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  • Report:  #616324

Complaint Review: A.S. Radin & Associates

A.S. Radin & Associates Scott Radin Scott Radin ripped me off and 7 other trainees for $4650. Total scan artist. Hasn't returned my calls since Oct 09 West Senica, New York

  • Reported By:
    Dissatisfied Business Broker Traine — Annapolis Maryland United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Wed, June 23, 2010
  • Updated:
    Mon, June 24, 2019
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Slanderous - Get Your Facts Straight *Author of original report: I can back up what I write with documents, Can you Scott Radin? *General Comment: My $.02 on Mr. Radin........ *Author of original report: I can back up what I write with documents, Can you Scott Radin? *REBUTTAL Owner of company: Mr Dawson & Slander *Author of original report: I won my dispute against Scott Radin: The Credit card company refunded me $4650 *Consumer Comment: A solution... *General Comment: I was a victim too *Consumer Comment: He's training now because he can't sell businesses *Consumer Suggestion: What A Bunch *Consumer Comment: I am appalled what I am reading... *Consumer Comment: Speechless... *Consumer Comment: I Couldn't Believe This When I Saw It *Consumer Comment: Scott Radin is an honest professional! *Author of original report: Don't even try Scott Radin *Consumer Comment: This is just weird *General Comment: An interesting tid bit............ *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Total Creep *General Comment: Sex Offender *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Sex Offender *REBUTTAL Owner of company: From the real Scott Radin *General Comment: 'And the beat goes on' quote Sonny and Cher..... *Consumer Comment: Bitter party of one, your table is now ready! *General Comment: thief coonected to *UPDATE EX-employee responds: LYING!! FAKE NAME: Scott "RADIN" *REBUTTAL Individual responds: DIPSTICK SCOTT "RADIN" (FAKE NAME) *Consumer Comment: the traders room. markham canada *UPDATE EX-employee responds: WARNING *Consumer Comment: I am absolutely sick of reading these. *Author of original report: Scott Radin of A.S. Radin and Assoc Guilty of Fraud *UPDATE EX-employee responds: How is this guy still in business?

I paid for and attended business broker training by Scott Radin's of A.S. Radin and Assoc. during the summer of 2009. I have since then contacted 7 others who have taken his training also. At that time his web site said it had trained 250 brokers in the last 8 years. Now his website boast 500 trained. How he has trained another 250 since then I could not tell you.  I flew to Buffalo New York to his office located at 1167 Union Rd * West Seneca NY  14224.  I should have know by the 1960's wall paneling in his so called office that this was a farce.  I was there for a 3 day training . The same outline which he provides on his website back then is about identical to the one he has listed today.  He provided a CD of the training sessions.  When I got home I put the CD on my laptop and the total time for the 3 day training only added up to 9 hour s and 47 minutes.   He was also to provide a start up marketing program as part of the package.  It was to include things such as business cards, google ads, direct marketing campaigns etc.  I received only 3 internet leads. Some of the other trainee's didn't receive any.  He also guaranteed that I would sell 3 businesses in my first  year using his marketing system.  I have not even listed a single business  in the previous year nor have any of the other 7 business brokers that have taken his program and used his system.  Of course he does not guarantee anything now because his system is ineffective.  I completed my training in July of 09.  He ceased all communications with me in October of 09 and has yet to return any of my correspondence concerning support or anything.  His training is a Joke..  Ask him for documentation to back of his facts and figures. He can't.

31 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

How is this guy still in business?

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, June 24, 2019

Glad to see someone if finally taking steps at stopping Scott Raidin and NAABB!


To all,

I am getting wind that a storm is brewing about the BizBuySell issue and some claiming I promised them unlimited marketing. To the latter – WRONG! Nobody was ever promised this and if you look at your contract it is clear that you were not. There is the bonus program. If you have a problem with it take it up with me and stop complaining to others. As for BizBuySell – it is nothing more than them making life difficult on us. They want to break us up so each one of you is required to pay their new $99 per month fee. I am fighting them back.

There is nothing WRONG WITH NAABB – as a matter of fact we are growing and BizBuySell is catching wind of that and trying to capitalize.

I expect children to speculate behind their parents back but not professional adults.

If you have a problem then take it up with me direct. This, just as the antics at the conference, is ridiculous.

For those complaining to others and not addressing it with me  – here is my contact info just in case you lost it…

My email is

Dissatisfied Business Broker Traine


Scott Radin of A.S. Radin and Assoc Guilty of Fraud

#32Author of original report

Mon, January 07, 2013

My letter from Wells Fargo Claiming I won the dispute. Don't know about the Kiddie stuff. But I can say he is a con artist and will take your money.....Check out his Facebook page....if you have 800 brokers world wide why do you only have 35 friends?  And here is an attempt to say that I was extorting him  If I was extorting him how come Wells Fargo sided with me in the dispute? Here is an excerpt from his page" Management 101  if someone cant sign their name to a complaint for verification then it is not worth reading!".  You know my name Scott...please say it again(like you have not already)  so I can have more evidence against you to file criminally and civilly for libel and slander.   Also not to mention the New York code for trying to defraud 10 or more people.  6 year statue of limitations.  I will file.  It is my civil duty.


United States of America

I am absolutely sick of reading these.

