check. Most of them probably don't even know what it is, because they have never used it before.

Additionally, the fact that most Primerica reps who have pathetically attempted to defend their company on this website have made one or more silly errors, definitely hurts their credibility. Everyone wants to think that the people who work for them are intelligent. Who wants a dumb mechanic, doctor, lawyer, or other skilled professional? Primerica reps did not have a great vocabulary to begin with and they had probably never heard of the words mortgage, stock, bond, or interest rate. Let's face it, Primerica reps are not the brighest people around, but their consistent grammatical errors show that they are also extremely lazy.


Carnelian Bay,

Primerica DOES hurt people

#49Consumer Comment

Fri, December 27, 2002

I have been looking at the ripoff report to check other reports from people who have been sold improper products by Primerica that have hurt them financially.

Most of what I have found is back and forth banter from reps defending the company (with hollow, poorly argued defenses--cookie cutter stuff straight out of the Primerica book passed out to reps in their training-- all without any REAL information on why Primerica is a good company--only vague catch phrases used by all these reps)and people whe are skeptical of Primerica and compare it to Amway.

I am from a different point of view: my family has been sold by this "wonderful" company, a mortgage that has hurt us financially. I invite any of you to read the report I have posted regarding this mortgage, and you will see the REAL impact of all these reps out there with no real financial knowledge selling products to unsuspecting consumers in the name of "making millions" and "working for yourself".

The facts behind our mortgage are undisputable, and how we could have saved ourselves thousands of dollars with another mortgage company, if we had not listened to a friend (another lesson learned too late for us--NEVER do business with a friend--although Primerica actually REQUIRES reps to list family and friends as potential clients--YES, this is the same tactic Amway uses).

I believe that Primerica is deceptive, and is not out for anyones good except the few people at the top of the pyramid. Read my report, the facts are there, no matter what any Primerica rep says--because once you are signed up there are no cookie cutter arguments for defending this horrible mortgage, we are just simply stuck with it for a few years...

Unfortunately, I learned these lessons too late, and I guarantee I know NOW more about mortgages than any of these reps out there. Remember, IF IT SOUNDS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, IT IS!!!

PS we also bought the life insurance (suggestion: buy from an insurance person, and just shop around until you find one you like and trust) and pre-paid legal (sold to us on the premise that we need a trust--which at this point we don't, and they don't tell you it costs $1200!--for the reason "it prevents you from being sued"--A TRUST DOES NOT SERVE THIS PURPOSE, thus another Primerica lie), which we will also be getting out of.



focus on the message and not how it is presented

#49Consumer Comment

Fri, December 27, 2002

Just an observation, ...This doesn't have much to do with the complaint, but I have got to say this now. I have been reading all these reports on Primerica for several hours now. I just want to point out how useless it is to continue to point out small gramatical, spelling and punctuation errors. Who cares, why don't all of you focus on the message and not how it is presented? I could have saved an hour on my reading time if I wasn't wasting my time reading about somebody slamming somebody else for the way they typed something. Let's stick to the facts, otherwise it just sounds like two kids arguing...



successful system?

#49UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, November 20, 2002

what do you call success? from the primerica book "secrets to building a super hierarchy" the numbers given are as follows for personal income of there "independent contractors";

$50,000-$100,000 .......3,916

$100,000-$1,000,000 .....1,624

$1,000,000-2,000,000 .......24

$2,000,000-5,000,000 .......12

that equals 5,576 people making money and 94,424 people making money for the people making money. they say its a numbers game. well, you do the math. over 94,000 losers * do you call that success? these are numbers as of april 30, 2002


long island,
New York,

just a simple late night-toothpic eyed rebuttle

#49UPDATE Employee

Sun, November 17, 2002

good morning, night, evening, or day. just happened upon the site and thought what the heck- here's my two cents..

