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  • Report:  #74868

Complaint Review: Northern Leasing Systems

Northern Leasing Systems Ripoff! We were also tricked exactly as stated in lawsuit papers against Leasecomm. They hung up on me too. New York New York

  • Reported By:
    Aurora Colorado
  • Submitted:
    Fri, December 12, 2003
  • Updated:
    Tue, November 30, 2004
  • Northern Leasing Systems
    132 West 31st Street,
    New York, New York
  • Phone:
  • Category:

My husband engaged in a contract on February 11, 1999 which was for 48 months with a New York based company called Northern Leasing. Although he signed this contract personally, a monthly fee of $69.37 was taken from our business checking account.

The lease agreement with Northern Leasing was presented to us to be an additional agreement combined with another company's agreement who was our initial contact for these services called Card Service International. Card Service International set up our ability to take credit cards over the internet. All of the paperwork was presented as a package so nothing was distinguishable at that time as to what contract was for what service.

Just like in the legal papers filed in the suit against Leasecomm, our situation was exactly the same. The Northern Leasing agreement was slipped into the paperwork via a poorly ledgible fax copy that was not readable because of the fine print and fax quality. We now see where Northern Leasing just recently added a PDF copy of the contract on-line...isn't that wasn't there when I first checked out complaints against Northern Leasing just days ago. Now all of a sudden it appears after the fact.

Now, to make matters worse, we just realized that the total of approximately $3,000 which was taken out of our account electronically was for a cheap, inexpensive credit card machine which we have never wanted nor have used because we never needed it to begin with.

Because all of this information was integrated quickly as a package to us via phone and fax machine, we were never made aware of the fact that these were two separate agreements. We, as consumers, were not able to make an informed decision because Card Service International did not make it clear that Northern Leasing was a separate agreement nor was it clear what we were paying Northern Leasing for on the 48 month term contract. We now know the $3,000 was for a small piece of equipment, the credit card swipe machine which does not match the value of the lease amount another like factor in the Leasecomm complaint.

Even after getting the paperwork out and trying to decipher what it was and what it was for, I still did not understand from the unclear fax copy that Northern Leasing had extended the lease because we had not told them to stop the lease at its expiration time of 48 months which they claim was our responsibility.

How would we know this when the copy that was sent to us via fax is virtually unreadable plus the fact that we still were connecting Card Service International with Northern Leasing.

I called Card Service International who quickly told me that they were not affliated with them anymore and they had no comment on anything we could do with Northern Leasing although Card Service International was the company who had originally brought Northern Leasing into our agreement. These facts made me very skeptical in regards to the fact that Card Service International wouldn't know anything about Northern Leasing now and had stopped doing any business with them. Why?

Is it Card Service International not wanting "guilt through association" now that the lid is being lifted off of the real truth behind Northern Leasing's ethics as a company and lawsuits won through the Federal Trade Commission against other similar companies perpetrating tactics against consumers.

It was at this time that I called long distance to New York to the Northern Leasing office and was informed that we had to pay them an additional $300 plus dollars to cancel the lease even though they continued to take out the monthly fee of $69.37 after the lease agreement's date had ended on 2/11/2003 to the present time. This means that they have taken out an additional approximately $800.00 for something that we didn't even know we were obligated for to begin with.

In other words we didn't know we were just paying for a piece of equipment (the credit card swipe machine) to Northern Leasing but rather were led to believe that the monthly charge with Northern Leasing was tied to our initial agreement with Card Service International for the ability to take credit cards on our website. It was all given the illusion by both Northern Leasing and Card Service International that it was a package agreement needed to put us in business on the internet with the ability to take credit cards.

When I told the lady in New York with Northern Leasing this information she said we had no recourse and that we could either pay the $300+ to end the lease or they would aggressively ruin our credit and ask for a judgment. When I came back at her with what I believe to be fradulent charges on Northern Leasings part from beginning to end across a state line, she hung up on me.

In my opinion, people who are not guilty and have nothing to hide do not hang up on a consumer. I intend to call the Colorado Bureau of Investigation to see if there can be an investigation in this state regarding the activities of Northern Leasing with consumers here in Colorado.

I plan on sending Northern Leasing a certified letter notifying them that they will no longer be able to take any electronic payment out of our companies checking account.