#32Consumer Comment

Fri, July 06, 2012

Okay I seriously want to set the record straight. I am absolutely disgusted in reading these comments slamming Scott Radin. He is NOT a sex offender! How dare some of you accuse him of such a serious offense! Are you people really that low to write rediculous things like that? How about getting off your computer low lives and doing something else that's actually relevant for your life. How would you like if you or a family member was falsely accused of being a sex offender? How would your children feel about that having to look at nonsense like this! Maybe oh should all get your facts straight. If he really was one why wouldn't he be on e sex offenders list? Seriously people think! Also how was he in NYC in 1998 when he was home with his family? I think I would know out of anyone dare you all say this about him! He would NEVER do such a thing like this! For you to say keep your children away well shame on you! I hope one day you get falsely accused of such a serious offense and you family sees it. How would you like to be on that side huh? All of you would hate it.

For the one who said he's not very Christian like, number one why are you trying to bring religion into this it has NOTHING to do with anything at all! I have news for you, you're not very Christian falsely accusing someone. Read Matthew 5:11-12 "blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me..." so don't be that person to go against it.

When it comes to his business I've known him for a very long time. Since day one, I think I would know how he runs his business. He's 100% perfessional! If you don't believe this then it's your loss. Maybe then you all should become more educated and stop believing all of these accusations. Maybe you should look into all the facts before believing this stuff. Also if you want to keep in contact with him then you can email him personally about him instead of complaining that he stopped talking to you. He is busy, so you are also able to keep in contact as well.

I honestly believe that people just have it out for Scott Radin. To attack him personally though is just really low. I bet your work consists in asking "would you like fries with that?" if you go through so much to attack him and ruin his life you must be his greatest fan. Jealously doesn't make you pretty, it only makes you ugly. Showing how obsessed with him shows this all. To everyone who calls him a sex offender you better watch your back because you know what? You never know when a police man will show up at your door with a court date because the charges that will be pressed against you! They will find you. Scott Radin is a good man. He's a good father and takes care of his family and also he takes care of all of his clients. I wanted to set the record straight for everyone. Everyone stop being hypocritical about this because everyone does make mistakes in life. Problem is the things that your saying his mistakes arent true. If one more person ever says he's a sex offender againi will personally hire a private investigator to find you. Scott Radin never would do anything to hurt a child. I would know.

For everyone who is researching Scott Radin for him to train you, please let him. He is one of the best. Please do not listen to any of this non sense these low lives are writing. He really does do a great job with his business. Thank you.

B. D.

United States of America


#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, February 04, 2012






the traders room. markham canada

#32Consumer Comment

Mon, January 02, 2012

watch out for Tony aka Owen Dwyer they are looking "offshore" for new day trading partners. Whenever I hear offshore, all that I think is Stanford or Madoff....JMHO

beware they will seperate you from your money

B. D.

United States of America


#32REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, January 02, 2012

There is no William Paul Dawson here dipstick, he died. What an idiot you are! You have ripped off so many people you can't keep anything straight. How many little kids have you touched? Probably can't keep track of that either.

B. D.

United States of America


#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, January 01, 2012

You are a lying-child-molesting-sicko. YOU KNOW THE TRUTH, YOU CAN'T HIDE! Just because you use aliases and nothing is in the registry under your current last name doesn't mean I don't know who you are! That's right Mr. 5 Felonies under 3 Last Names...SCUMBAG!

You and your "business" will go down in flames because you are a scammer and a weirdo. GO TO HELL CHILD MOLESTER! YOU WILL DEFINITELY BE BACK IN JAIL IN NO TIME THE WAY THINGS ARE GOING!!



thief coonected to

#32General Comment

Sat, December 31, 2011

the traders room and owen tony dwyer....cheating would be trainees on both sides of the border
beware, they will take as much of your money that they can
god be with all of you fine folks, that these rapacious vultures feed on
very sick dudes!!!


United States of America

Bitter party of one, your table is now ready!

#32Consumer Comment

Fri, December 30, 2011

AUTHOR: Clark - scottsdale (U.S.A.) - Who gave you the right to judge and belittle others?!  My assumption is that you suffer from SPS (Small Pexxis Syndrome) and you're so insecure, you make yourself feel better about your own inadequacies by criticizing others. 

Additionally, you should not criticize other posters ability to communicate since your writing is not outstanding.

For example, It's so easy to spot a scammer. All it takes is a brain and the ability
to critically analyze what's being said and how it's being said. If
Radin was actually a capable business broker, why would he be recruiting
a bunch of losers like you to train, when the real money is in the
brokering and NOT in dealing with people like you.

would be more concise and better written as:

If the posters on this board critically analyze Radin's communications, then they might determine that Radin is a scammer.  For example, why would Radin be recruiting people to train when the real money is in brokering?

In closing Clark - get a life and quit drinking from the Hateorade!



'And the beat goes on' quote Sonny and Cher.....

#32General Comment

Thu, December 29, 2011

Sorry, Mr. Radin, your damage control is too little too late. Go back to your first report that was rife with inconsistencies relative to your claims and corresponding , conflicting denials about your involvement  with details thereof relative to BSN.
Refer to my communiqu dated 7-27-10 (My $.02)  commenting on the twisted rhetoric in your foregoing entry of 5-23-2010.  You did more damage to yourself in the aforementioned initial reply 5-23-2010  than the succeeding entries of your detractors. Frankly, you basically confirmed many of the detrimental issues to which they alluded.
The old idiom of Shooting yourself in the foot comes to mind.


