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  • Report:  #366268

Complaint Review: Dr. William Bello Of The Malanville Health Centre Here In The Republic Of Benin.

Dr. William Bello Of The Malanville Health Centre Here In The Republic Of Benin. told me my friend i was looking for was in trouble overseas and tried to get me to send money Malanville In The Republic Of Benin Africa

  • Reported By:
    f'sted Other
  • Submitted:
    Sun, August 24, 2008
  • Updated:
    Sun, August 24, 2008
  • Dr. William Bello Of The Malanville Health Centre Here In The Republic Of Benin.
    "Abdullahi bin Al Hussain"
    Malanville In The Republic Of Benin., Africa, Nationwide
  • Phone:
    229-95 01 54 65
  • Category:

i left a message for a friend on and got a response almost right away to email her so i did.

from me
hey chicky whazzup with you? i cant believe you answered so quckly, this is awsome. when i was looking for you i saw that you and mark got married or at least you had his last name, and after all the stuff you said about not wanting to marry again, i really was happy to see it. ya'll made a good couple.give me a call some time my # is i'm living in the US virgin islands on st. croix and loving it. i finally found my HOME almost three years ago now.i cant wait to talk with you, i'm so excited to be in contact with you againyour very happy to find you friend, jeana

Quite nice to actually receive your mail chicky. I was actually trying to link up with the nearest US embassy to where I am now for immediate help when I stumbled on your message . I travelled with Mark to West Africa since last week and we had a brush with some hoodlums somewhere in Tchumitchumi,a remote village in the Republic of Benin two days ago. We lost all we, our passports, our clothes, our phones etc. I'm in fact sending you this mail from an internet caf in Malanville , a town not too far from Tchumitchumi BENIN and I opened this mailbox in the name of our tour guide who was killed during the attack by the hoodlums...just to honour his memory. Mark is in a pretty bad shape 'cos he received knife wounds and he's being looked after at the village clinic where there are no drugs and poor health service. there's a doctor whom i doubt has any education ! I have not been able to get help up till now and I'll be extremely happy if you could send assistance immediately. I'll send you a name of someone with a valid ID who can collect money on my behalf by western union or moneygram in Cotonou the Republic of Benin. Whatever you can afford will do but a minimum of fifteen hundred dollars will do...and I'll sure pay you back when we get back to the states. waiting for your mail. I don't have access to a phone now

a next response by them
Waiting on line for your reply, . I'll be here for the next two hours and then come back again in the evening. We're about 6 hours ahead of the US .( GMT + 1) Evon

my response
what kind of bird did you have, what color was it and what was its name

there was no response so i sent a next message
hey i get off work in a half hour {8am} and i will not be able to check my mail again for another 16 hours after that{midnight}. i am very skeptical that this is actually you, but i still hold out hope. the more info you can tell me the better, so that i would have no doubts. if this is really you though i'm sorry to find out about your misfortune and hope ya'll are ok i would love to help you as much i can.

my next response came 9 hours later
Hello, This is Dr. William Bello of the Malanville Health Centre here in the Republic of Benin. I was called upon this evening from Tchumitchumi to treat two Americans of knife wounds and serious bruises. I was informed that the lady was still conscious throughout today and lost consciousness some minutes after coming back from a cybercaf. As for the man,he has been in a coma since two days now as I was told. Upon examining the lady, I got this e-mail address and the password to the address and I decided to see if I could get through to someone she knows just by chance. Your e-mail address and some e-mail messages from and to you were the only things I could find after opening up the mailbox. There are no identification papers at all with the couple and we don't even know what really happened to them except that they had serious knife wounds. We guess it was an attack anyway because they look very much like tourists to us and they had a tour guide with them who was found dead. The lady was treated but she started bleeding again and lost consciousness. They are under observation but their conditions are worsening because we don't have the necessary equipment and drugs etc to adequately take care of them. In case you want to assist them, please call me whenever you can on my phone + 229 95 01 54 65. Dr. William Bello

my response
hey doc have one of them get ahold of me when they wake up or feel free to call me yourself

i find it very rude and hurtfull that they make you imagine such bad things happening to people and after being so exited to be hearing from my old friend. i knew immediatly after the minimum funds requested and am now just trying not to lose all touch with these evil people till they get caught


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