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  • Report:  #270757

Complaint Review: Body Of Change/LA Fitness

Body Of Change/LA Fitness Buyer beware Dallas Texas

  • Reported By:
    Dallas Texas
  • Submitted:
    Tue, August 28, 2007
  • Updated:
    Tue, June 10, 2008

It is true that Body of Change has service issues, quality control problems, employee retention problems, inexperienced management, etc.

This is a sales based organization. Body of Change has no long-term strategic goals to change or repair any of these internal issues nor had I have met anyone that possesses the skills/education/initiative to write quality directives to make these required changes for overall improvement.

Anyone planning on purchasing training or considering employment with this organization should be aware that this company is a "Sales Based" organization, like most sales based organizations their interests isn't in their employees nor clients (after they sign the training contract/agreement).

I had recently resigned from Body of Change for reasons that supporting or selling this service was compromising my integrity.

Dallas, Texas

25 Updates & Rebuttals



MAX KEITH WHITLEY, Funny Guy... Brian, well read on...

#26Consumer Comment

Tue, June 10, 2008

A company is only as good as the employees that work for it. So if the company happens to get smothered by a unintelligent, closed minded, person like Brian customers may be dissastified. However, I am confident that Max Whitley is intelligent and cares about people. One can tell by how passionatly he wrote about the job. Brian, sorry you failed with Body of Change but get over it. Move on, you sound like the perfect person to work for Enterprise Rent A Car in the Management Training Program. Thats where WINNERS WORK!

Every business has its faults, but don't get mad when their business sense out played yours!



Non biased Ex employee

#26UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, April 29, 2008

Everything negative you read about La is right. The place makes used car dealers look like a pinnacle of ethics and morale. The "trainers" who do the "fitness consultation"(aka the sales pitch) may have a 4 year degree or never walked into a gym before being hired at La. They put overweight, elderly, unfit, etc... individuals through advanced workouts, usually to the point of straining/tearing muscles(I am not exaggerating AT ALL) so that should the mark not sign a contract, the next day when they are immobilized from soreness the salesperson calls and remarks that "wow, you really need to buy some training to get you on track to being in good shape".

Another favorite tactic is the "you're doing that wrong approach": find a noob to the gym and explain to them that they are not doing the exercise right.(there is nothing wring with this, unless the person is not doing anything wrong and the salesperson was using it as an opportunity to pitch). Ive had a salesman unknowingly approach two different clients of mine, one was doing weighted steps(correctly) and the other was doing glute kicks(also correctly). Being veterans of LA's tactics, they both told the salesman to piss off and leave them alone.

During some off time I was on the elliptical doing cardio; in front of me was an overweight young woman on a bike. I a 10 minute period, she was approached by two salespeople. Godforbid you come to the gym overweight, its like dangling a chicken in front of a shark.
I was approached by the GM one day; actually he didnt approach as much as through a sales pitch at me-"so, how is your paycheck?" "good, could always be better" "how about becoming a salesperson?". My response was that I would not be willing to conduct myself in an ethical manner to achieve the quotas, to which he made a "I have no idea what you are talking about" look. I informed him I spend 8-10 hours a day with the people that buy sessions, and I know the tricks as well or better than the salespeople do. That ended the discussion.

Some positive notes about LA:( I did say unbiased and there are good points)
Cleanest and most up to date equipment
Young, good looking members
Modern facilities
They let the trainers practice their profession in any way the trainer feels is best
All of my clients were great people who I loved working with



Seriously Guys...I mean really

#26UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, March 30, 2008

This is absolutely ridiculous, especially when I am brought into arguments I have nothing to do with. For the record, none of the statements provided previously were representative of my stand on the subject being discussed. Now that I have thrown my legal jargon into the mix let's get to business.

I was employed by BOC for approximately one year in which I learned more about life and the business world then in 6 years previously in college. Although I did not have a certification in personal training, I did have a Bachelors in Kinesiology(science of fitness) and a minor in Biology. So for those of you debating the qualifications of a manager at BOC please know your facts before writing these apparently ignorant statements.

