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  • Report:  #678825

Complaint Review: Jan Windglows Concerning Mary Prantil aka "psychic in seattle" aka "tacoma in washington" aka "witchcraft hater"

Jan Windglows Concerning Mary Prantil aka "psychic in seattle" aka "tacoma in washington" aka "witchcraft hater" EXPOSES MARY PRANTIL CYBER CRIMES EXPOSED, MARY PRANTIL LIAR RIPS OFF INNOCENT BUSINESSES, MARY PRANTIL CRIMINAL RECORDS EXPOSED, bestmaryprantil, American UNSuccess Mary Prantil, MARY PRANTIL ON TWIT Internet

  • Reported By:
    Truth & Fact — Internet Internet United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Wed, January 05, 2011
  • Updated:
    Sat, April 28, 2012
  • Jan Windglows Concerning Mary Prantil aka "psychic in seattle" aka "tacoma in washington" aka "witchcraft hater"
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Web:
  • Category:

Mary Prantil prides herself in proclaiming that she's New York's beloved Comedian, or God's shining light of NYC.

Moreover, that she now Has a mission from God to stop cyber stalking via lobbying the U.S Congress, to which is all nothing but her state of grandeur and delusional thinking kicking in.

Lastly, that she Lives by the golden rule and moreso has the audacity to post bible verses regarding love and tolerance etc.

I believe that prantil is anything but beloved person in the state of New York and further, is a little egotistical in declaring herself to be on "a mission from God". Especially when this person is in direct opposition of God's Holy Laws in every way.

She once proclaimed that she was on a mission from God to bring down cyber scammers such as her. I wonder how this is working out for her four years later? Not very well from what I have observed.

Miss Prantil states that she likes to bring laughter to the world One laugh at a time however, I think it's more appropriate to say that this cyber Troll harms society via procreating one tear at a time through her malicious and evil actions.

This is all very typical behavior coming from a individual like this as you can see on the cyber stalking and Cyber Troll profiling sites.

Below, is a wonderful list of resource sites for both adult and child victims of this type of situation being carried out against them and thus, we would strongly exploring the offered sites as they are a great source of comfort. (YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS).

Given the daily or pre existing stresses of the world felt by everyone, life can be trying at best however, when you throw in constant harassment from a Cyber Troll like prantilcould give anyone a horrific and or, an unbearable existence.

Persons with prantil's personality were often times childhood bullies whom further caused much pain to the children around them. Basically, Prantil is the bully that we all hated and avoided in school. The type of person that lived closed to us that eventually filled our young lives with dread and fear on a daily basis.

It is personalities such as prantil that have grown up psychologically; yet, have never evolved psychologically, and still remain the bully at heart. Instead of harassing us on the playground, behind the school or on our way home, they now harass us on the Internet, over the pone and through the email.

Social Networking is now their playground in which they stalk, harass, torment and kill persons on occasions as is unfortunately the case from time to time.

In short, we've all grown up into law abiding citizens trying to lead our lives in a peaceful, God fearing and prosperous way.

Yet, they being the Cyber Trolls like prantil have regressed into a neanderthal personality whose only joy is in causing others emotional and psychological pain for prolong durations of time just for the sake of being noticed and or validated.

Many of these articles and profiles below will warn you against FEEDING THE BLOG TROLL and Cyber Stalker by not responding to them if at all possible, I believe in this tactic regarding to some situation but not all.

I was taught early on that if you can't go over, under or around a Bully problem, YOU GO THROUGH THEM. To avoid this sort of a problem through inaction does nothing more then postpone it temporally, It will only come back to haunt you at a later date.

Basically, inaction is the same principle that states, "If I don't move maybe he won't shoot me", or "If I give the blackmailer the money, perhaps he won't squeal on me". A criminal is a criminal that typically doesn't live by the same rules as you and I do, and that's what makes them criminals in the first place.

Rational and moral thought process,or the equal rules of fairness and engagement doesn't apply when dealing with criminals. I don't condone just ripping someones a*s at the drop of a hat, I do strongly believe peaceful resolution if at all possible however, If this doesn't work then I am certainly for dealing with the problem head on.

As can be seen in my previous reports and the profile reports of others below. These criminals are freaks of humanity, or simply bullies that never grew up into adult life, who have absolutely no regard for your rights as a human being.

They most certainly don't have any real fear of the legal system so why should they care about what their activities do to others.

No fear, No Remorse, No Mercy is what most Cyber Trolls and Cyber Stalkers like prantil are made up of yet, these qualities won't save them in the end no more then these same tactics save a rabid dog.

