  • Report:  #73913

Complaint Review: NEXTCARD VISA - Phoenix Arizona

Reported By:
- bellingham, Washington,

Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.
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Hello everyone being taken advantage of by NEXTCARD VISA. I haven't received my statement for well over 9 months now although I do still have a balance. It's funny how they just stop sending statements but you are responsible for paying them when you don't know an address, acct. #, etc. and if you don't there goes your credit!

I came across a telephone number : 1-877-869-7514 which will directly contact NCO. However, NCO was ironically unable to help me. (Go figure)

So I found another number which directs you to another branch and this lady was able to help me and send me billing statement. We'll see if it ever gets here. That number is: 1-888-513-1882 Be prepared to handle some rude people when you call and good luck!


bellingham, Washington

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