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  • Report:  #85204

Complaint Review: Oklahoma Dept Of Human Services

Oklahoma Dept Of Human Services Abuse and Neglect Promoted by CPS in OKDHS Oklahoma Oklahoma

  • Reported By:
    OklahomaCounty Oklahoma
  • Submitted:
    Wed, March 24, 2004
  • Updated:
    Fri, April 15, 2005
  • Oklahoma Dept Of Human Services
    Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Oklahoma is using the rewards and bonuses provided by the Adoptions and Safe Families Act of 1997. Just in this one case alone, the Intake Worker abused and neglected two children. When the speech delayed kindergartener tried to respond to the questions asked by the Intake Worker, the child became frustrated and used her eyes and limbs to let the worker know that she didn't understand what she was saying. The Intake Worker then called a MAN in to help hold the child down so she couldn't use her limbs to respond. The same worker failed to tell the Shelter workers about reactions to medication so one of the children suffered horrible abdominal pains for a MONTH! That worker resigned so she is not being held accountable for what she did to the children.

The next caseworker lied to the judge saying a grandmother visited the school and told the child what to say. A letter obtained from school officials, after the child was moved to another school, proves the visit never occurred. As a result of the caseworker lying, the judge ordered that the grandmother NEVER know what school the children attend.

It was reported to the OKDHS contracted psychologist that the grandfather of these children had THREE sons that he sexually molested. Those sons cannot be located by any member of the family but the information was USED by that witness to suggest that the children not be allowed to return to their home. The Guardian ad Litem as well as OKDHS has been requested to report the names of those three sons so the family can know who they are. They refuse to even make an effort to respond!

Educational Dolls were purchased from Hobby Lobby for the children to use in the foster home. OKDHS charged the giver with "bringing 'sexually explicit toys' for the children. When asked for their return so they could be returned to Hobby Lobby for refund, the giver was told that the 'sexually explicit toys' had been lost, stolen or misplaced and cannot be returned. How strange that 'evidence' is now lost, stolen or misplaced!

The OKDHS contracted counselor for the children reported to the judge that the children are too confused to even visit their grandmother. What is the job of a counselor?

During a home study, the grandmother was asked how her grandchildren's bones got broken. The grandmother was very shocked at the accusation. Finally, after several insistant queries by the home study worker, the grandmother asked "When were their bones broken?" The worker gave the grandmother the date that was on the OKDHS report. THEIR BONES WERE BROKEN WHILE THEY WERE IN CUSTODY IN A FOSTER HOME! There's never an apology! That same worker wanted the grandmother to sign a statement that was essentially a GAG order.

The DA informed the grandmother that she will NOT be permitted to visit with her grandchildren until she ADMITS that the father is a child molester. The grandmother CANNOT AGREE that a father who is responsible for potty training, giving baths, changing underwear and caring for the hygienic needs of his children is a child molester. There was no evident in trial that the father was a child molester! Yet, the DA and even the judge wants the grandmother to admit that she KNOWS her son is a child molester. Why are there so many lies and false accusations? If you read the Adoptions and Safe Families Act of 1997, you'll find the sole reason is to rake in monies through fraudulent accusations so children can be fostered out (MONEY FROM MEDICARE), adopted (MONEY FROM MEDICARE) and permanent emotional injuries forced on the little children (MONEY FROM MEDICARE).

If that isn't enough, the ASFA also provides that salaries of permanent placement workers and adoption workers as well as every other worker who deals with custody of children in DHS is paid stipends by MEDICARE for their salaries.

OKDHS even told the grandmother that she should bring the children's insurance policies to them so they can be given to the adoptive family! OKDHS also instructed the grandmother that she should bring all of the educational materials in her home to OKDHS so they can DISPOSE of them as they see fit!

SIX grievances were filed with the DHS Client Advocacy Office. Three of them, sent Certified Mail with Return Receipt Requested have turned up missing. The addressee reports the letter wasn never received. The post office reports it may have gotten 'stuck' in a mail bag and MAY never be found.

