  • Report:  #2763

Complaint Review: Mail Boxes ETC - Alb. New Mexico

Reported By:
- alb, nm,

Mail Boxes ETC
San Pedro Rd... Alb., 87110 New Mexico, U.S.A.
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I went in to mail boxes,etc on san pedro in Albuquerque to mail a descent sized,but not huge package priority mail.I gave the clerk instruction on how i wanted my package mailed,the he told me 13.70,i then explained i wanted priority,not over night,he said that was priority.I then asked how much more they charged than the post office,he replied 1%.So iasked him to check,and he said"Well,USPS charges 7.70 for same package"I asked him what happened to the 1 %.He replied.Guess i was wrong.Guess so.6.00 is almost double.About 80% mark up.

WHAT A SCAM!Dont EVER use mailboxes etc..............PS...He said,and i quote."but were faster and freindlier than the post office"yeah,and DOUBLE the cost,no thanks,ill wait in line,your not that charming!

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