i am a representitive of primerica, and i have to say, wow!just like anything else, not all is for everyone. i can't eat burger king-just does not work for me. primerica is not for all, but it may work for some. i am not looking to make it rich, although i know the possibility is there. for some a little hope and motivation isn't a bad thing. for anyone who thinks its a get rich scam- not true. please read on before prejudgement. i dont make a killin as they say, but, what i do make does help for what i lack in my earnings at my conventional job. as far as i know, a little bit can help a lot. it is work, and if you want to make anything of it, you must work! i know to some, that (work) is a four letter word, but to myself it means you get out what you put in. before you discount what i do as being an injustice to whom i service, consider this, many people don't see being out of debt, or have a plan for their finacial future. now as far as i can tell, helping someone get out of debt, and to truely own their home sooner than expected isnt a bad thing. i have many a friend who have attended schooling, and attained degrees, and are doing pretty well for themselves, that have put into action many of the choices we offer people. i am not just a salesman, selling insurance, i dont work like that. i am not just a stockbroker. couldnt do just that either. i am not just a mortgage broker. to only be so woukd be incomplete. what i do is offers choices- to the client- realistic ones that he/she may accept or decline. the choice is theirs' . i have seen plans written that would put a lot of money in my pocket, but would not be for the well being of the client. and i would suggest they would not be taken (funny the old tried and true t-square thing can be valuable.) i look at the overall picture, something most (in other firms,mortgage offices, etc) don't. the turnover rate is high, i am not going to lie, most people leave, others lack the motivation and are comfortable where they are in life, i'm not saying there is anything wrong with that, but some want to get ahead. in a nutshell, all i can reinforce is this, its not for all. sorry im not a monger or slinger, just a tired person with no phd in anything, as basic and as real as it gets, someone who, i will admit, has no high school diploma, but has found through other education there is other options, and is voicing his opinion as my other half gets ready for bed. thanks for listening, and have a good day, night, morning or evening.


White Plains,
New York,

Wrong on several counts ...more drivel

#49Consumer Comment

Thu, November 07, 2002

There are a few points here which need clarification.

:1. You have the potential to make millions provided you work hard and it takes some time to reach that goal say 5-10 years. But you could reach $100,000 dollars a year easily (from my point)and i don't have to recruit that many people.

Very very difficult to make that kind of money. It one could make $100,000 "easily" perhaps more than a paltry 2% of the PFS sales force would be earning it by now.

The million mark is an even more unattainable goal in PFS - only thirty-five people of the sales force of over one hundred thousand make that much. You have to understand that most of those are on the "top" of the pyramid and joined decades ago before all the negative publicity and before the recruiting pool was saturated by PFS agents. Several people on this site have been called numerous times by different agents attempting to recruit them.

Nobody is trying to steal your dream of working very hard and making a million dollars a year. Its just that the efforts may be better placed elsewhere.

:2. The more you recruit the more money you and your recruit makes (not throught the $200) but throught commission. Because not all are capable of recruiting good emplyoees or most employees don't have patience to work towards that goal.

The more you recruit, the more money your recruit makes? Incorrect. Your recruiting levels have nothing to do with what your recruit makes. Once you use their warm market for your own commissions during "training", it's sink or swim for your recruit.

Another fallacy that is perpetuated by PFS is that "recruiting will solve everything". It has been stated numerous times that many PFS offices repeat this over and over and over. The emphasis, after all, is developing that enormous network so each can buy one or two policies and make money for the company.

:3. Its just like owning your own business, you can pass on the torch to you family or sell it to another primerica agent.

One of the biggest and most dangerous fallacies. Only a scant few people own their business. Most RVPs, SVPs, and all PFAs and APFAs DO NOT own any part of their business whatsoever. They CAN NOT pass it on. They CAN NOT sell it. Yet it is deceptively presented at most opportunity meetings, that once you pay your $200 to join, you own your own business. That is incorrect.

:4. Its way better than most of the insurance companies from my experience.

We don't know what your experience is, but the products in PFS tend to take a back seat to recruiting. As such many of the products are not competitive. Some, such as mutual funds, perform well but also come with the high commissions, something that a family trying to get out of debt hardly needs.

:2. Most people who join us likes to make millions but not working towards it.

You are thinly disguising a line that is used at recruiting meetings to blame the recruit for any lack of success. Many people work incredibly hard at your 'business' but can't reap any gains after their upline uses their warm market for his/her own sales and leaves the recruit high and dry. They must then start on the long, hard road of cold-calling, walking up to people in gas stations, food outlets, shopping malls, etc. to try and sell them on the "dream".

