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  • Report:  #1213823

Complaint Review: Blanchard Valley Hospital

Blanchard Valley Hospital Dr. Kindl Caused increased pain and suffering then wouldn't return any calls. Findlay Ohio

  • Reported By:
    susan — Findlay Ohio USA
  • Submitted:
    Fri, March 06, 2015
  • Updated:
    Fri, March 06, 2015
  • Blanchard Valley Hospital
    1900 S Main St
    Findlay, Ohio
  • Phone:
  • Category:

 I started seeing Dr.Kindl over a year ago for increased pain to spine with three tumors and three bulging disc. Prior to seeing him I had already been getting injections for a year he did another year of injections causing my pain to be worse when they are not suppose to be done for more than a year. I had been on percocet for my pain for two years, I told them they were not working any more taking them four times a day,I couldn't even ride in a care 5 miles to town so when I saw his nure practicioner heather I told her I was needing to take them one every four hours around the clock she said ok then started me on baclefen for spasms stated it would help with the pain meds. Then I got called out of state to Iowa for my sister had a tumor inside her heart, 10 hr ride which was exurtiating then sitting in hospital with her for five days til over then another 10hr ride home. So when I got back they counted my pills that were off because she said it was ok to take every four hours. I have been on heat pad night and day causing my skin to break down. I get a letter from them stating I broke the contract so they were not going to give me any pain meds again. I went and saw heather again stated you said ok when told you I was taking them every four hours she said yea I did but I didn't mean for you to do it. So she wouldn't give me anything mind you I haven't seen Dr in five months just nurse practioner. So for over a week I have been in so much pain, not eating not sleeping due to the pain and sitting up all night on heat pad. My daughter called them every day for a week telling them the condition I was in and not once did they call me back. I contacted the administration and they said they would have them call me.  which they never did, then his nurse called me stated you broke the contract he wont give you anything for your pain but we can see about more injections or aqua therapy sure when I can barely walk. They said I abused my medication if that were true when he gave me dilauded twice which is more powerful narcotic both times I gave them back because they made me feel funny, I was told by spine instatute if that were the case an abuser would have taken them all. His nurse would not even listen to me, the nurse practoner and Dr. kindl never did call me themselves. I told them My quality of life at this time was zero due to the pain and trying to save up money to have neck and lower back surgery.And they still didn't care to help me with my pain. they said Dr Kindl could see me in april to do other alternatives which already were not working. The last neck injection I couldn't move my neck for a week.So here I am still having pain and suffering that they caused then abandoned me for any care or pain treatment. I have been a nurse for 30 years and lifeflight medic for 25 and I never would have ever abandoned any of my paitients like they did me. But mind you two week of calls with no returns until I contacted administration and that still got me no where. I think they failed me the people I trusted the most to help me and they just stopped caring. I hope this never happens to anyone else no one deserves to be in this much pain that I am in and then just left to suffer for a contract they broke not me. And if the nurse practioner says she didn't say it she then lied because ever my husband heard her. Is there anyone out there who can help me.

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