  • Report:  #45463

Complaint Review: (((NAME(S) REDACTED DUE TO PERCEIVED HARASSMENT / CYBERSTALKING / CYBERBULLYING / REVENGE POST))) - Buffalony,Pittsburghpa,jacksonvillefl,cheektowagany,southbuf

Reported By:
- n. tonawanda, New York,

Buffalony,Pittsburghpa,jacksonvillefl,cheektowagany,southbuf, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

EDITOR’S COMMENT:  Ripoff Report strongly believes in the First Amendment, especially when consumers are truthfully warning other consumers about potential frauds, scams, rip-offs or the like by shady individuals or businesses.  Ripoff Report is by consumers, for consumers…and we want to keep it that way!  Unfortunately this Report was posted and, upon additional information, appears to have been primarily for the purpose of bullying or harassment.  In many instances Ripoff Report will reach out to the author of the Report to obtain further information.  In other instances, enough information is provided to Ripoff Report to warrant redactions without reaching out to the author.  Ripoff Report is working to combat tactics that are perceived to be cyberharassment, cyberstalking, cyberbullying and/or what is generally considered a “revenge post” as we do not condone such behavior. 

The Report was brought to our attention and, upon review of compiled information (which will be done on a case by case basis without any obligation as resources allow), and at Ripoff Report’s sole discretion, information that did not conform to current policies and/or the identifying information relating to the individual(s) and/or business(es) named in this “Report” and any subsequent comments thereto have been editorially redacted as indicated by the following “(((REDACTED)))” or (((REDACTED DUE TO PERCEIVED HARASSMENT / REVENGE POST)))”.

CONSUMERS:  Be kind.  Keep it honest.  Keep it fair.  Stick to the facts.  Do your research.  Keep the dirty laundry in the laundry hamper…not on Ripoff Report.

PLEASED TO SEE SUCH EFFORTS?  YOU CAN HELP RIPOFF REPORT COMBAT THESE TYPES OF ISSUES:  Ripoff Report, as resources allow, is working towards combatting Cyberharassment, Cyberstalking, Cyberbullying and/or other problems such as what is generically called “revenge posts” that can be riddled with personal commentary and/or allegations that can be serious.   Ripoff Report would love to be able to timely address each and every review request we receive, however, this takes resources.  If you think this is a worth-while endeavor, we encourage you to make a donation so that we can expand the resources that we can devote to this project.  You can make a non-tax deductible donation by clicking HERE NOW or learn a little more by visiting our “Donate to our Efforts” page.  The more resources we have, the more resources we can devote to this project and other forward thinking and positive initiatives like it.

Thank you!

~ Ripoff Report Team



ATTENTION LADIES!...BEWARE. This male born (((REDACTED))) Has an M.O. of taking everything he can from them that includes money or any other valuables around the home. He cons women by telling them he loves them he comes off sincere and sweet..he then makes a case that he has had a bad family life and needs "help" to get on his feet,he lives with ladies...gets them in bed and does not look out for his health or anyone elses he is spreading an STD that cannot be cured. When the women wont put up with his drinking,not wanting to work or as soon as he gets the women pregnant (as he refuses to wear condoms) he then takes off bouncing around the north and south east of america because he dont want to pay child support.According tohis father he hasnt even seen these other children and the one his father has his oldest john hasent even sent a birthday or christmas card in years. I know all of this between my experience with him and also talking to his friends and his father whom is raising his first child. I was also told as a surprising twist there are god only knows how many women he has done this to his father only knows of the four that have contacted him but believes there are more women out there being taken by this man whom has not only hurt women but his own children and father also. This Man Named (((REDACTED))) born (((REDACTED))) is an alcoholic,a con artist,a deadbeat dad,a spreader of disease,a theif,and a possible drug addict ( he was always sniffing in the air and hanging out with crack people who lived near him.He is also a lier he does not admit up to anything and when somthing goes wrong he blames his family life he does not like to work and he comes off so sincere honest and sweet but he is a snake becarful ladies....dont end up like me...he left me pennyless,friendless,std infected and pregnant. He was in buffalo ny and 2 hours after i told him he had to go back to work because i was regnant and i wanted him to cut down drinking he left on a bus to pittsburgh right now i believe him to be in the pittsburgh pa area possibly indiana pa area with his new girlfriend jean and i doubt he has told her abut the std unless she has it already i dont know but i know he wont stop there soon he will move on to anouther women. He was also in prison for theft in the early 90's and can become violent when drinking. (((REDACTED))) New York


17 Updates & Rebuttals


North Carolina,
United States
Please contact me I you can!!

