  • Report:  #90177

Complaint Review: Sam's Television & Electronics Service Inc. - Jacksonville Florida

Reported By:
- Jacksonville, Florida,

Sam's Television & Electronics Service Inc.
9735-20 Old St. Augustine Rd. Jacksonville, 32256-1600 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I called being an tetraplegic in a wheelchair and on crutches for Sam's Television & Electronics Service, Inc., to repair my RCA televison.

I waited over six day for the repairman to come with his aide in training.

The repairman removed the back of the tv and made a dianosis that the audio board was bad because there was not any sound.

Chris--the technician--stated, "I will have it ready and call you for my delivery at which time you will owe $69.95 for our repair. Now you owe $49.95 for this service call."

After several weeks I called and since have been told by an unidentified female that it is supposed to be in the next day and she will call for its delivery." (It has been since 9/12/2003 when the board was taken from my tv.)

I want my circuit board returned and my money returned for false representation.


Jacksonville, Florida

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