While employed I encourage my clients to live a healthier lifestyle. In many cases these people became my close friends and I genuinely cared about them and their progress. Still to this day I cannot walk into a LA Fitness without getting handshakes and hugs from the members. Most of you know people talk when they are angry, so take these comments lightly and with a grain of salt.

I feel this website does not reflect the good and positive influence we all need in our lives. Although NO company is perfect, especially when they are experiencing growing pains due to the enormous influx of new members(which speaks highly of the organization) they are definitely attempting to resolve the issues at hand.

I must cut this shorter then I would like because I have to go to church. I recommend the same for all of you...their seems to be a lot of anger on this site.

Last, but not all my fellow employees and friends I will always hold you close to my heart and wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. Take care and God Bless!



What a punk

#26Author of original report

Sat, November 03, 2007

I have no doubt you are that nutcase boyfriend that ran around in a circle screaming because I was talking to his Girlfriend about using AB straps instead of the machines.

Buddy, you have a huge inferiority complex, get some counseling before you approach some guy as you did me and he beats the crap out of you.
I wore sunglasses (black not mirriored) at that time because I had an eye infection that I could not get rid of.

Only a coward hides behind a monitor slandering someone in complete anonymity.



Sexual harassment from "Body of Change"

#26Consumer Comment

Wed, October 31, 2007

Several people who belong to LA Fitness have had a multitude of issues with the Body of Change staff in the Dallas location. Brian has been one of the main culprits.

I was a customer for a while, but quickly learned the drop off from the initial sales presentation was substantial. I absolutely feel like I was sold a bill of goods...but it gets much worse.

On several occasions when working out with or around Brian I would watch him target females, try to hit on them and try to win their business. In one case I saw a boyfriend get so mad that he complained to the manager. Apparently the individual was going to have his girlfriend file a harassment charge against Body of Change citing Mr. Duncan.

Perhaps Mr. Duncan should look in the mirror first before casting the first stone...or at least in his mirrored sunglasses that he wears even when it is dark outside.

Congrats on breaking the $35,000 a year barrier Brian.



Sexual harassment from "Body of Change"

#26Consumer Comment

Wed, October 31, 2007

Several people who belong to LA Fitness have had a multitude of issues with the Body of Change staff in the Dallas location. Brian has been one of the main culprits.

I was a customer for a while, but quickly learned the drop off from the initial sales presentation was substantial. I absolutely feel like I was sold a bill of goods...but it gets much worse.

On several occasions when working out with or around Brian I would watch him target females, try to hit on them and try to win their business. In one case I saw a boyfriend get so mad that he complained to the manager. Apparently the individual was going to have his girlfriend file a harassment charge against Body of Change citing Mr. Duncan.

Perhaps Mr. Duncan should look in the mirror first before casting the first stone...or at least in his mirrored sunglasses that he wears even when it is dark outside.

Congrats on breaking the $35,000 a year barrier Brian.



Sexual harassment from "Body of Change"

#26Consumer Comment

Wed, October 31, 2007

Several people who belong to LA Fitness have had a multitude of issues with the Body of Change staff in the Dallas location. Brian has been one of the main culprits.

I was a customer for a while, but quickly learned the drop off from the initial sales presentation was substantial. I absolutely feel like I was sold a bill of goods...but it gets much worse.

On several occasions when working out with or around Brian I would watch him target females, try to hit on them and try to win their business. In one case I saw a boyfriend get so mad that he complained to the manager. Apparently the individual was going to have his girlfriend file a harassment charge against Body of Change citing Mr. Duncan.

Perhaps Mr. Duncan should look in the mirror first before casting the first stone...or at least in his mirrored sunglasses that he wears even when it is dark outside.

Congrats on breaking the $35,000 a year barrier Brian.



Sexual harassment from "Body of Change"

#26Consumer Comment

Wed, October 31, 2007

Several people who belong to LA Fitness have had a multitude of issues with the Body of Change staff in the Dallas location. Brian has been one of the main culprits.

