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  • Report:  #213292

Complaint Review: Primerica

Primerica I went to an interview. I Saw the lies. I did not join. Do not allow yourself to be brainwashed. Lombard Illinois

*UPDATE: Primerica recognized by Rip-off Report a business opportunity well worth considering - it's not for everyone but many representatives make solid commission incomes. Primerica takes appropriate action against representatives conducting themselves improperly, pledges 100% commitment to customer service.

  • Reported By:
    None of your business Illinois
  • Submitted:
    Fri, September 29, 2006
  • Updated:
    Sun, March 18, 2007
  • Primerica
    665 W. North Ave
    Lombard, Illinois
  • Phone:
  • Category:

EDitor's Comment: Rip-off Report Investigation: Primerica gets a POSITIVE RATING in customer support from Rip-off Report and is fulfilling its commitment to provide excellent customer service. Primerica pledges to resolve complaints and address representative issues. For a long time this EDitor had concerns about Primerica because of the number of Reports about them. For many months Rip-off Report was looking into the company, even before they contacted us to resolve any issues and mostly misunderstandings being posted by competitors. With over 100,000 representatives and 6 million clients, Primerica is bound to be the subject of a certain number of complaints about improper agent conduct, as well as product and administrative complaints. Rip-Off's investigation found such complaints, but importantly also found that Primerica is committed to resolving such complaints quickly and doing everything possible to satisfy its clients. It also takes appropriate action against any of its representatives who are found to have conducted themselves improperly or unethically. We believe that the number of complaints against this company, whether through the Internet or other channels, is small when put into the context of its enormous size. Most big companies would never commit themselves like Primerica has. Read our investigative Report and Primerica's commitment to 100% consumer satisfaction. Primerica Financial Services provides products and services through independent representatives. Primerica has more than 100,000 licensed representatives who serve more than 6 million clients in the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico, Spain and the United Kingdom. Through a Financial Needs Analysis, the companys representatives provide a snapshot of a familys financial picture and suggest a strategy for financial security via Primericas products and services Primericas business opportunity is attractive to people from many different backgrounds, including women, African-Americans, Hispanics and young adults

I went to one of their group interviews. Here's what I noticed about the way they do things. The interview is moved at a very accelerated pace at night to avoid possible candidates from thinking. All of the questions are formatted into what they have to say so that the "audience" gets involved and believes the BS. Much like Charles Manson would give his disciples acid and manipulate them into mimicking his hand movements. The one time a guy called out their bullshit the speaker become very angry in an attempt to shut him down. I thought to myself that these were the classic markings of a cult. Sure enough, I researched the company and it looks like it. I researched that they chant Amen. Now one might ask. How do you know this by not experincing working with them first hand. I HAD A DISCUSSION WITH AN EMPLOYEE who attends the same "spot" I do. I had told this dude about their BS and how one of their agents continued to call my house and even ask a relative if I was coming to his meeting after I left him a very obvious message. "I want nothing to do with you." He told a girl at the "spot" about these psychos. It turns out that she is a employee of primerica. I told her about what I had found and she never gave a yes or no answer to any of my questions, she just said, "oh there's alot of agents out there from rival companies who post things to slander us." I said, "there's no reason for person after person to make up that these psychos chant amen at their meetings. Am I right?" She said, " Well if there are african american employees chanting amen at the meetings they can't be stopped." Just because they're black they chant amen, come on. Thankyou for proving my suspicious. I SAID oh OK I never knew that just to make her feel comfortable and set her up for the knock out. I said, " your agents have said if you are skeptical do not join. Now to me that means they don't want people to question because they have something to hide." SHE SAID, "Well as a recruiter what that means to me is I do not want someone questioning what I am teaching them. I want all of their heart to be into it. so it works. you know." She successfully repeated and proved what I had just said. You guys are smart do the math of the comment. They obviously don't want people thinking for themselves, do they? Otherwise the brainwashing would not work because for brainwahing to work one must let it. All of their heart to be into selling insurance give me a break. What is it, a crusade. No. But they want the mentallity of one. Don't you think it's very strange that financial company would want that kind don't question dogmaticism? If you are doing business with someone don't you want them to be someone who THINKS FOR THEMSELVES? Especially that they would think and question while they learn their craft? By the way the name Primerica is very Orwellian. Prime of America. If those *&*& are gonna be the prime of america we should all move to Europe. Primerica DID NOT get any money from me but they were a terrible waste of time. That in my book, is a RIPOFF! THEY SAY THEY CAN MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE. BULL*&*&. ONLY YOU CAN MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE. DON'T FALL FOR THAT LAME HOOK. SCREW YOU PRIMERICA. NO ONE WASTES MY TIME. AND MOST OF ALL NO ONE ATTEMPTS TO BRAINWASH ME AND GETS AWAY WITH IT. I HOPE I HELP SOME PEOPLE IN THEIR DECISION. Reich None of your business, Illinois

7 Updates & Rebuttals


E. Windsor,
New Jersey,

Rebutting SD (Dallas)

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, November 16, 2006

So SD, you have all that education, but can't spell insinuate and your grammar leaves something to be desired as you have deadwood in your posting along with other defects.

