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  • Report:  #65524

Complaint Review: Dunkin Donuts

Dunkin Donuts ripoff the business that doesnt give a dam No Attention to Detail. Enough is enough! Southbury Connecticut

  • Reported By:
    Southbury Connecticut
  • Submitted:
    Sun, August 10, 2003
  • Updated:
    Thu, July 03, 2008
  • Dunkin Donuts
    Route 67 And Main Street (Exit 15 On Rt. 84)
    Southbury, Connecticut
  • Phone:
  • Category:


Subject: Your Dunkin' Donuts product or in store experience

Message: Enough is enough! Perhaps you are trying to lose customers. Several times a week I stop at your store in Southbury, CT. I like to make my own coffee, i.e. add sweet and low and half and half. The employees at this store appear to be "put out" if you ask them for a large black coffee and condiments on the side.

Today is Sunday and there were several patrons on line to place orders. In the interest of saving time, I asked for a large #5 (Large Coffee and a Scone). I specifically asked for a DARK coffee with three (3) sweet and lows. The clerk forgot to add the sweet and lows after I asked. She handed me three (3) wet or moistened sweet and lows. The container was covered with granular sugar.

I left the store, went out to my car, and opened the coffee to add the sweet and low. Well, the coffee was LIGHT not DARK, and the clerk had put in sugar. I bring this to your attention because this happens all the time. That is why I ask for the condiments on the side. More importantly, I am a diabetic. Sugar is my enemy.

Why don't your employees listen to instructions? Based on the ridiculous prices you are charging (and don't respond that this is an independent franchise) for coffee, and other product, a CUSTOMER should be allowed to have access to Sweet and Low and Creamers.

If you are worried about people stealing condiments, then put them on the counter in front of the cashiers. Don't be so cheap. The owner of this franchise is making a fortune based on the quasi-ripoff prices he is charging. He can afford to offer condiments on the side, and most of all, make the customer feel comfortable making a purchase. This practice of hiding condiments is common at most of your stores and you know it!

Think of this also, you could make additional profit from not having to replace so many coffees that are not what the CUSTOMER asked for. You are doing this just to save a few dollars by scrimping on condiments and not having to keep an area clean for a CUSTOMER to make/adjust their coffee the way they like it. Without Sugar!!!

The next time this happens, I am going to take my coffee to a lawyer, especially if it has sugar in it. Maybe then will you be honestly concerned about 1) keeping the customer alive or comprimising their health, and 2) satisfying the customer and making their purchase a pleasant experience.

I am not looking for anything free or hush perks. I am just looking for good customer service and attention to detail. No need to respond to this e-mail, but I will be posting a copy of this e-mail/complaint to the Have a pleasant day.

Southbury, Connecticut

STOP! ..before you think about using the Better Business Bureau (BBB)... CLICK HERE to see how other consumers were victimized by the BBB's false or misleading information. Don't be fooled! It has been reported, when there are thousands of complaints and other investigations underway by authorities, the BBB has no choice but to finally give an UNsatisfactory rating to a BBB member business that is paying the BBB big membership fees every year. When a business is reported that is NOT a BBB member, BBB files WILL more likely show an UNsatisfactory rating, then reportedly shake down that company to become a member of the BBB. One positive thing about the BBB is, either way, if a business has an unsatisfactory rating with the BBB, you can be sure, the business is bad. But what about all those BBB member businesses that had complaints filed against them? Consumers never get to hear about them. What about the BBB advertising to the public? Is this a false and misleading perception they are giving about consumer confidence when dealing with a business? Click here to understand more of what consumers and business alike are saying about the BBB. You decide. ..Remember. The BBB membership is not earned, its paid for!

4 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,

In Response

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, July 03, 2008

As a long time worker in the food service industry I have to put this point out there: Most people are idiots.

I'm sorry to say it, but it's true. Most people are idiots. They dont remember what they ordered, they think they asked for something that they didn't ask for, and they think that your job as a server is to be their slave.

