  • Report:  #67590

Complaint Review: First Consumers National Bank - Portland Oregon

Reported By:
- middletown, Ohio,

First Consumers National Bank
Fcnb Post Office Box2210 Portland, 9720- Oregon, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have been a customer with spiegel for more than twenty five years. Their accounts were suddenly through fcnb. I continued as always to do business with them. I have paid off my accounts so many times with spiegel and had no problems. Suddenly this time when I paid out my account I get a letter saying I owed late charges. I paid without knowing that I had already paid a previous late charge. This letter made me re-examine my previous bill.

I was surprised there it was a late charge that I had paid. I had never had trouble with spiegel about my bill, so i always paid the payment that was on the statement. I angry they had taken money from me that was not owed. I owed only 120. and the account was closed. and they were still continously charging me late fees. How can our country let this company do this. It is wrong and it is also harrassing to good customers and this practice should be seriously looked into.


middletown, Ohio

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