Further, I will send them a copy of the legal papers against Leasecomm Corporation as this is exactly what happened in our circumstances along with other complaints and pertinent information regarding what I have discovered about Northern Leasing.

I also would be willing to expose them in anyway through the media if they do not resolve this situation by giving us back the overage of approximately $800 that they have continued to take out of our account beyond the term of the lease. I would really like to see a class action lawsuit filed against them for all the people that they have "ripped off" with this scam front that they perpetrated on unsuspecting consumers.

I am sure there are many people out there just like us who in good faith signed their lease agreement. I am sure that they signed these contracts without full disclosure on the part of the above named companies who intentionally, like-mindedly, and one-sidededly, in my opinion, design these contracts deceitfully in order to defraud the average consumer because of their greed and unethical behavior.

Any information you can share with us or advice on how to proceed with this information, would be greatly appreciated.

Aurora, Colorado

14 Updates & Rebuttals


White Oak,

Forged Signature/ Northern Leasing

#15UPDATE Employee

Mon, November 29, 2004

I am hoping to get a response from Amy. My brother in law had the same thing happen with his signature and his name was also misspelled next to the signature. What can they do? Northern Leasing is making threats to sue them. They live in Georgia ( a long way from NY) What can they do? It seems so unfair that someone can forge your signature and get away with it. Does anyone have any advice?


Red Wing,

The signature was digitally imaged! life's mission to bring scamming corps like this one down.

#15Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 27, 2004

My friend, the crim. justice professor, took one look at it and said that there is no doubt in his mind that it wasn't placed there by my husband rather it was placed there by a computer. He has some friends at the FBI and kept a copy to show them.

On another note, I also spoke with two lawyers yesterday. I'm trying to find one who is both capable of taking on Leasecomm but is willing to do it for what I can afford to pay. I also have asked to work as a paralegal on our project with any attorney that we hired and I found one in St. Paul who was willing to let me in on all of the discovery, should we hire him.

Every one of you should demand from the attorney who is collecting from you and/or Leasecomm copies of the Lease, the Lease Confirmation Form, and their verification form which is a form that one of their representatives supposedly filled out when they called you to find out if the installation went ok and to verify some things. This is the document you want to see, and I'm not sure why they ever let me get my hands on it because it proves that the day that they said that my husband signed the lease, he didn't. At the top page on the right hand corner there is a spot that says, Lease Received Yes No." Guess which one was circled by their employee, "No" was. Also this very form on line 9 says, Verify PG(personal guarantor) home address and phone number" which is also initialed by their employee. When they sued my husband they looked at his credit report and picked the oldest address to send the summons and complaint to. That address was so old that my mother-in-law didn't even live there anymore. But this document clearly shows that they verified our home address and phone number which didn't change until Feb. 2002, they sued my husband in 2001.

To all of you out there who are not included in the Federal Court order I am going to pass on some good, and free, legal advise I received yesterday from a lawyer in St. Paul. He said that he was in collections for years and this is what happens: The reason they wait for about 1 years to 2 years to first initiate collections is because the statute of limitations has almost or has run out by the time your money is being seized by them and by then there are very little legal options for the defendant at that point. But there is something we can all do and we don't necessarily need attorneys to do it either. Because this company, Leasecomm, has been caught committing fraud, deceptive business practices, those of us who were left out of the court order can still get the judgments vacated (dismissed) out of Mass by flooding them with letters demanding it is so. I for one am going to start by including all of my evidence, along with a statement from my friend at school (the handwriting expert), also along with the two counties in MN orders to dismiss with prejudice (this means that they can't bring action again). Then I will respectively send it to the judge that originated the judgment and ask her to follow suit with Mn and dismiss with prejudice. Even if she dismisses without prejudice the Federal Court order then now does include us because Leasecomm was banned by that order to sue out of state consumers in Mass. They have to go to wherever you live now to sue you, and in my case they know d**n well where I live now, because I made sure that they had that info. I know every judge in this county, and they are all friends of mine, one of which was our attorney before was appointed him as a judge. If they bring action against me in this county they will never win I am a trusted respected business owner in this town and they are a big city corp. from Mass coming in to harass me. Also I have spoken with some of the court clerks, I graduated with them, about this situation, and they all take to each other and the judges.