The DA told the jurors "This family has been destroyed! Take all parenting rights away from this parent!" The Guardian ad Litem told the jurors, "This home is not suitable for the return of the children."

One lawyer told the little boy that his daddy NEVER wanted to see him again! The lawyer also reported that the father had already given up all parenting rights ... yet, his trial date had not even been set and the case was removed from that judge's jurisdiction. As a result, the mother, even though she was under medical treatment, gave up her parenting rights. The aunt gave up her custody of one child.

The boy is SO emotionally disturbed by all the things OKDHS and their contractors have done to him that he has reportedly had to undergo Extended Grief Counseling! He was allowed to write a letter to his daddy saying "Daddy, just tell the truth!" Then, when the jury voted to take his parenting rights away, the boy was told "Honey, your daddy lied to the jurors so you will not be permitted to see him again!"

Why would OKDHS's Child Support Division send a letter to a parent telling him that child support MUST be paid to the mother of the children when the mother relinquished her parenting rights?

Why does the OKDHS KIDS report contain so many lies and fraudulent statements? Those reports need to be made available for review by clients so the DHS employees will take better care to tell the truth in the reports! Until then, the accumulation mounts and citizens never know what is written in their SECRET reports.

Why would the worker report that a letter was mailed to the parents when the letter NEVER even left her desk? Why would a DHS worker tell a parent to move out of the home, take the children and get a divorce but then when the parent follows those instructions, he is accused of depriving the children.

How much more suffering must little children go through before citizens of the USA and our legislators realize that the Department of Human Services needs to be forced to do their job of protecting children? DHS should NOT be encouraged by the ASFA to make false statements just so they can rake in more funds from Medicare!




Jones, Oklahoma

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Child Protective Services

6 Updates & Rebuttals




#7Author of original report

Fri, April 15, 2005

DHS/CPS will do all in their power to force you to sign their GAG ORDER forms. Oh, they don't call them GAG ORDERS! They just say, "We can't tell you anything about your children or the child of any other person until you sign this form!"

By signing the "GAG ORDER" form, DHS/CPS knows you will NOT be able to tell the truth about what is going on inside their halls. You will NOT be able to warn other people of what to expect.

DHS employees (Prospective Employees) MUST sign a GAG ORDER form before they can go to work for the Department of Human Services. If you are an employee, your job is in jeopardy if you mention anything about a case you or anyone else is dealing with, to anyone.

Do you ever wonder why DHS employees seldom make a statement in this forum? Now you know! Reading the reports, you'll see that employees fear for their life if they comment on this site while they're still employed by DHS. But, as soon as they feel safe, some former employees feel they CAN speak out about DHS abuse and neglect. Their job is no longer in jeopardy if they talk. BUT, DHS will do all in their power to harm the person within and without the agency.

I wish to thank those fearless employees and former employees for speaking out so those reading this report will better understand why families suffer so much pain forced upon them by the Department of Human Services.

ONE big question I've often wondered about is ... "What gives DHS the authority to decide who is and who is not to be a parent? Do they think they are GOD?

One thing DHS employees and their contractors need to remember is the scripture Luke 17:2. "It is better to tie a millstone around your neck and be dropped into the deepest sea than to injure even ONE of His little ones." I'm waiting for Him to activate His promise.

I'm so glad I am no longer employed by this agency of our government that was designed to protect children but has, instead, turned into a horror for families and children.

Have you ever thought about why Mr. Tommy Thompson would resign his $$$$$ position as Director of Human Services in Washington D.C. and affiliate his endeavors with pharmaceutical firms? Are they working together to see that every child taken into DHS custody has the "CHIP" installed in their forehead or another safe place on their body? Mr. Thompson knows the "CHIP" will help DHS's abuse and neglect program. His cooperative efforts with pharmaceutical firms provides those companies with first-hand knowledge of just how to get their product installed on every citizen.

