  • Report:  #47388

Complaint Review: Universal Van Lines - Pompano Beach Florida

Reported By:
- peachtree city, Georgia,

Universal Van Lines
2605 East Atlantic Blvd. Suite 200 Pompano Beach, 33062 Florida, U.S.A.
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I just read an article regarding Universal Van Lines and Colette Goodman's response. She states that "phone calls are ALWAYS returned." THIS IS A COMPLETE LIE!!! They are NEVER responsible for anything - it's ALWAYS someone else's fault! This is absolutely LUDICROUS! Both her and her Mother are absolutely rude and Immature - hanging up on me several times.

They were friendly and nice until the actual move - there is too much to go into regarding this company and the disgrace of service they provide. They promise the world and deliver NOTHING!

I would absolutely NEVER recommend anyone to use them! I have been in dispute with them since August 2002 and it is now March 2003. I placed over 75 phone calls WITHOUT one return call back.

They are a disgrace to the moving industry and they have been reported several times to the BBB. Colette always has a nice response that she's done everything and the client has done nothing - this is simply NOT true!


peachtree city, Georgia

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