Keep posting on this site and I will too to let you know how easy or difficult it was to get this thing dismissed, but I will with or without a lawyer, and mark my words it will be with prejudice and this thing will be all over. And when I am done with law school it will be my life's mission to bring scamming corps like this one down. This whole experience has inticed me to specialize in corporate law, litigation, and consumer law.




#15Consumer Comment

Thu, August 26, 2004

Amy, a big thank you for your dedication to "truth". There is no doubt in my mind that you are right on track.

Many corporations have gotten by with unscrupulous tactics for so long because people were afraid to stand up by standing together in order to expose their lies and their tactics.

The more we all stand together in numbers, the stronger we will be in exposing these lies. The only way to expose the lies is to shine a light of truth on them. That takes perseverance, determination, courage and camaraderie on all our parts.

Thank you for sharing your discovery so that we can be more truly did shine another light on the subject.

Thank you also to this web site for giving a platform in order to open all the cans of worms that the general public has been forced to swallow in the past.

I support you in your effort to take this to another level through the legal system. Please let me know if there is anything I can do.


Red Wing,

This is a clear cut case of doctoring the lease.

#15Consumer Suggestion

Wed, August 25, 2004

In one instance under the signature they spelling my husbands last name as De Well instead of De Wall, also the signature are so obviously doctored by digital imaging, it looks just like a computer did it. I am going to have a friend of mine at school look at it; he is a crim. justice professor who specializes in handwriting analysis. I can't wait to take all of this to a lawyer.


Red Wing,

Finally after a month they have a copy of the lease

#15Consumer Suggestion

Wed, August 25, 2004

I called Northern Financial a month ago requesting a copy of the alleged lease that either my husband or I signed. Now, a month later, after I faxed Northern Financial a copy of all of the paper work I had, Leasecomm has come up with a lease. I haven't seen it yet and was told that I would get a copy faxed to me tomorrow afternoon.

This is what happened, a month ago I sent Northern Financial copies of all of the paperwork that I had, not thinking that some of them had my husband's signature on them. Now a month later Leasecomm has mysteriously come up with a copy of the lease, and some varification forms to show that they called to confirm my husband's obligations under the lease. Ya right! what they have done is taken a month to fabricated a lease and somehow either forged or pasted my husband's signature onto it.

When talking to the owner of Northern Financial, he said that Leasecomm told him that they didn't want him to give me a copy of the lease unless I signed away my rigts to sue them both (Northern Financial, and Leasecomm). I told him that I would not do that because I still haven't decided if we are going to sue or not, and even if I did he would have to provide me with the lease during the discovery process and then they wouldn't have a month to come up with it.

I smell another screwing by Leasecomm coming my way, but this time we aren't so naive because of this web site and so many others, we know what their next move will be ever time.


South Bend,

Read what I wrote!

#15Consumer Suggestion

Thu, August 19, 2004

First of all, the primary point I was trying to make, is that CardService International was brought into this whole thing (by Barfko). Card Service is just the processor, not the leasing company, or the Agent.

Those are the three parts; The Processor: CardService International. The Agent: XYZ Company and the Leasing Company: Leasecomm. In the case of the missing lease, that would come from XYZ company who ever it was who actually installed your credit card machine. Obvisously they copied your signature over to the lease agreement and never provided you with a copy.

I agree that is very deceptive and if that is the case, you should have no problem in stopping the ACH from your account and making them procure a document in a court of law to prove you otherwise. I don't understand why that hasn't been done or successful. In either case I was ticked off initially because of the allegations of an innocent party who is not responsible for the above allegations.

As far as Leasecomm is concerned, they are assuming that either the lease paper received from xyz company is legit, or they have found out that xyz company has been counterfitting signatures and now they are covering their own butt. In either case, I hope they pay for their deceptive behavior and they stop giving the credit card industry a bad name.

I am sorry you were distraut over this situation and had to go back to law school. But look at the bright side, now you'll know the law and you can resolve these types of issues better. (There is always a good that comes out of every bad.) In any case, just be careful in the future who is brought into allegations and find the main source of the problem, the agent who had you sign the paper work.

And by the way, Barfko, the company who told you that there was a blocking chip put in the credit card system used for your cardservice account, was lying! Obviously they also wanted to sell you equipment. There are several companies out there who use the First Data platform who can re-program your system. Again, don't belive all that you hear from just one company who wants to earn your business, investigate, cross examine and pleas read everything carefully. Best of luck to all of you in your efforts to recover your loses.



