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  • Report:  #185565

Complaint Review: Impact 210

One Source Talent - Wilhelmina Scouting Network - WSN - Trans Continental Talent - TCT - Options Talent - E-Model - Industry Magazine these people are amazing how is this still going on? New York New York

  • Reported By:
    New York New York
  • Submitted:
    Sat, April 08, 2006
  • Updated:
    Wed, April 12, 2006

As an ex-employee of the WSN, TCT, Options, E-model lunacy, allow me to clue you in on exactly how sick the people at the helm are.

I too was personally familiar with Mike Fromkin. He and 100% of the rest of the disenfranchised former owners in the WSN / TCT blowout really knew absolutly nothing about the industry, just as the guy from New Jersey mentions in his multiple posts. No one in the modeling industry sits in the front of a room and blabs about nonesense that he dated or knew personally a supermodel with his arms propped on his fat stomach.

Even worse, this A. Defrawri, aka. Alec... the best way to describe him is an "evil genius". He built this scam from 2 people in a room making phone calls to unsuspecting victims to the point where it had 100s of offices with scouts just funnelling in the poor saps to pay $1000 to post their pictures online to get exposure. Its difficult to describe briefly, but from what I saw first hand, he was an absolute mastermind. Brilliant at figuring out new and creative ways to continue to convince employees and potential "talent" alike that the company wasn't a scam and that all of the things you read online and saw on the news were simply because we were "misunderstood".

When the company went public, incidentally, although we were all asked to sign confidentiality agreements and etc. that prohibited insider trading, we were advised that (not a true quote) "the famous Lou Perlman, owner of Transcontinental Airlines and the maker of the backstreet boys will be our new chairman... that should tell you what you need to do" basically implying that we should buy stock cheap for a fast profit.

(a fellow ex employee lost their shirt because the stock ended up at less than $0.10 a share only a year after they purchased $1000 worth at $20 a share).

I personally have knowledge of the former lives of other certain former franchisees, whose careers included, respecively:
- marketing in the liquor industry
- being an administrative assistant in a Boston office building
- other entirely unrelated fields... not even remotely close

These people are simply all knowing in one key area: mind games.

You see, the company did have one thing it knew how to do. Manipulate people. The corporation hired the franchisees to run their offices for 2 reasons:

1) it allowed them to defer the risk onto the franchisees of getting bagged for the scam
2) the franchisees were taught to make their employees part of their family- to mainpulate people into believing they cared about them by taking care of them at just the right moments

So the franchisees would do things like paying for dinner and drinks constantly, to stay on your good side, while you worked the program and allowed them to make, at one point, over $600 per "model" scammed. (while you, even if you were an office director, were lucky to make $50)

The worst part of this is that at one point, all of us were so engrained with the idea that we were really just "different" from the rest of the industry and we really weren't scamming people, that we were actually able to defend against accusations by DATELINE NBC. We could actually, in our own minds and the minds of others, convince people that something obviously as scam, was not.

That, my friends, is lunacy.

I've since completely disassociated myself from the industry.

All of these people are obviously very intelligent to be able to continue to pull the wool over so many "would be model's" eyes that they can make enough money to keep this going. Its insane if you ask me.

The government- why do you people think they'll step in. This is small potatoes to them. ... Unfortunatley, to those who get scammed, it's not.

The guy from new jersey was right... the loud techno music, the fashion show videos on the TV screen... its all designed to make you feel isolated in the room as you wait and listen to their "office director". (I know... I was one that helped develop that idea. And it worked... all too well.)

If you've been a victim, trust me... those of us who were involved feel worse than you could ever possibly imagine. Those of us with a conscience, anyways.

The closest I've ever been to a cult... in fact, I'd go so far as to say it WAS a cult. A cult of pure manipulation.

New York, New York

3 Updates & Rebuttals


New Jersey,

Fomkin is a Crook

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, April 12, 2006

Do not work w/ or for Impact 210.
Do not give anyone any money who has anything to do w/ Micheal Fomkin, or Alec Defrawey.
They are evil con artist crooks.
You will not become a model or get any where dealing w/ them.

They rip everyone off.

Schmoogie was telling the truth about the "hot tip" that was passed on to the franchises through Corporate.

