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  • Report:  #233864

Complaint Review: Mc Donalds

McDonalds needs a HUGE change here. Someone please HELP ripoff Jonesboro Georgia

  • Reported By:
    Jonesboro Georgia
  • Submitted:
    Thu, February 01, 2007
  • Updated:
    Thu, December 27, 2007

I have to complain and hope that something gets done at my local Mc Donalds.

I have been to several resteraunts in my city and all around but the Mc Donalds on Tara Blvd in Jonesboro is the worst anywhere. I have been there often and every time I realize why I don't go back because of all the mistakes, etc!

My laast visit I ordered about $15 worth of food and checked the boxes and everything looked ok but when I got them home and opened them up my Southern Style Chicken Sandwich(s) had ketchup all over them and Mayonaise, as it usually just includes pickles and I didn't ask for it. I didn't want to drive all the way back and so I scrapped it off and I ate part of the sandwich. At the window while I was there, a lady was in front of me screaming at the guy that her order was wrong also.

This has happened so many times and everyone is so mean and hateful!! The time before last when I went there I received a wrong order and I noticed it as soon as the guy handed it to me and I told him nicely that it was the wrong order and he said no it isnt and slung the bag to me and left the window. I waited and when he returned I was still nice and told him exactly what I had ordered and he blunt out said "NO I Didn't," What was his problem, he didn't even take my order or money and he is calling me a liar. I was very hurt and angry also and I took the bag of food but I didn't eat it, not because that it was the wrong order but because I had lost my appetite.

I called information and got the number for Mc Donalds and called the manager as soon as I got home and I have never ever called any resteraunt to complain but I was so angry at that young black kid!! The manager answered the phone and didn't ssound like she gave a care but did apologize but I would have rather had an apology from that guy and I bet you that he wouldn't have apologized. I cannot tell anyone who is reading this how mean that he was, I will never forget it.

I now wished that I would have cussed him out, but that is just not me. I have been to this location Mc Donalds several times because it is the only one here and convienent to my work and always have a bad experience, espessially with the night shift.

I have been given wrong change back 3 times and I had to complain and one time I knew for a FACT that she was trying to steal from me because she looked at me weired and folded it up handed it to me and walked off, I knocked on the window and told her that I gave her a $20 and she allready new how much to give me back. She made it very obvious she was trying to steal!! I can name you a thousand bad experiences.

Last week when I went through the drive through I waited 15 minutes for someone to take my order because I was counting on my clock in the car, and I was just about to drive to the window when a guy asked for my order. By this time I had quite a few people behind me and I got to the first window and nobody was there, a few minutes later a guy came and took my money and I went to the next window to get my order. As I left the second window with my order there was tons of cars waiting in line but when I got there it was no one behind me.

There really needs to be something done because I love Mc Donalds food, espessially the Southern Style Chicken Sandwich and fries but I am tired of my order being wrong and waiting a long long time in line. I mean everything is bad! They are always out of ice cream and they claim that they are out of ketchup packets all of the time and they are just plain rude. I keep hoping that they will get new management in for the past few years but so far nothing.

I believe it is only this Mc Donalds because I have only had one other bad situation at another Mc Donalds but I heard that the lady was put in jail for "something" This situation was at the Walmart in Riverdale Mc Donalds. There was a manager working there and she sounds mentally retarted but I am not sure what is wrong with her. She can talk but her voice is wierd! Ok I have seen her there at Walmart Mc Donalds a few times and everytime I go there I order a combo meal but she puts up a sign saying that the drinks are out of order but I don't know why. She doesn't tell me while she is ringing up my order but then she sais that I can't get a drink. I asked her if I could get something else for the same price and she said NO. I didn't fuss or anything about it but she was being rude, I am getting tired of people being so rude while I am nice very soft spoken person.

Ok the second time I went there and she was there I ordered a combo meal and didn't think that the drink machine would be out again and frankly I wasnt thinking about it. Ok I waisted more money because the drink machiene was out again and over a month later. I actually decided to test the drink machiene and it was working!! I wanted to sneak a drink because I was thirsty and they don't give water either but I didn't.

I finally found out why she had the sign up is because the "ice" part of the machiene was not working properly and when people would get ice. the ice would go everywhere and leave a mess for her to clean up. BUT WHY PUT OUT OF ORDER ON THE DRINK MACHIENE? Anyway I went back again and seen the same manager there and ordered the same thing but I didn't order a drink because I knew that it would be out of order again. Well she didn't have a sign on it this time, FINALLY! and so I ordered a large sweet tea and went to get it and I just had got finished filling my tea when the same manager came and this was her exact words.