You said, "My experience so far has been GREAT. I make a few hundred extra dollars a week part-time. That's going on ONLY 1 or 2 appointments a week(approx 2-4 hrs)." Prove it with documentation as I'm calling you out by branding you a liar. Your self-serving statements are filled with hot air and I'll be looking for your float at the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade.

"It does appear that skeptical people that run into the "shady" reps have a bad experience." Just check Ripoff Report as there are thousands of dissatisfied agents and Crimerican customers.

"As far as the policies being over-priced my clients have found that ___________ policies are actually cheaper than the policies they replace."

Not what Crimerica's metamorphosis website admits to regarding their expensive term policies.

Now it's time to educate SD what Ripoff Report is all about. So pay attention:

"Victim of a consumer Rip-off? Want justice? Rip-off Report? is a worldwide consumer reporting Website & Publication, by consumers, for consumers, to file & document complaints about companies or individuals who ripoff consumers."



Refinancing my home

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, November 16, 2006

A Primerica repersentive approched me about refinancing my 5.75% loan. He tried to convence me that the 8 % loan would save me money.



SD in Dallas - You're a LIAR

#8Consumer Comment

Fri, November 10, 2006

Sure, you may have made a few (probably VERY few) dollars off of a few suckers in your personal network, but you're not telling the whole story.

When potential recruits refer to "part-time income", they ARE NOT referring to $1000 in some penny-ante, beginner's-luck, one-shot deal. Instead, they referring to AT LEAST $5,000 per year ($5/hr x 1000 hours per year, 2000 hours per year is a full-time job). If one is able to see $5000 of Primerica income BEFORE their 1000th hour of "work", then Primerica is a good possibility for making income. The thing is, NO ONE accomplishes this. NO ONE makes $5000 before their 1000th hour of work in Primerica. That's when RVPs switch into "You can be a millionaire mode". Yeah, good luck with the millionaire thing when you haven't even made the $5000 you could have made at McDonalds with all that work.

So, here you are with endless hours of work and no money. What does one do then? That's when the new recruit a) Quits OR b) gets desperate and becomes a liar, cheat and/or Primerica thief.

NO ONE that makes a living in Primerica is 100% truthful about what the company offers. Honest Primerica reps are ALL broke.



I'm a Rep Great Choice for Me

#8UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 05, 2006

I first heard about Primerica 11/2005 researched it and ran across this site back then.

There are several threads/complaints on this site about Primerica. The ranting and raving about it being a pyramid. Then that it is a rip-off. Then the all they want is your "list". How it's a "cult", the reps work 60-80 hours a week...etc.

Despite what I read I got involved with company. I figured it was a winning situation for me. I've always wanted to venture off into my own biz and to have professional licenses to back me up couldn't be all bad.

My experience so far has been GREAT. I make a few hundred extra dollars a week part-time. That's going on ONLY 1 or 2 appointments a week(approx 2-4 hrs). I am currently considering going full-time(The freedom of working when I want).

It does appear that skeptical people that run into the "shady" reps have a bad experience. But that could be what they are attracting.

As far as the policies being over-priced my clients have found that Primerica's policies are actually cheaper than the policies they replace. Some choose to increase the face value because they are comfortable with their current policies premium others go for the savings.

I haven't taken my securites exam so I can't do investment products.

I know this won't do anything for those that just HATE Primerica. But hopefully it will give a realistic perspective from a real Primerica Rep part-timer.

My background...

B.S. Electrical Engineering

A.S. Computer Science Engineering

Day-Job Engineering for major Telecommunications Company

since some of these supposedly educated haters try to insenuate education has something to do with it.



Do your homework

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, October 03, 2006

I was invited to join primerica. The only reason I did not join was because I did not want to take a test for an insurance license and the market is flooded with insurance products of that type whichwould make it difficult to sell. As far as the comment about Primerica being a cult, you have to look at the big picture. You would definately not join if tose people were not excited about their product. If you understood Multi Level Marketing, you would understand what you saw. I do not think they are a rip off, I think that your level of thinking needs work. When you look at a business opportunity in Multi-Level Marketing, there are things you must evaluate. One being How long the company has been in business. The second being the product and what it does and its competitors. Third the need for it in the marketplace. The timing for the product, in primerica's case its timing is off as far as life insurance is concerned. Lastly, the compensation plan. You must evaluate the compensation plan and the level of difficulty to acheive it!! I agree it is not a wise investment looking at the product, but I do not see them as a rip off. I advise you to read " Your First Year In Network Marketing". It is a great book and you will have a full understanding of MLM and its principles.


