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  • Report:  #1412803

Complaint Review: Daniel J Smith

Daniel J Smith DJ Smith Construction Pty. Ltd. The RICC Group Pty Ltd. 24-7 Building & Maintenance Pty. Ltd. Daniel J Smith continues to burn South East Queenslanders Brisbane Queensland

  • Reported By:
    Gotcha — Buderim Queensland Australia
  • Submitted:
    Tue, November 21, 2017
  • Updated:
    Thu, April 05, 2018

You would think that after having three building and construction businesses de-registered and having been banned from being a "person of influence" in a building company (repeatedly), Daniel J Smith - previously of DJ Smith Construction Pty Ltd and the RICC Group, would have given up!

But no, because he couldn't be a director of a company for legal reasons (being a bankrupt), he named his wife (Sasha Smith) at the director of 24-7 Building & Maintenance Pty. Ltd (ACN: 603986563).

Talk about throwing your wife under the bus. The aforementioned company is now being wound up by Brisbane liquidators BRI Ferrier Pty Ltd - see: 

briferrier . com . au /  after action was taken by Ringwood and Ply Pty, Ltd. of Oxley see: 

ringwoodandply . com . au / for outstanding debts tallying more than $30,000. This is in addition to Smith owing former employees more than 12 months of superannuation back pay and his poor wife, Sasha will now be taking the heat for Dan's imcompetence - once again. Sasha a clearly a slow learner as she's watched her husband burn home builders, suppliers, sub-contractors, etc. for more than a decade - birds of a feather apparently do flock together.

Smith is clearly deranged thinking he can continue to behave in this manner without ramifications. Works that he has previously been responsible for have been defective in the extreme forcing the QBSA/QBCC to de-register him as a builder (twice). No longer able to hold a building licence in his own name, Smith has resorted to seeking employment in a supervisory capacity with Build 4 U Quality Constructions (see: b4u . net . au /) - hopefully the principals of this fine company will delve a little deeper into Daniel J Smith's murky past prior to employing him in any capacity - the man would struggle to build a kennel!

Do yourself a favour - if you have ANYTHING to do with the building industry in South East Queensland and you hear the name Dan Smith, make sure you're NOT dealing with the Daniel J Smith referred to herein - check his background, if he's been involved with DJ Smith Construction, the RICC Group or 24-7 Building & Maintenance Pty Ltd - run (as fast as you can) in the opposite direction!

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Norman Park,

Creditors looking for Dan Smith - look no further

#3Author of original report

Thu, April 05, 2018

 Fraudulent builder Daniel J Smith may have gone to ground to avoid repaying the vast sums of money owed to him - including those who have supported him over the years such as Steve James and David Evans but the law is catching up with him. Dan has his "lovely" wife Sasha "the snake" can be found held up in this townhouse complex in Norman Park at (((REDACTED))) If you want your money back from the various scams Dan has run pay him and the Snake a visit but hurry up - the list of people lining up is growing quickly.



81A Stuart Street Bulimba - Stay Well Clear

#3Author of original report

Tue, January 30, 2018

 My name is Rod Nance. I am a builder registered with the QBCC. I am now approaching retirement age and reflecting back upon my building life I can no longer stay silent. For a number of years I have supported Daniel John Smith. Initially he ran a building company called DJ Smith Construction Pty. Ltd. Together we did some really shonky work and ripped off a number of people around the South East Queensland/Brisbane area. Unfortunately Dan got caught out and his company went into liquidation and he lost his house and I lost my job – but we didn’t care about the people who we ripped off of their livelihoods. Dan wasn’t allowed to be a person of interest in a building company for 5 years, but I helped him out and he kept working on the sly using my building licence and we continued to rip off unsuspecting home builders, suppliers and other employees – they were the good old days! Finally Dan was able to launch a new company in his own name (The Ricc Group) but he got a little too greedy. Not only were his building practices shonky but he ended up owing a trail of suppliers, sub-contractors and employees literally hundreds of thousands of dollars. In the end, after numerous complaints, the QBCC once again deregistered Dan and the Ricc Group Pty. Ltd. You can read all about DJ Smith Construction Pty. Ltd. and the Ricc Group on the QBCC website. Being a two time bankrupt and banned builder, Dan was unable to start another building company, so I stepped up to the plate for a mate I loved like a son, and let him use my builders licence to start another building company (24/7 Building and Maintenance Pty. Ltd.). As Dan was a multiple time bankrupt being pursued by the Australian Tax Office and ASIC, he hatched a plan to install his wife – Sasha (who works for the National Australia Bank) – in as a "director” of 24/7 Building and Maintenance Pty. Ltd. but you know the old saying – a leopard never changes its spots – well Dan and I got a little too greedy again and well, this third company also got deregistered for all the old reasons – owing people money and shonky building practices. Dan once joked to me, "Who do these people think they are, working for me and supplying me with goods AND they expect to be paid – WTF?!” They were funny times, but all good things must come to an end and it looks like they have now. One of our suppliers (Ringwood Timber), who we stole $30,000 worth of timber from – well they supplied it and Dan didn’t pay for it, so that equals theft in my book – put a wind up notice on our company and now the liquidators BRI Ferrier are chasing Dan and Sasha for money they have spent trying to live the high life on little to no income.

