  • Report:  #25082

Complaint Review: First National Credit - Aliso Viejo California

Reported By:
- Fountain, Mi,

First National Credit
135 Columbia,unit 100 Aliso Viejo, 92656 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Received mail "You are all ready approved",you are guarnteed approval for 15,000.00.0% interest first 12 months. You may use your new Gold card immediately upon receipt for all purchases from credit provider. I had all ready sent my 37.00 in to these people before finding out what they were. It is a scam ,do not send your hard earned money into these people. They were using a different address,this is the new address. We need to stop them! James Fountain, Michigan

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#2Consumer Comment

Mon, July 22, 2002

I just wanted to say thanks for having this website and trying to stop all of these types of scams. When I did a Search for Amercian Credit Solutons I came up with this site. Once again thanks and keep on with the fight. Dennis A. Riccio

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