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  • Report:  #1049813

Complaint Review: Carl Kieffer

Carl Kieffer, Kieffer International Carl Kieffer, Kieffer International is a fraud, thief, liar, cheat, scam artist, playboy, criminal, immature-! Fukuoka, Kanagawa, Ohio Fukuoka, Ohio

  • Reported By:
    Sachiko F. — Fukuoka Ohio
  • Submitted:
    Fri, May 10, 2013
  • Updated:
    Thu, July 25, 2013



I am a Japanese, studying to be a translator near Fukuoka. I contacted Carl Kieffer because he was running a translator agency. He promised to help me break into a translator career with his experience and guidance. He pushed intimacy from the start and said that I was "the special one". Then, I found out he was already married and was seeing other women too! He also had no qualifications or license as a translator either! It was just a scam to get women to contact him! Later, I found other women who were also tricked (we call our group "Victims of Carl Kieffer"), and we hired a friend with law enforcement background to give us a FULL report on Carl. Although we are afraid about his revenge (he brags about his friends in the Japanese yakuza and other gangs), I hope that this will help others avoid the same troubles.

Investigative Report

The subject of this report is Carl Kieffer (DOB: 1970, currently lives in Fukuoka Japan),
who also goes by the alias of "Carl the Sleaze", "Carl the Napoleon Complex Liar", and "Carl Kieffer" (full name), and/or "Baka" who is active in the Fukuoka area, and acts as a predator on unsuspecting, naive women.

Online profiles and photos available here:


*After examining his communications, Carl Kieffer obviously lines up girl after girl telling them all the same story: Let's get married. I love you. You're the only one. (Note: He is already married.)He never uses the person's name or rarely in his communications. So he uses names like "baby", "sexy", "crazy girl", etc. ... to avoid mixing up names.

*Despite having dubious qualifications as a translator (none), technical translator (none), software translator (none), legal translator (none), and business translator (none), he takes advantage of his position of authority to prey on potential victims.

*He moves from translator job to translator job in hopes of finding a new "pool of fools" for his victims, and he is constantly seeing multiple women at once.

*Carl Kieffer is a definitely a womanizer, but the worst kind, because he pushes the acceptable boundaries to their limit and sometimes beyond.He prefers Asian women, perhaps because they are more gullible.  He is a selfish, narcissistic jerk with a sense of entitlement about everything and everyone who has the misfortune to come in contact with him. His character is the type that needs to manipulate and use women to feed his own childish, self serving ego which screams Mommy issues". (In fact, we later found out he is the only child of a single mother.) You also see this type of guy seek out younger women with confidence issues in hopes that they'll be too naive to read his less than honorable intentions. Not only will his type of predator pursue women relentlessly using time, flattery and outright lies, but he also tries to display (act like he has) a sincere" interest in becoming close on an emotional/mental level with his prey. He also quickly loses interest once his true nature as a self centered, egotistical b*****d is uncovered and the reason why all his relationships end is because it's "the woman's fault" as his ego cannot handle the reality of his own failings as a man and a human being. 

On a recent trip to Tokyo where he worked illegally as an Japanese to English translator, he used his position the head translator to take advantage of at least 5 to 6 women, by our count. He also contacted former girlfriends (both married and unmarried) telling them that he was "terminally ill" and "dying". In at least one case, his actions bordered on assault, but charges could not be filed because he had already left the country.

Upon returning to Ohio in April 2012, we have documented that he also met up with other girlfriends for sex ("prospective clients" as he calls them) while preparing for his wedding ceremony to Motomi Satou-- Typical Carl double-life. If a woman knows about his marriage to Motomi, his line is that it is only a marriage of convenience for her visa. He is helping her, he claims.

Recently, he opened up a translator agency named Kieffer International for the primary purpose of soliciting new victims. He starts with an ad like that below.

"Boutique Translator Agency Looking For JAPANESE to ENGLISH Female Translators~!!! (Fukuoka, and Kanawaga)
I have a boutique translator agency and am looking for additional
Japanese female translators, whom are able to legally work in the US....
Please reply with a photo, resume, website link to your info."

From there, he offers his advice, help, and services (translation)(, acting lessons, etc.). He tries to give an appearance of big-name operation, and even uses fictitious names as employees (such as "Kelly" (name of his sister)). He has NO employees. He uses the position of power simply to gain the trust of his victims. He has preyed on many women this way.

Beware of any "help",  "advice" or "translating service" that Carl Kieffer (or Carl the Tool, or Kieffer International, etc.) offers you. He uses his prey to satisfy his self-centered emotional and financial needs, and he is not the person that he says he is.

3 Updates & Rebuttals

Sachiko F.


Correction and Retraction

#4Author of original report

Thu, July 25, 2013

I'm writing to clarify the above story regarding Carl Kieffer. This is a retraction to state that the discrepancy between Carl and myself has since been cleared up and rectified. Please disregard the above story, as unfortunately, this website does not allow me to DELETE any "reports." Thank you for your understanding

Sachiko F.


Change of Address

#4Author of original report

Wed, June 19, 2013

Carl, why did you change your address?  Because of this report?  Its okay because Mo-chan gave it to me: 



2-1-12-603 Akasaka

Chuo-ku, Fukuoka-s**+,


Japan,  810-0042



Soon I will show everyone your emails you sent to me!

Sachiko F.



#4Author of original report

Wed, June 19, 2013

Carl, dont you remember meeting girls for "appointments" in the weeks and days before your marriage ceremony to Motomi Satou?

They told you that your cologne was so strong it was problem for their work and husbands, remember? Dont remember? No worry!We WILL post your communications and other evidence to help you remember!

We have dates, times, and names. Your favorite line: "I just really want to see you." Carl, we KNOW all about your double life. We know that you still be lying and cheating now!

Soon, we will use our information and find the best way to show the true Carl while protect your victims from your revenge and keep their privacy.

Our working group:
"Carl in Carl's own words": Coming Soon!

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