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  • Report:  #290333

Complaint Review: Olan Mills

Olan Mills Needs A Dose Of Customer Service. Never Go There Again! Rude employees, long waits, don't live up to their end of a "great deal", no one calls you back! Jacksonville Florida

  • Reported By:
    Glen Saint Mary Florida
  • Submitted:
    Mon, December 10, 2007
  • Updated:
    Mon, November 23, 2009
  • Olan Mills
    Studio 9814 Jax/Normandy FL Kmart
    Jacksonville, Florida
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I would all of you to know that Olan Mills sure isn't what it use to be. I went to K-mart in Jacksonville/Normandy on 11/26/07 to get some christmas decorations, there was a lady outside advertising about Olan Mills pictures. (I had been thinking that I needed to get some done of my son for christmas anyway) Well she told me about a deal of a lifetime, couldn't pass it up. Well I paid my $10.00 and made the appt for 10:00am on 11/29/07.
11/29/07- I arrived at Olan Mills with my son in tow. I was about 10 min early. I was told I would have to wait because she couldn't clock in until 10am. Ok no problem. Well at 10am he went back there and the fun began. I will admit she was great (and she was the studio manager). My son does not like his photos being taken and to busy to sit still for one moment. She did such a great job that I even ordered some extras and paid alittle more. She printed my receipt and told me to be back here on 12/10/07 at 10am to pick them up. (It was even printed on my receipt)
12/10/07- At 9:45am I arrived at Olan Mills. I was so excited, couldn't wait to get them. Because I was a bit early I walked slowly to the Olan Mills (inside Kmart), got there to the studio at 9:50am and there was a little baby getting his photos done. (Wow I thought you don't open until 10am and I had to wait when my son wouldn't sit still, but ok different person taking the pics then who I had who cares) so I waited, and waited, and waited. Please keep in mind that this studio has no where to sit and you are in the back of the children's clothes section. Now by this time another mother and her 3 kids walked up to get their photos done. We both are now waiting. Finally at 10:45am the photographer comes out and goes to the mother and says come on back. I had to say sorry but I was here first and I am just picking up pictures. The photographer says" they aren't here yet" I asked her how in the world would she know that I didn't even give her my name nor my slip of paper. She states "they won't be in till 4pm, if they come in at all the rate we are going, there is nothing I can do, if you don't like it contact the number on the wall, but goodluck they never call back" I was floored that this woman was talking like this. Wow it's only the begining of the day and you are this way???? WOW.....My response was simple I am not happy and I live 45 miles away from this store (the closest Olan Mills to me) I need to know why online states they have been shipped and you don't have them as well as you didn't even look? She told me she was to busy to look cause she already knew they weren't in. I asked her "why wasn't I called about this"? She said "we don't have the time to go through all of them and call them". WOW I am still floored. But now I am getting angry. I said can I call you back at 4pm to see if they are in, she stated we don't answer the phone during work hours cause we are way to busy. I asked when the manager will be in she could not or would not disclose that information to me.
I did call the number she so eagerly gave me and it was a voice mail. It states on the voice mail can take up to 5-7 business days before they will return your call. I also left an e-mail.

So now I am stuck. I have no pictures and no time to get some more taken in time for Christmas. And no one will call me back. I researched the corp number (that is hard to find to) and finally have some numbers for anyone who needs them. Although I must say that I haven't gotten anywhere yet. But here they are. Corp office-423-622-5141. Customer service number- 1-800-251-6320. It was this number I found out that my pictures where mailed out on 12/05/07. Why don't I have them???????

Very angry,
Glen Saint Mary, FL

Glen Saint Mary, Florida

2 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

Just wanted to correct some things...

#3UPDATE Employee

Mon, November 23, 2009

I know this is an old post, but I saw the rebuttal from another newer employee that had some things that were incorrect.Typically, ASRs (those that work the coupon sales outside of the studio) know nothing about what really goes on inside the studio and the rules and procedures that we have to follow. Their job is not in the studio. It is true that we can only clock in at a certain time. It used to be right on the dot...Now we have to clock in 10 minutes before the studio is to be open. If we clock in any sooner and our programs do not show that it was necessary then we can get into trouble. The same goes with our lunches..we are required to take at least a 30 but they prefer an hour and if you take less then your computer better show that a 30 minute was all you could take. It is incorrect when the previous person said that no one checks times that are clocked in and out. Oh yes they do...they check everything you do. To the original poster, sorry about your experience at Olan Mills when you went to pick your portraits up. I'm not sure what is going on in the district you went to but that behavior is unacceptable and would not be tolerated with my district. To me it seems like in your situation the person who treated you that way forgot to leave their attitude and problems at the door. That person took their bad day out on you and that was uncalled for. What you should have done was stayed there and demanded that she look for your portraits. Chances are the portraits were in the drawer but because she was running behind she didn't want to get them. You should have been called if it was the case that they were not in because YES we do call! It's not true that we don't answer calls during business hours. No, we will not stop a session to answer a call, but if we can then we do answer. 

And to the made 22 an hour because they paid you so much per each coupon sold. How much would have been clarified when you hired on. 



A New Employee's Look Into Olan Mills

#3UPDATE Employee

Sun, February 15, 2009

I recently joined the Olan Mills team as an "ASR" aka the person that stands in front of K-mart/Belk/etc trying to sell portrait packages.

I just wanted to add that even as an employee, it is impossible to get any kind of information from the higher-up management. Even my direct manager cannot tell me the correct hours I am supposed to work more than one day in advance (and she is still wrong most of the time). The only phone number I was given (besides the regular studio numbers that you can find in the phone book) was her cell phone number. ALL information I get is filtered through her.

On my first pay check (which was supposed to be direct-deposited, but showed up in the mail), I made 198 dollars worth of "spiff" for 8 hours of training and 8 hours of actual working. You know as much as I do as to how that happened or how "spiff" bonuses are calculated. I have asked and no one seems to be able to explain how I made 22 dollars an hour.

There was also MUCH confusion the first couple of days I worked as to where I was supposed to be and what hours I was supposed to work. My "trainer" didn't do anything the whole time she was training me except sit and chat, shop at K-Mart, and play the "drop-down-crane" machine game.

As far as April from Florida's experience goes, I will say this: there is a VERY large turnover rate in employees at Olan Mills (even in lower level management). So, one experience doesn't indicate how the next will be because it's VERY likely that someone else is managing how things are done. And as far as having to wait for the girl to clock-in, that IS NOT the case. Clock In/Clock Out is done via their computer system, and you get paid for however long you are there. As far as I know, it is all done through the computer and no human checks to see how many hours anyone actually works. So you didn't have to wait for that, April. Also, all the portraits are shipped from Tennessee. They are SUPPOSED to be ready EXACTLY two weeks from the date you took them. I have never seen any problems with arrival, but I live closer to Tennessee. To address the answering the phone business: it's true. If the photographer is with a customer taking photos, he/she won't answer the phone. And, though it depends studio to studio, some photographers (like mine) won't let us ASRs answer the phone.

All of that being said, most of the long-time photographers really know their stuff. So, if you can find that certain person, and stick with them, they WILL give you really good deals. The photographer I work with has been with the company for over 20 years and her customers all have plans which get them really great values.

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