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, December 02, 2017

Sunshine, I am interested in what you said, i have a story of my own, and i would really appreciate if you could contact me. 


United States
sunshine please contact us ladies

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, December 02, 2017

 sunshine please contact us ladies if youget this we would really like to talk to you. thank you we can be contacted on facebook as Marie Buffalo it has a rainbow cover on it. ty


New York,
Sunshine it's nikki

#4General Comment

Sat, September 26, 2015

 Sunshine I don't know what made me look on here again but I seen that you had posted I only look at this thing like once a year out if curiosity I have to wonder how many women he's done this to and how many kids of his keep popping up around the U.S. I wish I was surprised there's yet anouther child out there of his that he's not in there life or takes care of but it does not surprise me he will never stop doing this to women. You are right though he gave us one good thing our children... When I was 20 and first wrote this rip off report I was a child I was upset I was hurt I was scared angry at everything he did I look back now I'm still angry at him but I'm also thankful for my daughter she is my life. I just wished that I had chosen a better father for her but when your young you don't think that your going to end up in that situation let alone not knowing I was with a guy that uses women is pretty much a homeless transient that lives off women until they get pregnant and then he leaves which could be a good thing depending on how you look at it because of his drinking and drug problems It's sad bc he's still spreading um things to women and still making babies he was back with kelly fir a little bit he threatened to kidnap my kid while he was here a women called my number acting like she was from the school but the school warned me it was but then that called After he left again he's been living in San Diego ca no doubt doing the same thing he's been I tried contacting kelly to ask her straight out of the women on the phone was her I got no response I don't know how to contact you sunshine if you'd like to get in contact and exchange war stories or photos of the kids your more than welcomed too


North Carolina,
I am the one from Charlotte NC!!

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, February 28, 2015

Hello I am the one that he hooked up with in NC I to got pregnant and had a son in 1999. There is no telling how many are out there. I happen to come across this on the web and found it to be interesting thought I would post just to see if I would get any feed back from it. At one time I was in touch with his girlfriend in NY which had a restraining order out on him but we have not talked in years she had a daughter three months older then my son. It has been almost 16 years since I have thought about all of this doesn't seem that long ago! Well hopefully everyone that was victimized have had a wonderful life and he left the best thing behide for us our children!!


North Tonawanda,
New York,

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, November 17, 2011

Nancy it's ok everyone makes mistakes lol I would never let him back into my home after all that has happened,Not that I'm being vial but I am much more informed and smarter than i was when i was 20,I am no longer a girl,Im a woman. A woman that knows better :) I don't know what Kelly was thinking maybe he conned her into thinking he changed which i highly doubt and from what i hear he hasn't. Maybe someday we can all hope. I did inform my daughters school system and bus because he threatened to "pick her up" from the bus and that is called kidnapping,she does not know him and he has nothing to do with her i think he was just trying to scare me but I'm not taking any chances becuase He was very close and in town as Kelly lives VERY close to me. I can assume he is again moved onto the next girl because He said he was no longer in town the last time he contacted me but who knows if that is true I recently seen her in burlington and she was with somone named steve and thank gawd it wasnt (((REDACTED))) after him threatening to take our daughter off the bus who knows what he would try but it scares me to even think he would,i still cant believe he made that comment. In any event I have tried to contact you but not sure if i had the correct myspace or facebook. ive even searched (((REDACTED)))in the area bc he said that was your moms maiden name.... i asked for it for her baby book even though we dont know eahcother i still feel for geneogy purposes its important to write in her baby book. in any event i thought ide let you know ive been trying to contact you since you wanted me to contact you. and kelly if you read this, whatever happened i can only assume things went bad ...again and im sorry you had to go though it and your daughter had to witness it,thats exactly why i told my daughter he was dead.This way she doesnt get hurt.She thinks he was a good man and that he loved her and is in "heaven" and she knows she loved by me and my family this is all i feel she needs just to know she is and always will be loved.I wish you all the best..... :)


New York,

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, February 08, 2011

Sorry it was supose to be (((REDACTED)))& his son are now living with Kelly NOT Nicole! I feel for her!!


