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  • Report:  #788969

Complaint Review: International House of Prayer

International House of Prayer IHOP Forerunner School of Ministry **DANGEROUS CULT ** Kansas city, Missouri

  • Reported By:
    been ripped off — Buroke Michigan United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Sat, October 15, 2011
  • Updated:
    Fri, November 30, 2012

International House of Prayer is known all throughout the nation as one of the most popular and most dangerous Christian cults.  I know from my own experience attending the Forerunner School of Ministry, and also by MANY others' experiences.  Google this on the web, there is a plethora of young people who have shared their dangerous experiences there.

There are those who anonymously blog about the brainwashing that takes place at this cult because they are afraid for their lives!!!  So so many of us who naively attended this cult began to question the brainwashing after we were there.  What the leadership do, when they find out, is tell your roommates to all leave you so that you cannot afford your apartment.  This happened to literally HUNDREDS of us and you can read all about it on the web.

After they make your roommates move out, they will tell you that they are going to "ship you off" to Canada where the "blessing" is.  They tell you NOT to tell your parents where you are going or anything about it and they tell you to completely dissassociate from your family and parents!!!  I have literally first-hand been through all of this and I have also heard many many stories of those who went through this EXACT same thing.

It is normal "protocol" for the leadership to do this to anyone who for a moment is skeptical and concerned about the brainwashing that goes on here.  They demand that you separate from the outside world, family and friends and they brainwash you by forcing you to spend almost all of your time in their program, classes, and "24/7 House of Prayer".  You will no longer be able to think for yourself or reason, you will not be able to think clearly and will lose complete touch with reality.

They drained me of all the money I had spent years saving up for, only to tell my roommates to leave me and forced me to go secretly to Canada without telling any of my family back home.  I refused to do this, and at that point my parents became greatly concerned and got me out of there as fast as they could.  Because of the brainwashing and the antidepressents that they forced me to take (even though I complained to them that I was allergic to these pills and they were making me depressed and anxious to an unbearable point) I fell into a very deep depression with the brainwashing and these crazy pills they made me take, and became suicidal to the point where I was no longer able to function as a person and almost starved to death out of sheer deep depression and medication that I was allergic to.  I am 5'7" and only weighed one hundred pounds.  I was no longer functional and almost to the point of death when my dad rescued me from that horrible cult.

I was always a healthy and happy person, within reason, both before and after I had gone to that place.  That cult messed me up so bad and brainwashed me to the point that I still, five years later, struggle with being able to tell reality from brainwashing and I still struggle with living a normal productive life.  If you want to destroy your child for the rest of his or her life, send them to that awful place.  Listen to all of the articles and reviews, as well as a New York Times article written about the place causing concern.  They did not even scratch the surface in that article!!!  DO YOUR RESEARCH first before ever stepping foot in that cult! 

I would like everyone who comes across this and has been brainwashed, almost to the point of death, as I have to write your horror stories so people can be warned.  I would also like for us to gang together and file a huge lawsuit against this cult.  It destroyed me and ruined my life, as well as hundreds of others who have been able to somehow come out of this brainwashing.  This place literally almost killed me and I am so thankful to my dad for rescuing me when he did because I was at the point of near death.  The government NEEDS to intercede!!!  They will not because of polotics and such but they NEED to

2 Updates & Rebuttals

Wish it was not true

Lake Worth,

Be skeptical of false claims against IHOP KC

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, November 30, 2012

I looked at the statement of faith of IHOP and found that I agree with them 100%.

The so called "christian critics" that condemn them have poor statement of faiths that I do not trust like CARM. CARM only believes the "originals" of the Bible are perfect. In other words we have no perfect Bible cause there are no "originals". Any original manuscript would be like 1,900 years old.

Like God can not preserve his words if he wants to....CARM denies this. 

Another group condemning them as a "cult" believes in abortion and sodomite marriages....which IHOP is strongly against.

If one is know by their enemies - then IHOP is christian - believing in intercessory prayer and standing against SIN.

I would be skeptical of anyone making claims against IHOP - but I have no first hand knowledge.

Satan does love to discredit true christian believers.

I am Chaplain Bob Walker and I have an earned masters degree in the Bible. 


High River,

Nov 17/12

#3General Comment

Sat, November 17, 2012

I have read this article and do not believe one word of it. I  am a minster of religion and have two children and their families on staff at IHOP. I have been there many times and some times for months at a time. This is not a cult by any means, it does not have the marks of a cult.

However there are students and individuals that show up there that are not allows balanced. So some students are sent home etc. I have been a minister for over fifty years. (not a cult) ihop has been a place that has in-packed me which has been very positive more than any other place in my life. Blessings

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