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  • Report:  #101463

Complaint Review: Leasecomm

Leasecomm ripoff Waltham, Massachusetts Nationwide

  • Reported By:
    Red Wing Minnesota
  • Submitted:
    Sat, July 31, 2004
  • Updated:
    Wed, August 25, 2004

My husband and I were ripped off by Leasecomm just like all of you.

We owned a small computer business and were approached by a salesman who offered us a credit card machine. We jumped at the opportunity and filled out an application. He sent us the machine and got us set up and running. He said that he would fax us a copy of the lease contract and we never got it.

We thought that we were leasing the machine from Northern Financial, Inc. which was the company that approached us. For 6 months the payments came out of our business account and when we had to close the store, we called the salesman and never got a call back to tell us what to do with the machine.

About two years later we got a phone call from our banker saying that someone was trying to levy money from our accounts and he told them that there wasn't any money in the accounts to levy. That is how we found out that they had sued us and in Mass. not in Minnesota. They also sued us for about twice what they were entitled to under the lease agreement. For two years I have been fighting the attorney they hired to take our money and after reading a report that I found on the Federal Trade Commission's web site it changed everything.

You see Leasecomm was court ordered to vacate all of those judgments they illegally obtained in Mass. and on top of that they were court ordered to stop any and all collections.

If you want to read that for yourselves here is how you do it. Go to Go to the top of the home page where it says search. Type in "Leasecomm" just like that. Scroll through all of the reports until you get to the court order. Print that and read it. If you don't understand it bring it to an attorney. It will be the best money you ever spend. If I hadn't started college last year to become a paralegal I would never have found any of this out. I was taking a legal research class and just for fun typed in "Leasecomm" into a few search engines and that is what I found out.

I immediately called the attorney who was trying to garnish our money and ordered him to stop immediately. He admitted to having knowledge about the order but chose to ignore it for almost a year. Meanwhile we have had that thing on our credit report and have been unable to get a mortgage because of it.

I am looking forward to what an attorney will have to say about all of this when we meet next week. Please update on-line so I can see if I have been of any assistance to any of you. I would love nothing more for Leasecomm to lose millions to people just being informed about their unfair business practices. most a year ago.

Red Wing, Minnesota

3 Updates & Rebuttals


Red Wing,

they are running out of excuses with the FTC

#4Author of original report

Wed, August 25, 2004

I called Northern Financial a month ago requesting a copy of the alleged lease that either my husband or I signed. Now, a month later, after I faxed Norther Financial a copy of all of the paper work I had, Leasecomm has come up with a lease. I haven't seen it yet and was told that I would get a copy faxed to me tomorrow afternoon.

This is what happened, a month ago I sent Northern Financial copies of all of the paperwork that I had, not thinking that some of them had my husband's signature on them. Now a month later Leasecomm has mysteriously come up with a copy of the lease, and some varification forms to show that they called to confirm my husband's obligations under the lease. Ya right! what they have done is taken a month to fabricated a lease and somehow either forged or pasted my husband's signature onto it.

When talking to the owner of Northern Financial, he said that Leasecomm told him that they didn't want him to give me a copy of the lease unless I signed away my rigts to sue them both (Northern Financial, and Leasecomm). I told him that I would not do that because I still haven't decided if we are going to sue or not, and even if I did he would have to provide me with the lease during the discovery process and then they wouldn't have a month to come up with it. I smell another screwing by Leasecomm coming my way, but this time we aren't so naive because of this web site and so many others, we know what their next move will be ever time.

Post soon and let me know how things went.
You can fight Leasecomm, they are running out of excuses with the FTC and any operater at the FTC that you talk with will know exactly what you are talking about as you are making your complaint with them. They all know of Leasecomm well, because they continue to field many, many complaints from people.


Red Wing,

You need to go to the web site!

#4Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 10, 2004

Go to the web site, call the Federal Trade Commission. They will direct you on how to get this judgment vacated. It is really easy. Really all you will need to do is bring a copy of the Federal Court order to whatever state you are being persued in and they are bound to vacate the court order.

Then send a copy of that to all three of the credit reporting agencies and they will remove it from your credit. Also if you have a copy of the dismissal order you can bring that to your bank to prove that it should no longer be on your credit report, that may help.

It will be dismissed with predjudice which means that Leasecomm has the right to bring suit against you again, but this time because of the Federal Court order they will have to sue you in your state in your county. It will also be a "small claims" issue and you probably won't have any problems proving your defense.

Also if you want to e-mail me you may and I will type up a statement and have it a notary sign it and I will send it to you just in case they sue you again. We all need to stick together in this and help each other out. If we can all keep them from suing us again, then they will loose millions from their own stupidity.



I thought I was adrift

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, August 08, 2004

Dear Amy,

Thank you for the information you provided in your has been extremely useful!

Like so many (lots more than I thought!), I attended a seminar in the hopes of learning of a way to make money from my home computer. This seminar happened in Pensacola, back toward the end of summer 1999.

There were many buisness opportunities to be had; Val-U-Link, which was the distributorship through which you could stock your "E-Mall" with the finest merchandise, USMS (US Merchant Systems), so your online shoppers could pay for their things with their credit cards (It costed extra to accept Discover cards). Of course, your online store couldn't exist without Net-Bizz, because you had to have domain space to put all this on. You could also have a travel bureau, offering your customers exotic and luxurious acompaniments and destinations. Another way to package all this off was to offer free trips to some fancy port-of-call "if you click this link" (and submit some info).

Somehow, bundled into all of this was gumball and candy vending machines. Cleverly inserted to feel included, I suppose. (Get the black gumball and win a trip to Cancun!)

But as you know, you could make a modest living with a web page, shlepping "stuff", or you could make the REAL Money selling web-space with merchant accounts...or, even better, go out and buy FrontPage 2000 ($150.00 at the time!) and DESIGN and sell web-space with merchant accounts!

As you probably also know, none of the stuff worked. Getting onto the Val-U-link website was easy enough, at first...but in two months I couldn't get in anymore. Server troubles, and a hundred useless phone calls led me in circles.
Getting onto "my website" never happened. I started making a page, and it never appeared. Nada.

It took me eight months of hunting to find that Val-U-Link had simply "dissolved"....ceased to exist. But the LeaseComm had continued to take my money for a year and a half before someone finally came forward to tell me what happened.

When I asked about getting my money back, I was told that my contract was still binding; I still had to pay. I told them I had nomore money. They told me to make money happen or they'd sue. This has sent my family and I on a crash course with going broke.

We can't buy a house, and had to move back North in hopes of a better chance. I think, when it started out, the contract was for some $3,200 or $3,700 to pay it the time the lawsuit crept in, I was supposed to owe them over four grand, plus costs, collections, and so on. Also, since they chose to pursue the legalities in another state so they knew I couldn't afford to come. (I was told to change venue to my state, but that was offered too not appearing in their court, I had supposedly forfieted my rights.)

Since I'm pretty broke right now, I can't really afford an attorney to peruse any documents (at the time of this writing, I haven't gone to the website you had suggested, so please be patient). Is there anything else I can do to get the bad marks off my credit report, or something to prevent them from checking my credit at their whim (I have read in other reports on this site that they do that)?

Any further info or contact would be so incredibly useful, as I am determined to find a solution to my problem. These cretins took me for alot of money (not as much as some, but if it is all you have, it's a lot!), and I want this to conclude.

Thank you!

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