The staff at the Options Talent Offices were told
that the company would be merging w/ Transcontinental Talent, owned by Lou Pearlman,
and if they went out and purchased shares in the company now, before the merger, they could buy company shares dirt cheap that would go way up in value after the merge, making them all large proffits.

What a bunch of jerks.
These people had people scouting for them, they weren't paying them what they deserved, if anything, and then they took more money from them by convincing them to purchase company stocks.

These people, from Options Talent-Transcontinental Talent, are the same people running, owning, and involved w/ IMPACT 210.
Evil greedy crooks.

They rip everyone off.
The talent they enroll on their network,
and their staff.

I was staff. These crooks still owe me money.
These crooks have changed their name and their location. But they are still pulling the same bs.
They are still screwing over everyone they come into contact w/.

Do not work for them. Do not work with them.
Do not give them any money for any reason.
Trust me, you will regret it.
You will not gain anything positive from any experience that you have w/ them.
They do not have your best interests in mind.
All they care about, is how they can screw you and take money from you.

Fomkin knows absolutly NOTHING about modeling.
It really should be illegal for him to be allowed to pretend that he does, and to get people to give him money based on all the lies he has told. He is robbing people. He is stealing.
He is taking money, and giving nothing in return.

Schmoogie is right, many of us w/ a conscience do feel very bad for any of the models that gave this man and the other crooks any money to try to jump start a career in modeling.

Just b/c you got taken advantage of by these crooks doesn't mean that you still can't make it.
Do it the right way.

Check w/ the Department of Occupational Safety in your state to see which agencies are legitimate.

Send them some pictures, then take it from there.
Do not check to see if agencies are legitimate w/ the "Better Business Bureau."
Micheal Fomkin lies all the time.
But one time he told us a story about the BBB, that I am going to pass on in case there is any truth to it.

Fomkin said the BBB was started by the Mafia.
He says it is not legitimate. It is a money making business.

People and companies can pay the Better Business
B to have negative reports removed.
That may have something do do w/ the lack of negative reports on file at the BBB as far as TCT, WSN, etc. is concerned. So part of me believes that story that Fomkin told, but who knows, he lies all the time about everything.
To be on the safe side, check w/ the Department of Occupational Safety.

They are run by the Gov't, unlike the BBB, and they do not accept bribes. So any information that the DOS has is likely to be accurate.
Good luck to everyone still loooking to find a legitimate career in this Industry!
PS Sam/Scam, since when is Fomkin married w/ two kids anyhow?

Nice try. There isn't anything you scumbags aren't willing to lie about. And to fake his death? How low can you go?
Besides, who in their right mind would marry Fomkin and reproduce w/ him?
That is the scariest thing ever. Little demon baby con artists.

Fomkin has no game and zero skills when it comes to chicks.
That's why the model scam business is this con artist's crooked career choice.
It's the only way he can feel like he has any power over women.
Ones that want to be models. He tricks them into giving him their money, then gets them to kiss his a*s in hopes of him miraculously making them into models.
That's the only way he could ever get a women to give him the time of day.

It's pretty sad.
That's how pathetic he is.
And ladies, he doesn't have any modeling jobs to offer you that is worth the payment you are giving him.

You have nothing to gain. You will only lose when you get involved w/ this crook.
PPS- I hold Rip off Report responsible for the crumble of the TCT -WSN empire.
Consumers reading all those reports made a big difference. Didn't it?

Well, I just hope that some potential future consumers/ employees stumble upon this site, read what is written about your crooked history and your current Impact 210 scam, and then think twice about what they're getting themselves into.
Hopefully, this Rip off Report site will be responsible for putting you out of business permanently since the Gov't has better things to do.

And I know you fear this site.
After I quit you threatened me and told me that I "better not post anything on this site, or else."
Or else what? You're a little scary. I suppose you could sit on me or something, but really, I'm not too concerned w/ your threats.
I'm concerned that you are screwing over new talent and scouts, etc. as I type this, and I think it should all stop.


New Jersey,

Fomkin is a Crook

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, April 12, 2006

Do not work w/ or for Impact 210.
Do not give anyone any money who has anything to do w/ Micheal Fomkin, or Alec Defrawey.
They are evil con artist crooks.
You will not become a model or get any where dealing w/ them.

