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  • Report:  #1442480

Complaint Review: Perfect Body Bayshore L.I

Perfect Body Bayshore L.I Ripoff Bay Shore, Long Island, New York

  • Reported By:
    E.R — New York United States
  • Submitted:
    Fri, May 11, 2018
  • Updated:
    Wed, November 14, 2018

Estelis R.

This was my experience and my honest review; My mom and I went to perfect body in hopes to eliminated fat through the Laser procedure. I asked for a laser procedure to eliminate fat. I had given birth two months prior and was undergoing postpartum depression and anxiety. When I realized I was not ready to do such procedure. I was completely honest with Patrick, who is the owner as he stated and told him the truth "I made a mistake in signing the contract I was not in my right mental state I made the decision under postpartum d." I get teary I was still very emotional given i had a baby 2 moths prior also because I knew I could not afford this. Initially I was charged 11,500 for three area so Patrick told me if decide not to do the procedure I would be charged around 6,000 in "disposables" since i did not cancel my appointment within their 24 hour time frame. My husband and I looked at each other scratching our heads thinking how can disposables cost more than half of the cost of treatment without getting any treatment done? This is a form of COERCION! its almost like we had no choice but to go through with the procedure or else we would be charged 6,000 just for stepping in their office . So Patrick "sympathized" and worked down the price to 8,500. He said he would refund me 3,000, the following day I get a call from him stating he made a mistake in the math and he's actually going to refund me 2.500 which came out to the agreed price of 8,500. I said ok. But, I still don't want to go through with this procedure but there was no going back.

The first day of the procedure I knew I was robbed cold. These treatments are extremely superficial and the science behind it is highly questionable. Perfect Body offers a fat melting procedure called Exilis and a collagen booster called Thermage. THERMAGE AND EXILIS ARE NOT LASER THEY ARE RADIO FREQUENCY TREATMENTS. I WAS SOLD RADIO FREQUENCY TREATMENTS INSTEAD OF LASER.  I am warning everyone who is currently doing their research on this company not to sign their contract at least for the collagen booster and fat melting services. There is absolute no money back no matter the circumstance its one of the first terms of agreement stated in plain view in their contract. I made a huge mistake signing it. They charged me 8,500 for 5 treatments of Exilis on three areas stomach, bra line and arms. These procedures yielded no results whatsoever not 1% of fat was melted and now I am stuck with 8,500 dollars to pay for absolutely nothing. This decision added immense stress to my life. My mother had no results either she went in for fat reduction on the chin area. nothing happened we look the same. what a ripoff every month I have to pay 190.00 for absolutely nothing. 

2 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
United States


#3Consumer Comment

Wed, November 14, 2018

Estelis R.

I was scammed out of $7,400.  I do not care about getting my money back.  I care about getting your money back.  I read your posts on here and on the Better Business Bureau website and because of what happened to you I am going to start a class action lawsuit to defend you and bring this guy to justice.  I have two mother daughter scenarios and another woman who was in good shape and saw no results.  This is unacceptable.  You cannot price something at $8,000 and it not work.  What you were sold was PRICE ANCHORED/INFLATED ORIGINAL PRICE overvalued.  The price doesn't exist in the market.  It's imaginary and anyone who can take $8,000 from a woman in your mental state, suffering from body dysmporphia after birth is an animal and he needs to be caged.  Please CONTACT ME ASAP.  YOU ARE THE STAR OF THIS CASE ESTELIS AND BECAUSE OF WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU ANY JUDGE WHO HAS AN OUNCE OF COMPASSION is going to look at this guy with daggars coming out of her eyes.  I am disabled, you are suffering from mental illness, and the other woman scammed is over 70.  Judge is going to be very pissed off trust me.  NOT ACCEPTABLE.  As a Christian, if I made a deal with you and what I sold you didn't bring the results worth $8,000, I answer to a higher moral authority, I would have to return your money.  I didn't earn your money, my product failed.  This guy by his own choices and scam can be easily proved to be a horrific business ethics violations trust me. Any demon compared to Christ will lose mightly.  This is the inheritance of the children of the saints. He seals his own fate by the things he does in his advertising and his contract that are contrary to normal law.  All about protecting him and absolutely nothing about the buyers right.  You cannot by law have such an uneven rights contract between buyer and seller.  I judge will frown at this and see his scam.  Everyone by law has a right to get what they pay for and if they don't and the seller refuses to return the money it is expect that such a person would be sued.  This is not $100 loss he is scamming people out of thousands a week and getting away with it.

Please mail me on here ASAP.  I am working very hard on my lawsuit case and will bring it to several attornies soon.  I will find a top notch lawyer who has a history of never losing.  Even if I have to go into Manhattan to find him.  We have 6 years to do this.  This is Scheme to Defraud in the 1st Degree .... I see the scam step by step and I can prove it.  After the fact, its so obvious how the scam works.  His goal is to create a scenario that doesn't exist and then defraud you of your money.  He got way too greedy after the pricing started to work and now he's hitting people $7,000 to $8,000 a pop in package deals.  Only 14% of people who are scammed will go public with the fact that they are robbed. I am hoping that a judge will supeana his client register and pandoras box will be opened and who he really is will be exposed and they will shut him down.  Please write me ASAP or on here.



E. Patchogue,
New York,
United States

You were caught up in an elaborate scam just like I was. I have read your complaint and I am looking to start class action lawsuit

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, November 06, 2018

Elaborate Advertising/Rip Off Scam:

You will recall the following just like me after the fact more than likely unless you did not receive a flyer in the mail encouraging you to come in with a high price discount.

1) No frill flyer received in the mail promising an astronomical discount (it's bogus) 45%-65% off.

