  • Report:  #66252

Complaint Review: Farm Progress Companies - Carol Stream Illinois

Reported By:
- brookfield, Illinois,

Farm Progress Companies
191 S Gary Av Carol Stream, 60188 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I left Farm Progress for a new job 4 months ago (4/18/03). On 8/23/03, I received a letter from a law firm (Wesson and Pautsch)representing Farm and in a threatening tone, suggesting I possessed information they say I have which is theirs. Threatening legal action if I use the info I don't even have. I haven't done anything. Last straw was them sending a letter to my NEW employers, warning them I possessed confidential info about the old employer. I don't. Almost lost my job over this! Any recourse? They are harassing me, and I left there under GOOD terms! HELP! PS - the company must be in trouble, but how can I make it clear to them I want no contact?


brookfield, Illinois

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Farm Progress-What do they do?

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, February 05, 2004

Hello Ruth, I am originally born and raised in Iowa. What does this Farm Progress office do? They sound so familiar. We are Ag folks transferred to FL since June. We are still interested in the what is happening in the Agriculture/Farm Markets in the Midwest. May be returning to the area some time in the near future. We are curious about them and their business and why they would take a stand with an ex-employee such as you describe??? I do not know how to find these reports once I have left this site!? Maybe you know that answer too? Please respond below. Thanks!

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