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  • Report:  #15900

Complaint Review: GALAXY MALL

  • Reported By:
    Jonesborough TN
  • Submitted:
    Tue, March 05, 2002
  • Updated:
    Tue, March 05, 2002

I am writing this report to ask for help in getting my money back from this dishonest company. I purchased 3 computer webb sites on 8/8/2000 which the company set up through their lease set up company,Electronic Commerce International(800)836-9406,out of Provo,Utah. We were told at the computer seminar that Galaxy Mall was leasing the money to us. This company then set my wife and I up on a lease with Leasecom(800)843-5327. We thought this was part of Galaxy Malls operation but later found out that they are a seperate leasing company. The total amount of the above purchase was $3,249. Electronic Commerce Int. set the lease up for $114 per month for 47 months. When we tried to get our money back and were told that we had to go to Leasecom Company since they were providing the lease and that Galaxy Mall was not responsible since they were not the leasing company. We assumed all along that the lease WAS through Galaxy Malls leasing company! As of this date we have paid 19 payments at $114 for $2166 and can not get Galaxy Mall to return any of our money.

We were led to believe at the seminar we attended that if we purchased the 3 webb sites we would make our investment back within 60 days,possibly sooner. We were even told that we did not need any computer experience or even own a computer! The next evening we received a phone call from Galaxy Malls Calon Lee who wanted us to sign up for coaching lessons to help us get an even quicker start to making money. At the seminar they pushed starting joint ventures which were easy to get started and would lead to good money. At first I told Calon Lee that I would not do the coaching due to the $5,915 price tag. He kept pushing how great the coaching would be and that we would get our money back within a few weeks. When we started with the coach we were under the impression that they were part of Galaxy Mall but they were Professional Marketing International. We told the coach what Calon Lee had told us and what we were told at the seminar about making our money back quickly on joint ventures The coach said this was not the case and that Galaxy Mall said these things to make it appear that every business in town was standing on the street corner ready to sign up on a joint venture. He said joint ventures were complicated and that it would probably take over 30 or more presentations to even get one joint venture! The coach told us it would be best to try and come up with a product to sell on the webb sites due to the difficulty of joint ventures. This really frustrated us as we told Calon Lee that we wanted to do joint ventures as this is what we were told at the seminar would make back our money quickly! We called Calon Lee back and told him we wanted to drop out of the coaching program. He then said he would get another coach for us who would be willing to do the joint ventures and that it would not take that long to get these going and get our money back. I was very hesitant but Calon Lee kept insisting that we stay in the coaching program AND THAT HE WOULD GIVE ME BACK MY MONEY IF WE TRIED THE PROGRAM BUT WERE NOT SUCCESSFUL IN MAKING OUR MONEY BACK. I agreed to this only because of his promise to give me my money back if not successful! The next coach was not that helpful and even missed 2 or 3 of our scheduled sessions and had to make them up. At the seminar were told to charge a program fee of $2,500+$1,950 maint. fee for each joint venture. I was told by the coach to do it for free the first year to get them signed up and that if they liked the service, we could forgo the program fee and only charge for the maint. fee the second year. We tried this on 3 different companies and were not sucessful. We could nt even give the joint venture away for free. After this the coach led us to consider finding a product for our webb sites but when we were not sucessful, he advised us to consider another company that allowed their products to be sold on othe peoples webb sites. He said it would cost us more money to use their product and that it was up to us. This made me very upset as we had paid all this money and still did not even have a webb site up and running. We called We called Galaxy Mall back and said that we wanted our money back per Calon Lees promise. They would not let us talk to Callon Lee and said that he would not make a promise like that. They said they would give us $500 to help with our expenses while we tried to get our webb sites going. We received a form to sign to get the $500 and signed it. It was a deceptive trick as it said we accepted the $500 as full refund for the program purchased. We thought it was just a standard form they used and that we were just getting the $500 back to help us with expenses. WE WERE NEVER TOLD AT ANY TIME THAT BY SIGNING THIS FORM WE WERE ACCEPTING A FULL REFUNF OR FOR THAT MATTER ANY REFUND AT ALL! THE FORM ALSO SAID WE WOULD SEND THE PROGRAM MATERIALS BACK TO GALAXY MALL. AGAIN WE HONESTLY THOUGHT THIS WAS JUST A STANDARD FORM THEY USED IN ORDER FOR THEM TO GIVE US $500 TO HELP WITH EXPENSES TO KEEP THE COACHING SESSIONS GOING. AT NO TIME WERE WE EVER ASKED BY GALAXY MALL TO RETURN THE PROGRAM MATERIALS. THEY DID NOT EVEN ASSIGN READING ASSIGNMENTS IN THE WORKBOOK TO HELP US LEARN. THE WHOLE PROGRAM FROM START TO FINISH WAS A BUNCH OF MISLEADING INFORMATION. WE WENT BACK TO GALAXY AFTER OUR COACH STOPPED HELPING US AND SAID OUR SESSIONS WERE UP. THEY REFUSED TO GIVE US OUR MONEY BACK AND SAID WE ACCEPTED THE $500 AS FULL REFUND. WE COULD NOT BELIEVE WHAT WE WERE HEARINF. THESE CROOKS HAD TAKEN ALL OUR MONEY AND LEFT US WITH 3 WEBB SITES THAT WE WOULD NEVER BE ABLE TO USE FOR JOINT VENTURES DUE TO COMPLEXIDITIES THAT GALAXY HID FROM US! ALSO,WITHIN THE $5915 PRICE WE PAID THERE WAS $300 FOR BANNERS AND $5,000 FOR 250,000 IMPRESSIONS THAT WE WERE NEVER TOLD ABOUT! tHE PRICE WAS ONLY TO BE FOR COACHING SESSIONS WHICH THE STATEMENT WHEN RECEIVED BY US WAS ONLY $595! WHY DID THEY CHARGE US THIS ENORMOUS PRICE AND SAY IT WAS FOR COACHING SESSIONS? WE WENT BACK TO OUR CREDIT CAED COMPANY BUT IT WAS TO OLD FOR THEM TO REALLY DO ANYTHING. WE ARE OUT A LOT OF MONEY AND IS A FINANCIAL HARDSHIP ON OUR FAMILF BECAUSE WE TRUSTED THESE LIARS AND DECEITFUL PEOPLE.


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