New York,

#8UPDATE Employee

Thu, December 16, 2010

Oh Nik you do NOT have a clue!! LOL He distoryed my life when living with me 1 1/2 years ago him and his lovely so called son!! Stay far away Nik please and he is back Nicole and says he does not drink anymore yeah she is tight not no more and no less thats for sure. When (((REDACTED))) and his son lived with me they both upset my hole house (((REDACTED))) used to beat his son every damm day they both used to steal mine and my husbands beer and smokes you can not leave anything in your fridg with them 2 around and now his son is in rehab and I guess going to live with !! I hope they live a great life. You can find me on facebook under (((REDACTED))) and I will give you my number there as I do not want to post it here.


                                                                   North Carolina


North Tonawanda,
New York,
(((REDACTED))) You can say what you want but it will always be untrue!

#9UPDATE Employee

Mon, August 30, 2010

This is Nikki ......(((REDACTED))) you can say whatever you may please,I hadnt even remembered what i wrote on here until you contacted me only to agravate me about this report from when i was just a girl...a child pretty much you may have been 38 and ill grown up i was just 20 at the time...now it is almost 8 years later and you are still arguing with me,saying things that are untrue,I just wanted to write back and tell the world I am not lying all i said when i was a girl still stands and what he said ...not true.Kelly I dont know how to get a hold of you or find you to even write back like you wanted Im curious to know you and to see if our daughters look alike :) Nancy I wouldnt have known how to get a hold of you and even if i did why would i bring my daughter into this now 7 or 8 yrs later she thinks hes dead how else to explain that daddy recently contacted me within the last 2 yrs but if i didnt want him he wanted nothing to do with her.... ide rather her think she is very loved by both myself and the"daddy in heaven" rather than say she dont have a daddy and shes not loved. My daughter will always be loved by me,ive made us a good life without him and i hope he does straighten up i wish him all the best,i no longer hold the grudges of the girl those many years ago Ive learned to let go and things happen for a reason i am thankfull for my daughter and just want to be left alone by him. I am happy.


New York,
Oh Yeah!

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, December 29, 2008

I wanted to ask why havn't any of you woman tried to contact any of (((REDACTED))) family but you say you contact his dead beat father?? He was the perfect person to talk to. And Kelly please don't feel sorry for me cause I have a wonderful life! And for you ladies that say he is a dead beat dad there are so many ways to find fathers. And most times without paying child support they will put them in jail and they do fnd them. Please can all of you's end this? And for that Joe you are right there is such a thing as a back ground check woman need to start using it! You's can all get the same story from each other but you's are to blame to!


New York,
Nancy From Buffalo, NY

#11Consumer Comment

Mon, December 29, 2008

Ok come on girls it has been years and NOW it is a problem?? I do NOT know any of you's so I will NOT be bashing anyone! And now for Mel you really have alot of nerve to say anything about (((REDACTED)))! You meet him online then went to the bus station to pick him up come on now. What woman in their right mind goes to pick up a man they have never even meet from a bus station?? You have got to be kidding me here. I don't care if you had the Army with you!! I as his sister can say he has come a long way and I guess it just takes some men & or woman a little longer in life to grow up. And some just never grow up. I do NOT see you bashing your kids father (s) on here. There is always 2 sides to every story and most times you only hear one side. All's I want to know is how any of you ladies meet someone and hop in bed with them? Most men think with the head that is between their legs! What in the world ever happened to that stuff called bith control?? John if you happen to read this I lost your cell number.... Uncle Bill died on 12/28/08 from cancer. I did call Mel but I do not expect that she will call me back so I have no way of getting in touch with you. If you want leave me a message on myspace.