2) You can tell he is a scam artist because he's willing to cheapen his brand by seeming so NO FRILLS!

3) A plastic surgeon or dermatologist (doctor) who offers laser treatments would never cheapen his image like this and offer such a high discount.

4) Show before & after photos to give you false hope. How do I know this?  What he writes in his disclaimer!!

5) Hidden in disclaimer on the bottom of the flyer in small white letters (What an honorable guy!!! 91% of people do not read disclaimers studies show!) he states in so many words the before and after pictures are taken from several sources and are for illustrative purposes ONLY! Little does the SNAKE realize that he's screwing himself when he uses that word because by definition of the word "illustrative" means "to show a step by step outcome of something" to illustrate how you got to the outcome.  And he uses the word "ONLY" so he contradicts himself.  And this could possible be used in court against him.

6) He says he's #1 laser facility in NY but yet there is a complaint from a woman in her 70s with no results under her chin for $8,000 loss and you on here and  the BBB website who just had a baby with a $8,000 loss and he refuses to feel any compassion and refund either of your money.  It costs him for 7 treatments for face and body packages $30 per hour for his girl to do the treatmen $210 so he made and took from you $7,790 WITH YOU GETTING NO RESULTS.  THIS BORDERLINES pathological AND MUST BE ILLEGAL! You of course don't figure all this out until after he's SCAMMED YOU anywhere between $7,000 and $10,000 out of you with no results.  If something of $8,000 price does not work.  IT'S NOT WORTH $8,000 and he is guility of PRICE INFLATING of HIGHER VALUE then the service is really worth.  THIS HAS TO BE AGAINST THE LAW GIRL.  WE GOT HIM!!

7) Don't tell you that these procedures are for people who are slightly overweight who are looking for sculpting or toning.  It will not help and overweight person or severe stretchmarkes or sagging skin from birth for any significant period of time and any results for both type of people will be temporary.

8) Adrienne in my case is caughting Price Anchoring/Rigging DEFINITELY.  She quote the original price of $9,800 for Vellashape III and $8,800 for Thermage CPT on eyes BEFORE DISCOUNT OF 60%.  All pricing on internet I find in NY for after I got scammed for Vellashape III are between $1,150-$3,000.  She willfully and deliberately set out to deceive me with the inflated price of $9,800.  I came in with a 60% discount flyer.  I was confused I had several flyers at home ranging from 45, 55, 60, 65%.  And I did the mathematics and it was the 60% flyer.  She scammed me down to above normal price to $3,800 even with the 60% off.  The Thermage CPT $8,800 original price ... I see it $2,000-$5,000 range highest.  She scammed me down from $8,800 to $3,600 with a 60% discount to the normal price everyone else was paying.  SO IN BOTH CASES SHE SCAMMED ME THERE WAS NO DISOUNT SHE WAS PRICE ANCHORING/RIGGING the original bogus price..  Lied in both case and scammed into two package deal with discount out of $7,400 in total.  OUt of the 50 reviews I captured before his lawyer threatens you and sends you a Cease and Disses letter to Coerce you to shut up and take your complaint down.  The most common complaints I saw and put on a spreadsheet all said the original price was TOO HIGH!  They can't work the discount scam without the price being inflated. To lure you into their business they send out the high discount.  Middle class people do not have disposal income for cosmetic procedures and you will think you are getting the chance of a lifetime to get cosmetic treatments and then she hits you with $9,800 and $8,000 discounted to $7,400 and puts on two separate contracts so its doesn't look like a high priced contract of $7,400 total which would look bad for them in court.

9) The Sales Agreement.  All rigged to make the seller money.  All the buyer has is hope.  You don't realize you are signing your rights away he thinks. by hiding your down fall in the disclaimer.  But he F'S IT UP GIRL!  THE value of the service is overpriced and their for he is guilty of fraud.

10) Non-refundable and non-cancellable. Adriene was telling me not to worry would give more treatments no matter what.  She was playing the good wife wile dad says you can't have something.  She schemes you verbally behind closed doors and misleads you verbally and he seals you demise in the disclaimer ... Now if you really want to look like those before and after photos I can't promise you anything and if you sign this contract that ensures I GET ALL YOUR MONEY WHETHER I GIVE YOU WHAT YOU PAID FOR OR NOT HA HA What a complete POS girl.  How did we fall for this crap.  Because he played our emotions and A JUDGE IS GOING TO LIVID when you come in suffering with mental illness, and so am I and a woman in her 70s.  Trust me she is going to have no compassion for this b*****d when she sees the scam for herself step by step.

11) It cost him $30 for 6 sessions for the Vella treament $180 total for his tech and he charged me $3,800.  So he made $3,620 for no results off of me and $3,600 for the Thermage for $30 for the hour for the girl and made $3,570 off of me with no results. THE TREATMENTS ARE NOT WORTH WHAT HE SAID THEY ARE THEN AND HE'S PRICE RIGGING/INFLATING and that is unethical business practice, adverising fraud, consumer fraud, scheme to defraud, and grand larcey just for starters girl!

11) Most don't know in the disclaimer on the Sales Agreement it says "You are not promised any results and you are not expecting results." WTF! I can't believe I fell for this because this girl was so welcoming and full of s**t.

WELCOME TO THE ELABORATE PERFECT BODY SCAM YOU WERE SUCKED INTO sista ... I AM STARTING A CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT.  Lets to get this b*****d girl.  Please respond to this and give me your email address and I will contact you privately.  I have several women waiting to join.  3 mother daughters combinations scammed.  Very very sad, a girl who was thin and lost weight and the fat pocket still didn't change, girls who took their older mothers in and got scammed out of thousands.

In my opinion this guy is a predator and he needs to be put out of business!

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