United States of America

From the real Scott Radin

#32REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, December 29, 2011

The real Scott Radin here - Yeah I thought I would chime in to this humorous attack by a felon who I met as William Paul Dawson but our investigation shows no such person. This is all humorous because if you searched "Barack Obama sex offender" in Google images then all you see is the President - so with that thinking I guess our President is sex offender as well - which we all know is untrue. Google images reads the name not some title. The truth lies in the sex offender registry where I do not exist - because your claims are untrue. Up until now I have laughed at this guy taking anonymous attacks on me - as many different aliases - well sir you are not worth my time to make up aliases as you so accuse me of and honestly keep it up by pretending to be others because you are helping my business not hurting it because people see your attacks then research it and find you to be a bogus coward. If you had any type of real complaint then be a man and step up and identify yourself if you have a real complaint instead of hiding like a coward. Seriously though, if you want to continue these little shots - by all means - I appreciate them. But sir, this sex offender thing is obviously aimed at me because I coach a youth softball team - try your little games all you want - the feedback I get is how sad you must be. But its okay, keep posting every month as it only lends credence to my stance. Sincerely, Scott Radin, owner of A.S. Radin & Associates - 716 472-2684 or

B. D.

United States of America

Sex Offender

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, December 28, 2011

OK, so that's why he comes up when you search "Scott Radin sex offender" in Google and his picture comes up when you search Google Images.

I know that is really you Scott...posting under fake names. Nobody will believe your denials or threats.


United States of America

Sex Offender

#32General Comment

Wed, December 21, 2011

  I checked the national register for sex offenders and did not find Mr Radins name.

  It sickens me that a person can make these accusation with no proof,so if you have proof you should summit it. Other wise you should be prosecuted for your evil.

  Even if he walked up to you with a gun and took your money this is uncalled for.

B. D.

United States of America

Total Creep

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, December 16, 2011

I would NEVER let my children near Scott Radin. I can't believe he is allowed to coach sports for kids. That is so wrong. How long before I read in the news that Scott has committed another sex offense? Whoever has allowed him to continue in his position around children should be fired. These children are in danger.

And to deny that you committed that horrible thing? That is what is low here, Scott.

This is pathetic:
You expect people to believe this garbage? You are so obviously a creep and a scammer.



An interesting tid bit............

#32General Comment

Thu, December 08, 2011

This is 2011. This BBB rating is 10 years old. (As seen on his web site) BBB ratings are meaningless, doubly so for one ten yeras old.


Atlantic Beach,
New York,
United States of America

This is just weird

#32Consumer Comment

Thu, December 08, 2011

This is just the weirdest complaint.  Don't know what to make of it.

Dissatisfied Business Broker Traine


Don't even try Scott Radin

#32Author of original report

Wed, November 30, 2011

First of all christian' s never use the phrase "for christ sake".  
Second, post a link to those properties you listed...don't you want free advertising?


New York,

Scott Radin is an honest professional!

#32Consumer Comment

Tue, November 29, 2011

The person who has written these horrible things about Scott Radin will eventually be found a fraud.  But in the meantime just let me tell you a little about Mr. Radin as I know him.  Mr. Radin is an outstanding person, coach and businessman.  He gives 150% to everything he does.  He selflessly volunteers his time to coach girls softball, often sacrificing his own funds to help these young women find their niche and talent.  He is a positive influence in many young lives.  He is a good friend and father.

Mr. Radin is honest to a fault and would NEVER cheat anyone or misrepresent himself or his business and has a proven record of success.  Many of his trainees have gone on to have very successful and lucrative careers.

It is my understanding that TRAINING is just what it says.  Mr. Radin travels to you or invites you to join him in Buffalo, New York so that he can give you the tools you will need to build a customer base and broker businesses in a confidential manner.  Just as you do in school, you have to take what you have learned and apply it to make yourself a success.  No one can do this for you.  It seems that the person lodging these complaints and making these accusations did not follow through with the recommendations given him in training, and now holds Mr. Radin responsible for his own lack of motivation and skills.

To accuse him of being a sex offender is beyond ridiculous and a desperate attempt to exact revenge because your own business failings.  You should have spent your precious time utilizing the tools Mr. Radin gave you to create a successful business brokerage of your own.  For heaven's sake if you believe these lies about Mr. Radin check the sex offender registry or better yet spend the ten bucks to do a background check on him.  These are malicious lies and any person that would use baseless gossip to make a decision not to train with Mr. Radin or deal with his company doesn't even deserve his time, effort or expertise.


United States of America

I Couldn't Believe This When I Saw It

#32Consumer Comment

Tue, November 29, 2011

Scott told me that he was under attack but I never envisioned like this. I have not decided if I am going to use Scott Radin's services yet but not because of this attack on him (if anything I feel for the guy) rather because I already own a franchise brokerage considering Scott's services to train my agents. So what does it tell you when someone who only spoke to Scott once and may not use his services still comes to his defense? He told me about these attacks and how to find this page, yes told me, and I agree with michaeljohnson broker that this is as low as I have ever seen someone stoop, All I know is that whether I use his services or not I am going to tell him to keep his head high and be a better person than this sewer rat posting these attacks


United States of America


#32Consumer Comment

Tue, November 29, 2011

Hey loser - do you really believe making him out as a sex offender helps your cause - anyone reading this will immediately discount the entire report because anyone searching will find this claim to be false. In my 44 years, this may be the lowest I have seen someone go to attack another. My full opinion on this is posted at the end of all these attacks but I had to comment on this one. Making false claims of being a sex offender, does it make you feel better? Obviously you did it because he coaches a girls softball team and you are dead set on attacking him but this this level? ANYONE READING THIS will now see that you have a vendetta out for Mr. Radin and has to discount your attacks for what they are, a false string of ramblings from hell. And I now have no doubt that ALL of the posts in here were done by one person - you!


United States of America

I am appalled what I am reading...