Impersonal...that is the key

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, August 18, 2004

First of all, since Charles has once again taken everything personally, I would like to address some of his assumptions with regard to my rebuttals for clarification purposes since he didn't take the time to read what I said.

You suggest, Charles, that all of us read before "signing"...maybe you should take your own advice and read an entire rebuttal before making assumptions that do not apply. Your last rebuttal was long also, but, I did take the time to read it so I was not ignorant in my reply.

I hear your personal anger at your own experience in the past, however, to get to the true issues involved in the present, everyone has to rise above their own "personal" situations and see the problem as a "collective" one in order to get the bigger picture.

When I read over and over the same problem from many consumers, then I can see that it is not just about "me" anymore...there is something more to be aware of here. In other words, get out of your own little world and notice that there are others here that have been taken advantage of, also.

1. As far as Card Service International, I agree that they provide legitimate services and I have nothing bad to say about them as far as our initial business relationship.

I did, however, if my rebuttal is actually read and digested, ask the question why they distanced themselves from Northern Leasing after being the ones who connected us to them in the first place.

That, I feel, is a legitimate question that should be addressed because Card Service International also has accountability for the companies they do business with as do all of us.

If you are going to speak, Charles, you better speak from wisdom not ignorance...Card Service International sold us everything we bought including our connection to Northern Leasing. So don't speak for all of us as if we all had the same experience as you did.

Since Card Service International seems reputable, why wouldn't they want to hear the concerns of so many people who have had bad experiences with Northern Leasing? A company they are engaged in doing business with. I am just asking the would be nice if they answered me.

2. Again, Charles, if you have taken the time to read what I wrote, you would know that my whole report has been directed at Northern Leasing. However, I have no blind allegiance to any corporation which is a good business practice in my opinion. This is something that you might learn the hard way in the future after reading your comments on Card Service International.

I specifically entitled my rebuttal "Wake Up". If I put you "to sleep" because of the length of my rebuttal then it is your choice. My question then to you is how can you accurately address what you haven't read?

3. I don't have to sit with a thesaurus or dictionary because I listened and learned in the past from those who taught me well.

4. Since you brought this might stop your own "belly aching" that you accuse others of long enough to see that Amy and I are not directing personal attacks at you. You might take a long look at your anger regarding your own past irresponsibility with your business and possibly look at the fact that you are angry and arguing two points of view.

Who are you rebutting for... the consumer or the business owner? I have a strong feeling you are more on the business side of the fence then the consumer so how can any of us take you seriously.

5. My suggestion is that you sit down with a thesaurus or a dictionary next time so you appear less ignorant with your replies. People cannot take one seriously who accuses others of the ignorance that they exude themselves. Did you have a mirror in front of you as you wrote your uninformed reply?

6. Since I feel what is important here is the consumers as a whole...this is the last of my taking any time to address someone who only needs to have his anger and fears heard.

To me this is about all of us as consumers... not "one person" who rides the fence because of past personal experiences with both sides...who appears to be more for the business side of things than for the rights and concerns of consumers.

7. So, again, I feel being "impersonal" in the future is the key for consumers that want accountability and clarification from large or small businesses. That is the bigger picture and that is where something can be accomplished and changed for the better.

The "bigger picture" Charles...everything isn't about you and your small world.


Red Wing,

You obviously didn't ready all of my posting

#15Consumer Suggestion

Wed, August 18, 2004

We didn't sign a lease agreement! We filled out an application! Someone came to our store and set up the credit card machine and told us that we would be sent a lease to sign! It never happened! This is the case of so many people who have posted on this web site and so many other sites as well! Just like the complaint and subsequent court order stated from the FTC!

You called me ignorant and you said that you were defrauded in the worst way. Well our little store was our livelihood because I was a full-time student at the time. Because of this I had to stop attending school. My major was pre-law, and I am currently back in school studying the law. You sir are the one who is doing the attacking of character, and if you have nothing to do with Leasecomm then you don't show it well. My husband and I lost everything including our reputation with our bank because of Leasecomm.