I’m personally gutted, I’ve worked for Dan on and off now for more than a decade and in all of that time he’s never paid my superannuation dues – well over $100,000 and I will be forced to retire on nothing and probably live on dog food. Meantime Dan was owed some money by a client who couldn’t pay him so he (Dan) was given some land in the Brisbane suburb of Bulimba at 81A Stuart Street which was duly put into Sasha’s name. Dan had another great idea – to build a new multiple million dollar house at 81A Stuart Street in Bulimba with some of the products he stole from Ringwood Timber and then flog it off for a profit. Problem was that because of their prior credit rating, and even though Sasha has a senior role at the National Australia Bank (NAB), no bank would extend them a line of credit or loan to build the $1.8M property currently under construction at 81A Stuart Street, Bulimba. Dan managed to get around that obstacle by getting his idiot accountant to act as a guarantor on the loan. Little does his account know that once the property is sold Sasha and Dan intend to do a runner with the proceeds or at least that was the plan! Unfortunately Ian Currie at BRI Ferrier (the liquidators) is now aware of the property in Bulimba held in Sasha’s name and because Sasha was the "director” of 24/7 Building and Maintenance Pty. Ltd. the property at 81A Stuart Street in Bulimba is now about to be seized by the liquidators to repay the various debts Dan and Sasha have run up all around Brisbane and the Gold Coast. Dan has tried to work legitimately as a "supervisor” for Build 4U Brisbane, however once prospective clients got wind of Dan’s shonky building history and his inability to budget and pay suppliers, sub-contractors and employees in the three previous companies he (and his wife fronted), they (Build 4U Brisbane) was forced to remove him from their building sites and ultimately sack him. I wouldn’t normally go to these lengths, however I’m an old man now, Dan owes me more than $100K in superannuation payments – sure we ripped off a few home owners, suppliers, sub-contractors and employees off over the last 10-15 years in the building industry, but I never thought Dan would burn me as well – I was wrong.

I can’t sit back and watch him continued to get away with this. If you’re interested in knowing more about Dan and Sasha Smith’s history have a look at these links: (a) - notice of an application for a wind up order against his second business the RICC Group (b) - evidence of external administration (by ASIC) of his second building company (RICC Group) (c) - credit watch, evidence that an external administrator has been appointed (d) - evidence of demerit points against his second company (RICC Group) (e) - evidence of a wind up notice against his second company (RICC Group) (f) - Evidence of ASIC cancelling the ABN for his first company (g) - Evidence of ABN on first company being cancelled (h) - First company wound up and Gazetted in ASIC (i) A simple visit to the QBCC site relieves the following: Please visit: - under "Licensee Search" type in "DJ Smith Construction Pty. Ltd." and then (in a second search) the "RICC Group Pty. Ltd." - then follow these links to the next page and click on "Search for a QBCC Licensee", then click on "Licensee's Full Licence" - one of the first things you'll see come up on both of the aforementioned companies is: "NOT CURRENTLY LICENSED". "DO NOT contract with this company, all classes are cancelled. The following is an as yet to be completed list of some of the people and businesses Dan and I managed to rip off together back in the good old days: (a) Simon Gillipsee (Site Concreting), supplier - owed $20K. (b) Darren Duncan (Complete Air Conditioning) supplier - owed $2.6K. (c) James Warbrick (Impact Plumbing) supplier. (d) Nick Hume - supplier (e) Thomas Fevaleaki - former employee of Dan’s owed wages, holiday pay and superannuation payments (f) Damir Banovic – supplier. (g) H and H Air Conditioning – supplier. (h) David Evans and Lacey Webb of the BMI Group Pty. Ltd. – former business associates. (i) Magic Interiors Pty. Ltd. – supplier. (j) Joe Evans – former employee owed wages, holiday pay and superannuation payments (k) Robyn and Greg Aleckson owners of a property we "built” at Heal Street, New Farm (l) Matthew Hackett the owner of a property "built” at Bolan Street, Bulimba (m) Dave’s Glass (Marine Fit) – supplier. (n) Tracy Madden and Wendy Maddison (Kipparing) – Dan (for lack of a better term) "built” their home. (o) Michael Belich (Gold Coast business man who Dan did some "renovations” for which ended in an absolute mess). I know this is probably too little too late coming from me (Rod Nance), but I kind of feel bad knowing how much grief I’ve been part of causing all of these people and companies listed above (and others). I’m finding it harder to sleep of a night knowing my actions in helping Dan and Sasha Smith – who I now understand to be narcissistic sociopaths with no moral compasses or conscious whatsoever, has caused and I feel it is now my moral obligation to speak up and ensure Daniel John Smith is, once and for all removed from the building industry. Above all, once 81A Stuart Street, Bulimba comes on the market – DO NOT BUY THIS PROPERTY. Aside from being built with stolen goods, Dan and I cut so many corners when building this property I’d be surprised if it is still standing in 12 months time. The foundations are shoddy and none of the timber we stole from Ringwood Timber has been treated for termite protection. Any short-cut we could take in the construction of this place (and hide behind cheap plaster and dodging tiling), we took.

On top of the shoddy work we did in building this place, if you purchase 81A Stuart Street in Bulimba you’re likely to be embroiled in a legal battle once the liquidators put a caveat over this property and seize it to pay the vast number of debts owed by Sasha and Dan Smith – who knows, I might even get paid 5 cents in the dollar for the $100,000 plus of superannuation I’m owed, that said, to date I’ve been too stupid to register my claim against Dan, I can only hope that others are paid first because I’ve been part of this building scam for too long too -please forgive me. In light of new laws recently passed here in Australia, I have decided to work with the authorities to bring Dan and Sasha justice for the many employees like myself who they have failed to pay superannuation entitlements to: Hopefully the law will deal with them appropriately in the near future. Rod Nance

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