#32Consumer Comment

Tue, November 29, 2011

Enough of the childish attacks. OMG I do not know whom is writing this but to ACCUSE HIM OF BEING A SEX OFFENDER - how low can someone go? I am a business broker trained by Scott Radin and I am doing quite well thank you. I suspect all of the garbage written above is done by one person under pseudonyms but we will never know. Let me tell you my experience.... the training was solid and I was barraged by buyers leads upon launch. I had SIX listings within my first six weeks. Business owners commented how professional my approach was. I am a devout Christian with high moral values and what I am reading here SICKENS ME as the the dark depths a human can go in attacking another. Shame on you!!!!!!!! If you really had a complaint why not sign your name to it and go to a legitimate agency so YES I am coming to Scott Radin's defense and if you want a real opinion here it is - it was the best move I have made in my career and to those attacking Mr. Radin, for Christ sake, hiding behind these cheap shots makes you about the lowest a human being can go.



What A Bunch

#32Consumer Suggestion

Wed, November 23, 2011

I have to say, based on the horrific spelling, grammar and usage by the man under attack, (Radin) all of you were fools to have gotten involved with him in the first place. Nothing marks a man like his ability to communicate. That said, the rest of you suffer from the very same disabilities. You all got burned for the same reason (aside from the fact that you're all stupid).. you were looking for the easy way out. There is no easy way out. Did you really think you were going to make money?

My suggestion is for all of you to go back to school as you should not have dropped out of kindergarten. Go and get an education.. and learn how to spell! Business brokerage is at best an iffy business. . if youre a real professional.  It should have been clear to you all at the beginning that Radin is no professional. And for all of you to go to a character like this Radin is an indication that none of you should be trusted with money or allowed out of the house without your parents supervision.

It's so easy to spot a scammer. All it takes is a brain and the ability to critically analyze what's being said and how it's being said. If Radin was actually a capable business broker, why would he be recruiting a bunch of losers like you to train, when the real money is in the brokering and NOT in dealing with people like you. Did any of you get a D&B report on his business? Do you know what a D&B report is?

Allow me to counter the fellow boasting of his use of Middle English with a little LatinCAVEAT EMPTOR! And for Mr. Radin..STIPENDIUM PECCATE MORS EST!

And to think that its people like you who have kids and elect the leaders of this country. God help us!


United States of America

He's training now because he can't sell businesses

#32Consumer Comment

Thu, October 06, 2011

It would figure that this guy would start some nonsense "training" since his business brokering skills are horrible.

Those who can DO .... those who can't teach.

He can't do.

I worked with him recently looking at several businesses for sale, and found him to be very unprofessional.

No follow-through on phone calls or emails. Dozens.

I finally said to myself, "Screw him - I'm not going to hunt him down so I can spend my money."

So it's not surprising that the disservice he provides to the businesses he represents by his lack of professionalism and courtesy are continued into the "training" business.

On my final email to him informing him that I was done interacting with him and why, he sent me an inflamatory email (his first reply to me) threatening to sue me if I talked about any businesses I was interested in.


I told him to bring it on. My father is one of the most well-known attorneys in the county.

Needless to say I never heard back from him again.

I liken him to a stereotypical used car salesman.

Reading his rebuttal, I can see I was right.

B. D.

United States of America

I was a victim too

#32General Comment

Sun, October 02, 2011

This Scott Radin guy also took me for almost $6K! I took a trip to get trained and found out he was a SEX OFFENDER! Stay away from this guy!!

WARNING: Scott Radin Is A SEX OFFENDER for raping a 10 year old boy in NYC in 1998!!

I am the law


A solution...

#32Consumer Comment

Tue, September 27, 2011

I say you guys should take this up in the ring! No holds barred!

Dissatisfied Business Broker Traine


I won my dispute against Scott Radin: The Credit card company refunded me $4650

#32Author of original report

Mon, September 26, 2011

You say I was extorting you Scott Radin. How is that so if the bank sided with me in the dispute. Look up the definition of slander and libel Scott and you may understand that what you have been doing makes you criminally and civilly liable.

AS Radin Associates

West Seneca,
New York,

Mr Dawson & Slander

#32REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, November 30, 2010

The author of this complaint - Paul Will Dawson asks in his report can i back up what i say . I can back it up with a 25 page report we have used to successfully defend ourselves against two other misguided individuals. I have been dealing with this for a year now but what really gets me is his petty little things and the way he tries writing in as different authors when it is all his writing. That is quite a name you made up sir in one of your additions. He has chosen because on this site one can not get false complaints removed without paying to have it done - and quite honestly - Mr. Dawson is not worth the trouble.

Mr Dawson - provide proof that A.S. Radiin & Associates trained you. BSN trained you! But you can't go after them because they are gone. It is quite clear that Mr. Dawson and the others were snowed by another individual because he obviously does not have any idea on the actual circumstances. Had Mr. Dawson asked, a complete explanation would have been provided.

When i worked for BSN I regularly kept the number of brokers trained accurate.

Had this person actually tried then maybe this would not be happening.

And as for his assertion that he did not list any businesses - funny because i received an email from a business owner whom listed with Mr. Dawson complaining to me that Mr. Dawson had disappeared.


One more thing - there were 10 brokers trained under the program that he refers to and 5 of them that i know of are brokering today and i am supporting 3 of them when i do not have to - but they asked.

This is nothing more than a blackmail technique to get his money from the wrong person. Had he or the few others asked, i would have assisted them in going after the proper source - BSN - and because i am bigger than these complaints - i would still be willing to help them! ALL THEY HAVE TO DO IS ASK!


Homosassa 46517,

My $.02 on Mr. Radin........

#32General Comment

Tue, July 27, 2010

This was composed prior to the very lucid response by the OP, and parallels his / her points somewhat, but Ill post it anyway.

