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  • Report:  #310721

Complaint Review: BlueGreen Resorts

BlueGreen Resorts Caught Us - Hook, Line and Sinker - BlueGreen Resorts -How Far will you go?! Florida

  • Reported By:
    Los Dos Fishermen Other
  • Submitted:
    Thu, February 21, 2008
  • Updated:
    Mon, February 25, 2008
  • BlueGreen Resorts
    Boca Taton, Florida
  • Phone:
  • Category:

My wife and I have been owners of a Bluegreen Vacation Package for a few years now. Briefly, our experience has been, HORRIFIC ! We can confirm most all other complaints read. Yes, they can be believable. The complaints ! Not BlueGreen. In fact, our Bluegreen experience has been filled with nothing, but lies. And, for one Sassy person whom has tried to Rebut those complaints, you will probably be joining us once you realize what you company is all about.

WE were pressured in to purchasing, at the Wisconsin Dells Resort. We did spend a nice week-end there, I'll give them, that. But, we had to upgrade to do that and that costs us dearly. No 90 minute demo as explained. More like a 180 minute demo and when told that we weren't interested, we were not allowed to leave, unless we wanted to pay even more for our week-end trip.
We listened, our children became very weary. We listened. They conquered and we became defeated. We tried to make the best of it.

We tried to book a trip, immediately after arriving home, to spend time with our son, who had just returned home from Iraq. We were told that we could make reservations using their partner. After telling our son where to meet us and that we could take care of the accomodations, BlueGreen did not come through as promised. We ended up paying for a week stay at a Resort that we didn't want to be at and at full prices. We now had a full week or 18000 points to use within the next year.

One of BlueGreen's selling points is, (and, this is a direct quote) "Wouldn't you like a guarantee to have at least a one week worry free vacation for the rest of your life?

Our 2007, worry free vacation ! Spent at their resort in Orlando, FL !

No pick up service at the airport, as presented to us and was to be available. Upon arrival at Resort, (4 of us in a rent-a-car and 2 of us by taxi, whose driver got lost and called us for directions the resort) we had no transportation to our building, although there were employees driving around in golf carts.

We were bumped from our room, in which we reserved 11 months in advance. No explanation from the clerk at the desk, except that there was nothing they could do. We made two trips to the buliding with the rent-a car to our building. Our buliding's wonderful view of a cow pasture from the front and construction site, out the back. Well, time for a jacuuzi and relax. So, we thought. The jacuzzi did not work. And, it was never fixed the entire time there. The remainder days, were fine, as long as we were away from the resort ! Thank you, Disney ! While at the resort we had constant phone calls and voice mail messages about the meeting we were suppose to have. We explained that we were on vacation and did not wish to have a meeting with BlueGreen. That didn't matter. Ring. Ring. The phone didn't quit. Finally, we gave in because our free incentive (gifts) were not going to be made available to us till we met with them. It's only a half hour and we will have breakfast for you, is what they claimed. 2 hours and a 6 pack each of Dolly Madison donuts, we were disgusted enough to walk out.

Because the pools were crowded with potential buyers, enjoying their free or discounted stay, we stayed away from the resort as much as possible the rest of our trip.

On the last evening, I ask my wife if she would mind staying at the resort, instead of going out for dinner. I thought that it would be nice of us to give "our" resort the chance to show us a good dining experience. MY MISTAKE. We sat ourselves at the restaraunt and waited 45 minutes with 2 very hungry and tired, young children, we were never greeted, never even acknowledged. They had one girl tending bar and waiting on tables. After compalining to the front desk, the guest relations person said that maybe he should help her. Too late for us, but go for it ! We had dinner, out.

We filed our complaint on a comment card and left it with the front desk. We took an extra comment card to mail in later, because we knew where the first one went - File 13 ! We mailed the 2nd one when arriving home and filed a third complaint on the internet. Till this day, we haved not heard from one person from BlueGreen about our complaint.

BlueGreen approached us about a $35.00 2 day 3 night trip to Vegas to visit their new Resort there. According to them (BlueGreen) we would be staying at one of the 3 newest Resorts and all we had to do was meet them for a 1 hour update session ! Unfortunately, I took them up on it. We stayed at one of the oldest hotels on the Strip. They are actually imploding that hotel sometime this year. In order to receive our free gifts, we had to listen to them try selling us more points. We explained that we were not happy campers and no matter what, we were not about to purchase anything else from them. That wasn't ok for them. They actually became mad at us. After spending sevral hours with them, partly because I left my I.D. at the dump and they made me drive the entire strip back to get it, We left disgusted with our now, worthless free gifts. Again, not what they told us we would be receiving.