I've been told that the "CHIP" is about the size of the tip of a ball point pen. The person's life history can be traced through that tiny "CHIP" after it's installed inside the flesh. Installation of the "CHIP" may be one of the primary reasons the Clinton Administration passed the Adoptions and Safe Families Act of 1997. Once every child, taken into DHS custody for any reason, has the "CHIP" installed, there's no turning it back without surgical removal of the "CHIP" and it's surrounding flesh. Of course, the "CHIP" could pass information through the bloodstream and scatter thoughout the body. In that event, even draining the blood from the person will not remove the data contained on and through the "CHIP" because our blood trickles into the cells of our body.

When will DHS abuse end? The end will begin when our U.S. Congress wakes up and closes the Department of Human Services and their abusive system of power control over all of life. The original intended design for the organization was to be of service to mankind. That design has turned into emotionally disabling EVERY child and destroying EVERY family so DHS can control human and animal life.

When will our elected officials wake up and see the damage DHS is free to force on our citizens? When? They'll begin to wake up when they, as a citizen of our great nation, are forced to have the "CHIP" installed in their flesh. That's too late! The department of Human Services needs closed NOW!

I've heard some people say, "Just because there's one bad part, Don't throw the baby away with the bath water" but in this case it may be best that EVERYTHING in the agency is thrown out ... their 'babies' and ALL! Their 'babies' through the power of the "CHIP" belong to them. DHS 'babies' fail to show any of the five senses of mankind: (1)hearing, (2)tasting, (3)seeing, (4)feeling and (5)smelling. Their 'babies' have no decision making power! Their 'babies' do only the things their master (DHS) has instructed them to do. DHS feeds their 'babies' what they want them fed through the "CHIP".

Their "CHIPPED" 'babies' have no real life as God designed but only the design of "CHIPPED" employees of the Department of Human Services.

Think about it! You can easily see these things coming slowly to pass, day by day. Taking your child into custody is just another beginning to their "CHIPPED" control of our universe.




#7Author of original report

Sun, March 06, 2005

The Department of Human Services' Child Protection Service Agencies no longer have to double their adoptions or permanent placement of a child to get the BONUS MONEY from the ASFA. All that is necessary NOW is to adopt or permanently place ONE MORE CHILD than the previous year.

Read the reports on the millions of dollars that has been paid to DHS agencies since 1997. The most recent concern in our country is saving the Social Security Fund. If the DHS BONUS MONEY were stopped, there would be NO concern about the Social Security Fund.

How can our Social Security EARNED BENEFITS be paid to an agency of our federal government in the form of BONUS MONEY? It's because of Fraud, Waste and Abuse within the DHS system! DHS/CPS is intentionally emotionally disabling, abusing and neglecting little children in order to receive the BONUS MONEY! If a child is returned to their biological family, as they should be in 98% of the cases, the BONUS MONEY is not given to DHS/CPS. If DHS/CPS provides Parental Assistance Training or Anger Management Classes to help parents, the children are returned to the family and the BONUS MONEY is not given to DHS/CPS.

Virtually EVERY child taken into DHS custody is immediately diagnosed as emotionally disabled so they can be put on Medicare and SSI benefits. Then, following mind-altering experimental medication and/or mind-altering experimental counseling, the child parents are told, "The child is too confused to even visit with you!" DHS/CPS intentionally abuses and neglects little children in order for them to get BONUS MONEY!

Children are abused in numerous ways in the DHS foster care industry! Sure, most foster parents try to treat the child well, but it isn't happening. Foster parents seldom know the REAL history of the child. DHS/CPS caseworkers interweave their cases and tell the foster parents lies about the child. Foster parents are forced to sign Gag Orders to prevent them from repeating the lies they are told. The lies are meant to help the foster parents further emotionally disable the child.

As in our case, DHS reported to the Home Study Caseworker that the bones of the children had been broken and that the grandmother KNEW how the bones were broken. LIARS! Then, the Home Study Caseworker had to report that the grandmother knew nothing about the bones being broken because the report stated their bones were broken while in DHS/CPS custody!

As the Home Study Caseworker left that day, she left a blank GAG ORDER FORM for the grandmother to sign. Needless to say, this grandmother did not sign the requested GAG ORDER FORM because DHS lies should be revealed so citizens in our country will KNOW what is going on behind their secretive doors!