.Mr. Radin: Ya dont think youre talking out both sides of your mouth, (to use a time honored idiom) maybe? You make every effort to distance yourself from BSN. Your profile, filed in support of your efforts, doesnt support your position. This is from your Business Broker Training Center promotion:

About The Business Broker Training Center

Owned and Operated by Scott Radin & A.S. Radin & Associates

A.S. Radin & Associates President / Owner 1999 to Date

Co-Founder and Developer of BSN

Management and Office Developer in title insurance industry 1986-1999

Sales Trainer - Bell Atlantic Communications (Now Verizon) 1999-2000

Nichols School - Buffalo NY (3 yr varsity in hockey - baseball - x country)

Bethany College - Bethany WV (captain varsity hockey)

Lifelong WNY resident currently living in Orchard Park

Co- Head Coach Lou Gehrig Lasers 14U Girls Travel Softball

League Commissioner in Orchard Park Little League

In reading material generated by your efforts, we find that youve been operating your currently named company for about ten years. Somehow you are just processing payment(s) that ultimately go to BSN for, and I quote your ROR entry: because my company processed credit cards for BSN. My only responsibility to BSN was training services and processing credit cards on their behalf. So you worked for BSN providing training, processed charge card debits, sent them the money, (which you allude isnt yours to return) but youre not connected to BSN? Quoting additional dialogue from you: . At the time of his training I provided training services and was compensated by BSN: (Youre the) "Owner 1999 to Date, Co-Founder and Developer of BSN. To date? Gee, thats pretty current.


Your dialogue here and elsewhere, and your derogatory remarks about the OP brings to mind a quote of Sir Walter Scott: Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive!

(No, thats not misspelled. Thats old English)


I didnt intend to belittle your efforts in your sporting activities (Hockey, Girls Softball and Little league) and unrelated previous jobs,but used a smaller font to save space on such minutia. No degrees, eh?

Dissatisfied Business Broker Traine


I can back up what I write with documents, Can you Scott Radin?

#32Author of original report

Tue, July 27, 2010

Well Scott, you wrote your only responsibility to BSN was training services and processing credit cards on their behalf and remitting said payment to BSN. Please show me documentation of this so called remittance. I would also like to see the receipts for the money you supposedly spent on our marketing. It is my belief that you pocketed the money instead of spending it on marketing. While your at it show me the email where I am extorting you.

In the emails you sent below, one from BSN the other from Asradin, it seems your responsibilities extend much further than training and card processing. You even admit to not answering our phone calls which really is no big deal. But more importantly you admit to the true responsibilities that you had to us. Mainly marketing which in my opinion encompasses 80% of a businesses success. You told us you were an internet marketing expert and guaranteed us 3 businesses sold the first year. You said we would be buried with leads and that your system was full proof. How can you expect someone you train now to use your program and succeed when you can't even make it succeed yourself? You are an expert but at blowing hot air as you can see by all the excuses you so skillfully create to provide the illusion that you are attempting to do something productive. When your business broker training and marketing went bad, you just shut down the old site and started a new one using our money to rank it. September of 2009 your site posted that you had trained 250 brokers since 2001. Now it says you trained 600. That is 350 brokers trained in less than 10 months. That's real funny. Scott I did the math using your available scheduling that is posted on your site and you just cant fit that many people in your little office and you surely don't have enough fold out tables.

Well its been one year and of course no businesses sold. Make good on your word and written agreement and refund us our money. Just put mine back on the credit card. Below are the 2 emails to back up what I stated.

Hi all,

I have communicated with a few of you over the last few days and thanks to one of you today for stepping forward.

As my email at the end of August indicated, it was a slow time through Labor Day. Once Labor Day ended we began a mailing campaign for each office that was ready to go. It has been brought to my attention that many of you are unhappy with the leads generated thus far. So are we. And we are putting all of our efforts into stepping up the marketing for each office that is ready to go. I have also been running featured Google ads for each operational office and while the clicks are there now - the visitors are not following through into leads. Since we began this program we have invested more than $8,000 into this featured advertising. Right now I am looking into why the leads are not happening through these ads and ways I can adjust each web site to better capture them. As many of you may have noticed, I have made some adjustments to each web site. I am confident though that not only will the letters we are mailing start paying off but so too will the featured ads once I repost them. I have also posted "sellers wanted" postings in my networks in your area and awaiting or reviewing media kits from local newspapers. My job is to make it work for you and we are targeting and doing mailings daily.

One definite area where we see a problem is mail delivery. No matter what source we use, we are getting more than 20% of our mailings back. So I had Sarah double check the returns against multiple sources + call a few and the addresses we were using were correct so we spoke to the post office managers and they could not give an answer so we guess that we are dealing with laziness at the post office - not just one but two. I have gotten similar accounts from past brokers as well. We have wasted more than $1,000 on postage in the last 2 months by returns.

As for timely follow up that seems to upset some. If I have not returned calls or emails in a timely fashion then I apologize but for the most part I thought I had. Though I recognize I did delay a couple of times. If you ask for something IE - email change - then there will be a delay as I turn this over to someone else to follow through on and she does her best. There have also been times that I have been away from the office but Sarah in our office was still handling marketing for me under my direction. But I do try to return calls or answer them by email and I do try to answer your emails in a timely fashion. But I give you my word that I will try to be quicker with these issues.

Last the business cards. This has become a headache partially because of a mistake I made in ordering them and partially because once I placed an order - a few of you changed email or phone numbers and I had to try and get a correction in on it. I screwed up because I had 7 of you that I was ordering a one time and while each order was different supposed to go to you - it all got bunched as one order and every time I made a change then it stopped the shipment of the order - ALL of them. It was complex and many times it showed as shipped but actually was held up by changes I made. The moral here is that I should have done each individually not as a group order. There is more but I will not bore you with it. I will take responsibility for that. If you want to go ahead and get some cards in the interim then go ahead and send me the invoice for reimbursement. You can get some done quickly at (((Redacted))) but please if you do send me the invoice/receipt.

