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  • Report:  #1469611

Complaint Review: Ebuyhouse Inc.

Ebuyhouse Inc. James Denlinger Company under multiple investigations Las Vegas NV Nevada

  • Reported By:
    Sean — Henderson NV United States
  • Submitted:
    Sat, December 15, 2018
  • Updated:
    Fri, July 19, 2019

As of this writing, this "business" has been reported to:

* The IRS for (alleged) tax fraud
* U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for (allegedly) failing to comply with federally mandated immigration employment law
* Clark County (Nevada) Police for (alleged) attempted blackmail
* The US Department of Justice for (alleged) identity theft 
* Attorneys for (alleged) libel law violation for posts on several "scammer" websites
* Nevada Board of Realtors for (allegedly) offering real estate services without a broker's license
* Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other social media sites for (alleged) violating anti-spam policies
* and Kickstarter has already suspended their fraudulent $50,000 campaign for a product that, it is alleged, was never going to be manufactured or distributed.

The owner, Hu Zhou, is a Chinese national who recently was forced to flee from the US back to China just before these investigations were officially launched.

I was an employee fired for whistleblowing. Avoid this place like the plague; it is beyond SHADY.

5 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

Apparently, James Denlinger was not a party to the possible tax and fraud actions of Ebuyhouse's owner.

#6Author of original report

Fri, July 19, 2019

 I did not become aware of this until recently, but I have learned that James Denlinger apparently was not a principal at Ebuyhouse responsible for the tax and fraud crimes I alleged below. He is responsible for his libel of me and other dubious personal actions, but I believe not those of his and my former employer, Ebuyhouse.

I wish he had told me this months ago, but he did not. I apologize for any bad feelings this may have caused and am now happy to voluntarily amend my report.


United States

RETRACTION by Sean h*o@de: I made these comments in anger.

#6Author of original report

Fri, June 21, 2019

It does not matter what James Denlinger or Ebuyhouse did or didn't do. I made this RipoffReport post in anger, and I allowed the replies to it to fuel that anger. I retract this RipoffReport and apologize for any pain it may have caused Mr. Denlinger or his company.

This retraction is not in response to any legal action. I offer it from the heart, in the spirit of Lord Buddha's words:

Hate is never conquered by hate.
Only love can conquer hate.
This is an eternal law.

I hereby release my anger and hatred toward Mr. Denlinger and Ebuyhouse.


United States

Addition to "Enough is enough with your lies" rebuttal against EBuyhouse

#6Author of original report

Sat, February 16, 2019

James Denlinger, I forgot to mention in my earlier rebuttal to your foolishness that, if I was such a bad employee who didn't do his job, then why did I get an unsolicited bonus check from Mr. Hu before he had to flee the country? I have the check image from the deposit, not to mention the Surface tablet also paid as a bonus.

Just wanted to include that, and I also meant to amend my earlier rebuttal, where I was talking about the U.S. Department of Justice investigation and mentioned that Ebuyhouse and Jim Denlinger had been reported "for identity theft." I should have said "for ALLEGED identity theft," this being where (I allege) he/they posted something false about me under username "RonS*******," that of the top backer of my own (failed, sadly) Kickstarter. (I've talked to Ron, and he assured me that he did NOT post it.)

Anyway, Jimmy Denlinger, I advise you to cut your losses. Everything you've spilled here can and will be used against you in a court of law. I wouldn't make it any worse for you and than it already is.


United States

Enough is enough with your lies

#6Author of original report

Fri, February 15, 2019

Oh, James Denlinger, Jim Denlinger, Jimmy Denlinger—whatever you’re calling yourself now—enough is enough already. You keep digging a deeper and deeper hole for yourself and for Ebuyhouse. I’m going to rebut your libel one last time. I’m not mad anymore at your continued BS … just disappointed.