PROTECT OUR CHILDREN FROM DHS/CPS! RESCIND the ASFA. SAVE our children! Save Social Security Funds! Stop Fraud, Waste and Abuse being carried on behind the secretive doors of DHS.

BONUS MONEY comes from the Social Security Fund and Medicare. It is no wonder the Social Security Fund is reportedly having difficulty. The Social Security Fund is being paid to DHS in the form of BONUS MONEY 'earned' through emotionally disabling little children they take into 'protective custory' so they can emotionally disable each of them.

Do pharmaceutical companies receive bonus money, too, for developing experimental mind-altering drugs to use on little emotionally disabled children? The mine-altering DHS contractors get part of the BONUS MONEY so it is evident that pharmaceutical companies receive 'sales' benefits used to develop more mind-altering drugs for little children.

When will DHS/CPS abuse and neglect STOP? When? DHS/CPS abuse and neglect will STOP when DHS/CPS is closed down and not until that act occurs. As long as the BONUS MONEY is continuing to be paid, our little children have NO chance to survive the abuse and neglect forced on them by DHS/CPS and their contracting agencies.

L i


I love my grandchildren and wish I could see them again.

#7Author of original report

Tue, November 09, 2004

Tomorrow is my grandson's BIRTHDAY!

I wish I could bake him a big Happy Birthday cake with a candle for each year of his life on top of it! I wish I could watch has he, standing beside his younger sister and friends, slowly blows each of the candles out.

I wish I could watch his excitement as he opens his birthday gifts. I hope that all of the gifts he receives will be beneficial to his education and life goals.

I wish I could tell my grandson how much I love him and miss him. I wish I could tell him that I wanted to tell his younger sister Happy Birthday on her birthday but I was not allowed to say or do anything because of the application of the ASFA.

I hope my grandson will repeatedly remind his sister of the happy times they both had living in the country with me. I hope they'll remember standing on a chair beside me as we all worked together to prepare meals for our family. I hope they'll both remember holding hands as we said the blessing before each meal.

I hope they will both remember feeding the fish in my pond, hiking down the trail and riding in the red wagon behind the tractor. I hope they will remember how my former friend, Leonard, tried to teach them to always put their toys away when they were finished playing with them.

I hope my grandchildren remember the good times we had with Cub Scout activities. I hope my grandchildren remember how proud their Daddy and I were when they participated in Oklahoma County 4-H Club County Fair Activities. I hope my both of my grandchildren will remember how much Beau and Squeeky loved to play with them.

I hope my grandson remembers the bluebird house that he hung on the pole near my house. I hope he remembers the house wren making her home in his bluebird house. I hope he remember designing and making the 'automobile' from parts of an old telephone and wheels from an old vacume cleaner. WHAT A CREATIVE VENTURE for a seven year old boy!

I wish I could help both of my grandchildren with each of their educational endeavors. I wish I could see that they have every opportunity to develop the talents and abilities that God has so graciously given them.

I wish I were allowed to send him and his sister a Happy Birthday gift and give them a special Happy Birthday hug.

I wish I could listen to them again as they play their violins, sing happy songs and demonstrate their other talents and abilities. They are both so blessed! I know they are God's special children and they'll do something special for Him if they survive this Adoption ordeal. I hope they'll both hang in there for things will soon be much better!

I hope my grandchildren realize that they are the VICTIMS of the PROMOTION of the Adoptions and Safe Families Act of 1997.

I hope my grandchildren soon realize that DHS/CPS managers and supervisors just consider that children who are taken into custody are just another NUMBER to them. Yes, little innocent children are just another NUMBER to help them DOUBLE their adoptions so DHS/CPS will receive millions of dollars of bonus money enforced by the ASFA.

Hopefully DHS/CPS will use their millions of dollars of bonus money to hire employees who will take the time to do what is RIGHT and what is really BEST for little children.