Not true. Not true at all, in fact.

I've had some problems with the staff at various Dunkin Donuts but this is because they tend to employee people who have a 2nd grade grasp of english. One time I asked for a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwhich on a toasted plain bagel and I was handed a raspberry scone. I didn't make a stink at that time because I figured that if ANYTHING I said sounded like "raspberry scone" to this person I wasn't going to get what I wanted.

Given that, if you have a problem with this particular DD then I offer you a very, VERY simple suggestion... stop going there. Don't frequent that particular store if they've bothered you so much.

As for your particular incident.. I can believe it. But DD is a company that has that policy of "making your coffee for you," a policy I don't agree with at all because everyone likes their coffee differently. Everyone has "their way."

So in the future just ask for a plain, black coffee and grap the sweet n' low on your way out, or at the drive up window ask for a few packets to go.

It's easy. Sometimes people make mistakes and you shouldn't be trashing the company because one time out of a thousand something didn't go your way. IF this a frequent occurence then stop going to that particular store. Seriously dude, if they continuously screw your order up all the time then STOP GOING THERE! They obviously are incompetant and you're not doing anything by continuing to frequent the store.

It's really that easy.


New York,

The other side of the counter

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, June 09, 2008

Before you go slamming the DD employees as being rude and belligerant, consider the customers.

My son worked for Dunkin Donuts for a year, and in that time not a night went by without some hostile patron coming in.

Consider the man who comes in and orders a cup of coffee. My son reaches for the pot and the guy stops him. "No,no. That won't do. I want a fresh pot." No problem. My son always has two pots of coffee, one on the counter and one perculating. He reaches for the perculating pot. "No, no, that won't do, either." Turns out this clown isn't going to be satisfied until he actually sees my son brewing up the coffee from scratch. Patiently, my son dumps the older pot and starts fresh. This goes on every night. Doesn't matter how fresh the coffee is. This clown wants to personally witness my son brewing it. (Don't know whether it's an ego trip he's on, or whether he's just paranoid about someone tampering with the coffee.) One night my son had enough of this nonsense and refused. And you know what the guy does? He calls DD corporate HQ and threatens to sue the store for "discrimination." My son gets a warning and is told in the future to give this man whatever he wants.

Another guy comes in and orders coffee. My son obliges. Before giving the customer his cup of joe, he reaches for a lid. The belligerant customer tells my son to leave the lid off. My son tries in vain to explain to the man that it is policy to put a lid on the hot coffee. Apparently DD does not want to leave themselves open to a lawsuit like McDonalds had when that lady scalded herself. But the man will not listen and just gets angrier and angrier, insisting that my son better not put the lid on the coffee or else. Finally, just to get rid of this psycho, my son gave him his coffee without the lid.

Now, I don't know. Maybe this is typical of the weirdos that frequent all fast food places after hours. Or maybe this is a clientele typical of Dunkin Donuts. But I do know that before you go belittling the people behind the counter, you ought to take a good hard look at the customers they have to put up with - including yourselves.



bad store franchise employees and everything

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, June 06, 2008

dunkin donuts is a ripoff and a nightmare... one of the worst franchises out there it seems with the lowest standards of customer service and frequently bad and stale food...numerous bad experiences there on top of it all-- the low class uneducated employees overcharging people-- charging 60 cents extra for 'jelly' they add on the side to items, lying about costs, being belligerent with customers or rude, service bad and stale food and being proud of doing this, having no food items there, serving bad tea, and their service just keeps getting worse...




#5Consumer Suggestion

Mon, June 21, 2004

Scones are notoriously high in carbohydrates--which are converted to simple sugars when digeste AND they also high in sugar--at least twenty times the amount of sugars produced in one measly packet of sugar. If you are truly concerned about your diabetes and sugar is really your enemy--I would avoid Dunkin' Donuts at all costs as they offer you very little in the way of healthful food choices for diabetics. Make sense?

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