Rhode Island,


#8UPDATE Employee

Sun, October 01, 2006

I hate to break it to you, but it's not a rip off. It is 100% legit. Yes, it does seem too good to be true, but I assure you that it is not "BS". The $199 they ask for to get you into classes DOES cover the books and you get REIMBURSED for it! They don't want to take your money so you should really get that out of your head.

If you can't see the opportunity, it doesn't mean you should slander the company.

We DON'T chant amen-- I don't know where you heard or saw that. It could have been within that office. It is not a cult. Honestly, if the office I work at chanted amen, I would have been freaked out as well. It's like when you have a bad dining experience because the staff sucks.. They are all working representing the company and you might say "Oh, _______ is such a horrible restaurant! Don't go there!" and you wouldn't return. That doesn't mean that they don't have great food so maybe you should just avoid that particular location. The same goes for the office! They have great "food", but the staff ruined the experience.

When you meet like minded people, don't you form a close bond with them? Primerica is about positivity and working as a TEAM to help people. You are puzzled about why they want someone to be into it with all of their heart.. Well, if you are working in a retail store and the only reason you are there is because you need a job, but you hate the store because you don't like their products or their mission statement, you will guaranteed be the worst employee working for them. Same goes with this situation... If you don't believe that you can help anyone and you are just going through the motions of it all, you won't help anyone. You don't get anywhere with negitivity. All you are going to do is bring everyone else down so they don't want you there if you don't believe in them. And you aren't just selling life insurance. YES. You do sell it. But there is more to the company than that.

BTW-- when you get a life insurance policy, they will charge you more and you will get less of a benefit. Their policy, you pay LESS and get MORE coverage.. Not to mention that if something happens to you, the insurance company keeps most of the money. Primerica pays out everything you put in and then some.

I am not brain washed. I was quite skeptical as well. But it's no joke.

People often change their minds when they have the time to think about what they could be losing which is the reason why they do the follow up call. I don't know why the recruiter still tried to call after you said you wanted nothing to do with them. And I am sorry that they didn't respect your privacy, but you can't hold that against the company.

I am really sorry that you have had a bad experience and there is nothing anyone can do to change it.. But you must understand, we are all people. We all have our faults. I'm sure the problem there is the way that particular office is run, but really-- I PROMISE you that Primerica is not out to ruin lives or brainwash anyone.



I was just contacted by a recruiter

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, October 01, 2006

I was just contacted by a recruiter and have a group interview set up for this week (which is not odd because my friends have went to a group interview at Radio Shack and Wet Seal). I have always kept my mind open - I have learned not to believe everything I hear (i.e., my father-in-law works at Ford and he always preached to me that I should buy a Ford, I did and it ended up costing me money and a whole lot of problems. So I have decided awhile ago to check out and then research and make up my own mind after I collect all the information.

But I have a few questions for you:

1. I thought this opportunity was for people who want to be or are already independent contractors - self-employed, not as a w-2 position or an employee. I was hoping to control my schedule because I have children and a busy life and I need the flexibility in a career.

2. About the chanting "Amen" - I wander if they are just religious individuals who just love God and they are just agreeing with the speaker. As you know, saying "amen" only means that they agree with a statement, so honestly, I don't know how I am really going to feel about that until I get the the interview to see it first-hand, but I do know that major league football and baseball players do prayer before each game, so I am not sure if stating that they agree with the speaker and showing that that believe in a higher being is all that bad.

3. Re: if you are skepkical do not join, I totally believe that. It would be similiar to if an amish person who doesn't believe in medical treatment should not work at a medical facility. Could you imagine - someone who works in the medical field who does not believe in the benefits of medicine and that person is my nurse or doctor??--no way!!! I am a professional and in my current career I have to believe in what I do or I can't do it efficiently.

4. Also, you indicated that they only sell life insurance, I thought that they also deal with debt and investments?? I was hoping to get a securities license.

5. I thought that the money was for them to send me to class and to pay for my books for me to pass the state life license test. I was under the impression that it was similar to a college course but shorter because there is an instructor and books for studying.

So basically I am at a lost because I spoke to the recruiter for about thirty minutes and was told all the above but then you have different facts. I am used to working with different companies and people and I came up with the conclusion a long time ago that some people don't know what the hell they are talking about. Take technical support, I don't know how many times I have spoken with those idiots and they wasted my time "trying to fix my computer software" and after the call, my pc still isn't working right. So maybe this person that you spoke with was just one of those people in a company that doesn't know that they are doing. Every company has these types of people.

I am going to the interview and find out for myself. I am a very analytical person so I will do the research and let you know what I find out. Thanks!!

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