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  • Report:  #526115


COMPAQ COMPUTERS CORP & HP COMPUTERS Selling Computers With Defects to Unknowing Individuals and Not Claiming Responsibility! Internet

  • Reported By:
    Raman — Brampton Ontario Canada
  • Submitted:
    Fri, November 20, 2009
  • Updated:
    Fri, November 20, 2009

I have bought 2 HP laptops in the last 2 years and each of them has lasted me for little over one year.  My first HP laptop had to be sent for repair twice and the second time the repair time took over 3 months and in the end they could not repair the computer and sent me a credit to buy another one.  I decided to get an HP as I do like their computers, however now this one has died within a year and a half.  I have done research on the computer which indicates that many HP laps have a defective Nvidia chipset however HP has done nothing to recall these computers.  I know that I am not alone as many HP owners are complaining of the same problem.  This is the seond time that this has happened to me, and I will NEVER buy an HP again.  If HP ever wants me to buy a computer from them then they must take responsibility and ownership for their defective computers/part, give better customer service that is empathetic and understanding, and make overall better computers with QUALITY parts.

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