This was a new pilot program and there were bound to be bumps in the road. I have been asked by a few of you if you could do some direct marketing on your end and my answer is of course. I can send you the letter to use as long as you stay in touch with me on types of businesses so we do not crossover. With one broker, I agreed to wave our 15% commission in order to pave the way to allowing him to control his own marketing. If that interests you then I can live with that but we need to spend time on the phone going over it. I want to do whatever you want as far as getting this kickstarted.

One final note. Our local business brokerage has been slow for all the same reasons I outlined above. But just as I predicted, we are seeing it pick up now and we always can gauge all of our brokers on how our own brokerage is doing so the forecast to you is good.

Feel free to set up a time with me to air your frustration or discuss how we can get it rocking. I am looking into some type of online meeting for us all to gather on a regular basis. But for the most part, stick with me as I always get it working and if you have issues on calls or emails that I did not answer then please let me know. For the record and to streamline contact - if it is marketing/sales issue then contact me - if it is an operational-pricing-agreement issue then contact Rich and if you can't reach him then me.

Thanks and we will get it moving and shaking!

Scott Radin

From: Scott Radin
Cc: (((Redacted)))
Sent: Mon, October 5, 2009 5:26:38 AM
Subject: Re: BBB, etc.

I am NOT happy with the leads development - repeat NOT happy. But to imply that no effort is being made is so wrong. RIGHT NOW Sarah in our office is doing mailings for EVERY one of you. I am seeing headway being made with some of you who have communicated back to me. For the couple of you who utilized the Craigslist idea I rolled out a couple of weeks ago, you have found new sellers and seller leads (IT WORKS). I was just told by one of you that the Craigslist thing is working but our marketing is not and this person demanded an answer on what we were doing about it - people the Craigslist system IS part of our marketing! Yes you will get junk emails as well but the effort is worth the reward.

As for Google - we have been running periodic campaigns. Right now the average lead capture rate has been less than 1% when it should be around 10%. So why would I continue wasting monies on advertising that is not working. Anyone who actually understands Google Adwords understands this. In some areas there were NO leads from monies spent. We are a business and will not continue to waste advertising money without results. I am NOT going to run a Google campaign (as one of you requested) just so you can tell people you are featured there - if it is is not working then I am not going to spend the money. Since the program's inception, I have spent in excess of $8,000 on Google advertising for you and the results have been very disappointing.

Let me remind all that the fee you spent was for complete business broker training and support NOT just leads development. Yes the leads development was part of the program but I am finding too many of you seeming to focus on the marketing being done. The LEADS concept was that we would develop your leads in return for a split on your commission. The fee you paid us was for the training and support. You paid for a complete training program NOT just marketing. And while the marketing and leads has been slow in developing for most, you are under a 1-year agreement with us and if you have issues then take it up after your first year. We will continue working it out on our end. For the record, 60% of the fee you paid went directly into advertising and marketing of your brokerage, 20% went toward BSN expenses and the remaining 20% was split by Rich and me for services rendered. So as you can see, Rich and I hardly got rich off of you.

And be careful who you listen to. Jenny was not knowledgeable of the situation before she brought in Nick P - none of you have been properly informed on the issues with this gentleman and I would recommend not getting involved with it. First, as far as my communication goes, there is no open complaint with the BBB because I answered their complaint simply by demonstrating the 1 year agreement. Be careful who you are listening to. Second, and again you paid for a complete business broker training and support program and not just the marketing. I know and understand that this program included the marketing however, while I can't force it upon you, I am surprised that more of you have not taken a step and offered to help do some direct marketing on your end. If it were me, I would likely be a little disappointed in BSN's leads rate like you, however, I would be proactive and working on marketing on my own as well.

So, before you make the mistake of doing a group BBB complaint understand two things. First we are doing everything that we represent and second you paid for a business brokering training and support program NOT just a marketing program. Because the leads are not as fast in coming as WE ALL expected, it does not mean that we have conducted under false pretenses or "fraud". The branch program was called the "Pilot Program" for a reason. It was the first time we tried this program. All along we represented that we were only taking 10 people into it to try for one year. You got our complete program for 50% what we normally charge so you could be the first to test this new program. We know the program works and other than a few bumps and the leads development on our end, you have the most comprehensive training in the industry. The 250 or so before you paid up to $9,300 for the program you got and they do their own marketing - using the same system we are using on you - and they are having success doing it.

Last, the follow up. Rich and I do not sit by our phones and computers waiting for your contact. We have given you our cell numbers for an emergency as well as office and email numbers. You can also text us at our cell numbers. I have previously stated that operations - agreements - pricing issues go to Rich and marketing issues go to me. Sending an email marked "URGENT" meaning you need help immediately may not be read immediately and in the case of Jenny's complaint about 2 days without follow up to an email - the email was received by our server late Wednesday and we were on the road Thursday training without being able to get online; then as soon as we drew in the email Friday morning, Rich called her immediately. The delay was more like a day and no effort was made to call our cell numbers.

I feel a lynch mob growing here and taking on a life of its own. My only goal is to see everyone succeed and I have continuously offered up so many concessions to you individually or as a group. I don't want to get involved with satisfying a second BBB complaint by showing the one year agreement (this ends any complaint). Not only have Rich and me made very little $$$ from your training fee - we truly want each and every one of you to succeed and will concede so much to make you successful. Since 2001, the success of BSN business brokers has been our # 1 priority and that has not changed with you.


CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.>

Dissatisfied Business Broker Traine

United States of America

I can back up what I write with documents, Can you Scott Radin?

#32Author of original report

Mon, July 26, 2010

Well Scott, you wrote your only responsibility to BSN was training services and processing credit cards on their behalf and remitting said payment to BSN. Please show me documentation of this so called remittance. I would also like to see the receipts for the money you supposedly spent on our marketing. It is my belief that you pocketed the money instead of spending it on marketing. While your at it show me the email where I am extorting you.

In the emails you sent below, one from BSN the other from Asradin, explains fully your responsibilities which extend much further than training and card processing. You even admit to not answering our phone calls which really is no big deal. But more importantly you admit to the true responsibilities that you had to us. Mainly marketing which in my opinion encompasses 80% of a businesses success. You told us you were an internet marketing expert. You said we would be buried with leads and that your system was full proof. You are an expert but at blowing hot air as you can see by all the excuses you so skillfully create to provide the illusion that you might actually be doing your job.

Well its been one year and of course no businesses sold. Make good on your word and refund us our money. Just put mine back on the credit card. Below are the 2 emails to back up what I stated.



date, Sep 17, 2009 at 1:40 PM


* BSN From


Hi all,

I have communicated with a few of you over the last few days and thanks to one of you today for stepping forward.

As my email at the end of August indicated, it was a slow time through Labor Day. Once Labor Day ended we began a mailing campaign for each office that was ready to go. It has been brought to my attention that many of you are unhappy with the leads generated thus far. So are we. And we are putting all of our efforts into stepping up the marketing for each office that is ready to go. I have also been running featured Google ads for each operational office and while the clicks are there now - the visitors are not following through into leads. Since we began this program we have invested more than $8,000 into this featured advertising. Right now I am looking into why the leads are not happening through these ads and ways I can adjust each web site to better capture them. As many of you may have noticed, I have made some adjustments to each web site. I am confident though that not only will the letters we are mailing start paying off but so too will the featured ads once I repost them. I have also posted "sellers wanted" postings in my networks in your area and awaiting or reviewing media kits from local newspapers.My job is to make it work for you and we are targeting and doing mailings daily.

One definite area where we see a problem is mail delivery. No matter what source we use, we are getting more than 20% of our mailings back. So I had Sarah double check the returns against multiple sources + call a few and the addresses we were using were correct so we spoke to the post office managers and they could not give an answer so we guess that we are dealing with laziness at the post office - not just one but two. I have gotten similar accounts from past brokers as well. We have wasted more than $1,000 on postage in the last 2 months by returns.

As for timely follow up that seems to upset some. If I have not returned calls or emails in a timely fashion then I apologize but for the most part I thought I had. Though I recognize I did delay a couple of times. If you ask for something IE - email change - then there will be a delay as I turn this over to someone else to follow through on and she does her best. There have also been times that I have been away from the office but Sarah in our office was still handling marketing for me under my direction. But I do try to return calls or answer them by email and I do try to answer your emails in a timely fashion. But I give you my word that I will try to be quicker with these issues.

Last the business cards. This has become a headache partially because of a mistake I made in ordering them and partially because once I placed an order - a few of you changed email or phone numbers and I had to try and get a correction in on it. I screwed up because I had 7 of you that I was ordering a one time and while each order was different supposed to go to you - it all got bunched as one order and every time I made a change then it stopped the shipment of the order - ALL of them. It was complex and many times it showed as shipped but actually was held up by changes I made. The moral here is that I should have done each individually not as a group order. There is more but I will not bore you with it. I will take responsibility for that. If you want to go ahead and get some cards in the interim then go ahead and send me the invoice for reimbursement. You can get some done quickly at but please if you do send me the invoice/receipt.

This was a new pilot program and there were bound to be bumps in the road. I have been asked by a few of you if you could do some direct marketing on your end and my answer is of course. I can send you the letter to use as long as you stay in touch with me on types of businesses so we do not crossover. With one broker, I agreed to wave our 15% commission in order to pave the way to allowing him to control his own marketing. If that interests you then I can live with that but we need to spend time on the phone going over it. I want to do whatever you want as far as getting this kickstarted.

One final note. Our local business brokerage has been slow for all the same reasons I outlined above. But just as I predicted, we are seeing it pick up now and we always can gauge all of our brokers on how our own brokerage is doing so the forecast to you is good.

Feel free to set up a time with me to air your frustration or discuss how we can get it rocking. I am looking into some type of online meeting for us all to gather on a regular basis. But for the most part, stick with me as I always get it working and if you have issues on calls or emails that I did not answer then please let me know. For the record and to streamline contact - if it is marketing/sales issue then contact me - if it is an operational-pricing-agreement issue then contact Rich and if you can't reach him then me.

Thanks and we will get it moving and shaking!

Scott Radin

From: Scott Radin
Cc: noblett rich
Sent: Mon, October 5, 2009 5:26:38 AM
Subject: Re: BBB, etc.


I am NOT happy with the leads development - repeat NOT happy. But to imply that no effort is being made is so wrong. RIGHT NOW Sarah in our office is doing mailings for EVERY one of you. I am seeing headway being made with some of you who have communicated back to me. For the couple of you who utilized the Craigslist idea I rolled out a couple of weeks ago, you have found new sellers and seller leads (IT WORKS). I was just told by one of you that the Craigslist thing is working but our marketing is not and this person demanded an answer on what we were doing about it - people the Craigslist system IS part of our marketing! Yes you will get junk emails as well but the effort is worth the reward.