I was a customer for a while, but quickly learned the drop off from the initial sales presentation was substantial. I absolutely feel like I was sold a bill of goods...but it gets much worse.

On several occasions when working out with or around Brian I would watch him target females, try to hit on them and try to win their business. In one case I saw a boyfriend get so mad that he complained to the manager. Apparently the individual was going to have his girlfriend file a harassment charge against Body of Change citing Mr. Duncan.

Perhaps Mr. Duncan should look in the mirror first before casting the first stone...or at least in his mirrored sunglasses that he wears even when it is dark outside.

Congrats on breaking the $35,000 a year barrier Brian.



BOC does not care about their employees

#26UPDATE Employee

Sat, October 27, 2007

All of the managers either assistant or general are certified trainers from what I have seen. Some of them over qualified as I have seen college degrees. Usually they leave because of the pay. Since they make minimum wages and whatever they sell. That is not good if you have a mortgage or college loans to pay off. You are right about the pay 6 dollars a session which is terrible.

Here is my problem with the 6 dollars they pay the trainers. First off, LA Fitness Pro Results use to pay 8 dollars...Body of Change took over and they gave a 2 dollardecrease. For the last 3-4 years they have never given a raise. For every year you do not get a raise it is equal to getting a decrease because of inflation. Hopefully minimum wages does not catch up. If it were not due to the fact that trainers like training people and enjoy helping others then BOC would be doomed.

The main problem is BOC wants to make as much as possible so higher salary people can get paid while people who wake up early and work split shifts and actually do the hard work get next to nothing. We'll never get 50% which many gyms give, not even 40%. BOC has been a trial and error company for as long as I know. Good luck with BOC!



BOC does not care about their employees

#26UPDATE Employee

Sat, October 27, 2007

All of the managers either assistant or general are certified trainers from what I have seen. Some of them over qualified as I have seen college degrees. Usually they leave because of the pay. Since they make minimum wages and whatever they sell. That is not good if you have a mortgage or college loans to pay off. You are right about the pay 6 dollars a session which is terrible.

Here is my problem with the 6 dollars they pay the trainers. First off, LA Fitness Pro Results use to pay 8 dollars...Body of Change took over and they gave a 2 dollardecrease. For the last 3-4 years they have never given a raise. For every year you do not get a raise it is equal to getting a decrease because of inflation. Hopefully minimum wages does not catch up. If it were not due to the fact that trainers like training people and enjoy helping others then BOC would be doomed.

The main problem is BOC wants to make as much as possible so higher salary people can get paid while people who wake up early and work split shifts and actually do the hard work get next to nothing. We'll never get 50% which many gyms give, not even 40%. BOC has been a trial and error company for as long as I know. Good luck with BOC!



BOC does not care about their employees

#26UPDATE Employee

Sat, October 27, 2007

All of the managers either assistant or general are certified trainers from what I have seen. Some of them over qualified as I have seen college degrees. Usually they leave because of the pay. Since they make minimum wages and whatever they sell. That is not good if you have a mortgage or college loans to pay off. You are right about the pay 6 dollars a session which is terrible.

Here is my problem with the 6 dollars they pay the trainers. First off, LA Fitness Pro Results use to pay 8 dollars...Body of Change took over and they gave a 2 dollardecrease. For the last 3-4 years they have never given a raise. For every year you do not get a raise it is equal to getting a decrease because of inflation. Hopefully minimum wages does not catch up. If it were not due to the fact that trainers like training people and enjoy helping others then BOC would be doomed.

The main problem is BOC wants to make as much as possible so higher salary people can get paid while people who wake up early and work split shifts and actually do the hard work get next to nothing. We'll never get 50% which many gyms give, not even 40%. BOC has been a trial and error company for as long as I know. Good luck with BOC!




