  • Report:  #3169

Complaint Review: Trans-Plant Plus or (+) Transmissions - Tempe Arizona

Reported By:

Trans-Plant Plus or (+) Transmissions
1750 E. Elliot Rd. Tempe, 85284 Arizona, U.S.A.
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Beware of Trans-Plant Plus (or is it "+") Transmissions. I had my transmission replaced at what was called Trans-Plant Plus Transmissions in November of '98. With the work I received a 2 year, 24,000 mile nationwide warranty. The written agreement also specified that the truck be brought in yearly for a free maintanance check. I called to schedule a check up on Friday, August 25, and was told to bring the truck down to the shop the following Monday. During our conversation on that Friday, I mentioned that I had work done there previously and the transmission was still under warranty. I brought the vehicle to the shop at the advertised opening time of 7:00am, and waited until 7:20 for someone to arrive. I left the vehicle and mentioned that I wanted an inspection, and again mentioned I that the vehicle was under warranty. I received a phone call at work not even an hour later. The person on the phone mumbled something about the computer showing problems and milky fluid. He asked that I authorize $375.00 of work. When I mentioned again that the vehicle was under was under warranty, the person explained that the shop was under new ownership and would not honor my warranty. I asked if this was Trans-Plant Plus, and he respnded by saying, "well, it's Trans-Plant +, with a plus sign, not the word plus" Again I insisted that when I dropped the vehicle off, the same exact sign advertising the 2 year warranty was present in the shop. This was the same exact sign in the shop when I was there in November of '98! He insisted that the shop did not have to honor the and had a letter from the attourney general to prove it.

For the time being, I accepted the warranty issue. I asked what would the $375.00 be for. I was told that is what a full day's labor would cost for two of the shop's employees. I asked if the transmission was inspected. The person told me no, just visually, and for me to authorize $375.00 to start, then they would take apart the transmission and replace all the bad parts. At this point, being convinced I was being scammed, I asked that they not touch my vehicle and that I would pick it up. Upon receiving my vehicle I immediately checked the transmission fluid and saw that it was clear and red. I took my vehicle to another shop and the transmission was verified as operating properly.

One last note: Research has revealed that this chain has changed thier name in this peculiar manner several times in the past.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
transplant transmission

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, September 23, 2011

Yes they are still in business and still terrible. There was a law suit against them in July of 2011. Check Arizona Attorney Generals office. Took out mine and they rebuilt it . Reinstalled and it had the same problem. Then wanted extra money to take it out and repair it. Seems they have a bad learning curve or they earn as they learn.


United States of America
Different Management or Ownership

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, May 30, 2011

I think maybe this place has changes ownership many times.  The company I am familiar with in Tempe is called Transplant Transmission and they only do business in Arizona.  The customer service is good, the prices are fair and I have not yet had any trouble with the business.  I know this complain is like a decade old but it is not up to date and current to the experiences I have had with the company. Maybe this site needs some sort of an updating criteria.

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