  • Report:  #109064

Complaint Review: RX shopping - Internet

Reported By:
- New Orleans, Louisiana,

RX shopping
Internet, American Samoa
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On 6/2/04 I ordered medications from RX-Shopping.com. After several weeks of waiting for delivery, I emailed them to check on the status of the order. They replied that I should be patient and would recieve my order shortly.

The order never arrived even though the charge was posted on my credit card statement 6/8/04.

After more 'patient' waiting, I thought I'd email them again to get an update on my order. After several tries and various searches their website could not be found.

On their website the profess to be a simple and secure online service. They also display VERI.orgPHY(tm) Approved Pharmacy

I paid for a service and got ripped off. Once bitten, twice shy.


Vacherie, Louisiana

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