#26UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, October 21, 2007


1. They use sales people to sell training. Anywhere from 50 to 70% of their sales people are NOT certified personal trainers --(They call them "Managers" and "Assistant Managers"). ASK TO SEE ALL THE SALESPEOPLE'S CERTIFICATIONS.

2. They stretch and bend and manipulate the truth to get you to sign a contract, be careful. Watch out for promises of EXTRA things like DIET and writing out FULL PROGRAMS you can do on your own.

3. The prices per HALF-HOUR session range anywhere from $29 to $55 per half hour session. That's $58 to $110 PER HOUR.

3. They pay the trainers $6 per session. That's $12 PER HOUR for certified personal trainers. They offer NO BENEFITS, no Health insurance, no disability, no nothing. NO RAISES. EVER. FOR ANY TRAINER. NEVER EVER.

4. The CONTRACTS are IRONCLAD, virtually impossible to get out of. And your sessions EXPIRE after a certain amount of time, I saw one customer lose 46 PAID FOR sessions because they expired. I saw SO MANY people lose motivation after being bounced around from trainer to trainer, and you know what???
YOU STILL PAY THAT MONTHLY FEE even if you get tired or fed up of training with a different trainer every other day.

5. They have SUPER HIGH turnover, I worked as a trainer there for almost 16 months and saw around 45-50 different trainers come and go. No exaggeration neccesary. Prepare to have MULTIPLE trainers if you sign a 6 month or 1 year contract. TOO BAD if you like a certain trainers' personality or style. NOBODY who's a good trainer stays for very long. Unless they make money training people there for cash 'off the books'.

6. They make millions of dollars because people stop coming, BUT STILL pay every month. The contracts RENEW AUTOMATICALLY after your term, so you can get charged FOREVER. Even if you were disgusted after going through 9 different trainers, you still pay.

7. You have to send a REGISTERED or CERTIFIED letter to STOP being billed. No phone calls accepted. NOT EASY to get out of the contract, again, they make millions of dollars because you stop going. Of course you stop going.

At least LA FITNESS only charges you $30-$40 per month if you NEVER go.
Body of Change LOVES that you get billed and STOP coming in to train.
They LOVE you for that.



Are you naive or do you think everyone is a fool?

#26Author of original report

Sat, October 20, 2007

Your trainers are paid 6.00 per session, 12 per hour without benefits, etc.
With a 40 hour work week that amount to an annual salary of 23, 040.00
Athletic Trainer in Dallas, TX
$38,402 = Average Salary
$38,392 = US National Average Salary
(provided by CB

You will not attract or retain high quality Trainers paying salaries far far far below the average. Yet you charge the same as any other gym for Training.
Your trainer's knowledge base and their skill level is really what your clients are paying for.

Regardless of the what entry level management books Justin has you read it will never change the fact that you are providing your clients the lowest quality service for top dollar.

In addition, an LA Fitness member cannot use outside trainers in the GYM, they must purchase training from Body of Change.

The more I write the more I realize what a piece of garbage you are. I should quit the moment I knew what was going on.

Body of Change exploits their employees and clients and you are garbage for defending them. This ends here for me. I wash my hands of you



correct, its not about you

#26UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 17, 2007

You are 100% correct. It is not about you. Unfortunately, with any business doing a large volume of business, customer service issues arise. No one will ever completely satsify every person. Because of bad hiring descisions and sometimes poor judgement the customer may not be fully serviced. Now more than ever they are focusing on BBB the tune of me losing 25% of my bonus if there is a complaint on your club with valid reasoning. Justin loses part of his check too. We are going over "Customer Loyalty is Priceless" by Jeffrey Gitomer and it is eye opening. I make an effort to not only talk about customer service, but also put it into action. I even make calls the next day to clients who didnt sign up to ask how they are feeling. The more I seem to put into caring for existing clients, the more new clients we seem to sign up. Im sorry your experience was not what you wanted it to be, brian, but I hope you may realize that your experience was the exception, not the rule.



