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  • Report:  #367836

Complaint Review: Franklin Collection Services

Franklin Collection Services unwarranted legal harrassment Tupelo Mississippi

  • Reported By:
    Enterprise Mississippi
  • Submitted:
    Thu, August 28, 2008
  • Updated:
    Thu, August 28, 2008
  • Franklin Collection Services
    2978 W Jackson St,
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I know I am blessed...

I am a disabled Viet Nam Veteran and have been under the care of the VA in Jackson for several years (a victim of Agent Orange). I work 40 hours a week for a small business... in Meridian, MS.

I went to the emergency room at the VA in Jackson with chest pains... in June of 2007.

The VA did a heart chath and sent me to the University Hospital for surgery... they explained to me that the VA in Jackson uses the cardiac surgery department at the University Hospital for bypass surgeries. June 7, 2007 I had to undergo a quadruple bypass. I am so grateful to the VA and the staff of the University Hospital for the wonderful treatment I received and for another chance at life. I am doing well 14 months later.

The bill from the University Hospital was over $90,000... but the VA assured me that I would not have to pay anything because of my VA disability status.

I received a huge stack of bills from the clinics and doctors of the University Hospital... i.e. surgical group, radiology group, anesthesiology group etc. I called the VA Patient Advocate and asked what I should do... they told me to ignore the bills... that the VA was in the process of paying them... also they said that these clinics and groups know how long it takes to get paid... but that the VA always pays the bills. Through the last year these groups have all turned their bills over to the collection agencies to come after me directly... rather than seeking payment from the VA (which they knew they were going to receive).

I was told by one of the VA patient advocates that anything the clinics collect will be pure profit because they will still collect from the VA in due course.

So I am hounded day and night with threats of law suits, threats of garnishments, threats of everything short of a beheading. If the depression that comes from a major surgical trauma is not enough to completely discourage a person... the HELL that comes from the constant hounding of the collection dogs will.

13 months of this collection frenzy later... The VA assured me that all was taken care of and done... THEN a deputy walks into the small business in which I am employed with a Writ of Garnishment for over $12,000 by a collection agency for the University Surgical Associates who had already been paid in full by the VA.

It was so embarrassing and very disturbing to have dealt with this mess for over a year and then be insulted again in public, right where I work every day.

After calling the VA advocate again... he called to say that the collection agency is notorious for trying to collect from people who don't owe anything... (Franklin Collection Services Ripley, MS) but that they were going to withdraw the garnishment...

I found this scripture... which I think applies to all who endeavor to make a living harrassing the innocent.

Luke 11:46 And He (Jesus) said, Woe to you also, lawyers! For you load men with burdens grievous to be carried, and you yourselves do not touch the burdens with one of your fingers.

Jesus even loves lawyers... but He does not like the things they do for money.

Enterprise, Mississippi

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