They rip everyone off.

Schmoogie was telling the truth about the "hot tip" that was passed on to the franchises through Corporate.

The staff at the Options Talent Offices were told
that the company would be merging w/ Transcontinental Talent, owned by Lou Pearlman,
and if they went out and purchased shares in the company now, before the merger, they could buy company shares dirt cheap that would go way up in value after the merge, making them all large proffits.

What a bunch of jerks.
These people had people scouting for them, they weren't paying them what they deserved, if anything, and then they took more money from them by convincing them to purchase company stocks.

These people, from Options Talent-Transcontinental Talent, are the same people running, owning, and involved w/ IMPACT 210.
Evil greedy crooks.

They rip everyone off.
The talent they enroll on their network,
and their staff.

I was staff. These crooks still owe me money.
These crooks have changed their name and their location. But they are still pulling the same bs.
They are still screwing over everyone they come into contact w/.

Do not work for them. Do not work with them.
Do not give them any money for any reason.
Trust me, you will regret it.
You will not gain anything positive from any experience that you have w/ them.
They do not have your best interests in mind.
All they care about, is how they can screw you and take money from you.

Fomkin knows absolutly NOTHING about modeling.
It really should be illegal for him to be allowed to pretend that he does, and to get people to give him money based on all the lies he has told. He is robbing people. He is stealing.
He is taking money, and giving nothing in return.

Schmoogie is right, many of us w/ a conscience do feel very bad for any of the models that gave this man and the other crooks any money to try to jump start a career in modeling.

Just b/c you got taken advantage of by these crooks doesn't mean that you still can't make it.
Do it the right way.

Check w/ the Department of Occupational Safety in your state to see which agencies are legitimate.

Send them some pictures, then take it from there.
Do not check to see if agencies are legitimate w/ the "Better Business Bureau."
Micheal Fomkin lies all the time.
But one time he told us a story about the BBB, that I am going to pass on in case there is any truth to it.

Fomkin said the BBB was started by the Mafia.
He says it is not legitimate. It is a money making business.

People and companies can pay the Better Business
B to have negative reports removed.
That may have something do do w/ the lack of negative reports on file at the BBB as far as TCT, WSN, etc. is concerned. So part of me believes that story that Fomkin told, but who knows, he lies all the time about everything.
To be on the safe side, check w/ the Department of Occupational Safety.

They are run by the Gov't, unlike the BBB, and they do not accept bribes. So any information that the DOS has is likely to be accurate.
Good luck to everyone still loooking to find a legitimate career in this Industry!
PS Sam/Scam, since when is Fomkin married w/ two kids anyhow?

Nice try. There isn't anything you scumbags aren't willing to lie about. And to fake his death? How low can you go?
Besides, who in their right mind would marry Fomkin and reproduce w/ him?
That is the scariest thing ever. Little demon baby con artists.

Fomkin has no game and zero skills when it comes to chicks.
That's why the model scam business is this con artist's crooked career choice.
It's the only way he can feel like he has any power over women.
Ones that want to be models. He tricks them into giving him their money, then gets them to kiss his a*s in hopes of him miraculously making them into models.
That's the only way he could ever get a women to give him the time of day.

It's pretty sad.
That's how pathetic he is.
And ladies, he doesn't have any modeling jobs to offer you that is worth the payment you are giving him.

You have nothing to gain. You will only lose when you get involved w/ this crook.
PPS- I hold Rip off Report responsible for the crumble of the TCT -WSN empire.
Consumers reading all those reports made a big difference. Didn't it?

Well, I just hope that some potential future consumers/ employees stumble upon this site, read what is written about your crooked history and your current Impact 210 scam, and then think twice about what they're getting themselves into.
Hopefully, this Rip off Report site will be responsible for putting you out of business permanently since the Gov't has better things to do.

And I know you fear this site.
After I quit you threatened me and told me that I "better not post anything on this site, or else."
Or else what? You're a little scary. I suppose you could sit on me or something, but really, I'm not too concerned w/ your threats.
I'm concerned that you are screwing over new talent and scouts, etc. as I type this, and I think it should all stop.


New Jersey,

Fomkin is a Crook

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, April 12, 2006

Do not work w/ or for Impact 210.
Do not give anyone any money who has anything to do w/ Micheal Fomkin, or Alec Defrawey.
They are evil con artist crooks.
You will not become a model or get any where dealing w/ them.

