  • Report:  #3512

Complaint Review: Travelocity.com - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Tempe, Arizona,

Nationwide, U.S.A.
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Travelocity.com rip-off travel services poor customer service attitude

I bought tickets from travelocity to fly from Gainesville FLorida to NYC. I requested E-tickets. They called and left a message that they were switching my tickets from E-tickets to regular tickets and that they would be sending them to my billing address.

I wouldn't have wanted them as regular tickets, but the message indicated this had already happened. They sent them, then, without my permission. After two weeks when I still had not received the tickets, I called travelocity to find out what the problem was. THey had just sent them the day before. So I waited another couple days, and still no tickets.

I called Travelocity and they called Fed Ex. As it turns out, Fed Ex had the wrong name on the package (the tickets were billed to a different name than the traveler, so when they sent them to the Billing address, you'd think they put the name of the person receiving bill on there, but no, they put on the name of the traveler, who doesn't on record at that address). I told Travelocity to tell Fed Ex to change the name. They said they would do so and we hung up. I waited a few more days and still no tickets. I called Travelocity and they told me to call Fed Ex.

I called Fed Ex and they still hadn't fixed the name. I waited a few more days and they still hadn't arrived. I called ravelocity and tehy told me to call Fed Ex. I called Fed Ex and asked them to reroute the tickets to a new address, since the traveler (me) wasn't at the billing address, and would need to have them forwarded anyway. My tickets didn't arrive on time, and I missed my flight. It cost me an extra $375 dollars to reschedule on the cheapest next available flight--which was over a week later. Considering I was coming to NYC to find employment, this delay was an incredible and costly inconvenience.

When I called travelocity to explain that I did not receive my tickets on time, they agreed that the problem wasn't my fault and I shouldn't have to suffer. But then they said, "You should call Fed Ex. Get them to pay." So I called Fed Ex, and they said, "It's travelocity's fault." So I called Travelocity, and they said, "no, you really need to talk to Fed Ex, they're the ones who didn't get it to you on time." SO I called Fed Ex again, and Fed Ex said, "Look, we had a contract to deliver this package by this time to this address. We succeeded on that. That Travelocity failed to address the package correctly isn't our problem." So I called Travelocity again, and they said, "sorry, nothing we can do."

Meanwhile, I'm out 375.

When I rebooked the tickets, Delta told me that there was no reason the tickets should have been switched from E-tickets to regular tickets. Travelocity told me that it was because of Delta's policy that they had to switch the ticket type on me. Delta said that was impossible, that it was a Travelocity thing and they didn't understand why Travelocity did it.

Travelocity claims to have sent me two emails, but the only email i received was the confirmation letter. I know this to be true because I save all my emaisl, and all I have from Travelocity is the confirmation. Travelocity also said that I should have called them back, but whoever left the message just said that I would get the tickets in the mail at the billing address, that they were already on their way--what was the point of calling? They didn't ask me to.

Travelocity still maintains that the problem is Fed Ex's. I don't agree, but even if it were it wouldn't matter. Travelocity, in the interest of customer relations, should be less worried about passing the buck and more invested in customer security issues. I should feel confident that travelocity is watching out for me as a buyer, making sure I don't get screwed by doing business with them, either directly or indirectly. I don't feel that way. I used to always order my tickets off travelocity; I never plan on visiting that website again.


Kalamazoo, Michigan

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