correct, its not about you

#26UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 17, 2007

You are 100% correct. It is not about you. Unfortunately, with any business doing a large volume of business, customer service issues arise. No one will ever completely satsify every person. Because of bad hiring descisions and sometimes poor judgement the customer may not be fully serviced. Now more than ever they are focusing on BBB the tune of me losing 25% of my bonus if there is a complaint on your club with valid reasoning. Justin loses part of his check too. We are going over "Customer Loyalty is Priceless" by Jeffrey Gitomer and it is eye opening. I make an effort to not only talk about customer service, but also put it into action. I even make calls the next day to clients who didnt sign up to ask how they are feeling. The more I seem to put into caring for existing clients, the more new clients we seem to sign up. Im sorry your experience was not what you wanted it to be, brian, but I hope you may realize that your experience was the exception, not the rule.



correct, its not about you

#26UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 17, 2007

You are 100% correct. It is not about you. Unfortunately, with any business doing a large volume of business, customer service issues arise. No one will ever completely satsify every person. Because of bad hiring descisions and sometimes poor judgement the customer may not be fully serviced. Now more than ever they are focusing on BBB the tune of me losing 25% of my bonus if there is a complaint on your club with valid reasoning. Justin loses part of his check too. We are going over "Customer Loyalty is Priceless" by Jeffrey Gitomer and it is eye opening. I make an effort to not only talk about customer service, but also put it into action. I even make calls the next day to clients who didnt sign up to ask how they are feeling. The more I seem to put into caring for existing clients, the more new clients we seem to sign up. Im sorry your experience was not what you wanted it to be, brian, but I hope you may realize that your experience was the exception, not the rule.



correct, its not about you

#26UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 17, 2007

You are 100% correct. It is not about you. Unfortunately, with any business doing a large volume of business, customer service issues arise. No one will ever completely satsify every person. Because of bad hiring descisions and sometimes poor judgement the customer may not be fully serviced. Now more than ever they are focusing on BBB the tune of me losing 25% of my bonus if there is a complaint on your club with valid reasoning. Justin loses part of his check too. We are going over "Customer Loyalty is Priceless" by Jeffrey Gitomer and it is eye opening. I make an effort to not only talk about customer service, but also put it into action. I even make calls the next day to clients who didnt sign up to ask how they are feeling. The more I seem to put into caring for existing clients, the more new clients we seem to sign up. Im sorry your experience was not what you wanted it to be, brian, but I hope you may realize that your experience was the exception, not the rule.



This isn't about me.

#26Author of original report

Mon, October 15, 2007

Listen close,

I am not the problem, I am degreed and have 12 years of successful management experience behind me (Justin knew that when he hired me). If I was the only person reporting BOC for poor business practices then it would be easy to state "He is just a disgruntled employee, and isolated".

Are you stating the problem could be remedied by doing Justin's reading assignments? Please take a moment and read reviews on this site (put down your 13 fatal errors book and turn off your Brian Tracy CD). Ask your clients what you can do to improve their training experience.

Direct your attention to your clients, not me.



Keith Speaks the truth

#26UPDATE Employee

Mon, October 15, 2007

It is very easy to get disgruntled in the work enviroment that body of change puts you in. Thick skin is a must. Two things are key: Effective Management and Employee buy in. I once had a manager when I was a WGM/AM who had a terrible attitude towards upper management. In turn, I had a terrible attitude. Management sets the tone for the club. As for employee buy in, this is the difference between a happy productive employee and a disgruntled employee posting on rip off report. The book reading and outside work is what makes an employee "buy in" to what we do, and why we do it. Brian, can I ask what books and what audio CDs did you listen to? 13 fatal errors? Execution? Winning? Think and grow rich? Brian Tracy CDs on the way to work? Im guessing not a lot.