I hope that DHS/CPS caseworkers and contractors will stop following the orders of DHS/CPS managers who are putting heavy pressure on each of them to do whatever is necessary to SWIFTLY adopt every child they possibly can for reward and bonus money to DHS/CPS.

I pray that DHS/CPS caseworkers and contractors will report to their legislators about the unbearable pressure placed upon them to follow the guidance of ASFA to DOUBLE adoptions for rewards and bonuses. Then, hopefully children will receive what IS best for them instead of what is BEST for DHS/CPS.

I pray that my grandson will soon realize that the teacher who excessively questioned him following the school bus assault incident barely knew his name. I hope that teacher soon realizes how emotionally disabled you have been since taken into custody. I hope that those who have caused the permanent emotional damage will be able to look themselves in the mirror and say they've done what was BEST for the child instead of what is best for DHS/CPS.

I hope those who have permanently emotionally damaged my grandchildren will read Luke 17:2, "It is better to hang a millstone around your neck and be dropped into the deepest sea than to injure even one of His little children."

I want the very BEST for both of my grandchildren! That can not occur because they are the innocent VICTIMS of the application of the Adoptions and Safe Families Act of 1997.

I wish that every DHS/CPS caseworker and contractor across the country, who has felt pressure from supervisors and/or managers to do whatever is necessary to Adopt more children, will call their congressional representatives immediately. I wish each of them would tell their representative how the Adoptions and Safe Families Act of 1997 is causing havoc to Christian caseworkers who truly want what is BEST for the children instead of what is best for DHS/CPS.

I hope that our congressional leaders can see the permanent emotional damage being done to little children who are VICTIMS of promoting the ASFA. Then, I hope they will swiftly rescind the law in the interest of what is really BEST for little American children.

YES, parents sometimes need help but promoting the ASFA is NOT helping either the parents OR little children. Promoting the ASFA is only giving rewards and bonuses to DHS/CPS for emotionally destroying little children.

Of course, as bonus money flows into DHS/CPS, Medicare and Social Security will close down. The ASFA provides an UNLIMITED supply of bonus money to DHS for doubling adoptions. There will be no benefits left by the time ASFA finishes it's present course in 2008!


HELP children and/or parents that you think may be in need of guidance. Help parents find classes they need or educational materials that wull help them.

Go with them or take care of their children while they go for guidance. Please don't report them to the vicious, inhumane destroyers so they can receive bonus money! Please don't fail the parents and/or children!

I'm in His Service and under His Command to do what He says to HELP SAVE HIS CHILDREN!

L i


DHS/CPS Permanently Damages Little Children

#7Author of original report

Sat, September 25, 2004

Why can't HHS/DHS/CPS help parents? The reason this governmental agency CANNOT help parents is that if they HELP parents, the children will NOT be ADOPTED. The ONLY reason they want the children to be ADOPTED is so they can get their rewards and bonuses for DOUBLING their adoptions each year as ordered in the ASFA and subsequent laws!

Take a good look at it! If a child is left with the biological parent(s) OR returned to the custody of any member of the biological family, HHS/DHS/CPS will NOT receive the rewards and bonuses promoted by AFSA and subsequent promotional laws within each state. It's ALL about MONEY!

I hope our legislators are spending priority time trying to close the doors of the child protection agencies across the nation! HHS/DHS/CPS should be reformed immediately in the interest of what is BEST for children everywhere! Civilized people across the nation should get involved (outside of HHS/DHS/CPS) and promote activities that are healthy for children AND in the BEST interest of children!

Several organizations are already established and doing what they CAN to help children learn GOOD things in the interest of what is BEST for the children. Citizens need to promote Boy and Girl Scouts of America (BSA and GSA), Campfire Girls/Boys, 4-H Clubs (4-H) of America, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), Future Farmers of America (FFA), Future Homemakers of America (FHA), Christian oriented activities and other similar child development organizations designed to benefit the healthy growth of children.