Also, if Leasecomm was so much in the right, whey were they forced to forgive millions of dollars in judgments, by way of a Federal court order? They were also sued by their share holders, in a class action suit. Leasecomm is a fraudulent company with deceptive and fraudulent business practices, and all of their executives should be in prison with the Enron executives.

Now tell me this, if we signed a lease then why can't Leasecomm, their lawyer, or Northern Financial come up with a copy of it? Because there isn't one! Because we never signed a lease! Pay attention to what you read!


South Bend,

Gabrielle & Amy, blah blah blah...........................

#15Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 17, 2004

First of all Gabrielle, your very long winded dispaly of "intillect" ran around in circles and put me to sleep. I couldn't even bare reading the whole thing! What did you do, sit at the computer with a dictionary & thesaurus?

Just come out and say what you have to say and stop using antics. I have one for you; I understand why all of you are upset to be defrauded by corporations. I was put out of the security business after 6 years because of a corporate scandal with Tyco corporation that I had absolutely nothing to do.

However, the penalty to me was far more worse than either of you two can fatham. This was my business, my lively who and the provision for my family. I was devistated and extremely hurt financially and I am just now starting to recover after 2 1/2 years. So don't sit there and belly ache about a lease that did or did not exist. If it doesn't exist, don't pay it. If it does, cut your loses and pay the piper. You screwed up. And Amy, You are just ignorant!

How can you sit there and pass judgement on me based off of a reply I made to protect yourself! I have never defrauded anyone in my entire life. I am a good, honest business man who is not associated with Northern Leasing, but I am affiliated with CardService. I have never had a complaint and I have always had satisfied customers. I go out of my way to take care of them.

CardService has been very good to me and my family and they have finally restored my faith in the ability to regain trust in an organization. So when you attack CardService, and not Northern leasing,Gabrielle, then you are attacking my family! So go after the one's who did screw up, not CardService. CardService is just the processor, not the one's selling.

And I can anticipate your next deceiving thoughts as well; "why do let people like that represent them" Because you cannot always watch everyone 100% of the time. That makes it hard for the one's like myself who are honest. And don't preach to me about leading the sheep in sheep's clothing!

Consumers are the reason why lawyer's are over paid and will never be out of work. You can do everything perfect for a consumer and the next thing you know, your being sued because they didn't "understand" what they were doing. Or they win a million dollars in a law suit because they burn their darn leg with their coffee that they were responsible for.

In either case, It's not that I don't agree with the fact that we need to get rid of dishonest companies, but it is the fact that we, as consumers need to buck up and take responsibility for our decisions we make on a daily basis. I am a salesman, and I'll be the first to tell you, "Don't take my word for it unless I can show you in writing. And with that Mr/Mrs. Customer, make sure before you go with xyz company, that they can do the same thing".

Honesty is the key, but it also goes both ways. Take legal action, but stop harping that you were taken advantage of when you signed something you couldn't read. Stop slamming organizations as a whole, when it isn't the whole that is committing the violation.


Red Wing,

To Charles - Lease agreement would be sent to us and we never got one

#15Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 16, 2004

You must either work for a company that deals with Leasecomm, or you just don't have any idea of what you are talking about. If you have never dealt with Leasecomm yourself then you wouldn't know the deceptive practices of which we are talking about. Or the other option you work for one of their sub-companies and you are trying to justify your actions in helping them defraud many thousands of people all over the country.

In our case, their sub-company sent us via fax, an application to fill out. A few days later a man showed up to set up our credit card machine. He said that a Lease agreement would be sent to us and we never got one.

Now for the best part, I have for the last month been trying to get Leasecomm and Northern Financial to give us a copy of the supposed signed Lease agreement. Leasecomm said they won't give that to us, and Northern Financial has admitted to not having a copy in house and they have been trying to get a copy from Leasecomm.

Do you know why they can't come up with a signed copy of the Lease, because there isn't one! That's what so many hundreds of us have been saying. If you would take the time to read all of our responses you would see that there is blatent fraud here, and many cases of forgery.

This is one of those situations where you voiced your opinion without knowing the facts of what is going on.




#15REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, August 16, 2004

With all do respect to Charles,it is time for consumers to wakeup to the gimmicks and strategies that these kind of companies,in my opinion, perpetrate on the unsuspecting consumer.