Before I begin, here’s a little pro tip for you: You’re trying to make Ebuyhouse look like a legitimate business, right? Well, LEGITIMATE BUSINESSES DON’T DO WHAT YOU’RE DOING HERE. It’s just another sign to everyone that Ebuyhouse is at best untrustworthy and at worst—and I have told this to the FBI (report below)—a front business for illegal activity.

All right, on to the rebuttal of your (sad attempt at a) rebuttal:

1. Mr. h*o@de was never employed with Ebuyhouse. He was contracted under a 1099.

Is that so? I welcome you to post that document here. Make sure you forge my signature on it, so when it’s checked against the one I DEFINITELY signed and you DEFINITELY filed with the IRS (yes, that’s sarcasm). Wait, what? You DON’T have a 1099, because it doesn’t exist? Wow … it’s almost like IT’S NOT TRUE.

Also, if I was a 1099 Independent Contractor, then you’re admitting that Ebuyhouse violated—and still violates—every law regarding ICs vs employees? I’m glad you’re admitting this, because all of your “independent contractors” meet every criterion of employees. To wit:

   a. The IRS sez, “Under common-law rules, anyone who performs services for you is your employee if you can control what will be done and how it will be done. This is so even when you give the employee freedom of action.” [1] Since your workers must follow management instructions; are assigned what work must be done; work in the Ebuyhouse facility; work during prescribed hours on prescribed days; and use Ebuyhouse equipment, NONE of the people working for Ebuyhouse are independent contractors.
   b. Workers are salaried or hourly, NOT under any kind of contract. If they are—I certainly wasn’t—I’d love to see you post one here that was before today’s conversation. You won’t, of course, because they don’t exist. It’s almost like what you’re saying IS NOT TRUE.
   c. I have filed forms SS-8 and 8919 with my tax return—look them up, Jimmy Denlinger, because you’re about to become intimately familiar with them. (I’m certainly not committing perjury to save $500 in taxes, believe me, so that should say all that needs to be said about my claims regarding my employee status.) What’s cool is that the SS-8 allows an employer to negotiate about back taxes and penalties (including criminal), but once an 8919 is filed, the employer will DEFINITELY be audited. [2]

2. He was asked not to associate with us any further due to not completing any written articles for our blog …

Is that so? Then what the marketing manager, John Bl@ck, said at the time of my firing—“we want you to do freelance for us; we love your work”—wasn’t true? Remember that he will be put under oath when the many investigations proceed to depositions and when he is a witness in a courtroom. Making false statements on this site is fine (judging by you being on here), but making false statements to local, state, and federal authorities? Flat-out perjury? I don’t think John would be willing to do that. (I guess we’ll see, but I hope not. He’s a good guy.)

3. … a major distraction towards the employees we did have at the office when he would stop by …

WHEN I WOULD STOP BY? You are really desperate (to do what, I don’t know)!. Do you mean when I WOULD STOP BY Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. every week? You claim, like all of your claims, are EASILY disprovable. If you have a SHRED of evidence to back up this claim, please share it here. But you won’t, the main reason seeming to be that your claim IS NOT TRUE.

4. There is no investigation, There was no "whistleblowing", no one is breaking any laws …

No investigation? I’m not a whistleblower? No one is breaking ANY laws? I’m afraid that Clark County Police (for alleged blackmail by James Denlinger), U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Services (for alleged violation of E-Verify rules), the FBI (for allegedly operating a front business and the alleged criminal enterprise behind it), the U.S. Department of Justice (for identity theft), private lawyers (for alleged libel, which they doubled down on with this rebuttal) and the IRS (for allegedly misclassifying employees as independent contractors) would disagree, kind of like your denials ARE NOT TRUE.

5. … this whole report is based off a disgruntled contractee who's sole purpose for the last few months was to attempt to bash Ebuyhouse in falsely reported reviews when given the chance.