As for Google - we have been running periodic campaigns. Right now the average lead capture rate has been less than 1% when it should be around 10%. So why would I continue wasting monies on advertising that is not working. Anyone who actually understands Google Adwords understands this. In some areas there were NO leads from monies spent. We are a business and will not continue to waste advertising money without results. I am NOT going to run a Google campaign (as one of you requested) just so you can tell people you are featured there - if it is is not working then I am not going to spend the money. Since the program's inception, I have spent in excess of $8,000 on Google advertising for you and the results have been very disappointing.

Let me remind all that the fee you spent was for complete business broker training and support NOT just leads development. Yes the leads development was part of the program but I am finding too many of you seeming to focus on the marketing being done. The LEADS concept was that we would develop your leads in return for a split on your commission. The fee you paid us was for the training and support. You paid for a complete training program NOT just marketing. And while the marketing and leads has been slow in developing for most, you are under a 1-year agreement with us and if you have issues then take it up after your first year. We will continue working it out on our end. For the record, 60% of the fee you paid went directly into advertising and marketing of your brokerage, 20% went toward BSN expenses and the remaining 20% was split by Rich and me for services rendered. So as you can see, Rich and I hardly got rich off of you.

And be careful who you listen to. Jenny was not knowledgeable of the situation before she brought in Nick P - none of you have been properly informed on the issues with this gentleman and I would recommend not getting involved with it. First, as far as my communication goes, there is no open complaint with the BBB because I answered their complaint simply by demonstrating the 1 year agreement. Be careful who you are listening to. Second, and again you paid for a complete business broker training and support program and not just the marketing. I know and understand that this program included the marketing however, while I can't force it upon you, I am surprised that more of you have not taken a step and offered to help do some direct marketing on your end. If it were me, I would likely be a little disappointed in BSN's leads rate like you, however, I would be proactive and working on marketing on my own as well.

So, before you make the mistake of doing a group BBB complaint understand two things. First we are doing everything that we represent and second you paid for a business brokering training and support program NOT just a marketing program. Because the leads are not as fast in coming as WE ALL expected, it does not mean that we have conducted under false pretenses or "fraud". The branch program was called the "Pilot Program" for a reason. It was the first time we tried this program. All along we represented that we were only taking 10 people into it to try for one year. You got our complete program for 50% what we normally charge so you could be the first to test this new program. We know the program works and other than a few bumps and the leads development on our end, you have the most comprehensive training in the industry. The 250 or so before you paid up to $9,300 for the program you got and they do their own marketing - using the same system we are using on you - and they are having success doing it.

Last, the follow up. Rich and I do not sit by our phones and computers waiting for your contact. We have given you our cell numbers for an emergency as well as office and email numbers. You can also text us at our cell numbers. I have previously stated that operations - agreements - pricing issues go to Rich and marketing issues go to me. Sending an email marked "URGENT" meaning you need help immediately may not be read immediately and in the case of Jenny's complaint about 2 days without follow up to an email - the email was received by our server late Wednesday and we were on the road Thursday training without being able to get online; then as soon as we drew in the email Friday morning, Rich called her immediately. The delay was more like a day and no effort was made to call our cell numbers.

I feel a lynch mob growing here and taking on a life of its own. My only goal is to see everyone succeed and I have continuously offered up so many concessions to you individually or as a group. I don't want to get involved with satisfying a second BBB complaint by showing the one year agreement (this ends any complaint). Not only have Rich and me made very little $$$ from your training fee - we truly want each and every one of you to succeed and will concede so much to make you successful. Since 2001, the success of BSN business brokers has been our # 1 priority and that has not changed with you.


AS Radin Associates

West Seneca,
New York,

Slanderous - Get Your Facts Straight

#32REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, June 23, 2010

Beware of what you read. This person is referring to BSN and not my company - A.S. Radin & Associates. Any representations were made by BSN and NOT my company. This person has been slandering me for 10 months and has been attacking me instead of BSN because my company processed credit cards for BSN. My only responsibility to BSN was training services and processing credit cards on their behalf and remitting said payment to BSN. No legal public records exist tying me or my company to BSN. Two of his co-horts in slander have already attempted charge-backs for their training fee and LOST because I proved they were full of lies. This person is slandering me and my company that provided him no guarantee and currently has no association with. At the time of his training I provided training services and was compensated by BSN but any representations this person referenced were provided by BSN and not my company.

This person was trouble from the beginning as he went by 2 different names - either Will Dawson or Paul Dawson so who knows what his real name is - he did not provide it in this complaint.. He failed to to mention to BSN his criminal past as evidenced by his necessity to register at our local police station upon his arrival for training nor did he explain any reasons thereafter.

This person has been slandering me and my company since October 2009 and his complaint that I have not returned calls is a lie. Any calls he made were to BSN and not me. So if BSN did not call him back then so be it.

I ceased doing any work for and with BSN in October 2009 and he was aware of this as I directed his complaints to BSN. The pettiness to this person's complaints is childish - c'mon - the wood paneling in the office?

Mr Dawson - or whatever his real name is - was trained under a pilot program that he and 9 others agreed to try for 50% less than the normal program offered by BSN back in the summer of 2009. Currently I am working with 2 of them who came to me for help after no communication with BSN and while I did not have to help them - I am! Oh and it is working. And i would have helped Mr. Dawson or the others if they would have asked for help instead of attacking me.

This gentlemen needs to look up the definition of slander and extortion because at one point he sent me an email that if I reimbursed his fee (which was not mine to reimburse) then he would not post these types of things against me. Go after BSN and leave me alone.

Whatever agreements in place are those of BSN and not me.

I now own my own independent training company and can provide many references of those who have succeeded. His remarks are slanderous toward my own training company that has a 100% satisfaction rate.

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