  • Report:  #69184

Complaint Review: JMW Financial Services - Mesa Arizona

Reported By:
- 47591, Indiana,

JMW Financial Services
Mesa, Arizonia Mesa, Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
To Whom it may concern:

While answering a local ad in the newspaper for a Government Job I ran across some interesting news. I called the 1-866-537-#### phone # and they informed me that they had 1 position left. I was then instructed to give them a check by phone for $98.00.

I hesitated and started checking the rip-off. com and the Better Business Bureau and recieved some information. There is NO LISTING for the said JMW Financial Services. PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANY MONEY TO THIS COMPANY TO WORK FROM HOME. THIS IS NOT A LIGITIMENT BUSINESS.....

The Ad stated that you would work on HUD/FHA Mortgage Refunds. I WOULD RECOMMEND THAT YOU STAY AWAY FROM THIS AD AND COMPANY. THEY ARE A RIP-OFF AND FRAUDULANT. Thank you so much.


47591, Indiana

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6 Updates & Rebuttals


Non-honest turned to decent

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, December 02, 2003

I called the same toll free # as everyone else & was told that there was "one spot left." I did a check by phone & was told my materials would be shipped with in 10 business days. (2 weeks) I waited about a month & when I hadn't received them, I called & spoke to a Supervisor named Tamara Podleski. She was nicely mannered, & did state she would forward my information to the main office & give me a call back with in an hour. I waited 2 days & then called her back. She was very rude & gave me a 480 # to call & stated she had forwarded the information. I called & talked to Alex, who stated they would cut a check for me. This was on a Friday. I received my refund check the next Monday. While the original 800 # was not very helpful, I did find that Alex was extremely helpful in getting my refund.


Why believe an employee?

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, November 19, 2003

I was wondering why we should believe Shannon who is obviously works at the 800 number consumers are asked to call. She probably earns a commision on all the people who sign up and pay the $98.00. Also I called my local newspaper who ran their ad and told them to just give this page a look. I don't think they want their subscribers being ripped off. I encourage everyone else to do the same.


Why believe an employee?

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, November 19, 2003

I was wondering why we should believe Shannon who is obviously works at the 800 number consumers are asked to call. She probably earns a commision on all the people who sign up and pay the $98.00. Also I called my local newspaper who ran their ad and told them to just give this page a look. I don't think they want their subscribers being ripped off. I encourage everyone else to do the same.


Why believe an employee?

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, November 19, 2003

I was wondering why we should believe Shannon who is obviously works at the 800 number consumers are asked to call. She probably earns a commision on all the people who sign up and pay the $98.00. Also I called my local newspaper who ran their ad and told them to just give this page a look. I don't think they want their subscribers being ripped off. I encourage everyone else to do the same.

James R

South Carolina,
they have a new number now

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, November 18, 2003

my wife called the number in one of our local papers in south carolina, the new number is 1-800-778-0353, they promise to refund the $98.00 if not happy , its a self study program, says anyone can do it. we didn't bit, thought you want to know thanks,


J M W Financial Services is a very legitimate company

#7UPDATE Employee

Tue, November 04, 2003

I have worked with the company for almost a year, and we are very legitimate. The company provides people with the oppurtunity to work from home. They do charge a fee, but it is refundable if you work the program for 90 days and find that it is not working for you. I would not recommend this to a person who is spending thier last $98.00 to try the position, but if you had the money to spare for a while it could be a great investment or a wonderful opportunity. If you would like to speak with me directly. You may call 1-800-778-0353 monday-friday from 12pm-5pm MST. Ask for me directly my name is Shannon.

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