  • Report:  #2496

Complaint Review: salesco - san dimas ca.

Reported By:
- warsaw, oh,

949 cataract unit L san dimas, 91773 ca., U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
after ordering seats from salesco on 4-1-2000, they made a promis to have delivery in three weeks, after repeated promises to ship the product they just quit responding, now after seven weeks of waiting i still have no product or response from them, maybe i'll get some from this report...



warsaw, oh

1 Updates & Rebuttals

We sell in excess of 200 seats a month so this is over 2000 seats ago.


Wed, January 09, 2002

They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report:

Their email: [email protected]
Their name: chuck smith
Their phone number: 909-394-3091
Their relationship to the company: Owner

There is no way for me to respond to this, no name no phone no email I don 't know who it is. We sell in excess of 200 seats a month so this is over 2000 seats ago. Try to respond to the customer and ask him or her if they have their product and if they are happy with it. We build a fine product and are very proud of the quality and workmanship, we will not send a
product unless it is perfect, sometimes on custom orders they take a little longer than normal. I am sure this customer has his product and is 100% happy with it.


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