I agree with a lot of the statements made on these sites, but mostly with the statements having to do with record keeping and the gathering of evidence. This in itself will save your reputation from idiots like this little 95 pound stalker bag of sh_t named mary


Miss Prantil often times says on her trash sites that Fear Is Only In The Mind. This statement in itself shows us her personality, doesn't it? Fear for this particular Troll is in being exposed internationally, or throughout the world simply by yielding the facts of her criminal life.

In our particular situation with our little stalker, scammer, cyber bully and Troll, we learned that she is many things rolled up into one big ball of criminal crap. In essence, a very mentally afflicted person whom likes to torment and rip off Internet businesses, nothing special.

The thing that makes me angry is in that people like this remain free through the inaction of public officials and or law makers. But even this is a small matter as Mob Rule will handle this type of thing quite nicely.

Like any bully or cyber stalker, a good punch in the nose usually remedies the problem and thus, our reports on this fool is exactly what this is. Now our little stalker is begging for us to stop mentioning her name yet, she persist in mentioning ourson a daily basis,and in derrogatory ways. This just goes to show you what a freak job she really is, in my option. You know, I often wonder how many people have become very sick emotionally and psychologically in the past as a result of prantil's perpetual harassment and stalking of them?

I wonder how many suicides she may have driven people to as a result of her criminal torment treatment against them? I've been told by many in New York law enforcement circles on numerous occasions that she has done this same thing to countless private and professional people down through the last 20 years.

Again, I ponder on occasion the question, could prantil have caused a child's death at anytime such as was the case with a 46 year old woman that was just indited for cyber stalking and manslaughter against a fifteen year old?

The Mother didn't like something the girl had said to her daughter and thus cyber stalked and bullied the young girl so much that she commuted suicide by hanging herself in the closet.

Who's to say that prantil wasn't responsible for contributing to the death of another in her past as a child, or perhaps a responsible for an undocumented or unreported event on the Internet etc.?

It's people like prantil that have the emotional makeup to carry out things like this against a person.

In fact this is their goal in some instances.

Really, all the police see is the suicide and really miss what caused the suicide in the first place. To which leads me to another interesting point, Miss Prantil uses the terminology of Cyber Murder a lot.

We know that everything prantil says, or charges another with, is in fact what she is either planning to do, or has carried out at some point in her life against another.

I just find this a interesting choice of words on her part, that seriously makes me wonder what this stalker is actually capable of as a general thought.

Another statement prantil had made about a year back was in accusing us of allegedly having homeless people buried in our back yard and that we had also allegedly Sacrificedhomeless peoplein satanic spells. Again, makes me wonder; as mary prantil usually has already done or is planning to do the exact thing that she accuses others of.

In the past, most folks didn't really see the importance of this grievous issue however, I've noticed that more and more coverage is given to this matter of Cyber talking, Scamming, and Cyber Bulling as a dangerous criminal activity.

Especially on social networking sites like Facebook, Eblogger, Twitter, Google Profile and other so called social media web sites. Prantil is on and uses all of these sites along with the scam sites to propagate her criminal activities.

As far as I'm concerned, prantil and those like her are criminals that have both very disruptive and dangerous personalities. I only have total loathing and contempt for these kinds of societal misfits and believe we need to send them all to a lock up for good. Again, please read the links below and guard yourself, your children,and those you love against imposters, cyberbullies, stalkers,andcriminals such as Mary T. Prantil.

( more info on s***k Mary found on "A Shrine To Queen Lilith" )

3 Updates & Rebuttals

She''s HOTT

New York,

Mary Prantil is HOTT-But Who Taught You To Write?

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, April 28, 2012

1.  Why do you have to underline everything.  Who Taught You To Write? (as in previous posts)

2. Why did you have to write these long titles under her pictures so that
now No One can even see her pictures when they click on it (like in previous reports)-Who Taught You To Write?

She's HOTT

A.  Does she have a black man in her life?

B.  Does she need a black man in her life?

....Because she is HOTT

The Truth Prevails Here

Long Beach,
United States of America

What? I couldn't understand U Ramshit, perhaps because you have your HEAD STUCK UP MY AS_ EVERYDAY sticking your nose in my businesses,READING MY POSTS

#4Author of original report

Thu, January 06, 2011

There are two types of people that do not like these posts-

1. The stalker

2. Rip Off Report Editors

So if ya don't like the posts THEN DON'T f**k_NG look for them everyday and or READ

THEM !!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are thousands of other posts you can read up here I am sure. SO GO READ SOMEONE ELSE'S POSTS!!!!

I speak to Ed often, and he told me I could post anytime


please like anyone else up here---------So FUC_ off if you do

not like these posts, LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!







