  • Report:  #46770

Complaint Review: J.D. Byrider - Seymour Indiana

Reported By:
- North Vernon, Indiana,

J.D. Byrider
1130 E. Tipton Seymour, 47274 Indiana, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On April 30, 2001 I bought a Ford Escort from J.D. Byrider

In June 2001 the car was put in shop to have the transmission line fitting replaced.

In Dec. 2001 the transmission went completely out of the car it was put in shop in Dec. 2001 to have a new (used) transmission put in I didn't get the car back until Feb. 2002

In Oct.2002 the car had to be taken back to the shop to have the transmission cable adjusted

In Jan. 2003 the transmission went out of the car again.

I have had to pay for everyone of these repairs except the cable adjusting.

I ran a car fax on this vehicle and found it was used for a rental vehicle in California and Kentucky, and the car was also wrecked before and I was never told any of this.


North Vernon, Indiana

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