If you read these, and commit these to memory not only do you understand what descisions need to be made but also why they are being made. There are rhyme and reason to every corporate iniative. A profitable business is not one doing things unethically. The AM/WGM/TGM's jobs are too help people get in the best shape of their lives. Our main job is to sell training. If you just sell it, you will feel exactly the way you do. I sell training by truly caring about people. It is not about pressuring. Alls I do is help people identify their possible constraints or "bottlenecks" in getting in shape, and than showing the potential client how with our help, they can overcome thos bottlenecks the quickest way possible. When I am firing on all cylinders, I do not get sales objections. The sale element takes care of itself. Maybe you did not get the luxury of training under GMs like Keith Whitley and Doug Murphy like I did. A great mentor is vital in this business.

Max Keith Whitley



#26UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, September 17, 2007


No, I do not know you personally nor is my name Marcus. I do not use 'thesauruses'(especially Word), it is just the style in which I write - but do admit a tendency toward wordiness. I can understand how you could not get through it.

However, the Jags won today even though it was ugly!

Your inability or unwillingness to make it through the entire thesis that in your opinion said nothing, actually says everything.

You failed to answer any of the questions posed.

Incidentally, the only relation Max has to Marcus is that as General Maximus, he fought for Emperor Marcus Aurelius at the battle for the Danube against the Barbarian Tribes, in Germania, March of 180 A.D.

But, that was a long movie Brian.



Marcus, Max, whoever

#26Author of original report

Sun, September 16, 2007

Listen Max/Marcus; I think I started with Body of Change after you stated you that you resigned. I still would have know idea how you would know me?

You obliviously made great use of the MS Word 'thesauruses' application in that very long rebuttal that says nothing (I couldn't get through the whole thing).

The truth is that you are the only person saying anything positive about that company.

Max Keith Whitley



#26UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, September 16, 2007


Please forgive the elementary style, but I have just returned from practice am hot, tired, worn out, and probably a little unintelligible

It is not my nature to hide behind aliases or false identities so I will come straight at you and make this plain. I will tell you the truth as I see it. My name is Max Keith Whitley and I worked for Body of Change almost from its inception here in the Dallas /Ft. Worth area from July of 2005 June 2007, whereupon I received and accepted and offer from the Jacksonville Jaguars of the NFL. During the whole of that time, there was never an occasion that I did not place the concerns and satisfaction of the paying customer first and in the forefront of my everyday thoughts, which then were then followed up with the greatest alacrity to see to the problem of the previously mentioned client. Though it is unreasonable to expect such, I always sought 100% customer satisfaction and a level of service at least equal to and in most cases higher that which was professed at the time the customer bought the sessions of training. One unhappy customer out of 1000 could ruin my day, literally, and I remember on more than one occasion, forsaking a sale in order to see to the needs of a paying client. To my way of thinking, if someone trusted me enough to buy training from any of my staff or from me personally, I owed them all the attention, knowledge, and service as was in my power to provide, in order for them to experience the joy of achieving personal fitness goals.

It is without doubt or question that this sentiment is shared by virtually each and every of my former colleagues, and is preached by the CEO, president and the supervisors, on a daily, if not hourly basis, to everyone associated with the company. I was treated very well and fairly by Body of Change, both as a person and as an employee, in no mall part, in my judgment, due to their understanding that I operated in this fashion. In fact, I am still treated with courtesy and respect.

Most likely I would still be with the company sans the NFL opportunity.

Did I make some mistakes, sure I did.

1.Though it is a noble way of thinking, the expectation that you can make every single customer happy, though it was my paramount goal, and remains that of my colleagues, is not reasonable

2.Does the company make mistakes yes. Does Intel make mistakes; Does General Motors make mistakes, Does Apple or Microsoft make mistakes?

3.Body of Change has long-term strategic goals to change or repair some if not all of these internal issues. Long-term strategic goals take just what the term implies, a long time (in relative terms) If you did not meet anyone that possesses the skills/education/initiative to write quality directives to make these required changes for overall improvement, you are, Brian, in fact reading words from one who has written such directives, some of which have been enacted.

4.Name for me one company that is not, I think your words were, sales based

5.Did you give the Company an honest effort, and/or more importantly, did you give the company an honest chance to help you?