By getting personally involved in any or all of the above listed organizations, parents, leaders and all participants learn things to do in the interest of what is really BEST for every family and every child. Try going to your local county or state fair. Look at the exhibits participating children bring to the fair. Those children, parents and leaders work hard to promote what is BEST for children! Even in populous areas, parents can complete the training to be a leader in one of these organizations. If the leaders of these organizations can get the support they need in promoting the various activities, the children AND parents will accomplish great things, all in the interest of what is BEST for our future generation.

Using already established programs to help children, will help to close the doors of HHS/DHS/CPS. Get involved! Work with your county and/or state organizations to establish or help an already established program designed to help children learn vital and very useful information.

Think about the value in helping a child learn about 4-H Club(health, hands, heart and home) activities. Look at the value of helping a child learn how to develop a project (gather, identify and exhibit something of their interest) like native grasses, insects, home improvement, livestock, pets, clothing, crafts, crops, gardening, trees, canning foods, freezing foods, photography, creative activites ... the list goes on and on. Check with your local, county or state agent to find out more about the program.

If parents would take more interest in learning activities involved in the above listed organizations, instead of such an interest in little league activities, children would be much better off in adult life. Where, in a little league game, does a child learn how to care for God's creations? Where, in a little league game, does a child learn about things that are BEST for them ... other than sportsmanship (if and when that IS being taught)? Think about it!

First priority for parents should be to look for truth. Who made the trees? Who taught birds to build their nests? Who made the beautiful butterflies? Take the time to just look at the intricate parts of ONE little fower petal, one single leaf from a tree or one beautiful and wonderful butterfly. You will no doubt be filled with wonder at the tiny veins in the petal, leaf AND butterfly wings. The tiny veins are their life blood. If the petal, leaf or butterfly has no life blood, it soon dies and falls to the ground. How sad when it falls sooner than God intended!

Who took the time to teach the bird (mother and father) how to build a nest and care for their babies? Who taught baby birds how to fly? It will amaze you as you think about God's creations! Look at a blade of grass, wild flower or butterfly. Think about how one cell builds upon another to promote growth and development of that species of creation. Think about how God created mankind in His own image.

Mankind, God's creation, NOT HHS/DHS/CPS, was assigned the task of caring for His creations. Nowhere do I find where God instructed mankind to establish HHS/DHS/CPS to injure little children and destroy families!

"No man can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon (MONEY)." (Matthew 6:24/Luke 16:13). HHS/ DHS/ CPS and their employees and vast numbers of contractors should think seriously about Luke 17:2 and Matthew 18:6.

YES! IT'S ALL ABOUT MONEY! If employees and contractors refuse to support HHS/DHS/CPS abuse and neglect, their doors will close! HHS/DHS/CPS is no longer designed to be in the best interest of any human, child, adult or family. It is designed solely to destroy and/or seriously injure mankind, God's creation!

Cheryl, open your Bible. Try to read it. Prove to participants in this rip-off site that the Bible teaches what HHS/DHS/CPS should exist. To begin your search for truth, read the book of Proverbs ... one chapter each day for one month. Take 15-30 minutes out of your busy day to do something GOOD for children! Taking the 15-30 minutes each day is better than spending the remainder of your life fighting to keep them out of jails AND HHS/DHS/CPS abuse and neglect activities (laws). IT'S ALL ABOUT MONEY!

Cheryl, start by reading Chapter One of Proverbs from the Holy Bible. You will be surprised at the teaching in just that one chapter! Try reading one chaper each day. If you have children in your home, read, WITH YOUR CHILDREN, the book of Proverbs. Look in depth at the REAL teachings within each chapter. No doubt, you will be surprised at the growth potential of your child AND you, as parent(s)!

Try 'braining storming' with your children about the meanings within each verse of each chapter. These teachings are in the interest of what is BEST for your children to learn and do.

HHS/DHS/CPS has many powerful people who are EACH being paid over $100,000 per year to promote their cause of emotionally damaging little children. They will NOT give in! It's all about MONEY!

Rescind ASFA and subsequent laws. Please, fellow Americans, protect our children and families from HHS/DHS/CPS! Support your LOCAL church. Don't let HHS/DHS/CPS get involved in promoting their ADOPTIONS programs within the 'faith community' as is their current thrust. If you don't support their adoptions program, they will find it necessary to HELP parents by providing parenting classes and other helps for families. Adoption should NEVER be the priority unless the parent FREELY chooses that recourse.

