  • Report:  #1637

Complaint Review: The Playground - Chicago Illinois

Reported By:
- Chicago, IL,

The Playground
2044 West Grand Avenue Chicago, 60612 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Keith Cleversley took $4000 from me as a loan for his record studio, then refused to pay me back. Even after a court judgment requiring him to pay me the money he owes me plus interest and costs, he refuses to pay.

Don't do business with The Playground or Keith Cleversley.

1 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Consumer Comment

Wed, January 10, 2007

I have personally known Keith Cleversley for over six years, going on seven years now and from my experience, I fully believe this report. I had an issue with him to do with his www.iamshaman.com web site that he started a few years ago selling entheogens (legal psychedelics, listed as non-consumables) where he owed me just 75 dollars over an issue with an order and he refused to pay me back until I went to his credit card company to complain I was ripped off. Keith owns www.PlaygroundStudio.com, www.Cleversley.com and www.IamShaman.com among several other web sites which he keeps the ownership secret on, listing them in countries like Peru and other places in the world to hide that he owns them. I assume he does this because he has gotten such a bad name in the entheogen business and has been forced to do business under several different company names, either that or some other reason I cannot understand. Keith keeps all of his online business dealings completely confidential, I mean, try calling Iamshaman.com and asking for him, he doesn't exist to them but yet I have business documentation he sent me years ago with his name and company name on them, including address. All I can assume is that he is hiding for some reason, maybe someone is after him for some kind of law suit or something. He has had parents of kids who have ordered his stuff get all up in arms for selling them psychedelics, even if they are currently legal and maybe that is part of it.

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