And NOBODY checked this guy out before they let him move in?

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, December 15, 2008

It takes TWO to make a BABY! One less means NO BABY! This is what happens out when you don't run a criminal history check on the man you want to get seriously involved with -- and having SEX with a man is pretty serious involvement! This guy is a 24-K LOSER! Don't try to contact him. Try to keep your kids AWAY from him! Thanks for the reminder that there are scum out there just like him that I want my female relatives to AVOID!


Kansas City,
I am (((REDACTED))) latest one...

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, December 15, 2008

I am not going to dog on(((REDACTED))). Everyone else is doing enough of that.(((REDACTED))) and I talked on the phone for about a month an ahalf before we actually met. WOW...big differance than the person I met. You women that have wrote on here have not even seen (((REDACTED))) in years. He did do something good for himself and go a Culinary Arts Degree. That is a big deal. I will give him credit for that. (((REDACTED))) you want to know about(((REDACTED))) I would be happy to talk to you. I dont think he would appreciate it to much, but that is his problem. He was not happy when I told him that I had read what he wrote on here to you. Saying it was just for you to read and no one else. I told him than he should not have put it on a public site. DUH!!!(((REDACTED))), if you wanna talk to me just look me up on yahoo. And to you (((REDACTED))), your latest entry is really crappy. Do you really believe that you have any rights to a child that you have not made any kind of effort to ever even admit to having until now? Seriously!! Mel


New York,
hey ladies

#14REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, December 14, 2008

ok u woman got me hooked on this crazy game of tag... to:Mrs.(((REDACTED))) I found out ur married name through ur dad Tim In BostonN.Y. Kelly If I wanted too see My Daughter today then u better believe that I would be knocking on ur front door I might even pick her up from School 1 day ... hey i'd love to hear from you my e-mail is the same as it always has been


N Tonawanda,
New York,
To truly clear the air...

#15REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, December 13, 2008

I have a strong feeling that the information posted about "Nikki" is not true. Her explaination of how her "relationship" played out is pretty close to how mine and some others played out.(((REDACTED))) tries to present himself as innocent, hard-working and sober. On the contrary, he is as his sister said, "like his father...a drinker and a druggie". Unfortunately, (((REDACTED))) seeks to place blame on the women he persues when things go wrong as in calling them "w*****", etc. Granted, I do not know Nikki, but since her story so mirrored my own, I tend to think otherwise of her. Nikki, if you read this, I wouldn't mind talking. I met the woman in N. Carolina who's child looked just like mine. She too had the same story as Nikki and myself, although she only knew (((REDACTED)))for 1 week before he left town to come back to Buffalo. To touch on (((REDACTED))) comment that I am "not seeking support"...There is an order for child support, agreed to by (((REDACTED))) when my daughter was young, which has never been met. I have received $28.21 in nine years that had been taken from(((REDACTED))) paycheck. Unfortunately, due to his erratic nature, whenever his wages start to garnish to support his child(ren), he simply quits the job he holds and either takes a few months off or gets another job. I witnessed this first hand numerous times in our year and a half relationship. I think it's quirky that (((REDACTED)))feels the need to apologize to me after all of these years as if I was the one that got away, but my ultimate desire would be to see(((REDACTED))) stop using his childhood as an excuse and make something of himself. He is a very smart man, as con artists go and if only he could use his people skills for good. I feel for his sisters, his son...in fact, I always have, but I feel more for the girls that he persues.(((REDACTED))) likes wholesome, innocent, nice girls. I would find it hard to see him latching and impregnating a naughty, swinger type. There is not stability in that. He needs a mom-dedicated-to-only-you type of girl. One that will be crushed in the end and never want to truly share herself with anyone again. He knows how to pick them. But what he doesn't realize is karma is ironic and the women he finds will see the error of thier ways and rise up to be great mothers, which will only leave him where he started...alone, wandering, drunk, miserable. Rip Off Reports probably could target many women and men who do these types of things, but living on in drama and not moving onward and upward leave you like him. Everyone should be choosy of who they choose to share their beds, lives and hearts with. Enough said...my air is clear. Good luck to all the lucky moms out there who have the best part of (((REDACTED))) that he WILL NEVER see! Give those babies your all!


