  • Report:  #1593

Complaint Review: Paul Earl Lowrey - unknown Nationwide

Reported By:
- Boise, ID,

Paul Earl Lowrey
Unknown unknown, Nationwide, U.S.A.
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Be on the lookout for a Paul Earl Lowrey. The man is the most incredible, charming and convincing conman that you could meet. He is 6'6", last time I saw him around 300 pounds has blonde or grey hair, wears glasses andhas a very resonate voice.

His method of operation is to buy a business, mostly radio stations on paper, never actually laying out any cash. Immediately he becomes general manager and then proceeds to skim off money from the stations making them look like the aren't making a profit. At some point he either negotiates a lower buying price or puts them in bankruptcy thus being able to buy them for pennies on the dollar all the while enjoying the cash that has been skimmed from the station.

He will also find scapegoats within the station to set up to look like the crooks. I know because he tried to do that with my wife and I but ended up for the first time ever getting caught. we went through two years of hell because of the man and he still owes us over $10,000.00 in back pay, but we did stop him from hurting anymore people in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

He has pulled the scam in Wisconsin, Texas, Wyoming, Colorado and tried to do it in Arizona. If you should know the where a bouts of Paul Earl Lowrey, please email me and contact the Internal Revenue Service Office in Cheyenne, Wyoming. If you are working for him, find another job quick before you too get ripped off like the 40+ employees did in Cheyenne and the numerous others did in other states.

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