We're just trying to give you the other side of the picture, not given at opportunity meetings. Usually, it is said that "people will be flocking to you", "everybody will want what you are selling", and "you will have more business than you can handle". Not true, in most cases.

PFS is OK for some people. As long as you understand you will be selling commissioned products for a multi-level marketing organization, and that much of your time may be spent cold-calling customers, you may do well. Of course, if you're a born salesperson, you may be better off going with a company that pays higher than 25% commissions right off the bat.



facts or lies.....

#49Consumer Comment

Wed, November 06, 2002

what i read about primerica in your site is not all that true. ofcourse sometimes some of us go out of line to recruit people for the job but the fact is, as some of you mentioned we will never say you can earn multimillion dollars overnight. As a matter of fact when they hired me they told me straight away that its not a piece of cake and i have to work hard to get the income that i want to make. Any one can earn the multimillion dollars and we have people who made $100,000 grant in three months. Last but not least its not amway... i heard people saying we have to put up $200 dollars to join and it didn't make sense to them. Because they give you training both on the job and off the job at base shops. And it cost them money to do background check and other related checks. I am not saying primerica is all good of course we might have some weakness or some bad employees, but hey so does BIG companies like IBM, Microsoft or any other insurance company. Can you mention one company that never had a consumer complaint?

This is what i understand from primerica

The good about primerica :

1. You have the potential to make millions provided you work hard and it takes some time to reach that goal say 5-10 years. But you could reach $100,000 dollars a year easily (from my point)and i don't have to recruit that many people.

2. The more you recruit the more money you and your recruit makes (not throught the $200) but throught commission. Because not all are capable of recruiting good emplyoees or most employees don't have patience to work towards that goal.

3. Its just like owning your own business, you can pass on the torch to you family or sell it to another primerica agent.

4. Its way better than most of the insurance companies from my experience.

The bad about primerica :

1. Not everyone who joins make millions.

2. Most people who join us likes to make millions but not working towards it.

3. Sometimes we do have employees or managers

who went out of the line to recruit people.

As for the manager who defended primerica, i say "way to go" dude. how many of you would defend the company you work for?


Salt Lake City,

Who are you criticizing, Primerica or Bryan?

#49Consumer Comment

Tue, November 05, 2002

My husband just got started in primerica and at first I wasn't sure if it was a good idea, but I thought, what do we have to loose.

Honestly, I don't see anything bad in Primerica. My question is, who are you all criticizing, Primerica or Bryan. Most of what you all have said is about Bryans lack of grammer and class. I'm not trying to defend him or criticize any of you, but do you have any real evidence or facts about Primerica ripping people off or just evidence that Bryan is an idiot.


Salt Lake City,

Who are you criticizing, Primerica or Bryan?

#49Consumer Comment

Tue, November 05, 2002

My husband just got started in primerica and at first I wasn't sure if it was a good idea, but I thought, what do we have to loose.

Honestly, I don't see anything bad in Primerica. My question is, who are you all criticizing, Primerica or Bryan. Most of what you all have said is about Bryans lack of grammer and class. I'm not trying to defend him or criticize any of you, but do you have any real evidence or facts about Primerica ripping people off or just evidence that Bryan is an idiot.


Salt Lake City,

Who are you criticizing, Primerica or Bryan?

#49Consumer Comment

Tue, November 05, 2002

My husband just got started in primerica and at first I wasn't sure if it was a good idea, but I thought, what do we have to loose.

Honestly, I don't see anything bad in Primerica. My question is, who are you all criticizing, Primerica or Bryan. Most of what you all have said is about Bryans lack of grammer and class. I'm not trying to defend him or criticize any of you, but do you have any real evidence or facts about Primerica ripping people off or just evidence that Bryan is an idiot.




#49Consumer Comment

Mon, November 04, 2002

Bryan is so insecure about himself that he must slam others for making a typographical error, yet he uses disparaging terms such as "sweatheart", not to mention the innumerable other errors in his rebuttal.