She said in a rude and loud comment: I wasn't done with the tea machiene yet!! I said ok I am sorry there was no sign on it saying that, how was I to know and again I apologized. I tasted the tea and I said it tastes ok and she said "Well I wasn't done yet"

Ok this was in Riverdale Ga Walmart just so ya know and I was very hurt that she would be so offended just because I got tea. How in the h*** was I supposed to know that it wasn't ready. It looked like tea to me and it tasted ok, she should have but a sign on the machiene or turned it off. I am guessing that she was filling the tea or something but my goodness there are some weird people out there.

Anyway these were 2 Mc Donalds locations that I have found to be very rude to there customers. Everytime after that and I went back to Walmart and had to pass Mc Donalds I would see that rude retarted lady I got so angry all over again. I have never ate there since this happened but I do know that she is no longer working there. Just because she is mentally retarted and they feel sorry for her don't give her the right to close off the drink machienes while she is working and trash her customers.

Everytime I went there she never smiled and was mean to a lot of people, I knew that it was only time before she was gone. I believe she managed there for about 2 months, she wore a managers uniform that is how I know that she managed the resteraunt but she walked and talked funny, don't know how she got the job. I am not against her illness and think that retarted people should have the same rights and abilities as anyone else but not mean psycho people. That lady needs to be in a mental ward!

Jonesboro, Georgia

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on McDonalds

16 Updates & Rebuttals



Stop going there!

#17Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 27, 2007

It seems you have many valid complaints about this McDonald's, however convenient it may be. An idea that may be more of a convenience is to just bring your own lunch to work! I can't believe after that many instances you would continue to go back there!


Long Island,
New York,


#17Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 15, 2007

I'd stop going!


Long Island,
New York,


#17Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 15, 2007

I'd stop going!


Long Island,
New York,


#17Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 15, 2007

I'd stop going!




#17Author of original report

Thu, April 26, 2007

I went to Mc Donalds again today and it is the first time that I have been back in a while. I cannot begin to tell you how bad this Mc Donalds have go but now I believe it is getting better... Everytime you I would go by there NO one would come to the speaker to take the order and cars would always be backed up. When I went back today it was fast and there was a HUGE sign on the window that sais complaints or questions contact the owner directly. Before, they never even had a costomer complaint number posted but now they have a huge sign by the window.




#17Author of original report

Thu, April 26, 2007

I went to Mc Donalds again today and it is the first time that I have been back in a while. I cannot begin to tell you how bad this Mc Donalds have go but now I believe it is getting better... Everytime you I would go by there NO one would come to the speaker to take the order and cars would always be backed up. When I went back today it was fast and there was a HUGE sign on the window that sais complaints or questions contact the owner directly. Before, they never even had a costomer complaint number posted but now they have a huge sign by the window.




#17Author of original report

Thu, April 26, 2007

I went to Mc Donalds again today and it is the first time that I have been back in a while. I cannot begin to tell you how bad this Mc Donalds have go but now I believe it is getting better... Everytime you I would go by there NO one would come to the speaker to take the order and cars would always be backed up. When I went back today it was fast and there was a HUGE sign on the window that sais complaints or questions contact the owner directly. Before, they never even had a costomer complaint number posted but now they have a huge sign by the window.




#17Author of original report

Thu, April 26, 2007

I went to Mc Donalds again today and it is the first time that I have been back in a while. I cannot begin to tell you how bad this Mc Donalds have go but now I believe it is getting better... Everytime you I would go by there NO one would come to the speaker to take the order and cars would always be backed up. When I went back today it was fast and there was a HUGE sign on the window that sais complaints or questions contact the owner directly. Before, they never even had a costomer complaint number posted but now they have a huge sign by the window.




#17Author of original report

Thu, February 01, 2007

I agree with the last reviewer also... I notice that many people that don't have a lot of money to spare often tip more than the richer class people do and I am guessing it's because they don't know how hard it is to wait on tables at only 2.15 an hour. Even at buffet resteraunts people don't tip at all or only leave a dollar at the table for a huge mess to clean up. My mom and I go out to eat all the time and we try to keep the tables clean and plates stacked at the table, and we still give at minimum a $5 tip or more. I can't help but to see people sitting all around us that don't tip at all, (I'm nosy) and for large groups as well. My mom used to be a waitress and every week a large church party would come in and not tip anything, they were given good service but just didn't think it was neccessary to tip, I guess, and it was the same church group every week. I have never waited tables and don't have a large income but I do tip good!!




