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  • Report:  #51976

Complaint Review: Maricopa Water Processing - Kinetico AZ

Maricopa Water Processing ripoff Chandler Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Crystal Minnesota
  • Submitted:
    Tue, April 08, 2003
  • Updated:
    Wed, February 02, 2005
  • Maricopa Water Processing - Kinetico AZ
    3454 N. San Marcos Pl
    Chandler, Arizona
  • Phone:
  • Category:

KineticoMaricopa Water Processing - Kinetico AZ ripped us off with false promises and shady business practices! .....

Not all Kinetico water conditioning dealers are created equal! Maricopa County Water Processing aka Kinetico AZ is very pricey on installations and disconnections and they don't give a d**n about YOU their customer!

We moved 1,800 miles to AZ and our Kinetico equipment arrived in perfect working order. Made the mistake of calling Maricopa Water Processing Systems to install it...the bill was over $400 and included a pressure regulator on our brand new house. We too bought their song and dance about city water pressure!

When we called Maricopa to disconnect our equipment as we were moving out of state they were all too happy to come out a second time. I had been promised that boxes would be brought and our equipment would be readied for the impending move. The technician showed up with no boxes, borrowed one of MY moving boxes to put the drinking water system into and some of my packing tape to seal the water softener shut. I'd utilized Kinetico personnel before on several moves in Minnesota and had always had good experiences...I had no reason to question what the technician had done.

When we arrived in Minnesota we did not buy a house immediately so the Kinetico equipment was placed into the basement of the house where we stayed. When we finally did purchase our own house (a year later)we called our original Kinetico dealer to install the equipment. Much to our surprise we learned from the dealer that our water softener had been damaged in the packing materials put inside the tank to protect the parts; the Maricopa technician just put everything he'd disconnected loosely inside the tank and taped it shut. Consequently we incurred an additional $140 for repair and trip charges.

I contacted Maricopa and spoke with the Service Manager, Bob Michele and told him of our dilemma. Mr. Michele spoke with myself, my husband and the Minnesota Kinetico dealer and said that Maricopa would pay take care of the damage...that is until he had had time to think things through and then he became argumentative and withdrew his offer. Next I wrote a letter to the company President, Martin Chan and provided photocopies of our installation and repair bill in Minnesota. Several weeks padded and I heard nothing back from him.

Not knowing what else to do I contacted the Phoenix Better Business Bureau as Maricopa flashes the BBB reliability logo on their Maricopa/Kinetico AZ website. What a worthless joke that turned out to be. Pete Rambo, Vice President of Marketing for Maricopa Water Processing wrote a letter to the BBB and basically called me a liar and saying that Maricopa had no responsibility for the damage as they just "disconnect - they don't pack." Huh, would have been nice if they had told me that beforehand...I could have put packing materials inside of the tank myself to protect my $1,200+ investment for the long move had I known. Gosh, I just assumed that when the Maricopa technician taped the tank shut all was well.

Mr. Rambo even went a step further in his letter to the BBB to suggest that we had opened the tank and damaged our own absurd! But the absolute worst insult was that Ms. Diane Spencer of the BBB sent me a letter saying that although the dispute was not resolved to my satisfaction it was resolved. That is sheer silliness...because their member, Maricopa wrote a letter (falsifyies the truth) I guess an answer constituted resolution. I always thought that the BBB meant what they said when they advertised protection of the consumer by providing honest information and following ethical business practices.

The lesson I learned through all of this is this: don't believe everything you learn from the Better Business Bureau as it isn't always accurate AND beware, beware, beware of Maricopa Water Processing Systems if you live in Arizona!

Crystal, Minnesota

STOP! ..before you think about using the Better Business Bureau (BBB)... CLICK HERE to see how other consumers were victimized by the BBB's false or misleading information. Don't be fooled! It has been reported, when there are thousands of complaints and other investigations underway by authorities, the BBB has no choice but to finally give an UNsatisfactory rating to a BBB member business that is paying the BBB big membership fees every year. When a business is reported that is NOT a BBB member, BBB files WILL more likely show an UNsatisfactory rating, then reportedly shake down that company to become a member of the BBB. One positive thing about the BBB is, either way, if a business has an unsatisfactory rating with the BBB, you can be sure, the business is bad. But what about all those BBB member businesses that had complaints filed against them? Consumers never get to hear about them. What about the BBB advertising to the public? Is this a false and misleading perception they are giving about consumer confidence when dealing with a business? Click here to understand more of what consumers and business alike are saying about the BBB. You decide. ..Remember. The BBB membership is not earned, its paid for!

2 Updates & Rebuttals



Still pursuing this scam shop of a company

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, February 02, 2005

well, I am still fighting this company and I hope all who plan on using them read this,company still is ripping people off, STAY AWAY from them. They dont suppot what they sell and hold to thier warranty. I am not going anywhere, even if I dont get my money back, I will still continue to warn everyone I know about this corrupt company until they resolve thier dispute wiht me!



Same story, different day

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, August 27, 2004

I was totally amazed and I read this letter, this is almost the same senario as my experience with Maricopa Water Processing. With the exception of instead of moving out of state, we were the new owner of the house. I am astounded that Kinetico would think that this is a plant by a competitor. IT IS A FACT!

Mr Micele's motto is to get downright rude and beligerant with customers to get there money and then RUN! I agree that the BBB did nothing in my case either so I am taking this to the attorney general and if needed, the media, This company's motto is to get your money and RUN! they did not honor thier warranty either in my case!

I did however take the time to write to the rubuttal person at Kinetico so we will see what happens, I will keep you all posted. They need to be held accountable for thier fradulant behavior and I for one will not stop until this injustice is taken care of! ANOTHER DISSATIFIED MWP CUSTOMER!!!!! (Kinetico, please check your email and I have written and I will be GLAD to re write a letter here, IF you repay the money that is owed to me.) SETTLE YOUR CLAIMS PLEASE!!!!

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