I agree, that it is the consumer's responsibility to read and understand paperwork before signing a contract. However, I have found that reputable companies have nothing to "hide" or "disguise" and DO NOT HAVE TO ROPE PEOPLE INTO THEIR CONTRACTS THROUGH MANIPULATION,MISDIRECTION, UNTRUTHS, AND DECEPTION.

To believe that this is not the case with many corporations today is to be totally ignorant of the truth. This truth is even reported on the daily news over and over, however, there are just those who are still not "listening" .

When a company uses every avenue and resource to "disguise" an agreement with unreadable faxed copies, intentionally small unreadable fine print complicated legal jargon, and have a definite agenda of doing business in a set pattern through these avenues that deny the consumer recourse pertaining to timelines, etc. then it is time for the consumer to WAKE UP to these gimmicks that are there by design and refuse to be herded like "sheep" into the pens of control and greed that are waiting for them round every corner.

In my opinion, all you have to do is observe and watch on the news each day the unfolding corporate frauds which have been perpetrated against the consumers at all levels to invalidate much of what any "rebuttal" could say with the exception of people doing their best to be responsible, not blaming but rather holding those who are truly responsible accountable instead. But it is not the responsible person that needs the light of truth shown on him/her.

In my opinion, the light of truth needs to be shown on the companies and corporations that have run rampant with schemes and gimmicks against the average American person who is trying to succeed through their greed and manipulation. Those Americans need to hold any corporation doing business in that manner responsible and accountable.

It is refreshing to see the beginnings of "truth" unravel and the true perpetrators exposed for their deceptive business practices.

My friends, you have only begun to see the truth unravel in corporate wake up "sheeple", open the gate to your pens, gather together for there is strength in numbers, and see what an illusion you have "bought into" in so many ways which means not just these two corporate bullies but look all around you. Learn to choose freedom over manipulation...The masses are now speaking out so don't let anyone deter you from the truth that is being brought forward at this time.

Do the best you can to take responsibility for your part but understand fully that many of these corporate systems which practice the same type of techniques, in my opinion, are standing in line to take you by hook or crook at every bend of the road and it is all about greed and money, control and manipulation.

This is not America at her best...but I believe in the people who have shed their "sheep's clothing" and are ready to take a stand. In a quote that I hold dear, there is "no thing" more powerful than an idea whose time is come and "no thing" more powerful than people standing together in numbers. The idea that corporations have not been honest and upright in their dealings is all over the news almost everyday.

You are not wrong have been awakened to the be responsible and let your responsibility be the reason that corporations, in my opinion, who use these tactics can no longer practice their unethical contracts of deception. If not us, then who?


South Bend,


#15Consumer Comment

Mon, August 16, 2004

I hear these types of complaints over, and over again. And over and over again your hear conumer agencies tell consumers to "read" or "understand" exactly it is that you are signing. You can push off all the blame you want, but when it comes down to it, your signature is on the papers you signed. It it takes you to hire an attorney to review all of your items before you sign, then so be it!

I do not sign ANYTHING or make committments to anything unless I know exactly what can happen. So next time you run accrossed the same situation, request a cleaner document and read all of the fine print and don't blame anyone but yourself if you "Don't Understand" what it is you are signing.


Red Wing,

You can stop Leasecomm and they have already been sued!

#15Consumer Comment

Sat, July 31, 2004

Go to and go to the top of the home page and type in "Leasecomm" just that way into the search area. When it brings up the many things about Leasecomm find the complaint and injuntive order made by the Federal Trade Commission and a Federal court in Mass. Then print it out and take what you know with all of your documents to a lawyer. I think that what you read will be very interesting, and hiring a lawyer will be the best money you have ever spent.



Cardservice International is as guilty of fraud as Leasecom.

#15Consumer Comment

Tue, March 30, 2004

What happened to me is that I signed a contract for Cardservice International to process my credit card transactions and along with that to lease a credit card machine. After a year, I was able to cancell my contract with them because of poor service and high fees. I signed with my existing company and informed them that I have a credit card machine to use (48 month lease@$32.05 per month) my new credt card processor said the could not downlaod the needed software to use my new service because of a "blocking chip" Cardservice and Leasecom put in it. So... I bought a new processing machine outright for $300.00 from my new company. I am still paying on a machine that has no value and can't use. (my own fault) So, I will never do business with LEASECOM or CARD SERVICE INTERNATIONAL.

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