#17Author of original report

Thu, February 01, 2007

I agree with the last reviewer also... I notice that many people that don't have a lot of money to spare often tip more than the richer class people do and I am guessing it's because they don't know how hard it is to wait on tables at only 2.15 an hour. Even at buffet resteraunts people don't tip at all or only leave a dollar at the table for a huge mess to clean up. My mom and I go out to eat all the time and we try to keep the tables clean and plates stacked at the table, and we still give at minimum a $5 tip or more. I can't help but to see people sitting all around us that don't tip at all, (I'm nosy) and for large groups as well. My mom used to be a waitress and every week a large church party would come in and not tip anything, they were given good service but just didn't think it was neccessary to tip, I guess, and it was the same church group every week. I have never waited tables and don't have a large income but I do tip good!!




#17Author of original report

Thu, February 01, 2007

I agree with the last reviewer also... I notice that many people that don't have a lot of money to spare often tip more than the richer class people do and I am guessing it's because they don't know how hard it is to wait on tables at only 2.15 an hour. Even at buffet resteraunts people don't tip at all or only leave a dollar at the table for a huge mess to clean up. My mom and I go out to eat all the time and we try to keep the tables clean and plates stacked at the table, and we still give at minimum a $5 tip or more. I can't help but to see people sitting all around us that don't tip at all, (I'm nosy) and for large groups as well. My mom used to be a waitress and every week a large church party would come in and not tip anything, they were given good service but just didn't think it was neccessary to tip, I guess, and it was the same church group every week. I have never waited tables and don't have a large income but I do tip good!!


San Antonio,

That's The Truth

#17Consumer Comment

Thu, February 01, 2007

It's not good help is hard to find, it's any help is hard to find. Went to (((Competitor's name redacted)))last night and got a worthless waitress. She started out with "What jew want"? Then there were plenty of yeahs, yuh-huh's and ok's. How many times do I have to ask for refills? I still left her her 20%.

On the other, almost every Wed. night, my wife and I go to (((Competitor's name redacted))) on Bandera and 1604 and get Gerald. Gerald is get the latest in a long line of regular waitpersons we have at all the places we go to eat. We always wait for our regular waiter and tip good. Our meals with him usually comes to around $17 or $18 dollars and I tip $10. He knows what we like and how we like it. I appriciate him very much and all the other folks who help us.

Waiting tables is a hard job. It kills me to see a cheap family of four leave a dollars tip on a $30 or $40 meal. I see it all the time. If you can't afford to leave a decent tip, you shouldn't eat out. If the service is that bad, leave a couple of dollars. The couple next to us at (((Competitor's name redacted))) left the girl a handfull of pennies. About what she was worth.

sorry, allowing you to give a competitors name would instigate others to just file against their competition, to only come back later to suggest their company your comments on this policy are welcome! CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.



No Service

#17Consumer Comment

Thu, February 01, 2007

I have to agree with Larry. When you consider Mcdonald's TV advertising, it's easy to see who their target audience is. It's those who can't or don't expect any kind of elementary good service. So the company just goes on, collecting their billions from those who can't count past ten without taking off their shoes. Therefore Mcdonalds doesn't seem to be concerned about losing business from anyone who expects their food to be served fresh, not grease-soaked, and in a friendly manner.

I haven't been to there for years. There's too many other places to get that fast food...places that really try hard.



It's a sign of the state of the economy

#17Consumer Comment

Thu, February 01, 2007

About 4% of the workforce is simply unemployable because they are incapable of performing the basic functions of holding a job, like showing up on time, being nice to customers, etc. When the economy is as strong as it is and unemployment is as low as it is, the first place you notice it is at fast food places.

There are three kinds of people who work in fast food, teenagers holding their first job, seniors supplementing their retirement, and people who can't get a job anywhere else because they're idiots. When you roll up to the window and it's a 25 year old man or woman handing you your big mac and they aren't the manager, guess what category they fall into.

My suggestion is write a letter (not e-mail) to the manager of the store with a copy to McDonald's corporate headquarters outlining your complaint. Be specific and professional. Corporate doesn't like it when a store isn't like it when a store isn't doing it the McD way and they've been known to pull franchises.



call the how we doin 800 #

#17Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 01, 2007

its on the bag, i have called numerous times, and i let them know what the problem is, and believe me mcd has a lot of problems, but its cheap when im on the road, or have my kids w me. i have been sent coupons for their premium chicken sandwiches, and ive even been called by franchise owners to apologize, not usually a response from corporate stores tho-- go figure


North Carolina,

Here's what you can do...

#17Consumer Comment

Thu, February 01, 2007

STOP STOP STOP going there!

You say its convenient to your work, but they make you wait 15 minutes to take your order and it always wrong. How is this convenient? You should spend those 15 minutes going somewhere else and getting what you actually WANT!

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