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  • Report:  #1131682

Complaint Review: Hosein Kouros-Mehr

Hosein Kouros-Mehr works at Eli Lilly Company in Indianapolis Eli Lilly has a robber who is a robber! Indianapolis Indiana

  • Reported By:
    Linda from IN — Indianapolis Indiana
  • Submitted:
    Wed, March 19, 2014
  • Updated:
    Sun, January 04, 2015
His name is Hosein Kouros-Mehr; also claims to be David Mehr; ethnicity from IRA but sometimes he mention to be Jewish, 34y and work at Eli Lilly 317-276-2000 company located in Indianapolis, IN but the true is he is born in IRA working in living in Indiana with family members in California.
His double life includes to stole other people money, as he stole from me and I don't allow no one doing this without paying a high price for that., also want making sure he doesn't do this again with someone else.
I've tried hard on giving him a chance to fix this matter and explained also the consequences as on my heart I really want he just taking responsibility and pay what he owns to me in a discreet way. Also tried to reach by email his company CEO and HR to be aware of this matter prior posting but no ones shows to care so I should I? since I'm the victim here..
Who Stole other people money is for me is a CRIMINAL and many should be aware of this guy who has showed to have a psychopathic behavior that now, will results for his unsuccessful egocentric attitude on solving the mess that his own get involved; to no showing respect for himself and company he works on making a smart decision to pay what he stole from me on a pacific and discreet way. But he is so stupid, selfish.. that just decide to underestimate the situation and no taking responsibility on solving this problem now giving me no other option to post his criminal activity.
He mess with the wrong one this time! and he knows I wait for 1 week giving him so many chances, explaining the consequences and he just sounds like  no cares about his reputation and company's
"this is how egocentric, selfish people does found himself to be untouchable and too smart who believes to be the only who can hurt and never get hurt... taking for grant his position on life on taking advantage of others less fortunate"
Bellow is the information he provided in the past but he change name, emails, phone all the time... so, be careful with this guy... because he has a good career he believe can be stole other people money without been never cached, but now he messed with the wrong one as I was able and have ways to catch those "type of people"
email,; (for employment verification); phone numbers 317-217-9487; 317-760-8106;  317-214-0610; 317-760-8601 and coming from IP IP: Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, United States (Bright House Networks) ;
Name used: Hosein Kouros-Mehr; David Mehr; ethnicity from IRA but sometimes he mention to be Jewish
Shame in you Hossein! you should know better, pay what you own and now stole from me and you would have avoid all this!!!!

4 Updates & Rebuttals



The Fiscal Fizzle

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, July 21, 2014

For much of the past five years readers of the political and economic news were left in little doubt that budget deficits and rising debt were the most important issue facing America. Serious people constantly issued dire warnings that the United States risked turning into another Greece any day now. President Obama appointed a special, bipartisan commission to propose solutions to the alleged fiscal crisis, and spent much of his first term trying to negotiate a Grand Bargain on the budget with Republicans.

That bargain never happened, because Republicans refused to consider any deal that raised taxes. Nonetheless, debt and deficits have faded from the news. And there’s a good reason for that disappearing act: The whole thing turns out to have been a false alarm.

I’m not sure whether most readers realize just how thoroughly the great fiscal panic has fizzled — and the deficit scolds are, of course, still scolding. They’re even trying to spin the latest long-term projectionsfrom the Congressional Budget Office — which are distinctly non-alarming — as somehow a confirmation of their earlier scare tactics. So this seems like a good time to offer an update on the debt disaster that wasn’t.

About those projections: The budget office predicts that this year’s federal deficit will be just 2.8 percent of G.D.P., down from 9.8 percent in 2009. It’s true that the fact that we’re still running a deficit means federal debt in dollar terms continues to grow — but the economy is growing too, so the budget office expects the crucial ratio of debt to G.D.P. to remain more or less flat for the next decade.

Things are expected to deteriorate after that, mainly because of the impact of an aging population on Medicare and Social Security. But there has been a dramatic slowdown in the growth of health care costs, which used to play a big role in frightening budget scenarios. As a result, despite aging, debt in 2039 — a quarter-century from now! — is projected to be no higher, as a percentage of G.D.P., than the debt America had at the end of World War II, or that Britain had for much of the 20th century. Oh, and the budget office now expects interest rates to remain fairly low, not much higher than the economy’s rate of growth. This in turn weakens, indeed almost eliminates, the risk of adebt spiral, in which the cost of servicing debt drives debt even higher.

Still, rising debt isn’t good. So what would it take to avoid any rise in the debt ratio? Surprisingly little. The budget office estimates that stabilizing the ratio of debt to G.D.P. at its current level would require spending cuts and/or tax hikes of 1.2 percent of G.D.P. if we started now, or 1.5 percent of G.D.P. if we waited until 2020. Politically, that would be hard given total Republican opposition to anything a Democratic president might propose, but in economic terms it would be no big deal, and wouldn’t require any fundamental change in our major social programs.

In short, the debt apocalypse has been called off.



Not True

#5UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Sat, June 07, 2014

This report is false. I know Hosein and this report is completly made up by someone trying to scam him and blackmail him into paying him money.

Linda from IN


Nice try! you're you stole my money and I'll be glad to proof that!

#5Author of original report

Wed, March 19, 2014

Again this guy is no only understimating me but also all who is reading this post. He's taking the advantage since English is not my first language trying making look like he was a victm of any scam.

There is people smarter than you Hassen, and I see you having trouble to understanding... if I'd be a scan I'd reach who really has money such the CEO of your company or anyone really Important and would have ask for much more. this is a logical. I'm not cheap like you are.... All I asked as you to return what you stole from me and I have how to proof that I never request any wire from you and you just robber my money and again I have how to proof all I'm saying! never asked for nothing that I don't believe to be mine.... just what you stole from nothing else... but after your bad behaviour sounds like you are truelly on need of money so taked and let's see how blessed you'lbe after Stole money from an Escort. Shame on you!

Underr investigation? I'll be glad to share the emails we had since when you inquire, made this mess, stole my money and was advised to return and you choose no to do so, You'll not starting any investigation where you know to soliciting escorts services can be very damaging to you. Let's see if you are MAN enough to give them my email and ask them to contact me, because on investigation I believe they wanna be far with both parts and they should see all evidences first.. and you know that I have all evidences of your behaviour.

Because you have a carrer you believe people will trust you and for this reason you just go around set up meeting with partial fake information with Escorts in Indianapolis made thei wast their time and then stole their money... what you'd never will imagine that I was able to catch you by you IP address and name and able to find all about you online.

Yes, I did search all I could about you on google because I want make sure to post all I can to have escorts safe as I'm aware you have mess with providers no only in Indianapolis but also in Los Angeles area.

You're a bad person, I gave you the chance to return what you know in your hurt you stole from me.

PS: The only reason I posting him is because I want make sure as any escort he try to reach not to go for the situation I have with this guy... and want people be aware he has a double life and personality taking advantage from people on more vulnerable lifes.





Victim of online fraud

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, March 19, 2014

This post is the result of online fraud.  My name and pictures were taken from Google search results and I was asked to "wire $2000 or face consequences" from an unidentified individual or groups of individuals, likely operating overseas.  I have contacted the authorities and an investigation is currently underway.  

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