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  • Report:  #1469783

Complaint Review: FORTNITE -EPIC GAMES


  • Reported By:
    GOTeem__COACH — Atlanta Georgia United States
  • Submitted:
    Tue, December 18, 2018
  • Updated:
    Tue, December 18, 2018

This game is a scam because EPIC GAMES has now allowed millions of hackers / cheaters (kids, teens mostly) to use these unfair advantages in the game to win. My and millions of other players' online experience is NOW RUINED FOREVER! They DO NOT have a legit report system in-game, and DO NOT have a working / active customer service hotline. You can't upload a video clip of the people cheating / using hacks, or nothing! All they allow us to do is submit the player's name, and what we're reporting. A BULLS*** notification comes up after saying, "you're great, thanks for reporting this to us, and keeping Fortnite safer." I've called Playstation several times to report hundreds of players cheating on the game, and even they are not able to do anything. Their choice of resolution is to contact: EPIC GAMES. When I did find a phone number, and chose an extention (or option) it hangs up, and does not connect me to any E.G representives. This game is a scam because they literally DO NOT allow you to refund your real money if the game forces you to unintentionally make a purchase you did not want to make. This game is a scam because, once again, they rather chose to focus on in-game purchases / releases, instead of the concern of the FORTNITE COMMUNITY. This game is unplayable, and filled with the following cheats:

AIMBOT, WALL HACK, ESP, SPEED HACK, DAMAGE DOUBLER, DAMAGE TRIPLER, DAMAGE QUADRUPLER, NO RELOAD HACK, INSTA / INSTANT BUILD HACK, DAMAGE REDUCTION HACK... and I'm sure there's more. I can't even get my money back. They're literaly NOT DOING ANYTHING to stop the millions of kid hackers in the game daily. 

Below is report / post in the forums for Fortnite on the EPIC GAMES website. 

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Hey everyone, I'm GOTeem__COACH.
28 years old, I play Fortnite on PS4, and my best skills are: Sniping, Evading and Keeping A Low Profile.
My favorite skins I play with are the: Cuddle Team Leader skin, Galaxy Skin, and the Spider Knight skin.
If I had to give an honest or estimated percentage about how much I enjoy Fortnite today, I'd say 6%.
I've been playing since Season 5, and I'm VERY OBSERVANT about everything in life, especially in this game.
One thing I just wanna say is, you can't be so naive and ignorant to believe that people (young & old) aren't cheating on here.

Season 5, all these kids could barely build 4 walls around them or nail shots...

Season 6, regular players still lacked advanced skill, but were gradually getting better.

Thousands of players killing other players in 2 HITS, even when they had FULL SHIELD and GREAT HEALTH. 2 Hits....
I've seen THOUSANDS of players perfectly shoot someone with a pump shotgun, and INSTANTLY switch over to an SMG and spam the fvck outta the bullets, killing the other player....
This is the "PUMP SMG" hack / mod.

I've seen a player shoot a Heavy Sniper. NEVER RELOADED NOT ONE TIME, and shot several times after.
I've seen THOUSANDS of players MAGICALLY build walls around them while they were facing one direction, before they even jumped or ran up the ladder.
Building 5-6 story high forts effortlessly.
It's called the "INSTA BUILD" hack / mod.

I've seen THOUSANDS of players face a completely different direction away from where I was, and the bullets MAGICALLY redirected themselves to my character's head.
So, If they were facing directly East, and I was directly South, the bullets miraculously hit my head at perfect accuracy killing me instantly.

-----------> EAST


This is the famous "AIMBOT" hack. Dang near over a million kids using this bull**** everyday on Fortnite, and I'm F****** TIRED OF IT!

I always come here to report this in-game foolery, and there's egotistical people responding to regular players who are victims of cheaters.
They just enjoy telling other people, "GET GOOD," "You Just Suck At The Game," "You're Trash," stupid **** like that.
Ironically they never encounter hackers..... (RIGHT.......OKAY, and I'm supposed to force myself to believe this lie?)

Lately, I've seen A WHOLE BUNCH of players shoot straight through my buildings, and kill me with less than 4 shots.
I've seen players use aimbot and QUADRUPLE the damage to my character, like....BRUH, GET THE F*** OUTTA HERE! NO F****** WAY!
I've seen WAY TOO MANY players with full shield and full health, with 500 in ammo, with 6-7 kills ALREADY at the beginning of the game, 4-5 people spectating them...
WHAT CHU THINK they watching them for.... DUH THEY CHEATING! Everybody's f****** using aimbot, and ****!

I think it's a shame, that I've spent my and my family's hard earned money to invest in these shop items and unlockables.
I've honestly spent over $2,000.00 USD on Fortnite, but it was all in vain thanks to these f****** cheaters using aimbot.
They've defiled this game with all the hacks! My online experience is ruined!
TEAM RUMBLE: All you gonna see is a bunch of bad *** kids in player form, bullying and ganging up on other players, killing 'em with aimbot.
EVERY F****** GAME, the enemy team usually stays ahead by 20 to 30 kills....
Every day, my friends getting tired of me whining, b******* and complaining about all these cheaters. I literally CAN'T and DON'T enjoy this game anymore.
It's NOT FUN anymore.
This game literally has me catching RAGE MOMENTS back to back, I'm always slamming my hand on the Playstation, all because of these cheaters / hackers and their aimbot.
Because they realistically lack skill, so they bought or downloaded the hacks to never lose again, but they've f***** up the online experience for everyone else in the process.
I will have to find another game to play and just take my loses. I may even have to stop playing Black Ops 4, because they've hacked the **** outta that one too.
I guess it's back to Team Fortress 2 on Steam for me.... I may even sell my playstation, and tell my friends that I met on Fortnite goodbye forever. DEAD AZZ SERIOUS!

For anyone that feels the same way, and knows how real this entire post is, I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND, you stop wasting your time and money on this game.
It's basically a gimmick. All the purchases are knock offs of others, everything costs high as hell, and EPIC GAMES is allowing this f****** to continue.
NOT TO MENTION, they don't even have a customer service hotline, but they're taking our f****** money... BOGUS AS F***!
I've Decided To Give Up Fortnite.

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