6.Not every company represents the ideal place for every person to excel. This is true for every company listed on the New York Stock Exchange and all, Brian are based on sales. Nothing else. Without sales, there is no economy. There are just government jobs or jobs based on the state's ability to provide those jobs.

7.You wrote like most sales based organizations their interests isn't in their employees nor clients.

8.Please name one of these companies who in your opinion care about their employees and clients? (I know they exist, just name a couple of examples of companies who do it right.)

9.Have you ever gone to great lengths to help someone, and then have that same someone write sometime about you that is plainly not true?

10.Have you ever attempted to get out of a contract even though you were extremely satisfied with the service?

Please be mindful that I am not justifying any wrongdoings, bad business practices that you may have encountered, nor should you view this rebuttal as assailing you personally. I am too worn out for that as I just came in from practice, and the humidity got to me today. I simply stumbled across this sight and your comments caught my attention.

I think you should know that the company is still relatively new, and the best way to run a company is to listen to the customers. Body of Change is desperately doing just that. Some long-term initiatives as you put it, take just that a long time, to devise, design, and implement. Some issues can be remedied summarily. Trust me Brian, all will get resolved.

Because they do care. I promise you.

In my particular case, sometimes too much.



Body of Change

#26Author of original report

Tue, September 11, 2007


I have no idea who you are, but obviously you know me by full name "Mr. Brian Duncan". If I wanted my full name here I think I would had posted it.

I resigned from Body of Change with two other managers for the reason that we would not sell a service we could not support, if that's what you meant by "Brian is a disgruntle (you meant disgruntled) employee who would not conform", that would be an accurate statement. I also wrote my GM's resignation letter for her at her request. I still have a copy of it in my email and I can send to you if you would like?

Anyone considering a purchase in personal training should:

1. Interview the proposed trainer and ask:
a. How long have you been employed with Body of Change?
b. How long have you been a certified trainer?

2. Find a Body of Change client on floor being trained, and after the training session is complete ask:

a. Are you satisfied with your trainer?
b. Are you satisfied with Body of Change?
c. Was the salesperson/manager honest and did he or she disclose everything?

3. Do not sign anything without following through with step 1. and 2.

a. There is a 3-day cancel policy that will allow you out of the contract if you feel as though you had been pressured into something you are not comfortable with.

Good luck with training, I hope you all attain your personal training goals.



Mr. Brian Duncan

#26UPDATE Employee

Sun, September 09, 2007

Body of Change is a company which prides itself in providing high levels of customer service, integrity and a committment to excellence. Mr. Brian Duncan's comment is completely without warrant. Brian is a disgruntle employee who would not conform to providing service to the level expected by the company. BOC is dedicated to providing it's customers with memorable service. Body of Change's philosophy is to treat every customer as though they were our favorite celebrity, hero, friend, neighbor, or grandma.

I hope anyone reading this site realizes that with any company there are issues to be solved which is why BOC utilizes internal audits, mystery shoppers and quality assurances practices to improve its product. We are a servant company and our goal is to serve our customers beyond their expectations. The time we spend with each client is important to us and we value each person's trust in our services to improve their health goals. Our employees strive to be professional, courteous and most importantly NICE.



Mr. Brian Duncan

#26UPDATE Employee

Sun, September 09, 2007

Body of Change is a company which prides itself in providing high levels of customer service, integrity and a committment to excellence. Mr. Brian Duncan's comment is completely without warrant. Brian is a disgruntle employee who would not conform to providing service to the level expected by the company. BOC is dedicated to providing it's customers with memorable service. Body of Change's philosophy is to treat every customer as though they were our favorite celebrity, hero, friend, neighbor, or grandma.

I hope anyone reading this site realizes that with any company there are issues to be solved which is why BOC utilizes internal audits, mystery shoppers and quality assurances practices to improve its product. We are a servant company and our goal is to serve our customers beyond their expectations. The time we spend with each client is important to us and we value each person's trust in our services to improve their health goals. Our employees strive to be professional, courteous and most importantly NICE.

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