  • Report:  #2746

Complaint Review: Z-Tel Communications - Atmore Alabama

Reported By:
- Bellingham, ma,

Z-Tel Communications
P.O. Box 1178 Atmore, 36504-1178 Alabama, U.S.A.
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I was contacted by a telemarketer for Z-Tel communications, a competitor of Bell Atlantic. I was told that I could have the same services with a few extras, for just a little bit more a month. I signed up.

I had this service for one month. In that one month, I could not access voice mail on several occasions, could not access their web site, and for 24 hours could not accept incoming calls. I reported problems 3 times, then I switched to Media One telephone service, because of the aggravation. I received a bill for $87.57 on july 24, and called Z-tel to tell them i wanted credit for the days i could not use my service.

I was then informed that I had $1000.00 worth of calls to Framingham mass, where my access number is for the internet. My understanding was i would receive phone service to 3 different area codes in massachusetts for one monthly charge.

Now i am told that Framingham mass would be long distance, and they were charging me $69.99 a month for LOCAL phone service only. Keep in mind i only had this phone service for almost a whole month.

Now im told i have to contact my internet provider, and have them call z-tel to tell them that it is in fact long distance.

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