I don't look down on people for not being educated, as sometimes life's circumstances don't allow one to continue past a certain level. But I DO look down on people who try to scam people, get called on it, then slam them for making typos when their own post is chock full of errors. You do that, Bryan, because you truly have no defense to the truth.



Why so defensive Brian? Your a true disgrace to anyone in the insurance business.

#49Consumer Comment

Sun, November 03, 2002

Let me start by saying I am in the insurance industry and have owned my own company for almost 2 years. I have looked into the Primerica company in the past and I amazed at the people they have working for them. Brian goes into great detail telling us how difficult it is to go work for him. Hardly Brian.

On two occasions I have met new recruits of Primerica in Lansing when they are taking their insurance licensing tests. No offense intended to those people, but the people I met had little or no education and certainly no insurance experience. They seemed to be blinded by the possibilities they were told they had in front of them. When I hire someone into my company they have a very real understanding of how this business works. It is not something that happens over night as any insurance professional could tell you. How sad it is that these people believed they would be millionares over night.

From my understanding there are fees that are paid by these recruits in order to work for Primerica also. I may be wrong about this but if I am not, I think id deplorable to ask someone looking for a job to pay you money. Not to mention there are laready costs associated with anyone who wants to be licensed to sell insurance.

Brian's letter on this site was a true disgrace to anyone in the insurance business. It shows the type of people that Primerica not only hires but makes managers of. Anyone working for Primerica who would like to work in insurance and learn it the real way email me for a no nononsense look at the business, but stay away from these vultures.



Walking out on Primerica is not the end of the world, no matter what they tell you.

#49Consumer Comment

Sun, September 22, 2002

Dear Mr. Primerica rep,

I have genuine compassion for you. I was not in your company, I was once a part of dsmax (they are on the ripoffreport too.)

Different companies but the same purpose. Get unsuspecting people to sell your stuff. Fill them with hype about thier soon to be financial independance.

Don't let your new people talk to other new people or hang around negative people. That way your new people won't get infected with bad beliefs.

You might have already lost some people that you put time and money into because of the messages on this sight. They have you totally programmed to keep going. I know. I have had friends try primerica. I have lost crews before.

You know that based on the amount of people you hire, some might succeed.

Don't you see how you hurt the lives of the reps and thier families lives when they don't make it? At least if they were working minimum wage they could quit and still get a check. But you get money up front and expect people that never worked commission before to sink or swim. Your managers keep telling you to focus on the opportunity and to not worry about that. (At least dsmax, for all its faults, did not require money up front.)

And then your products hurt some people.

It took me a while to wake up and realize that what I was doing was wrong. I hope that you do the same.

Walking out on Primerica is not the end of the world, no matter what they tell you.

Good luck.



Walking out on Primerica is not the end of the world, no matter what they tell you.

#49Consumer Comment

Sun, September 22, 2002

Dear Mr. Primerica rep,

I have genuine compassion for you. I was not in your company, I was once a part of dsmax (they are on the ripoffreport too.)

Different companies but the same purpose. Get unsuspecting people to sell your stuff. Fill them with hype about thier soon to be financial independance.

Don't let your new people talk to other new people or hang around negative people. That way your new people won't get infected with bad beliefs.

You might have already lost some people that you put time and money into because of the messages on this sight. They have you totally programmed to keep going. I know. I have had friends try primerica. I have lost crews before.

You know that based on the amount of people you hire, some might succeed.

Don't you see how you hurt the lives of the reps and thier families lives when they don't make it? At least if they were working minimum wage they could quit and still get a check. But you get money up front and expect people that never worked commission before to sink or swim. Your managers keep telling you to focus on the opportunity and to not worry about that. (At least dsmax, for all its faults, did not require money up front.)

And then your products hurt some people.

It took me a while to wake up and realize that what I was doing was wrong. I hope that you do the same.

Walking out on Primerica is not the end of the world, no matter what they tell you.

Good luck.



Walking out on Primerica is not the end of the world, no matter what they tell you.

#49Consumer Comment

Sun, September 22, 2002

Dear Mr. Primerica rep,

I have genuine compassion for you. I was not in your company, I was once a part of dsmax (they are on the ripoffreport too.)