New York,
It's nikki's lie I'll let her tell it

#16REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, December 09, 2008

Hi ladies It's me(((REDACTED)))...ok first of all..I'm not gonna sit here and talk bad about anyone...that's just not me...but I would like to set the record straight... ok(((REDACTED))) had group Sex In Niagara Fall's on multiple Occasion's(And when I say Group Sex I mean like 5-7 men and Her)so as far as STD's go huhh I wonder...When I was with her she would always want too have sex with me and other men at the same time...Well I was'nt very happy about sharing my g/f with other men but she kept insisting on It so eventually I gave In and gave up on caring about her...and yeah I left her because I did'nt want a w**** for a girlfriend. as far as her being pregnant hey that could be anybodys baby I'd be willing to take a D.N.A. test any time I'm not currently In the (((REDACTED))) Area but If I ever go back that way then sure no problem... As far as me not working that Is Bull-S***..I've worked since I was 16 and the thing with Kelly well I admit that one I really loved kelly alot..I made a huge mistake...I cheated on Kelly In Charlotte N.C. and I got caught I thought that she would never find out...but she did...and I'd like to take this time to say I f***** up and I'm sorry Kelly that I hurt you the way that I did...You did'nt deserve to be treated the way that I treated you...as far as my daughter (((REDACTED))) that me and Kelly have together Kelly got Married and I lost track of her ( I dont know her Married name and she's not seeking Support so I have no Idea how too get ahold of her.Kelly If you read this then lets talk I would really like a chance to get too know My Daughter.Thanx (((REDACTED))).12/09/08


New York,
Response To These Reports!

#17REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, November 25, 2008

I just want all to know that my brother (((REDACTED))) may have done tons wrong in his life!! Our mom died at the age of 40 of MS and(((REDACTED)))'s father was a drinker & drugie!! The father beat his mom while in a wheelchair, beat us kids till we pissed ourselves, and was a cheater,ect The father left my MOST WONDERFUL MOM while she was in Boston having brain surgery done for another woman, so if anyone lisened to that man you are just as crazy as him!!!! And I hope he sees this. Yes his father my sperm doner was NOT a father ever and I am now 43 and he still is NOT!!!!(((REDACTED((( has only done what he has learned to do to woman from his father. And yes (((REDACTED))) has (((REDACTED)))'s son well it is about time he is raising a kid and he did not even do that right cause her is in family court with the kid!!! Anyone that has children by (((REDACTED))) should just be thankful that he is out of thier lives then!!! I will not stick up for (((REDACTED))) NOT one ounce but I as his sister knows that we did NOT live a life of happenes is all I can say..... my marriage suffers for what that man some ppl call a father did to us kids!!! Mr. (((REDACTED)))left all 4 of his kids along with a very sick wife, 11 grandkids and 1 that I know of greatgrandchild & his then wife broke and ready to lose her house that her mom (My grandmother) kept for her. Then when my mom died he got in there fixed it up and sold it!!! My mom bought that house with her SSD money!! But she would not divorce him so he got the house!!! That's all this guy was waiting for was for her to die then remarried!!!! So SON LIKE FATHER!!!!!!! Just talk to my mom's side of the family and get the true stories before anyone calls (((REDACTED))) for any info! Cause in his eyes NONE of his kids are any good! I would like to know why none of you girls did not try to contact any of (((REDACTED)))'s sister's or other family? I could write a book but I just don't have time for it in my life!!!! Blasdell, New York


N Tonawanda,
New York,
I have ont of his children...

#18UPDATE Employee

Fri, August 15, 2008

(((REDACTED)))man and am writing in response to(((REDACTED)))in N Tonawanda from posted report in 2003. Just wanted to confirm that her original allogations are true.

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