  • Report:  #1990

Complaint Review: State Farm Insurance Companies - Salem Oregon

Reported By:
- Whitehall, MT,

State Farm Insurance Companies
Pcfic NW Office/4600 25th Av NE Salem, 97313-1000 Oregon, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have a rental property in Butte, MT and items of mine were stolen from the residence and the garage there. There was a police report filed and I turned it over to the insurance.

They came back and stated since the report said that there was no forceable entry they would not pay the claim. I suspect the tenant was involved because of statements made by neighbors ...they won't get involved.

I have had this carrier for a long time. Anyhow...I don't know how to proceed. the amount is about $2500 w/$1000 deductable, so it's not a great deal of money involved....it's just the principle of the thing.

Where do I go from here? Anyhelp would be appreciated.

2 Updates & Rebuttals

This will get a response. *Consumer Suggestion


Tue, July 24, 2001

This email is a rebuttal to RipOff #1990.
It was sent by P Falcioni at [email protected].

State Farm Insurance denial of theft claim (#1990)
They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report:

Their email: [email protected]
Their name: P Falcioni
Their phone number: 5419231290
Their relationship to the company: Advocate

Was it insured as a rental? If you insured it as your primary residence (cheaper), then the insurance company will not have to pay.

If it was insured correctly, request to meet with a supervisor. Discuss it with them directly, if they still deny the claim, have them write out the reason for non-payment and sign it.

Send a copy of the reason for non-payment, along with something showing how long you have been with the company, to the main office. Send it certified.

This will get a response.

This will get a response. *Consumer Suggestion


Tue, July 24, 2001

This email is a rebuttal to RipOff #1990.
It was sent by P Falcioni at [email protected].

State Farm Insurance denial of theft claim (#1990)
They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report:

Their email: [email protected]
Their name: P Falcioni
Their phone number: 5419231290
Their relationship to the company: Advocate

Was it insured as a rental? If you insured it as your primary residence (cheaper), then the insurance company will not have to pay.

If it was insured correctly, request to meet with a supervisor. Discuss it with them directly, if they still deny the claim, have them write out the reason for non-payment and sign it.

Send a copy of the reason for non-payment, along with something showing how long you have been with the company, to the main office. Send it certified.

This will get a response.

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