I noticed that some states are OPENING their ADOPTION records once a child reaches eighteen. Of course, the parent may not be alive any longer but at least the child can, if he/she searches diligently find the TRUTH instead of the lies that HHS / DHS / CPS has told them and their adoptive parents. They do NOT want the truth to be known. They will supress the information as long as possible. Encourage YOUR congressional representative to pass laws to help children.

And, Cheryl, while I'm at it, you need to look for a job where you can protect children FROM your master, HHS/DHS/CPS. It IS all about MONEY!

You, Cheryl, cannot really love even one of these little children that you so diligently emotionally destroy! How many of them have you lied to? How many of them have you tried to comfort because you were so intent upon destroying the family? How many children have you had to place into mind-altering counseling? How many children have you sent to doctors (contractors) to get them on mind-altering drugs? How many children have you REALLY helped compared to how many you have INTENTIONALLY emotionally destroyed? IT'S ALL ABOUT MONEY!

L i


Call your Congressmen/Women

#7Author of original report

Fri, September 10, 2004

Anyone having problems with DHS/CPS needs to call their congressmen/women. The Adoptions and Safe Families Act of 1997 should be rescinded.

DHS/CPS has a current thrust trying to get into the 'faith community' so they can destroy families in our churches. They will not leave a stone unturned until they have destroyed every family in America. They are wanting the rewards and bonuses promoted through the ASFA. Read "Adoption 2002: Safe and Permanent Homes for All Children" and you'll see where the Clinton Administration wants DHS to double their adoptions each year so they can get their rewards and bonuses. Every time they can manage to adopt a child out, it adds one to their numbers. They get their rewards. They'll tell lies, have fabricated witnesses, disregard the order of the judges ... anything they can to take another child in for adoption.

Please call your congressmen/women. Get the ASFA repealed! Look for the progressive reports required from the ASFA. They've already paid some states thousands of dollars for the adoptions they've done.

Remember, DHS/CPS says they TRY to place the child back in the home but that's just another of their lies. If they place a child back into their biological home, they DO NOT get the rewards and bonuses. They'll do ANYTHING to take in another child for adoption!

Call your congressmen/women. Call the president! Appeal for the ASFA to be rescinded immediately to SAVE OUR CHILDREN!

L i


Clifford, watch out!

#7Author of original report

Fri, August 20, 2004

Clifford, be assured that one of the next steps you should expect is for your caseworker and the children's lawyers to say, "It is in the best interest of this child (children) to remain in foster care. The foster parents and child (children) have become emotionally bonded and should remain with them. There is NEVER a consideration for the Detachment Disorder (Emotional Disabilities) DHS/CPS forces on the child. It's always "In the best interest of the children" for them to stay in custody so continued 'attachment' can take place. You will soon find that "since they have been in custody 15 of 24 months, the child is easier to Adopt to the foster home.

I believe you said you were being permitted to visit with the child. Don't be surprised if the caseworker rigs up a lie to tell the judge about something you said or did during the visit. Caseworkers seldom want the child returned to the biological family. I know of NO child that has been returned to the biological family once they've been placed in a foster home. They SAY that they try to return the child to the home but it's totally false.

If you happen to get a truthful caseworker, count yourself very lucky. They are few and far between! Your caseworker, if truthful, is not interested in earning awards and bonuses from the provisions of the Adoptions and Safe Families Act.

I thought, at the beginning of this case, that we had a good caseworker. I was totally in error as I read her reports about how the kindergarten speech handicapped child had to be manhandled by TWO grown adults. Then later I read where she was kicked out of school in the shelter SEVERAL TIMES!

Laws need to be changed and the ASFA needs to be repealed to protect children from Child Protective Services. CPS is NOT in the business of protecting children! CPS is in the business of emotionally disabling the children so they can be placed on Medicare. EVERY child that is taken into custody is immediately 'diagnosed' as emotionally disabled. Who wouldn't be emotionally disabled the way these people operate! It's senseless!