Okay, except for the “falsely reported reviews” and calling me a”contractee,” this one is true. Once I was let go (for not punching in—as a salaried employee—which they want all salaried employees to do, I think because they want to have a record of workers to make their front business seem more legitimate), I WAS angry. It wasn’t until I put 2 and 2 together afterwards that I took a look at what I had been doing for them, what they had been doing, and what it all allegedly meant. I’m proud to be a whistleblower on Ebuyhouse. Also, if my reports are false, rebut them with facts and documents—things I have to back up my allegations. You won’t do this, sure making it seem like what you claim IS NOT TRUE.

6. Ebuyhouse is a start-up company based in Las Vegas, NV.

Really? A startup by a Chinese millionaire who fled the country last year? I guess if you call that a startup, then great, good for you. But I think anyone who knows what the word “startup” means would say that Ebuyhouse being a startup ARE NOT TRUE.

7. We care about our consumers and our brand …

LOL WHAT CUSTOMERS? I allege that every listing on (readers should check it out themselves) is stolen from Zillow or other legitimate home-listing sites. Just as an example, look up this random home listed on 3672 ROSECREST SOUTH CIR, Las Vegas,NV,89121. Is that really for sale, Jim Denlinger? Because the Zillow listing [3] shows that it sold back in 2016 and isn’t currently for sale … that sorta implies that your claim of having customers IS NOT TRUE.

Oh, and I spoke with the guy from Nebraska you flew in for an interview, and he can back this up with the impression he got from your “business.” (Yes, I do have someone at Ebuyhouse who continues to feed me information. S/he knows the hammer is coming down and wants to protect him- or herself through documentation, which you don’t have for any of your own allegations … probably because they ARE NOT TRUE.)

8. … which Mr. Hoade is aware of.

The only thing regarding Ebuyhouse that I’m aware of is that no one should be associated with it in any way.

9. We would love for you, Mr. Hoade, to return the company laptop you took from us without permission.

Again with this idiocy? You have the form signed by myself and you showing that I borrowed a PC computer and monitor from the company (another thing not permitted for independent contractors, but I digress). You have the form signed by myself and John Bl@ck upon return of this equipment—which was (understandably) required before I received my final (shorted) paycheck. Why did you have me sign a form returning this equipment, but not the Surface laptop (again, not a laptop)

This should be contrasted with the Surface tablet (again, not a laptop) paid to me as a bonus. It was presented to me as such, was registered in my name, and for which I purchased the extended warranty plan … which a non-owner cannot do. If you have ONE IOTA OF EVIDENCE to support your claim that I was not paid this as a bonus, please present it here. Actually, you should present it to Clark County Police so they can some arrest me and confiscate the Surface. But oh, wait! You never have contacted the police … almost as if your claims here ARE NOT TRUE.

All right, I’ve wasted enough time with you and Ebuyhouse; it’s all in the hands of the authorities now. I highly recommend you don’t commit any further libel, since the lawyer is ready to move forward with the libel suit if even one person I know sees ANY of your lies. However, you’ve shown you’re willing to act like a fool in support of a bogus company, so who knows what you’ll do?

Other than that, you and Ebuyhouse can go to hell. Say hi to the IRS, FBI, CC Police, and Immigration for me—they can share with you exactly what I’ve told them.


[1] “Employee (Common-Law Employee).”

[2] “One Thing That Can Trigger an IRS Audit for Your Company.”

[3] “3672 S Rosecrest Cir Las Vegas, NV 89121.”



Las Vegas,
United States

Complete biased report from someone who didn't do their job when paid to do it.

#6UPDATE Employee

Mon, February 11, 2019

Mr. Hoade was never employed with Ebuyhouse. He was contracted under a 1099. He was asked not to associate with us any further due to not completing any written articles for our blog, and being a major distraction towards the employees we did have at the office when he would stop by. There is no investigation, There was no "whistleblowing", no one is breaking any laws, this whole report is based off a disgruntled contractee who's sole purpose for the last few months was to attempt to bash Ebuyhouse in falsely reported reviews when given the chance. Ebuyhouse is a start-up company based in Las Vegas, NV. We care about our consumers and our brand, which Mr. Hoade is aware of.

We would love for you, Mr. Hoade, to return the company laptop you took from us without permission. 

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