We have actually given BlueGreen another chance to redeem themselves. Approached by the company, to attend a free "owners" dinner at a local restaraunt, in which was to be fun and the purpose was to hear our concerns and comments. The ($50 Deposit) Dinner, 90 miles away, started out with the Star Entertainer (speaker) announcing that he was glad that we made it and that he didn't wish to disturb our meal, so he would keep it short. "we are here tonight to hear your concerns, to here what we can do for you, tonight is not a to sell you anything" Relieved ! Not another update, no pushing ! We were half way through our dinner and a salesman came to our table and introduced himself to my wife and I. He would be waiting in the hall way for us and when were finished, to come and get him and we would go to another room and talk. I never finished my dinner. He was back again to get us. I told him that if it was ok that I would grab my dessert and take it with.
What do you think we were doing in tha other room? Not enjoying my cheesecake ! Another sales pitch ! Buy additional points and we will move you up to a Silver Member and we will show you extra attention and make you so happy ! $%&* $#)(& Did I tell you that the Restaraunt was serving Bull that night. Because, that's what we were fed. Needless to say, I had the entire room listening to me while I gave them a piece of my mind. They didn't care. They only wanted me out of there. The Star Entertainer for the evening, whom could not answer even 1 of our questions, threw our departing gift at me and actually came back for more when he told us that we had to sign the offer (the best offer they have ever made) stating that we were decling the offer. I explained that I wasn't signing anything, especially something hat they were going to hold against us later !

We are trying to book this years vacation, we are not going to the Resort in which we told our children that we would be going to because there are no vacancies. Unfortunately, no vacancies because of another lie they told us in the beginning. We were told that only owners would be staying in their resorts. The Resort in Florida was filled with potential prospects, not owners and that is probably why we cannot get in to our Resort of choice this year. Oh, well, so much for our enjoyable "worry free" vacation! If I could sell, I would. But, that we make me know better than them. How can I sell something that I am not happy with? Not fair to anyone interested. How about you Sassy Girl? ARE YOU A SILVER OR GOLD MEMBER YET?

Los Dos Fishermen

3 Updates & Rebuttals


United Kingdom


#4Consumer Comment

Mon, February 25, 2008

If you write a report in a sarcastic manner expect the reply to be the same
We have freedom of speach in the UK, go back in history and you will find out (opps sorry you dont have much history do you) (thats me being sarcy just in case you didnt realise)
If you had checked on the website it DOES tell you that building constructions is takeing place not only pool work.

You dont know how to work your points or you would not have these problems its plain and simple
So please dont make sarcastic reports if you cant take the same back

Yes if you are a silver member you can go on waitlist 11 months out so you can get what you want .
So again dont make sarcy comments about other owners remember they are the ones that have Bluegreen working for them and not the other way round
Bye and Happy Holidays


St Anne,

The Facts ma'am, Just the facts.

#4Author of original report

Sat, February 23, 2008

In this rip-off report, the facts were stated. The submitter has not falsified any of his/her comments. So, to explain;

First: The resort was called in advance, after a suggestion from BlueGreen that one do so. The employee whom answered the phone stated that there was a shuttle service and that one may take the shuttle to and from the airport. No one expected that the Fountains would do this any less than a 7 star resort would. The Fountains employee whom answered the phone stated that taking the shuttle would resolve the problem of not being able to seat 6 people and their luggage in one vehicle. The fact was and still is: The Fountains in Orlando does not have shuttle service to the airport as was stated over the phone. The Fountains does have Shuttle Service for a fee to the Parks only.

Secondly: This BlueGreen owner did drive their own vehicle to their building and drop off 3 people and their luggage, went back to the front office and pick up the remaining 2 people and their luggage, proceeded to drive them back to the building and unload their luggage, whilest watching others receive rides to and from their buildings in the golf carts. Now you and others may rebut that the employees are not allowed to transport visitors to and from their rooms, that the people in which they were transporting were employees. If that is so, then the employees were moving their belongings to the rooms and spending the night.

Thirdly: The construction the visitor was refering to was not just the construction of the water park. The construction was of the buildings in which stood next to the building that included the room in which this BlueGreen owner slept during their stay. An owner of a time share of such nice resorts should expect good service and to have a nice stay. And, every individual has their own opinion of what good service and a nice stay means. Evidently, this owner did not feel that they receive this whilest another may feel that the service was excellent and that they enjoyed a righteous stay.

Fourth: This BlueGreen owner knows exactly how the points work, probably more than he/she would like to know. I don't recall them ever stating that they were upset about the way the points work. Nor, did they knock any other owner that may or may not know how the system works.

Fifth: There is no need to bring brains in to this or accuse someone of slagging off another. This unhappy BlueGreen owner has not criticized any one person. Why must another feel that they have been slagged off? If anything, this proposed slaggee must feel that all of those whom have complained about BlueGreen's operation must be liars. The fact is, as Americans we have the freedom of speech and if one speaks of facts, and others whom may dispute those facts want to argue them, then those others should have proof that the facts are indeed not truth. Without the proof, negative criticism is not warranted.

Just the facts.


United Kingdom

Pick up at the airport

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, February 22, 2008

Why would you think you would be picked up at the airport you are traveling to a timeshare not a 7 star hotel
Which resort did you stay at you say ther resort in Orlando there are 2 (I am assuming you mean the Fountains)
golf carts are for housekeeping staff most owners would have parked in the car parking area in front of their bulidings and walk the 10yds to the front of the Buildings and lifts.
What did u expect to see from your unit it clearly states on the website that construction is ongoing also the resort is inland so why comment on seeing a cow they do live in the countryside.
Yes the pool would be busy since the new water park is still being built hence the construction
Just because you cant get you points to work for you dont knock those who read up and know how the system works
And yes I am a gold owner and yes I have always used my points without any problems this year we have 14 nights in FL and 14 nights in SC
So get all your facts right before you start slagging off people who have the brains to be able to work the system, It is not our fault that you are unable to.

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