The only reason that CPS is taking more children into custody is so they can get the rewards and bonuses provided by the ASFA. The ASFA orders that ALL expenses will be paid by Medicare for CPS to emotionally disable a child, foster the child out, counsel the child, medicate (mind altering drugs) the child and finally end up with adopting the child to anyone that CPS wants them adopted to.

CPS DOES NOT GET REWARDS FOR RETURNING CHILDREN TO THEIR BIOLOGICAL PARENTS! They get all sorts of rewards and bonuses for NOT returning the children to their biological parents.

I hope you get your children returned to you. I'd like to know if that happens because it will be only the THIRD case out of about one hundred cases where that has happened.

If you read my reports describing our case, you'll learn about the lies, abuses and neglect that OKDHS's CPS has forced on this family. These children were Adopted to the foster parents so they could get their rewards of over $100,000.

Foster Parents don't realize that everything they say and do goes AGAINST the biological parents. The longer the child remains in the foster home, the more attached. Of course, CPS has 'extended detachment therapy' should you happen to win your case.

Ask any TRUTHFUL caseworker and he/she will tell you the primary reason they take children into custody, foster them out and finally adopt them, is so they'll get the bonuses and awards.

Children are VERY damaged by the things CPS does to them. It needs to STOP! The only way to STOP the emotional disablement they force on children is to rescind the ASFA and close the doors of CPS. Protection of children should be in the hands of the court. DHS is above following the order of a court. That fact has been proven to me over and over during the past three years.

Judges are not always aware that DHS refuses to follow their order. DHS does what they want to do regardless of what a judge orders. They are not about to change their routine as long as the ASFA is backing their efforts.

If the juvenile judges across our nation only knew that most of the information they receive from DHS caseworkers on a case is blown up with lies or intermingled cases, they'd make them follow his/her judicial orders. DHS KNOWS they are above the law! They do NOT have to follow the judge's orders! This is a fact that can be proven over and over in our case.

Sometimes judges are aware of the lies but because parents are not familiar with the legalities of the system, they're not able to get properly heard through their lawyer.

One of my biggest concern is the SWIFT ADOPTION program. The Swift Adoption (6 months) is being promoted by DHS and the Youth and Children's Councils. Biological parents have absolutely NO chance to get their children returned to them within the six month period because of the necessary six-week or three-month intervals in hearing dates. Lawyers need the time to gather information to represent you. DHS uses the time to gather or fabricate lies. Caseworkers have established their lies so it's not too difficult to alter them to apply to the individual case at hand.

Children become attached to the foster parents and the story ends with Adoption, in the interest of what is BEST for the child.

Again, Clifford, I hope you are able to get your family re-united. It's practically unknown. If you read their reports, you'll see that very few children are returned to the biological parents. Count yourself in the minority if you get to visit with your children OR if they are returned to your home. Remember, too, that children will need a LOT of counseling (more ASFA funds) if they ARE returned to the family.

The emotional disabilities forced on EVERY child taken into DHS custody, makes them fearful that they'll again be yanked from their loved ones for the slightest reason. DHS calls it "Protection of Children" in the interest of what's best for the child.

A child shouldn't have to live in fear for the remainder of his/her life! That's why they try so hard to Adopt them out so the fear of family dismemberment will less likely reoccur.

Please keep us informed as to how your case turns out. Of course, they may force you to sign a GAG order, as in our case. If that happens, just post a short note saying "WE WON." I'm certain that DHS/CPS will make you fearful to even post that statement. DHS/CPS will threaten you. That's why they'll force you to sign the GAG order! You can bank on it!

THE DAMAGES DHS/CPS IS DOING TO CHILDREN AND FAMILIES IS WRONG. DHS/CPS needs to be closed down in the interest of what is BEST for the children of the USA. If they can't be closed down, caseworkers need to be forced to tell truths and not intermingle files. DESTRUCTION OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES MUST STOP!

Best wishes to you, Clifford.

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