They rip everyone off.

Schmoogie was telling the truth about the "hot tip" that was passed on to the franchises through Corporate.

The staff at the Options Talent Offices were told
that the company would be merging w/ Transcontinental Talent, owned by Lou Pearlman,
and if they went out and purchased shares in the company now, before the merger, they could buy company shares dirt cheap that would go way up in value after the merge, making them all large proffits.

What a bunch of jerks.
These people had people scouting for them, they weren't paying them what they deserved, if anything, and then they took more money from them by convincing them to purchase company stocks.

These people, from Options Talent-Transcontinental Talent, are the same people running, owning, and involved w/ IMPACT 210.
Evil greedy crooks.

They rip everyone off.
The talent they enroll on their network,
and their staff.

I was staff. These crooks still owe me money.
These crooks have changed their name and their location. But they are still pulling the same bs.
They are still screwing over everyone they come into contact w/.

Do not work for them. Do not work with them.
Do not give them any money for any reason.
Trust me, you will regret it.
You will not gain anything positive from any experience that you have w/ them.
They do not have your best interests in mind.
All they care about, is how they can screw you and take money from you.

Fomkin knows absolutly NOTHING about modeling.
It really should be illegal for him to be allowed to pretend that he does, and to get people to give him money based on all the lies he has told. He is robbing people. He is stealing.
He is taking money, and giving nothing in return.

Schmoogie is right, many of us w/ a conscience do feel very bad for any of the models that gave this man and the other crooks any money to try to jump start a career in modeling.

Just b/c you got taken advantage of by these crooks doesn't mean that you still can't make it.
Do it the right way.

Check w/ the Department of Occupational Safety in your state to see which agencies are legitimate.

Send them some pictures, then take it from there.
Do not check to see if agencies are legitimate w/ the "Better Business Bureau."
Micheal Fomkin lies all the time.
But one time he told us a story about the BBB, that I am going to pass on in case there is any truth to it.

Fomkin said the BBB was started by the Mafia.
He says it is not legitimate. It is a money making business.

People and companies can pay the Better Business
B to have negative reports removed.
That may have something do do w/ the lack of negative reports on file at the BBB as far as TCT, WSN, etc. is concerned. So part of me believes that story that Fomkin told, but who knows, he lies all the time about everything.
To be on the safe side, check w/ the Department of Occupational Safety.

They are run by the Gov't, unlike the BBB, and they do not accept bribes. So any information that the DOS has is likely to be accurate.
Good luck to everyone still loooking to find a legitimate career in this Industry!
PS Sam/Scam, since when is Fomkin married w/ two kids anyhow?

Nice try. There isn't anything you scumbags aren't willing to lie about. And to fake his death? How low can you go?
Besides, who in their right mind would marry Fomkin and reproduce w/ him?
That is the scariest thing ever. Little demon baby con artists.

Fomkin has no game and zero skills when it comes to chicks.
That's why the model scam business is this con artist's crooked career choice.
It's the only way he can feel like he has any power over women.
Ones that want to be models. He tricks them into giving him their money, then gets them to kiss his a*s in hopes of him miraculously making them into models.
That's the only way he could ever get a women to give him the time of day.

It's pretty sad.
That's how pathetic he is.
And ladies, he doesn't have any modeling jobs to offer you that is worth the payment you are giving him.

You have nothing to gain. You will only lose when you get involved w/ this crook.
PPS- I hold Rip off Report responsible for the crumble of the TCT -WSN empire.
Consumers reading all those reports made a big difference. Didn't it?

Well, I just hope that some potential future consumers/ employees stumble upon this site, read what is written about your crooked history and your current Impact 210 scam, and then think twice about what they're getting themselves into.
Hopefully, this Rip off Report site will be responsible for putting you out of business permanently since the Gov't has better things to do.

And I know you fear this site.
After I quit you threatened me and told me that I "better not post anything on this site, or else."
Or else what? You're a little scary. I suppose you could sit on me or something, but really, I'm not too concerned w/ your threats.
I'm concerned that you are screwing over new talent and scouts, etc. as I type this, and I think it should all stop.

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