Different companies but the same purpose. Get unsuspecting people to sell your stuff. Fill them with hype about thier soon to be financial independance.

Don't let your new people talk to other new people or hang around negative people. That way your new people won't get infected with bad beliefs.

You might have already lost some people that you put time and money into because of the messages on this sight. They have you totally programmed to keep going. I know. I have had friends try primerica. I have lost crews before.

You know that based on the amount of people you hire, some might succeed.

Don't you see how you hurt the lives of the reps and thier families lives when they don't make it? At least if they were working minimum wage they could quit and still get a check. But you get money up front and expect people that never worked commission before to sink or swim. Your managers keep telling you to focus on the opportunity and to not worry about that. (At least dsmax, for all its faults, did not require money up front.)

And then your products hurt some people.

It took me a while to wake up and realize that what I was doing was wrong. I hope that you do the same.

Walking out on Primerica is not the end of the world, no matter what they tell you.

Good luck.



Walking out on Primerica is not the end of the world, no matter what they tell you.

#49Consumer Comment

Sun, September 22, 2002

Dear Mr. Primerica rep,

I have genuine compassion for you. I was not in your company, I was once a part of dsmax (they are on the ripoffreport too.)

Different companies but the same purpose. Get unsuspecting people to sell your stuff. Fill them with hype about thier soon to be financial independance.

Don't let your new people talk to other new people or hang around negative people. That way your new people won't get infected with bad beliefs.

You might have already lost some people that you put time and money into because of the messages on this sight. They have you totally programmed to keep going. I know. I have had friends try primerica. I have lost crews before.

You know that based on the amount of people you hire, some might succeed.

Don't you see how you hurt the lives of the reps and thier families lives when they don't make it? At least if they were working minimum wage they could quit and still get a check. But you get money up front and expect people that never worked commission before to sink or swim. Your managers keep telling you to focus on the opportunity and to not worry about that. (At least dsmax, for all its faults, did not require money up front.)

And then your products hurt some people.

It took me a while to wake up and realize that what I was doing was wrong. I hope that you do the same.

Walking out on Primerica is not the end of the world, no matter what they tell you.

Good luck.



Another uneducated Primerica Rep

#49Consumer Comment

Sat, September 21, 2002

Oh Bryan....You sound like all the other uneducated, moronic Primerica Reps. You would all make your company look better by staying off this site and keeping your opinions to yourself.

All of you have terrible grammar and none of you can compose a comprehensible sentence or thought. I really think you should care if we think your grammar is "pour" or not. You do your company a great disservice by not caring.

I don't know how you can help other people with their finances when you can't even spell.

Finally, I have heard of plenty of court reporters making over six figures. If I am correct, they do this by working in the court room setting, as well as doing free lance work on the side. Get your facts straight next time.



wow Bryan

#49Consumer Comment

Sat, September 21, 2002

Wow Bryan, what an unprofessional response. I figured if anything from the original report was fudged, it was about you saying "I don't know of any court reporters who make six figures".

But judging by the tone of your rebuttal, I can believe you said exactly that! Way to dangle that six-figure income like a carrot. By the way, what percentage of your sales force makes six figures? I'f I'm not mistaken, it's only about 1500 out of 100,000, or 1.5%. How in any way should that be construed as typical?

After reading that vitriolic reply, I don't think you come off as a good manager or co-worker.


New York,

Bryan, Bryan, Bryan... You could try to sue him, but it would be a waste of money. ..and you know it.

#49Consumer Comment

Fri, September 20, 2002

Where to begin?

First of all, it's "libel." Except it's not. For a statement to be libelous, it must be defamatory, malicious, and false. The original reporter's comments are neither: He simply describes the conversation as he recalls it & then offers his impression. You could try to sue him, but it would be a waste of money. Your "legal department" will tell you the same thing, and you know it.