You really need to understand that until Mary Prantil is

behind bars and as long as she keeps posting on me up here


GET THAT ROGER RAMSH_T???? GOOD FOR U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, This is our latest threat from our cyber stalker Mary T. Prantil AKA PsychicINSeattle - Tacoma (, United States of America) from Astoria New York found on Rip Off Report Just for the record, Ed Magedson can't stand this idiot as she has single handedly taken away from the credibility of his site with her crap postings.

Please also let me direct you to some points we would like to make in her posting below along with what you can find on her Twitter and blog sites. Firstly prantil is stating that she's not mary prantil in this post yet, all you have to do is match the content of what she's saying and the writing style with all the misspellings.

She also would like you to believe that she is some form of Christian Psychic that would like to save you and moreover, that allegedly has several people that has come to her and filed complaints against us.

Perhaps this Idiot would like to provide you with some real names and numbers that you can contact, That further can prove their association with us via emails, phone recordings etc that directly link them to us. She can't because they don't exist.

Prantil goes on to say that we are allegedly dangerous, How so? Is performing spells for others a dangerous occupation ? Or in a Client performing a prayer by asking Divinity for something the Client wants? I don't think so. Is this a threat coming from this stalking fool as follows? You will never have peace again in your life . Sounds like a threat to me, but were not worried about anything this EXPOSED STALKER has to say.

Do we allegedly threaten folks should they not want our services? Absolutely not as this is just another ridicules charge coming from pran-idiot. This Criminal stalker needs to prove that this ever occurred between us and anyone, She can't because it never happened.

Also, we don't assume that anyone is ignorant other then in the case of criminal prantil and further, we don't steal from anyone as this is against our moral standers and values however, prantil has no problem doing this to folks. Good thing she's going back to jail soon. Prantil's nothing but a two bit criminal and stalker rolled into one.

We've also noticed that prantil is filing out false reports again to which will be trashed by whatever agency. Again, she trying to get us to call whomever because this is a controlling stalker thing for her, But were not calling anyone just to have them laugh and tell us she's a crazy person.

Nether are we worried about her little Fu_ked up reports. Prantil has repeated this same behavior for four years now and she never changes. It must be the cross wiring in her head.

As far as this person stopping us, it's hard to stop someone that stays within the social and spiritual laws, unlike prantil as she's stooped at every turn it would appear.

Hey, maybe this is why prantil is being stopped via going back to January 11 and were free as a bird. Everything we do is of a righteous nature and we will happily reap what we sow, for this stalkers information.

Our next point we would like to make is that Miss Prantil doesn't sound like the Christian she portrays herself to be when making statements like:I believe that cancer is anger and evil that people keep and don't let go of. You should all see an onocologist soon if it isn't too late already. Cancer is a long slow horrible disease that makes you suffer and gives you time to think about what you have done and what you need to make reparations. Judging from your rebuttals I don't know that you have the time left in this lifetime topray and ask for forgiveness for each of your horrrible offense you have inflicted on others.

Prantil drew this topic of cancer in the last posting I made concerning a woman that was being stalked whom moreover had cancer and a husband with heart problems. The same two people whom had agitated conditions as a result of being stalked from someone just like prantil.

Jeezzzs, Does Prantil ever stop blame shifting? Actually she's probably the one with cancer that should moreover be thinking about all the harm she's caused to innocent others, And not us. We know how much time prantil has, Don't we? (JANUARY 11) She's going back to court for felony stalking and several other criminal counts of aggravated harassment against four other people.

The Criminal Stalker prantil says that she serves the Lord LOL, is all I can say to that however, keep her last statement in mind as we will come back to it later. Then the prantil stalker goes on to actually demand that we FEAR HER LOL LOL LOL LOL, d**n I just peed myself because I was laughing so hard. We don't fear Idiot stalkers, We only EXPOSE THEM. Miss Prantil isn't afraid of anything other then the truth LOL, She's a Freak.

And lastly, the criminal freak starts dropping names and comparing herself to Jesus, God, Angels etc when she should really bring it down to earth a bit and compare herself to criminals like Bundy, Dolmer, Chatman, Sirhan Sirhan etc. These SCUM BAGS are her kind. You know.

Prantil is confused again as she keeps trying to convince everyone that she's doing Gods work to which isn't the case. She live at the other zip code called Hell to which she will be going to eventually, or very soon.

Our lives have always been peaceful and prosperous however, Miss Prantil's hasn't for quite some time as she's just a criminal stalker parroting whatever positive crap she thinks people want to hear just long enough to gain their trust, Long enough to gain entry into their lives to rip them off and cause havoc. You can see Miss Prantil playing Psychic in the following paragraphs below under :PsychicINSeattle - Tacoma (, United States of America)



go away

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, January 05, 2011

go away, you're making an a** of yourself and I think you're a troll!

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