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  • Report:  #16662


LEASECOMM CORPORATION / COUPON CONNECTION STRIKES AGAIN, but their days as a consumer fraud ripoff, deceptive company are numbered!! Woburn Massachusetts

  • Reported By:
  • Submitted:
    Wed, March 13, 2002
  • Updated:
    Wed, March 13, 2002
    WOBURN, Massachusetts
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I also was taken in by Leasecomm Corporation and it's dealer, Coupon Connection. They came into our city, coupled with several other so-called Home Business opportunities. Using fast and deceptive methods they signed of many people under their programs that evening.

At the meeting they failed to give full disclosure, which I soon discovered afterwards that Coupon Connection is "connected" to Leasecomm Corp. In joining with Coupon Connection I was very thorough with my questioning, two being, "Does this really work?" and "What if I want out?" Their reply was favorable, "Yes it really does work making big money." and "I could get out of my contract if it didn't work?"

My whole objective was to get out of debt and start a lucretive business. None of the promises Coupon Connection stated materialized, including getting out of my contract with Leasecomm Corp. It's obvious that they and Leasecomm never expected me or anyone to do well in the home businesses. To the point that Leasecomm has made provisions just for that and making "hugh" money off us unsuspecting individuals.

But, Leasecomm your days are numbered, I have no fear of you nor your antics. You've messed with the wrong person this time, a child of God!! I have simply taken your evil ways and company to someone higher than man, the Lord, and you're going down, down, down.

I don't know how many of the readers of this site are believers, but I admonish all of you to join with me in fervent prayer for God to bring this company, and any others that are participating in this type of thievery and lies, to an end. LORD, CLOSE THEM DOWN!! There is POWER in the BLOOD, and in numbers. I'm not ashamed to lift up His Name and call on Him for help in a time of need. I certainly hope that neither are you. And as always, we asked this in His Name, Jesus Christ, Who shall receive all the Glory for His purpose.

Southfield, Michigan

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