Second of all, "sweetheart," although I didn't read the original report with a fine-tooth comb, I didn't notice any "basic spelling errors" - and I'm an editor, it's what I do for a living. I have to say, however, that I doubt you'd recognize such things, as your response is chock full of both spelling and grammatical errors. Generally, I don't point these things out in a forum such as this - I figure, if you don't care, why should I? - but since you brought it up... I guess you'd be SOL as an "employee" anyway, because companies tend to expect that even their support staff have basic spelling skills and can express thoughts in coherent sentences.

Third - I can't understand why, if Primerica is such a fabulous opportunity, "recruiters" such as yourself refuse to be upfront about it. My husband once answered an ad looking for "researchers" and it turned out to be Primerica. You're looking for salespeople who want to be self-employed. There *are* people out there who would take on such an opportunity willingly. I don't understand why you try to recruit people using fuzzy terminology & vague job descriptions - "We're opening 10-12 offices in your area; we need ." If the opportunity is all that, why not just be straightforward from the outset - and if someone isn't interested, it's their loss?

Finally, some people actually *like* the security of a 9-to-5 job. There's no shame in that. Maybe they won't make six figures - but neither will most Primerica reps, and you know that, too. (Don't even pull the "employee" bit on me - I am self-employed, I work when I want for whomever I want and make money accordingly. It *is* a great life - and if you do it legitimately, you can actually make a living!)


New York,

Bryan, Bryan, Bryan... You could try to sue him, but it would be a waste of money. ..and you know it.

#49Consumer Comment

Fri, September 20, 2002

Where to begin?

First of all, it's "libel." Except it's not. For a statement to be libelous, it must be defamatory, malicious, and false. The original reporter's comments are neither: He simply describes the conversation as he recalls it & then offers his impression. You could try to sue him, but it would be a waste of money. Your "legal department" will tell you the same thing, and you know it.

Second of all, "sweetheart," although I didn't read the original report with a fine-tooth comb, I didn't notice any "basic spelling errors" - and I'm an editor, it's what I do for a living. I have to say, however, that I doubt you'd recognize such things, as your response is chock full of both spelling and grammatical errors. Generally, I don't point these things out in a forum such as this - I figure, if you don't care, why should I? - but since you brought it up... I guess you'd be SOL as an "employee" anyway, because companies tend to expect that even their support staff have basic spelling skills and can express thoughts in coherent sentences.

Third - I can't understand why, if Primerica is such a fabulous opportunity, "recruiters" such as yourself refuse to be upfront about it. My husband once answered an ad looking for "researchers" and it turned out to be Primerica. You're looking for salespeople who want to be self-employed. There *are* people out there who would take on such an opportunity willingly. I don't understand why you try to recruit people using fuzzy terminology & vague job descriptions - "We're opening 10-12 offices in your area; we need ." If the opportunity is all that, why not just be straightforward from the outset - and if someone isn't interested, it's their loss?

Finally, some people actually *like* the security of a 9-to-5 job. There's no shame in that. Maybe they won't make six figures - but neither will most Primerica reps, and you know that, too. (Don't even pull the "employee" bit on me - I am self-employed, I work when I want for whomever I want and make money accordingly. It *is* a great life - and if you do it legitimately, you can actually make a living!)


New York,

Bryan, Bryan, Bryan... You could try to sue him, but it would be a waste of money. ..and you know it.

#49Consumer Comment

Fri, September 20, 2002

Where to begin?

First of all, it's "libel." Except it's not. For a statement to be libelous, it must be defamatory, malicious, and false. The original reporter's comments are neither: He simply describes the conversation as he recalls it & then offers his impression. You could try to sue him, but it would be a waste of money. Your "legal department" will tell you the same thing, and you know it.

Second of all, "sweetheart," although I didn't read the original report with a fine-tooth comb, I didn't notice any "basic spelling errors" - and I'm an editor, it's what I do for a living. I have to say, however, that I doubt you'd recognize such things, as your response is chock full of both spelling and grammatical errors. Generally, I don't point these things out in a forum such as this - I figure, if you don't care, why should I? - but since you brought it up... I guess you'd be SOL as an "employee" anyway, because companies tend to expect that even their support staff have basic spelling skills and can express thoughts in coherent sentences.

