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  • Report:  #1407912

Complaint Review: Patrick Calderon - Crowd Co

CrowdCo - Patrick Calderon Public relations scam for Kickstarter Los Angeles, CA California

  • Reported By:
    Kiwipreneur — Wellington Hawaii New Zealand
  • Submitted:
    Mon, October 23, 2017
  • Updated:
    Mon, October 23, 2017

Patrick Calderon, the dreamseller from,  quick to take your money but slow to deliver whats promised.

I read a previous RipOff Report from 2014 of Patrick before I undertook his services, thinking "hey, maybe he had a bad experience or a bad run, its been 3 years since so surely he's managed to sort himself out and build reputation". Holy hell boy was I wrong. I have been chasing this individual for over 4 months now trying to recieve an agreed refund on the services that wern't provided.

I ran a Kickstarter campaign and fronted $1500NZD to Patrick to undertake PR services in America. Being from New Zealand, I wanted someone to introduce me and make connections with American outlets that would be interested in my product. I will be brief with what my product is, but lets say it had a (what I thought) pretty broad target of outlets that could be interested, for your interest sake heres a link to my Kickstarter so you can see what Patrick here was working with.

Lets say for example, it wasn't a good product at all, and it was totally unsellable, and there wasn't $12,000 worth of self generated pledges on it, then yea hey, maybe Patrick would have a leg to stand on. But the fact is, there's not. This is, and was a sellable product. I had 32 days left on my campaign and had raised 6.8k from over 200 backers, with local PR and some sponsored facebook posts.

Heres what I was promised: 

Create a crowdfunding campaign strategy for Refil V1. Determine who the influencers are and enable a conversation/ brand mentions for Refil V1.
PR: Develop press release and distribute to targeted journalists, bloggers providing them with the news angle that would be valuable for their readers.
We will reach out to these contacts via personal email introducing ourselves as your marketing team with a natural hook (i.e- we read your article about the must have portable water filter and thought you might like to check out this project.) Media List: Tailored made list of the most powerful journalist/bloggers figures who would be able to broadcast Refil V1.

And what was I delivered? 

Wow, where do I start.
And Patrick, I hope you read this you piece of s**t. He delivered absolutely Zero leads, pledges, emails, nothing. 
He produced 1 terrible, terrible written press release which was a big copy paste of the detail and fact sheet I gave him, which A. had simple and uninspiring sentence and language structure and B. wasn't picked up by anyone. (he'll claim he gets contact from 1 website (Gearhungry? or something?) , whom will ask for an additional listing fee, so it hardly counts. I could have done that myself).

His contact went from regular emails every day before payment, to maybe 1 or 2 a week if that. He sets you up an account in basecamp, in which I had requested multiple updates and recieved nothing. He will write out a plan of what he needs to do, and there will be no check listing, no updates, absolutely f**king nothing. Patrick is lazy, doesn't fullfill contract obligations, and will make it incredibly difficult for you to contact him. 

I will attach screenshots for you to see the work he didn't produce. I have been back and forth in emails with him for the last 4 months chasing an agreed refund from him. I will get 1 reply every 3 weeks, saying very politely "Hey, looking at getting your refund into your account next week". I was told this atleast on 3 occasions, and now I've sent him another few emails and yet am waiting to receive a reply. Ive attached screenshots of the email chain and previews (will take an eternity to screenshot actual emails, but if any of the sub headlines draw your attention, let me know and i'll be happy to provide you with a full screenshot)

to conclude, I paid $1500NZD for Patrick to sit on his a*s. 
I had no promised PR leads, not 1. He claims 200 emails were sent out with none getting back to him. what does that say about his services? you 'personally' emailing 200 outlets and not a single one gets back to you? 
I had no pledges. bottom line, no pledges came from Patrick Calderons useless a*s. which is essentially what I paid him to do. He couldn't sell a life Jacket on the Titanic. A gun to ISIS, or a vagina to Bruce Jenner.
He couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery. Patrick Calderon is quite possibly the most useless PR "professional" you could ever consider.

DO NOT USE PATRICK CALDERON. DO NOT. I had every interest to give this man good feedback and positive reviews but this motherf**ker can't do s**t. 
All in all I hope no one ever uses Patrick Calderon for any services, I hope his future employers, wife, husband, mother, daughters and kids read this to see his scam artist ways. I hope he never gets to run a successful business and I hope you're having fun with my $1500 Patrick you d****e bag. 

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