Third - I can't understand why, if Primerica is such a fabulous opportunity, "recruiters" such as yourself refuse to be upfront about it. My husband once answered an ad looking for "researchers" and it turned out to be Primerica. You're looking for salespeople who want to be self-employed. There *are* people out there who would take on such an opportunity willingly. I don't understand why you try to recruit people using fuzzy terminology & vague job descriptions - "We're opening 10-12 offices in your area; we need ." If the opportunity is all that, why not just be straightforward from the outset - and if someone isn't interested, it's their loss?

Finally, some people actually *like* the security of a 9-to-5 job. There's no shame in that. Maybe they won't make six figures - but neither will most Primerica reps, and you know that, too. (Don't even pull the "employee" bit on me - I am self-employed, I work when I want for whomever I want and make money accordingly. It *is* a great life - and if you do it legitimately, you can actually make a living!)


New York,

Bryan, Bryan, Bryan... You could try to sue him, but it would be a waste of money. ..and you know it.

#49Consumer Comment

Fri, September 20, 2002

Where to begin?

First of all, it's "libel." Except it's not. For a statement to be libelous, it must be defamatory, malicious, and false. The original reporter's comments are neither: He simply describes the conversation as he recalls it & then offers his impression. You could try to sue him, but it would be a waste of money. Your "legal department" will tell you the same thing, and you know it.

Second of all, "sweetheart," although I didn't read the original report with a fine-tooth comb, I didn't notice any "basic spelling errors" - and I'm an editor, it's what I do for a living. I have to say, however, that I doubt you'd recognize such things, as your response is chock full of both spelling and grammatical errors. Generally, I don't point these things out in a forum such as this - I figure, if you don't care, why should I? - but since you brought it up... I guess you'd be SOL as an "employee" anyway, because companies tend to expect that even their support staff have basic spelling skills and can express thoughts in coherent sentences.

Third - I can't understand why, if Primerica is such a fabulous opportunity, "recruiters" such as yourself refuse to be upfront about it. My husband once answered an ad looking for "researchers" and it turned out to be Primerica. You're looking for salespeople who want to be self-employed. There *are* people out there who would take on such an opportunity willingly. I don't understand why you try to recruit people using fuzzy terminology & vague job descriptions - "We're opening 10-12 offices in your area; we need ." If the opportunity is all that, why not just be straightforward from the outset - and if someone isn't interested, it's their loss?

Finally, some people actually *like* the security of a 9-to-5 job. There's no shame in that. Maybe they won't make six figures - but neither will most Primerica reps, and you know that, too. (Don't even pull the "employee" bit on me - I am self-employed, I work when I want for whomever I want and make money accordingly. It *is* a great life - and if you do it legitimately, you can actually make a living!)



Unfounded fax from a perpetual employee

#49REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, September 19, 2002

First of your name was given to me directly. Secondly, I guess I need to reconsider my sources. Third, we are not Amway. were in a differant industry, market totally differant products & we are required to be licenced in several diffent areas. All regulated by the Federal Goverment. I love what I do, I find it amusing that without any real knowledge of what we do, how we've helped millions of people you make rash, uneducated, speculative conclusions. Your comments first of all, are liable, I find it interesting that you don't have the guts to face the person you have accused. Your a court reporter, you of all people should know this is a illegal statement. By the way sweatheart you better check your grammar & spelling you've made some basic spelling errors. I am not an english major, & frankly don't care if I my grammar sounds pour to you. You are & always will be a employee. You'll never have the guts to put yourself on the line to really make something of yourself. If going into business for yourself isn't atractive to you, be a person of honor & class. If you really looked at what we do & think & take adavantage of people you real are a blind accuser. We teach people how to get out of debt, properly protect their families with good quality term insurance, instead of being misled with some form of cash value insurance & teach people how to save for the goals be it education, retirement of whatever. I don't bring just anybody aboard my company. You have to pass a background check, a referrance check & then get by me. I don't think you have made the cut. I want people that can actually do the research & make decisions based on facts not unfounded conjecture. People with character don't make unfounded statements. I am referring your comments to my legal department for further review, I know who you are & I expect a full retraction of your comments. If it's not for great just go on with your life don't be a winer, that's pathetic.

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